Today I Lost My Bud Dante


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
I wound up putting him to sleep. He was young in my eyes at 12 years old. He had asthma he wasn't recovering from and was struggling to breathe (even when he was knocked out as they sedated him before putting him down.) He also had an inflamed pancreas.

After watching an older cat suffer a year past when I would have put her to sleep I may have called it early. However the vet agreed with me once I stressed I wanted him to be comfortable. Everything inside me told me it was time but still down to the last minute I was wishing I was wrong. Here is my baby a week ago..... even sick he was mothering the kittens:



TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 12, 2018
So very sorry for your loss. I wish cat's really did have nine lives.

You made a tough decision. One that many folks are not brave enough to make. I myself have made that call a time or two, and it's never an easy one. Seeing an old friend suffer takes it's toll on us care givers, however letting them go is just so, so difficult.

Your "baby" is at peace now. In my opinion, you made the right call.
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TCS Member
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Mar 27, 2017
Thanks for saying I did the right thing. Intellectually I know I did the right thing but my heart just wants him back. He just wasn't doing well. Even though the meds didn't work I got to see him play for a minute and be more lively thanks to the pain medication and anti-nausea medication.

Yeah he was my baby cat ...... he also was my hyper punk. Every where I went, he followed. He was a total lap cat that hated to be held.

I'm moving in the beginning of January and can only have one cat. I'm taking Nick one of the kittens I fostered. The kitten isn't a replacement and I couldn't bear to go pick out a kitten. However I love him and have since before Dante appeared to get sick (I think he was sick longer than that and hid it.) Nick was the runt so I would love on him extra to make sure he survived. He will be 4 months old Jan 15 ..... he is going in to be neutered and more vaccines Jan 18th. Nick was being allowed to stay has a buddy cat to my mom's kitten (I rent a room) but she is happy to let him go. Cute as he may be it was Dante I wanted to take.

I just thought my bud was getting old. I could have dragged it out for months but he would have suffered. He was breathing hard and fast just to sleep. I thought he might have had pneumonia......... fatal asthma and a bum pancreas never occurred to me.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Your precious Dante was struggling to breathe, existing more than living. You knew from the strength of your love that it was time to let him escape from something that had no cure, something that would only become worse in coming months. And it hurts, it hurts more than anyone except the person going through it will ever know.
Losing their physical presence leaves a hole in the heart that takes a long time to fill, and sometimes never does. But it also leaves behind something that can never be taken from you, their love. "Death cannot take that which never dies", and the love you two shared never will go, it is a part of your very soul. Dante is as close as your thoughts and prayers, the new path he follows will always parallel your own. So send him thoughts of love and comfort, not unending grief, he would never want sadness from something he did to fill your world. He is a part of your past now, a good part. So use your precious memories for comfort and use his love to shape your future, He will always be right beside you for eternity.....
Take care of yourself, to lose someone you love in a season full of rejoicement, is especially hard. I know, I lost my little girl too in December years ago. I send you my prayers. I'll keep you both in my thoughts.
RIP beautiful Dante. You will never be forgotten, you will forever have a secure place in a loving heart. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again!


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I am sorry for your loss, you did the right albeit toughest thing to do, it is never easy to have to "play God" but he is fine now just fine, no more suffering just fine....

We also had to put Simon down years ago at 12 and I remember thinking that seemed young. Physically he looked good but when I asked the vet "are you sure that we have to do this, he still looks good?" he said "yes he does, but on the inside he is very sick" and he was, looks can fool us.

I am sorry for your loss, make sure to love up little Nick now....

"Their last breath on Earth is their first breath in Heaven" :rbheart:

I hope that your heart heals a bit more each day, God Bless.....:alright: :grouphug: :rbheart:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
This is the greatest gift you could give Dante. He's with you still, he'll be with you as you move and when you arrive. His love for you and Nick will continue to bind you all together now and forever. I'm sorry the transformation came so soon, but the choice was not yours. Your choice was only to make it easier. It is the blessing of love. Dante would have done the same for you.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentle, Dante, dream you deep. Your pawprints are on someone's heart forever.

I am so very, very sorry. I know how special Dante was, and is, and always will be to you. Just as I know that he will never leave you, not entirely. But that's cold comfort when we are longing for the sweet, purring weight of them in our arms, isn't it? Of course, you did the right thing, you know that, and of course, you just want him back. I will say this yet again...Love does not die, not ever, is simply changes form and continues on, still Love. Love abides. You and Dante will never be apart.
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TCS Member
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Mar 27, 2017
Thank you everyone. What you guys said helped. It still hurts, and may hurt for a long time. I strongly believe in fate when it comes to cats. They always seem to know when there is a vacancy in a cat person's home; then the right cat for you shows up.
Ironically I was horrified to find out what a tough time black cats have to get adopted. I told myself I would adopt a black cat next time if the personality was good. Little Nick the 'failed' foster is black..... with a great personality!
Maybe in a few months or a year I will try to paint my beloved Dante. Or get lazy and print out a favorite picture of him on canvas. Right now it just hurts to much to look at pictures of him.
I'll see my baby cat on the other side.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US

Every time I'd read your comments about your Dante, I'd grin because of the (loving) way you'd describe him.

My love is with him and my thoughts are with you.
RIP, you amazing cat :rbheart:

Ironically I was horrified to find out what a tough time black cats have to get adopted. I told myself I would adopt a black cat next time if the personality was good. Little Nick the 'failed' foster is black..... with a great personality!
and thank you for this :heartshape: