This weeks questions: 07/31/05


TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
May 10, 2004
Happy almost August to everyone!! When I was a kid, I used to hate August. Well, my birthday was that month, so that was cool but it also meant that school would be restarting in another couple of weeks and summer vacation would soon be coming to an end...........
OH well, as an adult, now I wish I had those 3 month vacations!

Hope everyone had a great week! Let's get started......

What if:

1. You were sitting on a bus/train, and a person with BO sat down next to you? Would you move or stay put?

2. You woke up with a terrible headache......would you call off sick from work?

3. Your in a restaurant, and the waiter hands you the bill. They forgot to add on an expensive dessert you had ordered. Do you say anything?

4. The person you were going to the beach with look awful in his/her bathing suit. Would you say anything?

5. Your in a grocery store line waiting to be checked out and you notice the very elderly woman in front of you take a bottle of aspirin from her cart and slide it into her you tell someone?

6. Your at a new friends home for dinner, and you almost choke from the flavor when you take your first bite of her casserole. Do you politely continue to eat it?

7. Your friend gets a BAD hair cut, is very upset and asks your opinion.........what do you say?

8. You go shopping with your best pal and she tries on a dress for an upcoming date that she is having........too tight in your opinion.....what do you tell her?

9. Your in a library relaxing, reading a newspaper, when all of a sudden these rowdy teenagers come in and start throwing books, yelling out you complain to the librarian, say something to the kids, ignore them or just leave?

10. Your travel agent knows you have a $1000 budget for your vacation. She wants to send you to the moutains when you really want to go to the beach, but that'll cost another $300. Do you settle or go pawn something for the vacation you really want?

Love, never tried, hate or, what the heck is that?!

11. Key Lime pie

12. Beef Wellington

13. sardines

14. hotdog with relish

15. liver and onions

16. corn beef hash

17. fruit cake

18. ham & bean soup

19. tater tots

20. Any special vibes needed this week?

Have a great one everybody!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 24, 2003
Double Springs, Alabama
1. You were sitting on a bus/train, and a person with BO sat down next to you? Would you move or stay put? depends on how my tummy felt...if it was ok, I'd probably sit there and try to breathe thru my mouth, lol!

2. You woke up with a terrible headache......would you call off sick from work? only if I'm puking my guts up with it, otherwise, its work as usual

3. Your in a restaurant, and the waiter hands you the bill. They forgot to add on an expensive dessert you had ordered. Do you say anything? Yes I do

4. The person you were going to the beach with look awful in his/her bathing suit. Would you say anything? nope, not a word....I don't look so hot in any bathing suit myself, lol!

5. Your in a grocery store line waiting to be checked out and you notice the very elderly woman in front of you take a bottle of aspirin from her cart and slide it into her you tell someone? yes, sorry guys....if she's confronted and needs it, but doesn't have the money, I'd also buy it for her.

6. Your at a new friends home for dinner, and you almost choke from the flavor when you take your first bite of her casserole. Do you politely continue to eat it?

7. Your friend gets a BAD hair cut, is very upset and asks your opinion.........what do you say?errr....welll....ummmm, it's a "different" look for you, isn't it?

8. You go shopping with your best pal and she tries on a dress for an upcoming date that she is having........too tight in your opinion.....what do you tell her? depends on the friend....I have one whom "too tight in my opinion' is just her style, the rest, I'd tell them that I think they need a different size, that one just doesn't look right on them.

9. Your in a library relaxing, reading a newspaper, when all of a sudden these rowdy teenagers come in and start throwing books, yelling out you complain to the librarian, say something to the kids, ignore them or just leave? glare hard at them and if they don't stop, then say something to them

10. Your travel agent knows you have a $1000 budget for your vacation. She wants to send you to the moutains when you really want to go to the beach, but that'll cost another $300. Do you settle or go pawn something for the vacation you really want? lol, I'd settle....don't have much left to pawn!

Love, never tried, hate or, what the heck is that?!

11. Key Lime pie never tried

12. Beef Wellington love it!

13. sardines hate

14. hotdog with relish 's ok, prefer without unless it has everything on it except the kitchen sink

15. liver and onions love 'em, but they don't like me!

16. corn beef hash love

17. fruit cake depends....if its a cheapie one with lots of citron, I hate 'em, but the very expensive ones with loads of nuts and good fruit and soaked in alcohol...those I love

18. ham & bean soup love

19. tater tots can take 'em or leave 'em

20. Any special vibes needed this week? just for Racer and MA

Have a great one everybody! you too Susie!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2005
Unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the
What if:

1. You were sitting on a bus/train, and a person with BO sat down next to you? Would you move or stay put?

I'd move. Unless it was a very short trip.

2. You woke up with a terrible headache......would you call off sick from work?


3. Your in a restaurant, and the waiter hands you the bill. They forgot to add on an expensive dessert you had ordered. Do you say anything?

Depends on the restaurant. If it's a big chain, no. If it's a mom and pop kind of place, yes.

4. The person you were going to the beach with look awful in his/her bathing suit. Would you say anything?


5. Your in a grocery store line waiting to be checked out and you notice the very elderly woman in front of you take a bottle of aspirin from her cart and slide it into her you tell someone?

Probably not.

6. Your at a new friends home for dinner, and you almost choke from the flavor when you take your first bite of her casserole. Do you politely continue to eat it?

Yes, I'd eat as much as I could. Then tell them I'm not that hungry and patiently wait till I get home to eat something!

7. Your friend gets a BAD hair cut, is very upset and asks your opinion.........what do you say?

Not sure. Depends on the friend.

8. You go shopping with your best pal and she tries on a dress for an upcoming date that she is having........too tight in your opinion.....what do you tell her?

If it actually looks bad, I'd say something. If it's just too revealing for my taste, I probably wouldn't say anything.

9. Your in a library relaxing, reading a newspaper, when all of a sudden these rowdy teenagers come in and start throwing books, yelling out you complain to the librarian, say something to the kids, ignore them or just leave?

Probably complain to the librarian or leave.

10. Your travel agent knows you have a $1000 budget for your vacation. She wants to send you to the moutains when you really want to go to the beach, but that'll cost another $300. Do you settle or go pawn something for the vacation you really want?

I wouldn't go to a travel agent. I'd plan my vacation myself, that way I'd be sure to get what I want.

Love, never tried, hate or, what the heck is that?!

11. Key Lime pie
I LOVE key lime pie. I wish I had one right now.

12. Beef Wellington
I'm a vegetarian (mostly) so I guess that's a no.

13. sardines

actually I'm not sure if I ever ate any... but I did try the Harry Potter jelly bean, sardine flavored. It was so incredibly disgusting (worse than the vomit flavored ones)

14. hotdog with relish
not bad. veggie dogs tend to be kind of weird though. I prefer veggie burgers (or even better: bean burgers!)

15. liver and onions
Yuk. I HATE liver. (onions are good though)

16. corn beef hash
not sure what that is. Doesn't sound very good.

17. fruit cake
Yuk. I hate candied fruits.
fruit cakes should only be used as paper weights. Or just keep it till next Christmas and give it back to whoever gave it to you.

18. ham & bean soup
don't like it.

19. tater tots
not sure what that is.

20. Any special vibes needed this week?
going to Montreal to look at apartments next weekend. I have 3 days to find something. Wish me luck!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 3, 2005
Beautiful Australia
What if:

1. You were sitting on a bus/train, and a person with BO sat down next to you? Would you move or stay put?

it would depend on how much longer i would be there but i don't catch trains or buses anyway

2. You woke up with a terrible headache......would you call off sick from work?

i don't work but i'd stay home for sure.

3. Your in a restaurant, and the waiter hands you the bill. They forgot to add on an expensive dessert you had ordered. Do you say anything?

no way, a freebie is a freebie.

4. The person you were going to the beach with look awful in his/her bathing suit. Would you say anything?

nope, not unless it was something like their butt or something else showing that shouldn't be, then i'd say something.

5. Your in a grocery store line waiting to be checked out and you notice the very elderly woman in front of you take a bottle of aspirin from her cart and slide it into her you tell someone?

no, she might not be able to afford medicine and might need it.

6. Your at a new friends home for dinner, and you almost choke from the flavor when you take your first bite of her casserole. Do you politely continue to eat it?

i'd eat a bit and say i'm full, luckily i'm not a big eater anyway lol

7. Your friend gets a BAD hair cut, is very upset and asks your opinion.........what do you say?

i'd tell her it isn't the best but try to help her to fix it up a bit.

8. You go shopping with your best pal and she tries on a dress for an upcoming date that she is having........too tight in your opinion.....what do you tell her?

i tell her it's fine, if she likes it then that's her business.

9. Your in a library relaxing, reading a newspaper, when all of a sudden these rowdy teenagers come in and start throwing books, yelling out you complain to the librarian, say something to the kids, ignore them or just leave?

i move away from them and if that doesn't work i tell the librarian.

10. Your travel agent knows you have a $1000 budget for your vacation. She wants to send you to the moutains when you really want to go to the beach, but that'll cost another $300. Do you settle or go pawn something for the vacation you really want?

i'd just go to the mountains and make the best of it

Love, never tried, hate or, what the heck is that?!

11. Key Lime pie - would like to try it, i hear it's yummy.

12. Beef Wellington - never tried it.

13. sardines - Yuck!

14. hotdog with relish - i don't eat them, i'm sure they are nice though.

15. liver and onions - isn't that a type of cat food?

16. corn beef hash - never heard of it.

17. fruit cake - it's not my favorite but i can force it down after afew wines.

18. ham & bean soup - never had it, iv'e had pea soup and that's nice.

19. tater tots - er, if you mean potatoes then yeah i love em

20. Any special vibes needed this week? nope


TCS Member
Dec 5, 2004
1. You were sitting on a bus/train, and a person with BO sat down next to you? Would you move or stay put? I would move if I could

2. You woke up with a terrible headache......would you call off sick from work?
I go anyway

3. Your in a restaurant, and the waiter hands you the bill. They forgot to add on an expensive dessert you had ordered. Do you say anything? Yes - if I was focused enough to notice they left it off

4. The person you were going to the beach with look awful in his/her bathing suit. Would you say anything? No - who cares?

5. Your in a grocery store line waiting to be checked out and you notice the very elderly woman in front of you take a bottle of aspirin from her cart and slide it into her you tell someone? I approach her and ask if I can buy it for her

6. Your at a new friends home for dinner, and you almost choke from the flavor when you take your first bite of her casserole. Do you politely continue to eat it? No. I don't know what excuse I would make but it wouldn't finish it

7. Your friend gets a BAD hair cut, is very upset and asks your opinion.........what do you say? I would tell them that I liked it better this or that way but it will grow.

8. You go shopping with your best pal and she tries on a dress for an upcoming date that she is having........too tight in your opinion.....what do you tell her? I would tell her that she should probably wear something a little less fitting in case they go dancing because she would need to feel comfortable.

9. Your in a library relaxing, reading a newspaper, when all of a sudden these rowdy teenagers come in and start throwing books, yelling out you complain to the librarian, say something to the kids, ignore them or just leave? complain

10. Your travel agent knows you have a $1000 budget for your vacation. She wants to send you to the moutains when you really want to go to the beach, but that'll cost another $300. Do you settle or go pawn something for the vacation you really want? Sell the family jewels for the vacation Iwant

Love, never tried, hate or, what the heck is that?!

11. Key Lime pie

12. Beef Wellington Never tried

13. sardines

14. hotdog with relish

15. liver and onions

16. corn beef hash

17. fruit cake

18. ham & bean soup

19. tater tots


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 18, 2003
1. You were sitting on a bus/train, and a person with BO sat down next to you? Would you move or stay put?

Move if possible

2. You woke up with a terrible headache......would you call off sick from work?


3. Your in a restaurant, and the waiter hands you the bill. They forgot to add on an expensive dessert you had ordered. Do you say anything?

Sad to say, but probably not.

4. The person you were going to the beach with look awful in his/her bathing suit. Would you say anything?


5. Your in a grocery store line waiting to be checked out and you notice the very elderly woman in front of you take a bottle of aspirin from her cart and slide it into her you tell someone?


6. Your at a new friends home for dinner, and you almost choke from the flavor when you take your first bite of her casserole. Do you politely continue to eat it?


7. Your friend gets a BAD hair cut, is very upset and asks your opinion.........what do you say?

It will grow out soon and you can get it re-shaped.

8. You go shopping with your best pal and she tries on a dress for an upcoming date that she is having........too tight in your opinion.....what do you tell her?

If she likes it, that's all that matters. I would say "If you like it, I like it".

9. Your in a library relaxing, reading a newspaper, when all of a sudden these rowdy teenagers come in and start throwing books, yelling out you complain to the librarian, say something to the kids, ignore them or just leave?

I would tell the kids to stop making so much noise or I WILL say something to the librarian.

10. Your travel agent knows you have a $1000 budget for your vacation. She wants to send you to the moutains when you really want to go to the beach, but that'll cost another $300. Do you settle or go pawn something for the vacation you really want?

I have never used a travel agent

Love, never tried, hate or, what the heck is that?!

11. Key Lime pie (It is O.K but I am not a big pie fan)

12. Beef Wellington (What the heck is that?)

13. sardines

14. hotdog with relish

15. liver and onions

16. corn beef hash (what the heck is that?)

17. fruit cake

18. ham & bean soup (Pretty good)

19. tater tots

20. Any special vibes needed this week?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2004
Kansas City, MO, USA
1. You were sitting on a bus/train, and a person with BO sat down next to you? Would you move or stay put? Depends on how bad it was.

2. You woke up with a terrible headache......would you call off sick from work? No, I'd give it a shot and take a couple of pain killers.

3. Your in a restaurant, and the waiter hands you the bill. They forgot to add on an expensive dessert you had ordered. Do you say anything? Probably not.

4. The person you were going to the beach with look awful in his/her bathing suit. Would you say anything? No, I figure as long as they're happy then they're fine.

5. Your in a grocery store line waiting to be checked out and you notice the very elderly woman in front of you take a bottle of aspirin from her cart and slide it into her you tell someone? Sadly no, it's not my job to be part of the store security.

6. Your at a new friends home for dinner, and you almost choke from the flavor when you take your first bite of her casserole. Do you politely continue to eat it? Yes, I'm such a push over.

7. Your friend gets a BAD hair cut, is very upset and asks your opinion.........what do you say? Well it will grow out.

8. You go shopping with your best pal and she tries on a dress for an upcoming date that she is having........too tight in your opinion.....what do you tell her? I ask her if she trying out to be a sausage,
my friends and I are pretty blunt with each other.

9. Your in a library relaxing, reading a newspaper, when all of a sudden these rowdy teenagers come in and start throwing books, yelling out you complain to the librarian, say something to the kids, ignore them or just leave? I complain to the librarian then leave.

10. Your travel agent knows you have a $1000 budget for your vacation. She wants to send you to the moutains when you really want to go to the beach, but that'll cost another $300. Do you settle or go pawn something for the vacation you really want? I'd just wait until I could save up the $300 extra for my beach vacation.

Love, never tried, hate or, what the heck is that?!

11. Key Lime pie Never tried, but I don't like lime so...

12. Beef Wellington Never tried

13. sardines Gross

14. hotdog with relish I like hot dogs but not relish

15. liver and onions

16. corn beef hash

17. fruit cake Haven't tried and won't try.

18. ham & bean soup I don't eat beans.

19. tater tots Yummy.

20. Any special vibes needed this week? Not really.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
What if:

1. You were sitting on a bus/train, and a person with BO sat down next to you? Would you move or stay put?

2. You woke up with a terrible headache......would you call off sick from work?
depends on how bad, and if it was any better by the time i finished getting ready

3. Your in a restaurant, and the waiter hands you the bill. They forgot to add on an expensive dessert you had ordered. Do you say anything?
no... i honestly wouldnt notice... even if they added an extra charge to it

4. The person you were going to the beach with look awful in his/her bathing suit. Would you say anything?
maybe, not directly though

5. Your in a grocery store line waiting to be checked out and you notice the very elderly woman in front of you take a bottle of aspirin from her cart and slide it into her you tell someone?
i will probably say something to her

6. Your at a new friends home for dinner, and you almost choke from the flavor when you take your first bite of her casserole. Do you politely continue to eat it?
yes, small bites... lots of sides and liquids

7. Your friend gets a BAD hair cut, is very upset and asks your opinion.........what do you say?
agree with her, but offer to help her figure out something managable to do with it

8. You go shopping with your best pal and she tries on a dress for an upcoming date that she is having........too tight in your opinion.....what do you tell her?
too tight

9. Your in a library relaxing, reading a newspaper, when all of a sudden these rowdy teenagers come in and start throwing books, yelling out you complain to the librarian, say something to the kids, ignore them or just leave?
first i would ask them to quiet down, i am sure the librarian would ask them too, if they were yelling and throwing stuff

10. Your travel agent knows you have a $1000 budget for your vacation. She wants to send you to the moutains when you really want to go to the beach, but that'll cost another $300. Do you settle or go pawn something for the vacation you really want?
wouldnt pawn anything, but i wouldnt settle...tell her to try something else for the beach

Love, never tried, hate or, what the heck is that?!

11. Key Lime pie
love it

12. Beef Wellington
never tried

13. sardines
never tried

14. hotdog with relish
love it

15. liver and onions
hate it

16. corn beef hash
never tried

17. fruit cake
hate it

18. ham & bean soup
love it

19. tater tots
love it

20. Any special vibes needed this week?
YEP!!!!!! We are leaving on tuesday morning to head across country to Oklahoma. 1800miles with the kits... if you can spare good vibes... they are very welcome.

Have a great one everybody!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
SW Indiana
What if:

1. You were sitting on a bus/train, and a person with BO sat down next to you? Would you move or stay put? If there was a free seat, probably move.

2. You woke up with a terrible headache......would you call off sick from work? If it was enough to keep me from driving, yes.

3. Your in a restaurant, and the waiter hands you the bill. They forgot to add on an expensive dessert you had ordered. Do you say anything? I doubt it.

4. The person you were going to the beach with look awful in his/her bathing suit. Would you say anything? No, I don't look al that great in a bathing suit either.

5. Your in a grocery store line waiting to be checked out and you notice the very elderly woman in front of you take a bottle of aspirin from her cart and slide it into her you tell someone? Probably not.

6. Your at a new friends home for dinner, and you almost choke from the flavor when you take your first bite of her casserole. Do you politely continue to eat it? No, at least I tasted it.

7. Your friend gets a BAD hair cut, is very upset and asks your opinion.........what do you say? Go to another stylist.

8. You go shopping with your best pal and she tries on a dress for an upcoming date that she is having........too tight in your opinion.....what do you tell her? The truth.

9. Your in a library relaxing, reading a newspaper, when all of a sudden these rowdy teenagers come in and start throwing books, yelling out you complain to the librarian, say something to the kids, ignore them or just leave? I make sure the library staff knows.

10. Your travel agent knows you have a $1000 budget for your vacation. She wants to send you to the moutains when you really want to go to the beach, but that'll cost another $300. Do you settle or go pawn something for the vacation you really want? Tell her to keep looking for a $1000 dollar beach vacation. It's out there!

Love, never tried, hate or, what the heck is that?!

11. Key Lime pie - tried, eh...

12. Beef Wellington - never tried

13. sardines - ick!

14. hotdog with relish - Yum!

15. liver and onions - Ick!

16. corn beef hash - tried and liked

17. fruit cake - depends on the recipe

18. ham & bean soup - don't like

19. tater tots -
with cheese!

20. Any special vibes needed this week? A dear friend died a week ago. I'd like vibes for his widow and family.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
Happy almost August to everyone!! When I was a kid, I used to hate August. Well, my birthday was that month, so that was cool but it also meant that school would be restarting in another couple of weeks and summer vacation would soon be coming to an end...........
OH well, as an adult, now I wish I had those 3 month vacations!

Hope everyone had a great week! Let's get started......

What if:

1. You were sitting on a bus/train, and a person with BO sat down next to you? Would you move or stay put? My dad has really bad BO each time i see him in frankfurt i always have to tell him to have a shower :p

2. You woke up with a terrible headache......would you call off sick from work? not sure...?

3. Your in a restaurant, and the waiter hands you the bill. They forgot to add on an expensive dessert you had ordered. Do you say anything? NO (this actually happened to me in sicily

4. The person you were going to the beach with look awful in his/her bathing suit. Would you say anything? lol no... why would i? i look horrible when i go to the beach too :p

5. Your in a grocery store line waiting to be checked out and you notice the very elderly woman in front of you take a bottle of aspirin from her cart and slide it into her you tell someone? no why would i? unless of course it was my very own shop

6. Your at a new friends home for dinner, and you almost choke from the flavor when you take your first bite of her casserole. Do you politely continue to eat it? No purely tell her i dont like casseroles

7. Your friend gets a BAD hair cut, is very upset and asks your opinion.........what do you say? tell her to go back and get her money back

8. You go shopping with your best pal and she tries on a dress for an upcoming date that she is having........too tight in your opinion.....what do you tell her? tell her my honest opinion

9. Your in a library relaxing, reading a newspaper, when all of a sudden these rowdy teenagers come in and start throwing books, yelling out you complain to the librarian, say something to the kids, ignore them or just leave? tell them to shut the F*** up and tell them to leave

10. Your travel agent knows you have a $1000 budget for your vacation. She wants to send you to the moutains when you really want to go to the beach, but that'll cost another $300. Do you settle or go pawn something for the vacation you really want? Settle for i want! are you people nuts?

Love, never tried, hate or, what the heck is that?! hmm love

11. Key Lime pie : What is this?

12. Beef Wellington : I dont know this either

13. sardines : here kitty kitty eat this!

14. hotdog with relish: ewww i hate hot dogs ever since i got meningiatis

15. liver and onions:

16. corn beef hash : barf:

17. fruit cake:

18. ham & bean soup:

19. tater tots: if these are little potatoes then yum!

20. Any special vibes needed this week? No thank you give them to those who need it

Have a great one everybody!


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
Originally Posted by kittylover4ever

Happy almost August to everyone!! When I was a kid, I used to hate August. Well, my birthday was that month, so that was cool but it also meant that school would be restarting in another couple of weeks and summer vacation would soon be coming to an end...........
OH well, as an adult, now I wish I had those 3 month vacations!

Happy Birthday!!!!!!! Mine is the 27th, so my birthday REALLY meant school was coming

Hope everyone had a great week! Let's get started......

What if:

1. You were sitting on a bus/train, and a person with BO sat down next to you? Would you move or stay put? If it was a short ride, I would stay. Long ride, I would move.

2. You woke up with a terrible headache......would you call off sick from work? As long as it wasn't debilitating, I would go in to work.

3. Your in a restaurant, and the waiter hands you the bill. They forgot to add on an expensive dessert you had ordered. Do you say anything? Depends on the restaurant and the service. I have done both. I have had horrible service where they forget and have said nothing. If the waitress or waiter was really good, I would most likely point it out.

4. The person you were going to the beach with look awful in his/her bathing suit. Would you say anything? Most likely not since I wouldalso look horrible!

5. Your in a grocery store line waiting to be checked out and you notice the very elderly woman in front of you take a bottle of aspirin from her cart and slide it into her you tell someone? Most likely not.

6. Your at a new friends home for dinner, and you almost choke from the flavor when you take your first bite of her casserole. Do you politely continue to eat it? I would try to eat a little more, but try to eat more of any side dishes she might have.

7. Your friend gets a BAD hair cut, is very upset and asks your opinion.........what do you say? Probably tell her that normal cut looks better and then help her figure out how to fix it.

8. You go shopping with your best pal and she tries on a dress for an upcoming date that she is having........too tight in your opinion.....what do you tell her? Depends on if she normally would wear clothes that are too tight. If she did, I wouldn't say anything, otherwise I would.

9. Your in a library relaxing, reading a newspaper, when all of a sudden these rowdy teenagers come in and start throwing books, yelling out you complain to the librarian, say something to the kids, ignore them or just leave? Probably say soomething to the librarian

10. Your travel agent knows you have a $1000 budget for your vacation. She wants to send you to the moutains when you really want to go to the beach, but that'll cost another $300. Do you settle or go pawn something for the vacation you really want? I would tell her to keep trying for the beach. She should be able to downgrade a few things and make it work.

Love, never tried, hate or, what the heck is that?!

11. Key Lime pie never tried

12. Beef Wellington never tried

13. sardines hate it!

14. hotdog with relish hate it

15. liver and onions hate it

16. corn beef hash love it

17. fruit cake hate it

18. ham & bean soup never tried

19. tater tots love it

20. Any special vibes needed this week? My husband is leaving on a business trip real early tomorrow morning. I'll take a few vibes for a safe trip for him.

Have a great one everybody!
You too!!! Excellent questions!


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2003
Los Angeles,CA
You were sitting on a bus/train, and a person with BO sat down next to you? Would you move or stay put?

More than likely I'd move

2. You woke up with a terrible headache......would you call off sick from work?

I'd take some painkiller for it, if it didn't work, then yes, I'd probably call out

3. Your in a restaurant, and the waiter hands you the bill. They forgot to add on an expensive dessert you had ordered. Do you say anything?

Yes, I always tell them when they forget to charge me for things. I believe in Karma.

4. The person you were going to the beach with look awful in his/her bathing suit. Would you say anything?

No. It would only be my opinion. Who says my opinion is right?

5. Your in a grocery store line waiting to be checked out and you notice the very elderly woman in front of you take a bottle of aspirin from her cart and slide it into her you tell someone?


6. Your at a new friends home for dinner, and you almost choke from the flavor when you take your first bite of her casserole. Do you politely continue to eat it?

I'd play with my food, but I probably wouldn't eat any more of it.

7. Your friend gets a BAD hair cut, is very upset and asks your opinion.........what do you say?

I'd tell him or her, it'll grow. It's only temporary.

8. You go shopping with your best pal and she tries on a dress for an upcoming date that she is having........too tight in your opinion.....what do you tell her?

I'd tell her it looked a little too tight.

9. Your in a library relaxing, reading a newspaper, when all of a sudden these rowdy teenagers come in and start throwing books, yelling out you complain to the librarian, say something to the kids, ignore them or just leave?

Probably ignore them.

10. Your travel agent knows you have a $1000 budget for your vacation. She wants to send you to the moutains when you really want to go to the beach, but that'll cost another $300. Do you settle or go pawn something for the vacation you really want?

I wouldn't take the vacation I don't want. I'd probably just decide to stay at home, and take my desired vacation next year.

Love, never tried, hate or, what the heck is that?!

11. Key Lime pie

Never tried

12. Beef Wellington

Never tried

13. sardines


14. hotdog with relish

Used to love it

15. liver and onions


16. corn beef hash


17. fruit cake


18. ham & bean soup

Never tried

19. tater tots

I don't like them, but I don't hate them either. I can take them or leave them

20. Any special vibes needed this week?



TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 27, 2003
I am not a big one for August either, like early summer and then ready to jump into Fall.

What if:

1. You were sitting on a bus/train, and a person with BO sat down next to you? Would you move or stay put?

Move smells really get to me.

2. You woke up with a terrible headache......would you call off sick from work?

No, I would do some other form or health management

3. Your in a restaurant, and the waiter hands you the bill. They forgot to add on an expensive dessert you had ordered. Do you say anything?

I might just leave a huge tip instead, depends on how busy I am.

4. The person you were going to the beach with look awful in his/her bathing suit. Would you say anything?

No way, who cares, we are having fun!

5. Your in a grocery store line waiting to be checked out and you notice the very elderly woman in front of you take a bottle of aspirin from her cart and slide it into her you tell someone?

Probably not.

6. Your at a new friends home for dinner, and you almost choke from the flavor when you take your first bite of her casserole. Do you politely continue to eat it?

I'd ask for the ketchup!

7. Your friend gets a BAD hair cut, is very upset and asks your opinion.........what do you say?

I would come up with suggestions to improve it, and also remind her it won't last!

8. You go shopping with your best pal and she tries on a dress for an upcoming date that she is having........too tight in your opinion.....what do you tell her?

I say "Too tight"

9. Your in a library relaxing, reading a newspaper, when all of a sudden these rowdy teenagers come in and start throwing books, yelling out you complain to the librarian, say something to the kids, ignore them or just leave?

I'd ask themto be quiet, funny I just had to do this last night at a theater.

10. Your travel agent knows you have a $1000 budget for your vacation. She wants to send you to the moutains when you really want to go to the beach, but that'll cost another $300. Do you settle or go pawn something for the vacation you really want?

I'd work extra hours on my second job!

Love, never tried, hate or, what the heck is that?!

11. Key Lime pie -Love

12. Beef Wellington-Ok

13. sardines-like with crackers

14. hotdog with relish-yum!

15. liver and onions-can be good if done right

16. corn beef hash-never had

17. fruit cake-never had oddly enough

18. ham & bean soup-yum!

19. tater tots-loved themas a kid

20. Any special vibes needed this week?
Another job interview tomorrow!


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 4, 2005
Here... or There... Hmmm
Originally Posted by kittylover4ever

What if:

1. You were sitting on a bus/train, and a person with BO sat down next to you? Would you move or stay put? Move if there was another place to go to, especially if it was a long ride!

2. You woke up with a terrible headache......would you call off sick from work? Nope, I'd take an Advil and hope it went away

3. Your in a restaurant, and the waiter hands you the bill. They forgot to add on an expensive dessert you had ordered. Do you say anything? No way!!! I'm poor!

4. The person you were going to the beach with look awful in his/her bathing suit. Would you say anything? If they we're my friend, yes. I'd be honest!

5. Your in a grocery store line waiting to be checked out and you notice the very elderly woman in front of you take a bottle of aspirin from her cart and slide it into her you tell someone? I'd knock the old hag to the ground and RAS-EL it outta her hands!!

6. Your at a new friends home for dinner, and you almost choke from the flavor when you take your first bite of her casserole. Do you politely continue to eat it? A little bit, if it's just to spicey and doesn't taste rotted. If it tasted rotted NO!!!

7. Your friend gets a BAD hair cut, is very upset and asks your opinion.........what do you say? Take her to someone who can fix it, and tell her sorry for her bad luck!

8. You go shopping with your best pal and she tries on a dress for an upcoming date that she is having........too tight in your opinion.....what do you tell her? That it's too tight and she should try on a size larger!

9. Your in a library relaxing, reading a newspaper, when all of a sudden these rowdy teenagers come in and start throwing books, yelling out you complain to the librarian, say something to the kids, ignore them or just leave? Say something to the kids and them give them the beat down of their life!

10. Your travel agent knows you have a $1000 budget for your vacation. She wants to send you to the moutains when you really want to go to the beach, but that'll cost another $300. Do you settle or go pawn something for the vacation you really want? Well, I'd really want to go to the mountains but if it we're the other way I'd still take the cheaper vacation. I could have fun anywhere!!!!!

Love, never tried, hate or, what the heck is that?!

11. Key Lime pie Never Tried

12. Beef Wellington Never Tried

13. sardines Used to like, haven't eaten in years

14. hotdog with relish Love

15. liver and onions Never Tried

16. corn beef hash Never Tried

17. fruit cake Pretty good actually

18. ham & bean soup LOVE LOVE LOVE - make it homade

19. tater tots Like - BF LOVES

20. Any special vibes needed this week? No, but thank you very much!! Sending out vibes to all in need!!!!!!!!!

Have a great one everybody!
YOU TOO!!!!!!!!


TCS Member
Jul 4, 2002
1. You were sitting on a bus/train, and a person with BO sat down next to you? Would you move or stay put? MOVE!!!!

2. You woke up with a terrible headache......would you call off sick from work? No, I would just drink a cup of coffee and take a couple of advils - it works!

3. Your in a restaurant, and the waiter hands you the bill. They forgot to add on an expensive dessert you had ordered. Do you say anything? Hee hee nope if its a chain restaurant but if its an independent one, I tend to be nicer.

4. The person you were going to the beach with look awful in his/her bathing suit. Would you say anything? I dont know.

5. Your in a grocery store line waiting to be checked out and you notice the very elderly woman in front of you take a bottle of aspirin from her cart and slide it into her you tell someone? Probably not.

6. Your at a new friends home for dinner, and you almost choke from the flavor when you take your first bite of her casserole. Do you politely continue to eat it? Yes, unfortunately, or act like I am full.

7. Your friend gets a BAD hair cut, is very upset and asks your opinion.........what do you say? Well if she knows its bad, then I would agree with her and try and help her figure out a way to make it look better while it grows out.

8. You go shopping with your best pal and she tries on a dress for an upcoming date that she is having........too tight in your opinion.....what do you tell her? The truth or suggest a different outfit.

9. Your in a library relaxing, reading a newspaper, when all of a sudden these rowdy teenagers come in and start throwing books, yelling out you complain to the librarian, say something to the kids, ignore them or just leave? Complain!

10. Your travel agent knows you have a $1000 budget for your vacation. She wants to send you to the moutains when you really want to go to the beach, but that'll cost another $300. Do you settle or go pawn something for the vacation you really want? I wouldnt go to the travel agent, I would just plan it myself!

Love, never tried, hate or, what the heck is that?!

11. Key Lime pie Like

12. Beef Wellington Like

13. sardines hate

14. hotdog with relish Hate

15. liver and onions HATE HATE HATE HATE!

16. corn beef hash Like

17. fruit cake Hate

18. ham & bean soup Never tried it

19. tater tots Like

20. Any special vibes needed this week? That our trip to New Orleans goes well - we leave on Saturday night!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 5, 2005
Seattle, WA, USA
1. You were sitting on a bus/train, and a person with BO sat down next to you? Would you move or stay put? Depends on how much longer the trip would take. I'd sit it out for a few more stops, but I'd move if it was more than that.

2. You woke up with a terrible headache......would you call off sick from work? Not unless it was such a bad migraine that I couldn't move.

3. You're in a restaurant, and the waiter hands you the bill. They forgot to add on an expensive dessert you had ordered. Do you say anything? Nope

4. The person you were going to the beach with look awful in his/her bathing suit. Would you say anything? Only if it was a really, really close friend or family member and I knew they could handle the remark. If they think it looks good more power to 'em!

5. You're in a grocery store line waiting to be checked out and you notice the very elderly woman in front of you take a bottle of aspirin from her cart and slide it into her you tell someone? No

6. You're at a new friends home for dinner, and you almost choke from the flavor when you take your first bite of her casserole. Do you politely continue to eat it? I'd try to eat a little more, but mostly I'd just push it around.

7. Your friend gets a BAD hair cut, is very upset and asks your opinion.........what do you say? Something like "It doesn't look that bad!" and be as comforting as possible. I'd remind them that hair grows out!

8. You go shopping with your best pal and she tries on a dress for an upcoming date that she is having........too tight in your opinion.....what do you tell her? "I think that is too tight."

9. You're in a library relaxing, reading a newspaper, when all of a sudden these rowdy teenagers come in and start throwing books, yelling out you complain to the librarian, say something to the kids, ignore them or just leave? I'd probably say something to a librarian, maybe the kids directly themselves.

10. Your travel agent knows you have a $1000 budget for your vacation. She wants to send you to the moutains when you really want to go to the beach, but that'll cost another $300. Do you settle or go pawn something for the vacation you really want? I'd find a way - $300 isn't big enough of a difference to settle for something you don't want.

Love, never tried, hate or, what the heck is that?!

11. Key Lime pie Love

12. Beef Wellington Never tried it

13. sardines Never tried it

14. hotdog with relish Love - though these days I eat veggie ones

15. liver and onions Never tried it

16. corn beef hash Hate it

17. fruit cake Depends. I've actually had good fruit cake before!

18. ham & bean soup Hate it

19. tater tots Love

20. Any special vibes needed this week? We're going away for a few days and are having someone check in on the kitties while we're gone. Please send "good girl" vibes!


TCS Member
Jul 20, 2003
Lotus Land
Happy almost August to everyone!! When I was a kid, I used to hate August. Well, my birthday was that month, so that was cool but it also meant that school would be restarting in another couple of weeks and summer vacation would soon be coming to an end........... OH well, as an adult, now I wish I had those 3 month vacations!
Hope everyone had a great week! Let's get started......

What if:

1. You were sitting on a bus/train, and a person with BO sat down next to you? Would you move or stay put?

Depends how bad the BO is, how full the vehicle is and how much longer I'm going to be on it. If I'm getting off soon, I might try to tough it out.

2. You woke up with a terrible headache......would you call off sick from work?

I'd pop some Excedrin, in the hope that it would respond. If I'm able to drive, I go, if not I call in sick.

3. Your in a restaurant, and the waiter hands you the bill. They forgot to add on an expensive dessert you had ordered. Do you say anything?


4. The person you were going to the beach with look awful in his/her bathing suit. Would you say anything?

Depends who it is. If I would say something about other clothing, I would about the bathing suit, too; otherwise, I keep my mouth shut. Unlikely scenario, though, 'cuz I don't do the beach thing in summer.

5. Your in a grocery store line waiting to be checked out and you notice the very elderly woman in front of you take a bottle of aspirin from her cart and slide it into her you tell someone?

Oh, that's a tough one!! I think I need to be in the situation and read other signs, but there's a good chance I'll leave it to the store's security systems to deal with this -- if they pick it up.

6. Your at a new friends home for dinner, and you almost choke from the flavor when you take your first bite of her casserole. Do you politely continue to eat it?

I eat as much as I can, and plead poor appetite as soon as I think I can get away with it.

7. Your friend gets a BAD hair cut, is very upset and asks your opinion.........what do you say?

No point denying that it's not good, if it's that obvious. HOW bad it is, and in what way, will determine exactly what I'll say and how, but I won't try to BS her that it's OK. If her stylist needs to be confronted, I'd be willing to offer moral support. If she wants a new stylist, I'll recommend mine.

8. You go shopping with your best pal and she tries on a dress for an upcoming date that she is having........too tight in your opinion.....what do you tell her?

She's my best pal? If it's not MUCH too tight and otherwise is good, I'd recommend she see if it can be altered. Otherwise, honey, don't do it. It's too tight. There's got to be something more flattering available.

9. Your in a library relaxing, reading a newspaper, when all of a sudden these rowdy teenagers come in and start throwing books, yelling out you complain to the librarian, say something to the kids, ignore them or just leave?

My guess is the librarian will be onto them before it gets serious enough for me to intervene, but if not, I will speak to the kids, and if necessary then to the librarian.

10. Your travel agent knows you have a $1000 budget for your vacation. She wants to send you to the moutains when you really want to go to the beach, but that'll cost another $300. Do you settle or go pawn something for the vacation you really want?

I think I talk to a different Travel Agent, and see what they can come up with.

Love, never tried, hate or, what the heck is that?!

11. Key Lime pie


12. Beef Wellington

Very nice

13. sardines

Hate is a little strong, but I can do without 'em

14. hotdog with relish


15. liver and onions


16. corn beef hash

It's OK

17. fruit cake

It's OK

18. ham & bean soup

It's OK

19. tater tots

They're OK

20. Any special vibes needed this week?

Gotta go back to work on Tuesday
but I'll survive -- give my vibes to someone who could use some extras.

Have a great one everybody!

Good Q's Sooz! You have a good one, too.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 13, 2005
Paradise City
What if:

1. You were sitting on a bus/train, and a person with BO sat down next to you? Would you move or stay put? I would stay put and MAKE them move.

2. You woke up with a terrible headache......would you call off sick from work? Yes

3. Your in a restaurant, and the waiter hands you the bill. They forgot to add on an expensive dessert you had ordered. Do you say anything? No

4. The person you were going to the beach with look awful in his/her bathing suit. Would you say anything? Only if they asked and I would tell them the truth.

5. Your in a grocery store line waiting to be checked out and you notice the very elderly woman in front of you take a bottle of aspirin from her cart and slide it into her you tell someone? Yes..If I can't steal she can't either

6. Your at a new friends home for dinner, and you almost choke from the flavor when you take your first bite of her casserole. Do you politely continue to eat it? No..I tell her I'm not very hungry.

7. Your friend gets a BAD hair cut, is very upset and asks your opinion.........what do you say? I'm an honest person and I tell her exactly what I think.

8. You go shopping with your best pal and she tries on a dress for an upcoming date that she is having........too tight in your opinion.....what do you tell her? I tell her that it's simply too tight.

9. Your in a library relaxing, reading a newspaper, when all of a sudden these rowdy teenagers come in and start throwing books, yelling out you complain to the librarian, say something to the kids, ignore them or just leave? First I would tell the kids to take their activity to a more appropriate place for it. If they refuse to listen I'll complain to the librarian. If they still continue to do so I will leave.

10. Your travel agent knows you have a $1000 budget for your vacation. She wants to send you to the moutains when you really want to go to the beach, but that'll cost another $300. Do you settle or go pawn something for the vacation you really want? I'll go for the vacation I want.

Love, never tried, hate or, what the heck is that?!

11. Key Lime pie What the heck is that?

12. Beef Wellington Huuuh?!


14. hotdog with relish yuck!

15. liver and onions

16. corn beef hash huh?

17. fruit cake Heck no!

18. ham & bean soup

19. tater tots

20. Any special vibes needed this week? not really..I handle my depression well.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 17, 2003
Wellington City, NZ
Happy August Susie. I just did this whole thing and then the dang computer screwed up!

1. You were sitting on a bus/train, and a person with BO sat down next to you? Would you move or stay put? Depending how far I had left to travel I would probably stay put

2. You woke up with a terrible headache......would you call off sick from work? Probably call off from school depending on the subjects I had that day

3. Your in a restaurant, and the waiter hands you the bill. They forgot to add on an expensive dessert you had ordered. Do you say anything? Nope

4. The person you were going to the beach with look awful in his/her bathing suit. Would you say anything? Nope

5. Your in a grocery store line waiting to be checked out and you notice the very elderly woman in front of you take a bottle of aspirin from her cart and slide it into her you tell someone? Yes!

6. Your at a new friends home for dinner, and you almost choke from the flavor when you take your first bite of her casserole. Do you politely continue to eat it? Probably

7. Your friend gets a BAD hair cut, is very upset and asks your opinion.........what do you say? I give my honest opinion. She asked for it.

8. You go shopping with your best pal and she tries on a dress for an upcoming date that she is having........too tight in your opinion.....what do you tell her? Tell her to get a bigger size

9. Your in a library relaxing, reading a newspaper, when all of a sudden these rowdy teenagers come in and start throwing books, yelling out you complain to the librarian, say something to the kids, ignore them or just leave? Say something to the librarian or if i can't find him/her I'll say something to the rowdy people myself

10. Your travel agent knows you have a $1000 budget for your vacation. She wants to send you to the moutains when you really want to go to the beach, but that'll cost another $300. Do you settle or go pawn something for the vacation you really want? pawn for the one I want

Love, never tried, hate or, what the heck is that?!

11. Key Lime pie heard about it at TCS but never tried it or never seen it here in NZ

12. Beef Wellington love it

13. sardines hate them

14. hotdog with relish love them

15. liver and onions never tried it but sounds disgusting

16. corn beef hash what the heck?!

17. fruit cake tried it, not a fan

18. ham & bean soup never tried it

19. tater tots never tried them

20. Any special vibes needed this week? that I pass my trig test

Have a great one everybody!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 7, 2005
Ormond Beach/Orlando, FL
Originally Posted by kittylover4ever

What if:

1. You were sitting on a bus/train, and a person with BO sat down next to you? Would you move or stay put? I would probably stay put and just lean in the opposite direction of where the person was sitting!

2. You woke up with a terrible headache......would you call off sick from work? If we're talking about with my current jobs then definitely not. They'd laugh at me and tell me to get a grip. You either have to find someone to come in/sub for you first or you need to have had something major happen in order to just not come in.

3. Your in a restaurant, and the waiter hands you the bill. They forgot to add on an expensive dessert you had ordered. Do you say anything? Hahahahaha...of course not. That would be silly! And who's to say they didn't comp it on purpose? Plenty of waiters do things like that if you're nice enough to them.

4. The person you were going to the beach with look awful in his/her bathing suit. Would you say anything? No way. If you're going to the beach you can almost gaurantee that there will be PLENTY of people who look worse than the person you're with. Besides, bathing suits are a touchy matter for many people. Maybe you'd be lucky to have gotten them in one at all?

5. Your in a grocery store line waiting to be checked out and you notice the very elderly woman in front of you take a bottle of aspirin from her cart and slide it into her you tell someone? No. Honestly that would probably make me laugh. Besides, she may be one of the many unfortunate individuals without much of a retirement fund, maybe she's in great pain but strapped for cash? Might as well let her have her aspirin.

6. Your at a new friends home for dinner, and you almost choke from the flavor when you take your first bite of her casserole. Do you politely continue to eat it? Yes. But odds are I would only be able to eat 1/4-1/2 of my serving if it was THAT bad. I have super strong gag reflexes and after a bit I find it nearly impossible to disguise.

7. Your friend gets a BAD hair cut, is very upset and asks your opinion.........what do you say? I would go with a middle road. Admit that it wasn't the best style I'd seen on her, tell her it's DEFINITELY not as bad as she thinks it is and that she doesn't look bad, and end by explaining that it will grow back before she knows it and she'll be able to get it the way she likes in no time.

8. You go shopping with your best pal and she tries on a dress for an upcoming date that she is having........too tight in your opinion.....what do you tell her? If it's too small on her I'd tell her. I want her to look her best if she's going on a date, so I'd go find her the next size up. My best friend and I have made a promise to always tell the truth about clothes and appearances with each other!

9. Your in a library relaxing, reading a newspaper, when all of a sudden these rowdy teenagers come in and start throwing books, yelling out you complain to the librarian, say something to the kids, ignore them or just leave? I can't imagine that happening anywhere, but I think the librarians would do something about it first anyway. If they ignored it though I'd tell the kids to shut up.

10. Your travel agent knows you have a $1000 budget for your vacation. She wants to send you to the moutains when you really want to go to the beach, but that'll cost another $300. Do you settle or go pawn something for the vacation you really want? I'd tell her to keep looking until she could get me a better deal at the beach. There's no way it should be that much more than a mountain vacation (even when pretending I'm not already at the beach).

Love, never tried, hate or, what the heck is that?!

11. Key Lime pie: WOO WOO! Love it! Only when it's made right though!

12. Beef Wellington: Had it. I'm kind of middle of the road on it.

13. sardines: Never tried it, never will. Can't stand the smell of them.

14. hotdog with relish: Don't like relish so no, I've never tried it.

15. liver and onions: Yuck.

16. corn beef hash: Never tried it, but I don't like corn beef so I doubt I would like it.

17. fruit cake: Don't like it.

18. ham & bean soup: Yum!

19. tater tots: Super yum!

20. Any special vibes needed this week? Nope, save them for someone else!

Have a great one everybody!
Thanks Susie!