Timid Cats


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 1, 2018
Hi everyone,

I'm sorry to be a little selfish... But I'm a new member, that really needs help with our cat.

A little back story about our cat is she is a rescue cat around 3 years old and we have had her 3 weeks. She is very affectionate, and always purrs plus nuzzles her nose/mouth around your hand everytime you stroke her. She also rolls over, and shows shows her belly to you, and she never has hissed or attacked any of us for any reason (even when we had to hold her to see whether she had a injury on her left paw). We always show her affection everyday and make sure that she is fed twice a day.

The problem is that... She won't leave her little cat house! We have opened the roof as it's summer and it probably gets hot as it is indoors in our extension. We have install the pheromone device, but she is still so aloof. I put a pet cam in the room and we discovered she walks with a limp on her leg paw, but when we took her to the vets, they said there was nothing wrong with her.

We really would like to know if its a confidence issue, or if there is anything we can do? Or is it the fact she is in pain and we need to get her xrayed?

We really are so worried about her.. There is only 3 of us in the house, with no kids or loud noises and we make a special effort to be quiet around her to no effect.

We find this especially hard as our last cat that died sadly on the road around 5 weeks ago, was so confident and slept on my fathers lap on the first night! After that she had no problems with socialising and up until her departure, she dominated not just our house... But the neighbourhood too!

Please can someone help us? We have run out of ideas at the moment.

Many thanks,

Peter scales.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 25, 2016
Alberta, Canada
Does the pet cam have a record option? Maybe you can get a recording of her limping to show the vet? Cats are annoyingly good at hiding pain so they end up trying to act all normal at the vet.

If there is nothing else wrong do you know anything about her history? I know you said she is a rescue, so maybe not, but anything that might explain what happened to her paw? or why she is fearful? Three weeks is really not long, I would give her time to get use to the house, sometimes a whole house can be overwhelming.
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  • #3


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 1, 2018
Hey happilyretired,

Many thanks for replying so soon! I didn't expect to hear anything for at least a few days.. If ever!

Yeh, I know it's still early days... But its the fact that she enjoys being fussed so much, which leads to the confusion.

We probably will get her xrayed in time.. Just that costs around £300 in the UK, and who's to say that if there was a break... Could we actually do anything about it?

But maybe we need to be patient as you say? Maybe we worry too much.

I love my cat and only want the best for her! Many thanks again :)



Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I agree that a video would be helpful for the vet. He isn't going to see her walking normally.

As for the shyness, if it isn't pain-related, there are things you can do to help her come out of her shell. Here are links to three articles that explain it better than I ever could!

How To Get A Cat To Come Out Of Hiding?
16 Top Cat Experts Share Tips For Dealing With Timid Cats
10 Must-know Tips For Happy Living With A Shy Cat

and these two may come in handy, as well!

Six Surefire Strategies To Reduce Stress In Cats
14 Cat Experts Reveal: How To Get A Cat To Like Me


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 30, 2008
Upstate New York
I am not clear about what her 'cat house' is. Does she have free access to you at all times? Her house is clearly her 'safe place,' and all cats I've had (35 years worth!) have needed 'alone time' for part of the day. She has not been with you long and thus probably wants more of her own time right now.

What you might want to do is put your presence in her house, so that she will associate you with safety. You can use a warn tee shirt or pillowcase, something that has your scent on it.

Check the heat. Unless it's very, very hot, my cats actually prefer warmth (they are desert animals). For example, I have an enclosed porch with no heat or air conditioning. In winter, my cats won't go out there, but in the summer, when it's the hottest place in the house, they want to be out there!

And wow! X-rays are expensive--probably here in the US as well. That x-ray I mentioned was 35 years ago, and it was probably less than $50.

Just be patient--and let her come and go as she wishes.
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  • #7


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 1, 2018
Hey everyone,

I have got to take a step back... As I have had like 4 answers at the same time! Yes we have recorded the limp.. Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to show my mother before she went to the vets this Wednesday. Reference to the links that amphast sent... Many thanks and I will check them out :)

It's pretty late in the UK (10:35PM), so I'm going to get some sleep now. However, I have to really appreciate all of your responses, and I will get back to morrow at some point.

Love you all.. Stay cat! :)

Pete xx
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  • #8


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 1, 2018
Hi everyone,

I just wanted to say thanks again for taking the time to read my thread, and for leaving insightful responses.

We have looked through the links and have taken some good ideas from them. As for adding a t-shirt with our scent on it.... We will try this tonight and see what happens.

