Throaty Meow And Extreme Clinginess. Should I Be Worried?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 27, 2016
Hello everyone!

I have an almost 4 months old male kitten called Flash.

Past couple of days I noticed that he's become extremely clingy. As soon as I get home, he literally steps on my foot, hugs it, and lays down, won't let me move one inch. If I move my other foot, he jumps on it and does the same. The other thing I noticed is his voice seems so strange, like when humans have a really bad cold, I think the word is throaty, although I'm not native English.

I noticed that he doesn't eat much, but that's always been like that, and he's in a healthy shape, and I read that with the heat cats eat less too.

I didn't see anything else strage, he's happy, running and jumping around, very playful with his sister and mother.

My question is, can these two symptoms be a sign of anything I should worry about, or it's normal?


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I think if you are noticing a change in behavior or a change in his voice, then a Vet visit is needed.

It may just put your mind at ease, also...

Cats are masters at hiding pain..
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 27, 2016
Obviously, but, consider that even just getting my cat to a vet would cost me a lot. This is why I've decided to ask this forum and not take him to a vet. Because if it's normal then I'd rather not take him and be able to afford things like food..


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 3, 2017
Ontario, Canada
I agree with artiemom artiemom , when in doubt, call the vet. For minor, non-emergency behavioural issues like this my vet's office is usually comfortable with speaking to me over the phone.

That being said, my mom's cat Michael is extremely attached to her. Whenever he feels lonely for her, like if she's been out for the afternoon, he will wander around crying in a very deep, throaty meow. He is otherwise healthy, just has abandonment anxiety (I think that's the term?). Maybe it's the same for your kitty.

In regards to your above response to artiemom, may I make a suggestion? I recently enrolled for pet insurance and it gives me enormous peace of mind for when there is ever an emergency. My monthly premium is not outrageously priced and you don't have to worry about choosing between vet care or other pet necessities. It might be something to consider. I recommend it to everyone I know. :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 22, 2015
The only thing that really strikes me about your first post, as far as not being normal, is that you said your young 4-month-old kitten "... doesn't eat much, but that's always been like that ..."

Most healthy kittens eat a LOT of food daily, every 3-6 hours at least, and they usually require more than 200 calories per day for their growing bodies.

I'd always recommend visiting a vet if you are feeling worried about any issue with a kitty! If he has been clingy more than his usual, that could be another sign that something is amiss.

A kitten or cat being hoarse with its voice ("throaty") could be a result of just losing its voice from excessive meowing, but also, hoarseness can be a sign of nausea.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 27, 2016
First of all, as an hour passed, Flash seems "normal" again. He wouldn't meow, but he's not clingy anymore. I tried to get him to "talk" with some treats, but his sister got there and I couldn't decide who's meowing anymore. But no hoarse sounds. I'm thinking maybe it's his "after nap" voice, or since he's only doing it when being clingy, maybe it's like LSpector's mom's Michael. I will try to make him talk with some more treats


Thank you for the advice, I will look for the pet insurance possibilities in here.
Also, yes, I could call the vet, but to be very honest, I'm very-very overly worried and panic so easily. Pretty much every time they do anything slightly unusual, I freak out, even if it's absolutely nothing to be worried about.


Yes, sorry about that, I wasn't very clear. I meant to say he's not eating much at once. I usually give them food 2-3-4 times a day, and often treats, and honestly, I'm a bit of an overfeeder. Flash usually takes breaks and eats a bit whenever he likes to.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 3, 2017
Ontario, Canada
Glad to hear he is doing okay. :thumbsup:

I wouldn't worry about feeling like you over-worry. I was the same with my previous kitty who had a lot of health problems... any time she sniffled differently I got nervous and called the vet. In my opinion, this isn't necessarily a bad thing and that is what vets are there for. I mean, better to be hyper attuned to your cats health than to disregard potential problems. Maybe I am just a little crazy though.

If you are interested in insurance, I recommend Trupanion. Though I am Canadian so I am not sure if they have an American office or other international offices.

Best of luck with Flash!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 27, 2016
The problem with over-worrying is that most of the time it just makes me feel helpless. I don't have a vet a phonecall away or in the neighbourhood. It's quite a distance to get to the nearest one, and he's got a bad reputation, so I'd prefer the animal clinic in the county's capital. But that's 70 km's so I can't go there whenever I have a feeling that something's wrong, only when I'm certain about it. One of the founders of the clinic is a friend of mine, so usually I call him, he's got 4 cats of his own, but he's not a vet.

I'm not from Canada or US, I'm from Hungary. I did look up animal insurance and sadly i found that it barely covers anything. At least the ones I found. Even the VIP package was up to 150$. With a 50$ annual cost. And that is for one pet. I have 3. Although at this point I can't get insurance for any of them, because it's only between 6 month to 7 years. The two kittens are not 4 months old yet, their mother is over 12 years.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 22, 2015
I would just make sure the kittens and mom both keep eating well, and set out fresh water every day for them, too -- you mentioned it is hot where you are. You can put little ice cubes in the water dishes too -- probably the kittens will play with the water, and splash a bit... so put the water dishes in a place you don't mind cleaning up after the splashing. But it will help them to keep cool. Mom needs to keep cool, too! How is she doing?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Since you said he calmed down after a while he might just have missed you. Male cats seem to bond much more outwardly with their humans than females who are more subtle with their love. So if you work and were gone for awhile it's possible he was just happy to see you.
I understand worrying, my rescued girl had a single baby recently and never having had a tiny baby kitten every time he cries I worry that something is wrong haha.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 27, 2016

The ice cube idea is really smart, thank you. The mother is a different case. But ultimately I think she's okay, she's been sleeping a lot lately. Or, I think she's more active during the night than before.


Yes, I think so. Because the same thing happened this morning. Very cuddly, and deep hoarse meowing. I have to wake up an hour earlier just to play with him and still not be late from work. But, when I left he meowed again and it was in a normal tone, it was just too much so that freaked me out, haha. I have to trick him every morning so I can sneak out and go to work, otherwise he just keeps following me.