Tips for joint and muscle pain?


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Nov 25, 2008
Bradleyville, MO
For the past month or so I have had fairly severe pain in my shoulders, neck, back, and hips. Usually my knees are thrown into the heap also, but they haven't been bothering me which is good I guess. I think it is mainly joint pain, but there may be some muscle pain thrown in there for good measure. I'm not sure, though.

The worst has been my right shoulder. If it makes a difference, this is the shoulder I have had cortisone injections in, the last time about 2 years ago by my Rheumatologist, and that helped the pain for quite a long while. It gets inflamed and hot, it hurts to move my arm (or to do anything with my arm/hand for that matter), and the pain radiates into my neck and my shoulder blade, and down my back. I take Ambien in order to sleep, and the pain has been so bad the past couple weeks I wake up through the Ambien. Normally the Ambien knocks me out and I don't wake up for anything at all. I can't even hear my alarm clock.

Heat typically helps, and I take a hot bath every night before bed, but it is hard to get my neck and shoulders into the water without drowning. lol It helps my back and hips, though. Things like Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen, or Naproxen don't seem to help so I don't bother taking them.

Can anyone suggest any supplements, vitamins, or anything that might help? My sister's mother in law gave her a product called Fibralgia by Nature's Sunshine, which is basically just Magnesium Malate. Has anyone heard of this before? She said it helps her with pain in her knees and ankles, but hers isn't nearly as severe as mine.

I thought of going to a Chiropractor, but with the type of insurance we have, we have to pay out of pocket up to $4000 per year and we can't afford to do anything that isn't basically an emergency. I'm pretty much stuck figuring out a way to deal with it myself.

Last night I gave in and took a muscle relaxer. It helped some, but I still tossed and turned in my sleep. It is my right shoulder, and my dominant hand is my right hand, so I can't just stop using that arm. Even doing things like smashing wet cat food with a fork makes my shoulder scream in pain.

I would appreciate any help I can get. Thanks!!


TCS Member
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Dec 9, 2004
Over the river and through the woods...
The only thing I can really offer is major that it will ease up for you. Potassium pills help DH when his joints hurt but it sounds like you are way past just achy joints (and you can't take potassium with certain meds so that is NOT a suggestion!). I hope you find something to help you, because it sounds like hell. I'm sure someone here will have some suggestions or experiences to share.



Staff Member
Jul 31, 2008
Since heat seems to help you might try something like a heat wrap. They claim to hold the heat for 8 hours, but I've found that they actually work much longer. You can get cheaper store brand wraps, but this is one I know makes wraps shaped for specific parts of the body including neck and shoulder.


TCS Member
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Dec 20, 2006
You may want to have tests done to make sure your connective tissue and collagen is not being destroyed. Whether from an autoimmune component or from the medicines you take. Off the top of my head I can't think of what amino acids need to be tested other than homocysteine.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 9, 2008
glucosamine is worth a may take a wk or 2 before you see any results.... but there's been alot of medical studies done on its effectiveness in joint pain and arthitis.

When it gets inflammed and hot, try using cold
I know heat may feel better, but it can also cause more inflammation.

I would definately try the glucosamine though
If you google glucosamine and joint pain, or glucosamine and arthritis you'll get loads of info on it. Plus its not hard to find.... walmart carries it, most drugstores carry it.... in the vitamin section.

EDIT: I just reread your post. Your shoulder pain is definately concerning, especially if simple things like smushing catfood hurts so bad. If you can, I would get in and see someone about it... perhaps more cortisone shots (the cortisone shots don't last forever) or something else to help.

Please don't wait too long for that shoulder. I know money is tight, but it would be even tighter if you couldn't use that shoulder/arm.

persi & alley

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Jul 27, 2006
Farmers Branch, Texas
Originally Posted by kara_leigh

I would appreciate any help I can get. Thanks!!
Here is something that will help you and you do not need a prescription: Zostrix. But you must be very patient with using this ointment because it takes 2 - 4 weeks to become effective and it is likely you will get worse before you get better. This is something my Pain Management doctor has told me to use. And since it is not a prescription or procedure, he is not getting any "cut" so you know this is an honest piece of advice.

Go to the internet and simply put in Zostrix for more information.


TCS Member
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May 18, 2004
My husband used Zostrix when he had his shingles case several years ago.

Several years ago I was in a rear end vehicle accident and had 6 weeks of PT for my neck.
Still over 10 years later if I do a new activity my neck will become stiff. One of the best PT tips was to roll up a bath towel tightly and sleept with it under my neck for more support. That does help quite a bit and also the simple PT exercises I do before I get out of bed and in the shower. Those very few minutes can make a big dent in any pain.

