To make those feel better that read my "Descison" thread


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 16, 2004
Salem Ma. (City of Witches)
At least someone said it.
I am beyond advice at this point...I have given it and it has been spit back in my has been the case with everyone else...I commend others patience in this matter but i am not really all that patient anymore...Turtlecat i think you worded it quite well...........
As for you Ashley I hope that you can find it within yourself to seek out the help you most desperetly need...

Your post is titled "So those feel better that read my "Descison" thread"...and that saddens me for one reason....I would hope that you would have come to the decision not to BYB because you realized it was wrong...not because (as is implied in your post title)...we harassed you into it...we mearly were looking out for the well being of animal that we all hold dear to our hearts, cats are the creatures that brought us all here...that made us all friends, and this is why dear ashley we blew up so...I hope you can understand that

Getting more animals isnt going to make you feel better about yourself....and getting a snake for your boyfriend isnt going to stop him from hurting you....
I wish i could show you that there is a world beyond 17...a world where you could do great and amazing things...but alas you will not listen to me, and I frankly am done talking to deaf ears..I will not "Harrass" you anymore. I will just sit here and hope that you get the help you need and that your animals recieve the love and care that they deserve........


TCS Member
Super Cat
Dec 8, 2004
I found this on the web:

Q: What do they eat, and how much?

A: Juvenile ball pythons will eat either fuzzy mice or small adult mice, one or two per week. As they grow, the size of the mouse can increase, too. ALWAYS FEED YOUR SNAKES PRE-KILLED PREY!!!! There are several reasons for this: 1) It is more humane to the prey animal 2) Mice, rabbits, gerbils, etc can KILL your snake with one properly placed bite. If they don't kill the snake, the bite can get infected and lead to problems later. 3) You don't want your snake thinking of live animals as prey. If they do, then you or your cat/dog/bird/hamster may smell like food and be a target of unwanted attacks.



TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 5, 2004
the fiance' thing caught me off gaurd... bcuz i thought u were young.. Yes, i am young.. and engaged.. 2 years older than u.. but, that doesnt matter... but, Your fiance' was making the choice to breed YOUR cats? do you live w/ him?


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Sorry, but I don't feel that pythons are the real issue here, and think turtlecat addressed the crux of the matter. What I see in your posts is a total failure to respond to the real issues: abuse, and responsible pet ownership. You're 17, and have had a tough life. Ignoring problems just because it's easier than dealing with them isn't the answer - what are you going to do when you're 27, 37, 47, or 57, provided you live that long? My advice would be to see to it that you get a high school diploma, or its equivalent, a driver's license, and a job that allows you some measure of independence. Other people your age have been coddled, and you haven't. That's a fact of life you have to deal with, and by that I mean not just trying to find the most convenient "solution" to your problems. I realize that that sounds harsh, but don't see that you have any other choice.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Dec 5, 2004
Trenton, NJ

Like you I didn't have the best childhood. My mother was 19 when she had me and left for a few years when I was 6 months old and was in and out of my life sporadically after that. My father is a alcoholic/drug addict who is disabled due to self-inflicted gun shot wound and who is incapable of caring for himself.

I'm 19 and living with my boyfriend. But I have **learned** from the mistakes of others. Unlike both of my parents, I am trying my best to be responsible. I work a full time job, take courses on the side, keep up on all of my bills and make sure all of us (me, my boyfriend and my kitty) are cared for properly.

I have been with my boyfriend for 3 1/2 years and while, of course, we fight from time to time. But if he ever abused me or if I ever felt threatened in anyway -- I would leave. Do you have a job or does your "fiance" support you? Do you live with him or at home? I know you think you love him but if he abuses you -- how can he love you? God forbid, something happened.. do you have a plan on where you'll go or how your animals will be taken care of?

Fortunate for me I work at an animal hospital where I am covered for animal care, but my cat (who is 10 years old) just lost 3 teeth. Before doing a dental we had to check her blood to make sure everything was OK. There was $70 right there. Unfortunately, her ALT was high so now she is on meds for 3 weeks until we check her blood again. With the meds that brings it to $110. And if I hadn't worked there I would have also had to pay for an office call which is $40. Hopefully, next month we can do the dental on her which can range anywhere into possibly $200 or more.

So, in two months (had I not been working here) I would have spent almost $400.
Do you have that sort of money set aside to care for your pets? Especially now that you are taking on another one.

What I (and everyone else) am trying to say is that you are young and you have your whole life ahead of you. And your life is what you make of it. You're not going to be happy until you make some changes. What is so great about this guy that you would stay with him if he abuses you? And! you're engaged! Do you really see yourself being with him for the rest of your life? Why settle when there is so much more out there for you?

I hope, eventually, you realize that what everyone here is saying is true. You deserve much better.

Depsite everything I hope you have a Merry Christmas.
Good luck.
