Tnr Questions


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jan 18, 2017
Santa Clarita, CA
Hey guys! I’ve been doing a lot of research about how to TNR and help community cats. What’s the best way to get into it? Should I get my own traps, or try to find another program to go through? Also, how do you find cats to TNR? I do know there are many cats in my city that need to be neutered, but I have no idea how to find them.
Thank you!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 5, 2018
Furballsmom has the right idea: reach out to see who is already working on TNR. Alley Cat Allies (link in posting above) has a Feral Friends Network and you can find out who in your area to contact. If you have a local SPCA, they should be able to point you in the right direction, too.

These kitties need all the good help they can get so thank you for being willing to get involved!
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jan 18, 2017
Santa Clarita, CA
Let us know how things go
Will do! I am moving to Eastern Washington soon, so I looked at some of the programs they have in the area I’m moving to. I’m going to email a couple TNR groups and shelters and see what they have to say so that I’ll be ready to get involved when I get there. Thanks again!


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
That's SO wonderful!!!!!! Trust me - - most TNR groups/spay--neuter clinics that do TNR work/shelters will be THRILLED at someone like you who's proactively LOOKING to help! Most places spend lots of time and money trying to beg to get volunteers to help ----particularly as we head into "kitten season"!!!!!!!! So - even though I don't live in an area near you - - - I can tell you the cat shelter I currently volunteer for would practically jump with you if someone like you came along!!!! Yeah for YOU!!!!!!!!!

Definitely read up on the area you're moving to. I'm sure there are plenty of groups who will JUMP at the chance to have someone like you help!!! Some websites/organizations that were early advocates of TNR, are very respected and have TRULY wonderful with lots of information on TNR (I know Furballsmom Furballsmom already mentioned Alley Cat Allies - and I agree - they're wonderful!) Alley Cat Allies will even send you a packet that has all kinds of info on TNR, how to explain TNR to your neighbors, and more! A few I really respect that have very robust websites (meaning the site has TONS of info - from how to make winter shelters, to how to determine kitten ages, and lots, lots more) with lots of info on the sites themselves and lots of things to send you are:

Alley Cat Allies:

Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR)


A Closer Look at Community Cats

Neighborhood Cats (based in NY, but have lots of great general TNR info:

Neighborhood Cats | How to TNR | What is TNR?

They also have a good TNR handbook you can download and keep to refer to - -and learn even more while you're at it! You can download it by clicking in the sidebar in the "How To TNR" section - - there's a sidebar that says "

Just click on "Download now" and you'll get a handbook called "Neighborhood Cats: The TNR Handbook" (pretty large - - but very useful and doesn't take up a ton of room on your computer). It's got everything inside from how to tell a feral cat from a lost kitty, to what is TNR and how to find somewhere to get it done, to to how to build good relationships with neighbors, to how to build shelters for year round comfort for kitties, feral sanctuaries, socialization, vet care, and more. It's pretty full of lots to answer questions (and anything it doesn't answer - - -someone here at surely can as it's FILLED here with people who can help!)

If you were going to Western Washington (the group I'm about to mention does their work in Western Washington and the Vancouver Canada area) I'd suggest contacting Tiny Kittens. This western Washington, relatively new group does alot of work with ferals------ from socializing (they even have great success socializing older ferals!) major medical spay/neuter marathons - - they do an amazing job with promoting themselves (and getting people like me hooked!) through their fascinating (and heart-tugging) videos, often focussing on one cat, following it though all of the stages they deal with. Check out their website - it helps inspire me as to why I do the kind of work I do!

TinyKittens Rescue Kitten TV - Rescuing locally, educating globally.

A few of their case studies hooked me, and here's an example of how one can can make a difference in SO many lives (human AND furry!):

So keep us posted! And bless you for wanted to help!!!!!!!!!!
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jan 18, 2017
Santa Clarita, CA
Wow, thank you for the wealth of information kittychick kittychick ! I really am excited to get involved in this wonderful community and help as many cats as I can. I am still a teenager and my dream is to work with cats some day full-time. I don’t know how I’m going to make that happen, but I know it would make me very happy. Thank you again everyone!


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
ashekitty ashekitty - - I didn't realize you were that young! How wonderful of you to be so driven at such a young age to do something so caring for other creatures!!!!! I'd start by talking to local clinics and shelters (you could talk to vets too -- - but they're more likely to want to use people who have at least started their education). But clinics and shelters/humane societies are usually in real need of help from ANYONE who's responsible, caring, loves animals, and isn't afraid to "get their hands dirty." You may need a parent or guardian to cosign (some places actually require the parent to be on premises while you work - - but not all do that). Most places will welcome someone who wants to help with open arms!

And there's SO much you can learn to do "hands on"! Our shelter is always in need of people to socialize (and what a great job that is!!!), in need of helping to clean cages, make sure kitty are fed and watered, etc. Just pick a few clinics near you -- - visit them and see which ones you feel most comfortable in, and talk to them about how you're thinking about animal care as a career. Most will JUMP at the chance to get someone ready to do that!

SO ---- go into a few - - - and talk to the people there. I think you'll find LOTS of friendly people!! And good luck - - how wonderful to have such a passionate person who already knows they want to help!!!! Keep us posted!!!!