I also use a heating pad but as suggested sometimes ice will work better but you have to be consistent 15-20 minutes 2-3 times/day.


TCS Member
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Mar 17, 2007
on the shores of Georgian Bay
You really have to approach the pain from two different angles if you have both muscle and joint pain.

Muscle pain responds best to heat, and I have found topical rubs like A535 or Deep Heat wraps do help some. However, joint pain responds more to cold and ice packs work the best.

If your taking medications for it make sure it is and Anti-inflammation drug like Aspirin or Ibuprofen. Maybe you doctor can recommend a stronger one like Naproxen or Voltron. However if you have stomach problems you have to watch taking those and make sure your doctor know if you have heartburn or indigestion often.

For a more permanent solution ask your doctor about more cortisone shots. I have really severe problems with my knees, and I get cortisone every 3-4 months but that is only because I have been using it as a treatment for almost ten years.

If you had one two years ago maybe you just need it to be repeated, if they worked the first time they will again. A lot of people look at them as a bandaid solution but my opinion is bandaid or not if they provide some relief go for it. .

This past winter I had my first cortisone shot in my left thumb, and right shoulder and had great success with both. It is something for you to think about.


TCS Member
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Dec 20, 2006
Gail - I know they're expensive but the really nice memory foam contour pillows are worth a try. I use one for my neck and it does help prevent me from waking up in pain - I have DDD in my neck among other things.

Be careful trying any of those topical rubs - DH discovered that he has an allergic reaction to capsicum containing ones. His skin turned bright red, swelled, and hurt.

Just putting this off as what everyone else typically has may be a bad idea due to the addision's and that you do take a steroid daily (iirc). Please consider a little more testing just in case.


TCS Member
Apr 26, 2001
Ingersoll, ON
My hubby tells me "exercise" is the grease for joint pain. Of course that's his answer to anything that ails you.

My SIL ignored her shoulder pain and discomfort (she is a nurse and worked in a nursing home) until she couldn't ignore it any longer. She ended up having 2 operations with the last surgery wiring her shoulder to her ribs so she now has no movement from her shoulder to her elbow and limited movement from the elbow to her hands. She is a slow healer and still has great difficulty talking because of the pain to her ribs when she speaks.

So, what I am saying is DO NOT IGNORE your pain. See a doctor/specialist - whatever it takes.
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TCS Member
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Nov 25, 2008
Bradleyville, MO
Originally Posted by Yosemite

My hubby tells me "exercise" is the grease for joint pain. Of course that's his answer to anything that ails you.
My husband said the same thing, when last week I could barely move b/c from my hips up was in so much pain. He said that I sit too much and don't exercise or do anything. I guess that's true.

Well, I know my shoulder pain is from the joint, as is my hips and knees (when I get it), and according to my Rheumatologist it is some form of arthritis, but she isn't sure what kind. She thought it might be Bursitis, but she determined it isn't, and she ruled out Fibromyalgia. Her thought was a beginning form of Rheumatoid Arthritis b/c of my symptoms and the fact that the pain normally affects both of the same joints...both hips, both knees, etc. (The reason I believe my right shoulder hurts more now is b/c it is the only joint she tried cortisone shots in, but that is just a theory. I don't remember why she only gave me the shot in one shoulder and not both.) The only medication she gave me, though, was basically a strong ibuprofen, and it never worked so I stopped taking it.

The last time I saw her she told me to go to PT 3 times a week, but at the time I was working full time and could not afford to take off 3x week without losing my job. I went back to see her and she again told me about the PT and not to come back until I did it, so I haven't gone back. I don't trust my primary doctor to give me a cortisone shot without causing me pain (I love her, but my Rheumatologist is GOOD) otherwise I would just ask her.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
^I get hip, knee, shoulder, elbow, and ankle joint pain - sometimes with swelling. RA and autoimmune arthritis has been completely ruled out. It's just being chalked up to hypermobility (connective tissue problem) and my autonomic nervous system issues/low BP (body not being able to heal properly).
I had another doctor try to say my back problems caused this pain, but couldn't explain how that would make the affected joint swell.

If you're on any addison's forums, search for similar symptoms. There may be something you've overlooked.


TCS Member
Super Cat
May 26, 2006
New Hampshire
I think you need to find a different Rheumatologist. There are many different forms of arthritis. Getting a correct diagnosis is the first thing.

I have rheumatoid arthritis but will test negative on the standard test for it. Fortunately for me my doctor did not rely on just this test.

Also, if you have been prescribed a medication you should keep taking it. I had one that I thought was not working very well until I had to stop taking it. Boy was I wrong!