I think if we give her a month or so and if things haven't got better, or she showing signs of distress or pain, then then an xray might be the only option.

Again, I cannot say enough how thankful we our for all your help... You people really are saints for helping us, when we have no way of paying you back.

Much love :)

Peter Scales.


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
Hi everyone,

I just wanted to say thanks again for taking the time to read my thread, and for leaving insightful responses.

We have looked through the links and have taken some good ideas from them. As for adding a t-shirt with our scent on it.... We will try this tonight and see what happens.

I think if we give her a month or so and if things haven't got better, or she showing signs of distress or pain, then then an xray might be the only option.

Again, I cannot say enough how thankful we our for all your help... You people really are saints for helping us, when we have no way of paying you back.
Much love :)
Peter Scales.
:hellocomputer:Actually, paying back is done by just being supportive when other folks need it and loving and taking the best care of your furbaby:heartshape:[/QUOTE]


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
Im glad you are here, and posting about your new girl!

Some cats are timid, some are outgoing from the start, just like people they all have different personalities. 3 weeks is a short time, for a cat, especially if she is the timid sort. Give her time, lots of attention, play with her to build her confidence and hopefully she will become more out going. Try not to compare her with your late cat, hard i know, but she is a new girl, with her own personality and quirks. Give her time, learn her personality, and you will come to appreciate her for the cat that she is :) I have a shy girl, and i am always so excited when she makes progress, or is more affectionate and outgoing, i know its a bit hard for her, so i am really happy when she does things that come easier for my more outgoing guys :)

And yes, if the limping continues i would have a second vet check. If she is hurt or in pain it can definitely affect how she acts!

Do keep us updated on how she is doing!
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  • #12


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 1, 2018
Hey everyone,

Many thanks for your support and advice.

I have had a few people ask for a update, so I just though id let everyone know how she is.

We took her to the vet this afternoon armed with the footage of her limping. She saw it and had a good look and feel around the injured leg, but could not find any abnormalities. She said that the only thing we could do is get an xray... Which is exactly what we are going to do tomorrow afternoon. Its not cheap at £214, but what else can you do? We hope that then we be able to see and do something about the problem... If not, then it will have to be a MRI (God knows how much that will cost!).

Anyhow, we are trying to remain positive as there is no point in getting sad about it. She is our responsibility and we are not going to give up on her.

I will let you all know how we get on as soon as we get the results.

Much love everyone!

Stay cat! :)



Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Thanks for the update! Here's hoping that the issue is just some soft-tissue damage that will heal with time and rest. Regardless, we're here for you.
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  • #14


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 1, 2018
Hey everyone,

So we took the cat to get xrayed at the vets on Wednesday, and it turns out on her left paw it shows that the ligerment is larger than the right, which indicates that there is damage to it.

To elaborate, its like the cats wrist if you will... And her wrist moves to far left and right as the ligerment is no longer functioning the way it should.

Turns out they can do a operation which they stick a pin in it.. Its more complicated than that of course, but I am not a vet, so I didn't understand completely.

Anyhow, for now the vet advised us to put her on metacam for 10 days, with the hope that she won't need the operation as it might heal naturally.

If the op does go ahead.. We are probably going to have to take a payment plan out.. But with me and my mum paying in, I'm sure we will be able up cover it.. Even if it turns out to be £200pm.

Anyways, as before I promise to keep you updated!

Stay cat! :)



Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
Have you ever read about some of the Jackson Galaxy products? They have one called "self esteem" and "scaredy cat" that might help your kitty. We used a few of his products, you can put them in the food or water or rub them on their fur or even just put around the room and they seemed to really work well, maybe this could be something to look into?

Good luck with your kitty!!


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I've know several folks now who have had excellent results with the JG products. LOL, I've also heard "holistic stuff is junk science," but those people haven't tried it, and it is very hard to argue with success. And cats don't fall for placebos!
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  • #17


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 1, 2018
Hey les26,

Thanks for the advice, we might try that when she is feeling better. At the moment I think it has less to do with her confidence and more to do with her being in pain to walk around.

She has been loads better this week in terms of how responsive she is when she sees us... And since we've had the roof off the cat house, she pops her little head up over the top and engages with us by meowing and nuzzling against our sands.

Will keep you updated in 9 days to let you know how she is.

Thanks again,

Stay cat! :)



Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
This sounds promising! I'll bet when she isn't in pain anymore, she'll be a different cat!