Tips on litterbox training?


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 19, 2021
Hey all! About 4 weeks back I took in abandoned 1 day old kittens and have been hand rearing them since with great success! They're all well-fed and active and learning to run and play.

My issue is that I kinda goofed and have been helping them pee/poo (stimulating them) a little too long I think? I introduced the litterbox a few days ago and they had already been getting close to 4 weeks old already. Since introduction, all three of them have learned to pee, and have a few times gone in there unprompted and without my help. I currently have a modified super shallow cardboard box with shredded paper towels they're using as kitten-safe "litter"

My issue currently, is pooping, none of them have gone poop in the box yet, and I have one little girl that hasn't pooped in a while.
Should I continue with training or try to help her poop?
How often should I be guiding them to the box and when?
Should I set them down in the box to pee/poo before or after a feeding?

They had just started training and are still getting used to it. If they haven't pooped should I help them along still with stimulation or will they pick it up in time?
Aside from the pooping issues they're all eating very well, playing and acting completely normal, but I don't want them to wait too long between pooping and develop issues that will require vet intervention.

They're still on the bottle and eating KMR powder currently, weaning begins next week at 5 weeks old. (If anyone has any tips on that too please let me know!!)

Thanks so much in advance for any advice and tips!


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
AddIng a few drops of olive oil to feedings will help keep bowels soft and moving. Stimulate to help if any still need it. It won’t last forever - they’re still young yet.

Here’s a helpful video:
