This weeks questions: 07/03/05


TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
May 10, 2004
Happy "Almost" Independence day! Hope everyone's week was a great one. My thanks to Susan/Rosiemac for cohosting last week with me on the questions. This week my cohost is the wonderful Frannie/Rapunzel47. If any of you want to cohost with me, just PM me. Here we go........first set of 10 are from Fran, the second set are from me.

1. Do you like veggies? What is your favourite?

2. Are your grandparents still alive? Do you know them well?

3. When you have a 'lazy' morning, how late do you sleep in?

4. Do you drive? Do you like to or is it a necessary evil?

5. What is your first language? What others do you know - not necessarily fluently, but enough to be understood?

6. How do you like your eggs cooked?

7. What is your favourite type of movie?

8. When you go to a movie do you stay to read the credits?

9. OK, you've won the big one -- I mean the really big one -- the one that sets you up for life. What are the FIRST FOUR things that you do with your winnings?

10. What behaviour would you ask your cats to explain to you, if they could speak?

11. Do you go through alot of toilet paper?

12. Your sitting on the front porch of your home, and a woman walks down the street walking her dog. Fido decides at that moment that he needs to go potty, in your front yard. The woman doesnt' clean it up. Do you say anything?

13. Your in a store looking to buy a radio. You notice there are two left, one has a price of $29.99 and the other one has a price of $49.99, the actual price. Do you take up the cheaper one?

14. Do you keep beer in your refridgerator?

15. IF you like pasta, what is your favorite way to prepare and eat it?

16. Do your kits ever walk around mewing for no apparent reason?

17. When you buy papertowels, do you like the pretty patterend ones or just the plain white ones?

18. Oh oh......the police just pulled you over for speeding.......can you find all the paperwork he needs, (license, proof of insurance, registration of the car)?

19. Susan asked last week if you have sexy neighbors. If you don't have any, do you have sexy coworkers?

20. Any special board vibes needed for the upcoming weeK? If so, just let us know!

From Fran and Susie, we hope your upcoming week is the best ever!


TCS Member
Super Cat
May 27, 2005
1. Do you like veggies? What is your favourite?

I love veggies.. raw cauliflower is my fav.

2. Are your grandparents still alive? Do you know them well?

None of my grandparents are alive. I knew my Mothers mum and dad very well and I miss them and think of them everyday

3. When you have a 'lazy' morning, how late do you sleep in?

Yes when I'm not working, usually sleep in til around 10am

4. Do you drive? Do you like to or is it a necessary evil?

I drive and I love it. It's the best thing I've ever done

5. What is your first language? What others do you know - not necessarily fluently, but enough to be understood?

I speak Engish and sadly it is the only laguage I know

6. How do you like your eggs cooked?

Scrambled with loads of tomato sauce on top. They have to be free range too.

7. What is your favourite type of movie?

Horror/cult but I love cheesy films too

8. When you go to a movie do you stay to read the credits?

Nope never

9. OK, you've won the big one -- I mean the really big one -- the one that sets you up for life. What are the FIRST FOUR things that you do with your winnings?

1. Pay my debts off
2. Take my family on holiday
3. Buy a new house and car
4. Give some to charity

10. What behaviour would you ask your cats to explain to you, if they could speak?

Why he turns on me for no apparent reason and why does he only lick the jelly off his food.

11. Do you go through alot of toilet paper?


12. Your sitting on the front porch of your home, and a woman walks down the street walking her dog. Fido decides at that moment that he needs to go potty, in your front yard. The woman doesnt' clean it up. Do you say anything?

Yes, but then clean it up myself

13. Your in a store looking to buy a radio. You notice there are two left, one has a price of $29.99 and the other one has a price of $49.99, the actual price. Do you take up the cheaper one?


14. Do you keep beer in your refridgerator?

No, am tea-total

15. IF you like pasta, what is your favorite way to prepare and eat it?

I love it on pasta sauce with grated cheese on top, in a bowl with just a fork

16. Do your kits ever walk around mewing for no apparent reason?


17. When you buy papertowels, do you like the pretty patterend ones or just the plain white ones?

Usually plain white but if it's got cats on them, I buy those

18. Oh oh......the police just pulled you over for speeding.......can you find all the paperwork he needs, (license, proof of insurance, registration of the car)?

Only my licence

19. Susan asked last week if you have sexy neighbors. If you don't have any, do you have sexy coworkers?

Definetely not, I don't like any of them

20. Any special board vibes needed for the upcoming weeK? If so, just let us know

Not that I can think of..


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
Happy "Almost" Independence day! Hope everyone's week was a great one. My thanks to Susan/Rosiemac for cohosting last week with me on the questions. This week my cohost is the wonderful Frannie/Rapunzel47. If any of you want to cohost with me, just PM me. Here we go........first set of 10 are from Fran, the second set are from me.

1. Do you like veggies? What is your favourite? I love vegetables, i dont have a favourite! i suppose potatoes and a special brand of canned peas!

2. Are your grandparents still alive? Do you know them well? Unfortunately not
and i never got to know them

3. When you have a 'lazy' morning, how late do you sleep in? today was 11:30

4. Do you drive? Do you like to or is it a necessary evil? Nope not yet, i want to get my license done by the end of the year though maybe! unless we move to frankfurt then i will get it done there.

5. What is your first language? What others do you know - not necessarily fluently, but enough to be understood? English/Signlanguage is my mother language and the languages i know are Italian and german

6. How do you like your eggs cooked? either fried or boiled

7. What is your favourite type of movie? anything funny, i love funny movies

8. When you go to a movie do you stay to read the credits? nah unless there is a song i like!

9. OK, you've won the big one -- I mean the really big one -- the one that sets you up for life. What are the FIRST FOUR things that you do with your winnings? BUY A HOUSE, CAR, AQUARIUM and anything teufel wants!

10. What behaviour would you ask your cats to explain to you, if they could speak? i would expect them to be polite of course?

11. Do you go through alot of toilet paper? No, But ben does! he is so annoying i have to buy a new pack every week or so

12. Your sitting on the front porch of your home, and a woman walks down the street walking her dog. Fido decides at that moment that he needs to go potty, in your front yard. The woman doesnt' clean it up. Do you say anything? Yes, i would get her a bag and tell her to dispose it at her house!

13. Your in a store looking to buy a radio. You notice there are two left, one has a price of $29.99 and the other one has a price of $49.99, the actual price. Do you take up the cheaper one? haha yes ive done that before!

14. Do you keep beer in your refridgerator? we hardly ever have beer in our house but yeah we do

15. IF you like pasta, what is your favorite way to prepare and eat it? I'm italian what else can i say?

16. Do your kits ever walk around mewing for no apparent reason? hardly ever

17. When you buy papertowels, do you like the pretty patterend ones or just the plain white ones? Ive only seen the plain ones lately, but why pay extra for the pattern when it goes in the bin anyway?

18. Oh oh......the police just pulled you over for speeding.......can you find all the paperwork he needs, (license, proof of insurance, registration of the car)? yes everything should be in my wallet

19. Susan asked last week if you have sexy neighbors. If you don't have any, do you have sexy coworkers?
sorry neither

20. Any special board vibes needed for the upcoming weeK? If so, just let us know!

From Fran and Susie, we hope your upcoming week is the best ever!



TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
SW Indiana
1. Do you like veggies? What is your favourite? Some. Like potatoes best.

2. Are your grandparents still alive? Do you know them well? No, all the grandparents have passed. Knew all of them except my maternal grandmother who died of cancer in 1940, just a month before Mom's 12th birthday. BTW, grandma's sister introduced my grandfather to my future step-grandmother!

3. When you have a 'lazy' morning, how late do you sleep in? With Ari around the latest I can manage is 8AM.

4. Do you drive? Do you like to or is it a necessary evil? Yes, I drive. It's necessary since we are outside city limits. I have only been driving since Dad died - I was 33! I knew how, just never wanted to.

5. What is your first language? What others do you know - not necessarily fluently, but enough to be understood? First language was Southern Indiana English! Studied German in High School. Remember enough to embarrass myself.

6. How do you like your eggs cooked? Scrambled - but not liquidy...

7. What is your favourite type of movie? I prefer comedies.

8. When you go to a movie do you stay to read the credits? Yes, gives the maniacs a chance to clear out of the parking lot and sometimes the credits are as much fun as the movie!

9. OK, you've won the big one -- I mean the really big one -- the one that sets you up for life. What are the FIRST FOUR things that you do with your winnings? Pay off all debts. Pay off the income taxes. Buy everything I've had to do without. Learn to say "NO" to a certain relative and his offspring.

10. What behaviour would you ask your cats to explain to you, if they could speak? What part of "no" don't you understand?

11. Do you go through alot of toilet paper? We go through a 12 pack of Charmin Ultra double roll a month. Sometimes less, sometimes more.

12. Your sitting on the front porch of your home, and a woman walks down the street walking her dog. Fido decides at that moment that he needs to go potty, in your front yard. The woman doesnt' clean it up. Do you say anything? Well, out here in the country I might not. Besides, what is she doing walking along our busy highway? Does she have a death wish?

13. Your in a store looking to buy a radio. You notice there are two left, one has a price of $29.99 and the other one has a price of $49.99, the actual price. Do you take up the cheaper one? Yes, if it has the features I want.

14. Do you keep beer in your refridgerator? REgular beer, no. Root beer, YES!

15. IF you like pasta, what is your favorite way to prepare and eat it? Sister's lasagna.

16. Do your kits ever walk around mewing for no apparent reason? Well, I think so.

17. When you buy papertowels, do you like the pretty patterend ones or just the plain white ones? Whatever is cheapest.

18. Oh oh......the police just pulled you over for speeding.......can you find all the paperwork he needs, (license, proof of insurance, registration of the car)? Yes, it's in my purse beside me and in the compartment above me.

19. Susan asked last week if you have sexy neighbors. If you don't have any, do you have sexy coworkers? No, unemployed here...

20. Any special board vibes needed for the upcoming weeK? If so, just let us know! Nephew starts new job on Tuesday!

Thanks Fran!


TCS Member
Jul 15, 2003
There's no place like home
1. Do you like veggies? What is your favourite? Yes - green beans

2. Are your grandparents still alive? Do you know them well? I've lost them all and unfortunately I never got to know them when they were alive. Long story.

3. When you have a 'lazy' morning, how late do you sleep in? About 8AM is lazy day and once every 5 years or so I'll sleep in until noon.

4. Do you drive? Do you like to or is it a necessary evil? I used to love it but am tired of the commute to work.

5. What is your first language? What others do you know - not necessarily fluently, but enough to be understood? Americanized English. I can talk very well to a computer and know a tiny bit of Spanish.

6. How do you like your eggs cooked? I have an intolerance to eggs and don't cook them any style.

7. What is your favourite type of movie? Educational

8. When you go to a movie do you stay to read the credits? When the movie is good, all the time

9. OK, you've won the big one -- I mean the really big one -- the one that sets you up for life. What are the FIRST FOUR things that you do with your winnings? Quit my job, buy a house on a large chunk of land in western U.S., buy property in Puerto Vallarta, buy the Humane Society the dream sanctuary they have always wanted

10. What behaviour would you ask your cats to explain to you, if they could speak? I don't question their behaviors. I would ask them if they were comfortable living together in one house.

11. Do you go through alot of toilet paper? No

12. Your sitting on the front porch of your home, and a woman walks down the street walking her dog. Fido decides at that moment that he needs to go potty, in your front yard. The woman doesnt' clean it up. Do you say anything? Where I live, no need to. I only get mad when the cows get loose and poop on my property - I gotta get a shovel out and scoop it.

13. Your in a store looking to buy a radio. You notice there are two left, one has a price of $29.99 and the other one has a price of $49.99, the actual price. Do you take up the cheaper one? Absolutely take the cheaper one, but warn them that they need to be more careful marking their merchandise.

14. Do you keep beer in your refridgerator? The real question is how many different kinds of beer are in my fridge at any one time.

15. IF you like pasta, what is your favorite way to prepare and eat it? I love pasta and cook it is too many ways to mention. Most involve interesting sauces which vary depending on the type of pasta. I usually have about 6 kinds on hand at any time.

16. Do your kits ever walk around mewing for no apparent reason? Absolutely, but the mewing is easily stopped when I call them and they come running.

17. When you buy papertowels, do you like the pretty patterend ones or just the plain white ones? I rarely buy them, but get recycled paper with no dyes that can rip off to the size that you want.

18. Oh oh......the police just pulled you over for speeding.......can you find all the paperwork he needs, (license, proof of insurance, registration of the car)? In my wallet or glove box.

19. Susan asked last week if you have sexy neighbors. If you don't have any, do you have sexy coworkers? Sexy neighbors? No. Sexy coworkers? I just call them eye-candy.

20. Any special board vibes needed for the upcoming weeK? If so, just let us know! Only that I can ACHIEVE the things I promised for my job.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 11, 2005
Wellington, New Zealand
1. Do you like veggies? What is your favourite?
I love all kinds of veggies!

2. Are your grandparents still alive? Do you know them well?
All my grandparents are no longer alive - I only knew 1 grandmother, the rest all died before I was born.

3. When you have a 'lazy' morning, how late do you sleep in?
I didn't wake up until noon today
I hate being in bed that long, it gives me a headache, but I guess I must have needed the sleep!

4. Do you drive? Do you like to or is it a necessary evil? I do drive and I love my little VW Golf. It doesn't get out much though as I walk to work and we take 1 car if we go somewhere at weekends! The public transport here is great, so I usually take the train.

5. What is your first language? What others do you know - not necessarily fluently, but enough to be understood? My first language is English. I'm pretty fluent in French (although my written French is not as good as it should be!). I can have a basic conversation in Italian. I can understand a bit of Spanish and a bit of German and I might be able to blurt out enough words and phrases to make myself understood.

6. How do you like your eggs cooked? Boiled or fried (over-easy as you'd say in the US). I'm not that keen on scrambled eggs and I hate eggs poached.

7. What is your favourite type of movie? I love films with a twist like "The Thomas Crown Affair" or "Ocean's Eleven" - they're really smart plots and keep you watching right till the end.

8. When you go to a movie do you stay to read the credits? Depends if there's something in the credits that I want to find out about e.g. who wrote the score, who that familiar-looking actor was in scene 3, etc.

9. OK, you've won the big one -- I mean the really big one -- the one that sets you up for life. What are the FIRST FOUR things that you do with your winnings? 1) Give up work. 2) Make sure my family had everything they needed. 3) Go off and travel the world - visit all the friends I have all over the world and see all the places I ever wanted to visit 4) Find a nice place to settle down and build a house there - near the beach, with plenty of room for horses, cats and dogs!

10. What behaviour would you ask your cats to explain to you, if they could speak? I would love to have asked Charley why she would sit at the bottom of the stairs and cry for no reason

11. Do you go through alot of toilet paper? Probably 2-3 rolls per week for the 2 of us plus any guests we have!

12. Your sitting on the front porch of your home, and a woman walks down the street walking her dog. Fido decides at that moment that he needs to go potty, in your front yard. The woman doesnt' clean it up. Do you say anything? I certainly would tell her to clean up after her dog!

13. Your in a store looking to buy a radio. You notice there are two left, one has a price of $29.99 and the other one has a price of $49.99, the actual price. Do you take up the cheaper one? If they are the same model, then yes, I'll take the cheaper one. If they are different models, then I'd have to see what extra features the more expensive one has.

14. Do you keep beer in your refridgerator? I'm from Ireland.... need I say more?

15. IF you like pasta, what is your favorite way to prepare and eat it? I'm eating pasta with a tuna topping as I type this! Bf does a wonderful spaghetti with a cream cheese sauce, topped off with tomatoes, onions, peppers,...
I also LOVE any pasta with a bolognese sauce

16. Do your kits ever walk around mewing for no apparent reason? Charley occasionally did this. She'd sit at the bottom of the stairs and just cry for now reason.... (see above)

17. When you buy papertowels, do you like the pretty patterend ones or just the plain white ones? Plain white, recycled paper.

18. Oh oh......the police just pulled you over for speeding.......can you find all the paperwork he needs, (license, proof of insurance, registration of the car)? All the things he wants to see are probably in my other bag... the one that's sitting at home

19. Susan asked last week if you have sexy neighbors. If you don't have any, do you have sexy coworkers? There's one guy who's quite swoony - handsome yes, sexy no

20. Any special board vibes needed for the upcoming weeK? If so, just let us know! Set off on our trip on Saturday - send us vibes for safe travels! Thanks!



TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 4, 2005
1. Do you like veggies? What is your favourite? Love vegatables. French style green beens with butter and almonds

2. Are your grandparents still alive? Do you know them well? All have passed and I never knew them.

3. When you have a 'lazy' morning, how late do you sleep in? Today I slept til 7am

4. Do you drive? Do you like to or is it a necessary evil? Yes I drive and it is a necessary evil. I hate the traffic in the DC area.

5. What is your first language? What others do you know - not necessarily fluently, but enough to be understood? English and muy poquito spanish.

6. How do you like your eggs cooked? Over easy from my moms chickens

7. What is your favourite type of movie? An action movie I can watch with my husband.

8. When you go to a movie do you stay to read the credits? I don't go to movies.

9. OK, you've won the big one -- I mean the really big one -- the one that sets you up for life. What are the FIRST FOUR things that you do with your winnings?
1. Go to a financial advisor to see how much I can spend/give away without jepordizing being set for life and were I should invest money to protect it.
2. Pay off all debts.
3. Make gifts to family.
4. Make gifts to charity.

10. What behaviour would you ask your cats to explain to you, if they could speak? Why my intelligent cats chase their tail. I mean don't they know it is their own tail. It cracks me up.

11. Do you go through alot of toilet paper? What is alot? :para3:

12. Your sitting on the front porch of your home, and a woman walks down the street walking her dog. Fido decides at that moment that he needs to go potty, in your front yard. The woman doesnt' clean it up. Do you say anything? Probably not we have some rough people walking through our neighborhood.

13. Your in a store looking to buy a radio. You notice there are two left, one has a price of $29.99 and the other one has a price of $49.99, the actual price. Do you take up the cheaper one?The cheaper one.

14. Do you keep beer in your refridgerator? No we don't drink. But plenty of wine for cooking.

15. IF you like pasta, what is your favorite way to prepare and eat it? There is no way I can pick a favorite it depends on whether it is a main course or side dish but I love it all. Oh okay main dish blacken chicken with alfredo sauce. Side dish angel hair pasta with lemon oil and herbs.

16. Do your kits ever walk around mewing for no apparent reason? No

17. When you buy papertowels, do you like the pretty patterend ones or just the plain white ones? The plain white

18. Oh oh......the police just pulled you over for speeding.......can you find all the paperwork he needs, (license, proof of insurance, registration of the car)? No, I could only find my license.

19. Susan asked last week if you have sexy neighbors. If you don't have any, do you have sexy coworkers?No but some of them think they are

20. Any special board vibes needed for the upcoming weeK? If so, just let us know! No
From Fran and Susie, we hope your upcoming week is the best ever!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 31, 2002
"Southside of Cincinnati"
1. Do you like veggies? What is your favourite? Love veggies! My favorite is asparagus.

2. Are your grandparents still alive? Do you know them well? No they are not still alive. But yes I knew them very well.

3. When you have a 'lazy' morning, how late do you sleep in? 8am is the latest.

4. Do you drive? Do you like to or is it a necessary evil? I LOVE to drive, I have fun behind the wheel!

5. What is your first language? What others do you know - not necessarily fluently, but enough to be understood? English is first language & I know some Spanish.

6. How do you like your eggs cooked? Scrambled or poached

7. What is your favourite type of movie? Science Fiction

8. When you go to a movie do you stay to read the credits? Only if there's a good song or outtakes or something at the end.

9. OK, you've won the big one -- I mean the really big one -- the one that sets you up for life. What are the FIRST FOUR things that you do with your winnings? Visit a financial guru; Pay off my bills & family's bills; throw a party; then donate a bunch of money to shelters.

10. What behaviour would you ask your cats to explain to you, if they could speak? The crying-while-killing-the-birdie-toy thing.

11. Do you go through alot of toilet paper? Yeah

12. Your sitting on the front porch of your home, and a woman walks down the street walking her dog. Fido decides at that moment that he needs to go potty, in your front yard. The woman doesnt' clean it up. Do you say anything? Yeah I tell her to pick her dogsh!t up.

13. Your in a store looking to buy a radio. You notice there are two left, one has a price of $29.99 and the other one has a price of $49.99, the actual price. Do you take up the cheaper one? Yup

14. Do you keep beer in your refridgerator? Only if company is coming over

15. IF you like pasta, what is your favorite way to prepare and eat it? I love pasta, live on it! I like angel hair, I like it squishy & soft.

16. Do your kits ever walk around mewing for no apparent reason? ALL THE TIME

17. When you buy papertowels, do you like the pretty patterend ones or just the plain white ones? Plain white ones, my kitchen has enough color already

18. Oh oh......the police just pulled you over for speeding.......can you find all the paperwork he needs, (license, proof of insurance, registration of the car)? Yeah it's all in the glove box except for the license

19. Susan asked last week if you have sexy neighbors. If you don't have any, do you have sexy coworkers? Well they're all married, but I think certain aspects of them are sexy (sense of humor, manliness).

20. Any special board vibes needed for the upcoming weeK? If so, just let us know! No all is well thankfully.


TCS Member
Dec 3, 2003
Originally Posted by kittylover4ever

Happy "Almost" Independence day! Hope everyone's week was a great one. My thanks to Susan/Rosiemac for cohosting last week with me on the questions. This week my cohost is the wonderful Frannie/Rapunzel47. If any of you want to cohost with me, just PM me. Here we go........first set of 10 are from Fran, the second set are from me.

1. Do you like veggies? What is your favourite? YES, ALL OF THEM

2. Are your grandparents still alive? Do you know them well? NO LONGER HERE

3. When you have a 'lazy' morning, how late do you sleep in? 9.A.M

4. Do you drive? Do you like to or is it a necessary evil? NO

5. What is your first language? What others do you know - not necessarily fluently, but enough to be understood? THE QUEENS ENGLISH

6. How do you like your eggs cooked? SCRAMBLED AND HARD BOILED

7. What is your favourite type of movie? COMEDY

8. When you go to a movie do you stay to read the credits? NO

9. OK, you've won the big one -- I mean the really big one -- the one that sets you up for life. What are the FIRST FOUR things that you do with your winnings? BY AN APARTMENT OVERLOOKING THE RIVER. DONATE TO VARIOUS ANIMAL CHARITIES. DO SOME RETAIL THERAPY FOR BOTH MY NEW APARTMENT AND ME!. BOOK FLIGHTS TO COME AND SEE ALL OF YOU

10. What behaviour would you ask your cats to explain to you, if they could speak? ID ASK ROSIE WHY SHE CHATTERS AT THE CAMERA?, AND I'D ASK SOPHIE WHY SHE CRIES FOR ME TO OPEN MY BEDROOM AND WARDROBE DOOR

11. Do you go through alot of toilet paper? NO

12. Your sitting on the front porch of your home, and a woman walks down the street walking her dog. Fido decides at that moment that he needs to go potty, in your front yard. The woman doesnt' clean it up. Do you say anything? SHOUT "OI! AND HAND HER A PLASTIC BAG, THEN POINT AT THE NOTICE THATS IN MY STREET REMINDING HER THAT SHE CAN HAVE A £1000.00 FINE IF CAUGHT BY THE AUTHORITIES!"

13. Your in a store looking to buy a radio. You notice there are two left, one has a price of $29.99 and the other one has a price of $49.99, the actual price. Do you take up the cheaper one? CHEAPER ONE

14. Do you keep beer in your refridgerator? NO

15. IF you like pasta, what is your favorite way to prepare and eat it? WITH HAM, PEPPERS AND MUSHROOMS AND WEIGHT WATCHERS DRESSING.

16. Do your kits ever walk around mewing for no apparent reason? YES, MAINLY ROSIE BUT I TALK BACK TO HER

17. When you buy papertowels, do you like the pretty patterend ones or just the plain white ones? PATTERNED TO MATCH THE COLOUR OF MY KITCHEN

18. Oh oh......the police just pulled you over for speeding.......can you find all the paperwork he needs, (license, proof of insurance, registration of the car)? DON'T DRIVE

19. Susan asked last week if you have sexy neighbors. If you don't have any, do you have sexy coworkers? EEEK NO!

20. Any special board vibes needed for the upcoming weeK? If so, just let us know! NO

From Fran and Susie, we hope your upcoming week is the best ever!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 24, 2003
Double Springs, Alabama
1. Do you like veggies? What is your favourite?love 'em.....not sure about that!

2. Are your grandparents still alive? Do you know them well? one on each side is...pretty well

3. When you have a 'lazy' morning, how late do you sleep in?8:30

4. Do you drive? Do you like to or is it a necessary evil? yes and looove to!

5. What is your first language? What others do you know - not necessarily fluently, but enough to be understood? English ......none

6. How do you like your eggs cooked? hardboiled or scrambled

7. What is your favourite type of movie?depends on my mood, really, like comedy, romance, horror, sci fi and action

8. When you go to a movie do you stay to read the credits? depends on who I'm with and if they'll let me

9. OK, you've won the big one -- I mean the really big one -- the one that sets you up for life. What are the FIRST FOUR things that you do with your winnings? Pay off all my debts, pay off all my mom and dad's debts, fix it up so that none of the four of us will ever have to work again.......send a check monthly to a different TCS member ....

10. What behaviour would you ask your cats to explain to you, if they could speak? hmmmm.......Tiger, why must you stand in the litterbox after you've been, and paw on the wall like you're digging to China, instead of digging in the pan?

11. Do you go through alot of toilet paper? lol, yes

12. Your sitting on the front porch of your home, and a woman walks down the street walking her dog. Fido decides at that moment that he needs to go potty, in your front yard. The woman doesnt' clean it up. Do you say anything? YES

13. Your in a store looking to buy a radio. You notice there are two left, one has a price of $29.99 and the other one has a price of $49.99, the actual price. Do you take up the cheaper one? eep...yes!

14. Do you keep beer in your refridgerator? nope

15. IF you like pasta, what is your favorite way to prepare and eat it? honestly, just with butter, but ususally wind up with some form of tomato sauce

16. Do your kits ever walk around mewing for no apparent reason?God YES

17. When you buy papertowels, do you like the pretty patterend ones or just the plain white ones? pretty

18. Oh oh......the police just pulled you over for speeding.......can you find all the paperwork he needs, (license, proof of insurance, registration of the car)? yup...unless I don't have my license with me.....

19. Susan asked last week if you have sexy neighbors. If you don't have any, do you have sexy coworkers? egad, I work with my mom, dad, hub and aunt...NO NO NO !!

20. Any special board vibes needed for the upcoming weeK? If so, just let us know! Nope, not here, have plenty to send out~


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2003
Los Angeles,CA
1. Do you like veggies? What is your favourite?

asparagas, corn, tomatoes

2. Are your grandparents still alive? Do you know them well?

They're not alive, but as a child, I got to know them quite well

3. When you have a 'lazy' morning, how late do you sleep in?

I sleep in as late as I want. No set time

4. Do you drive? Do you like to or is it a necessary evil?

I drive, but I look at it as a necessary evil. I wish I could afford a chauffer

5. What is your first language? What others do you know - not necessarily fluently, but enough to be understood?

English is my first language. I speak a little Spanish also

6. How do you like your eggs cooked?

Over Easy

7. What is your favourite type of movie?


8. When you go to a movie do you stay to read the credits?

Usually I don't

9. OK, you've won the big one -- I mean the really big one -- the one that sets you up for life. What are the FIRST FOUR things that you do with your winnings?

A new condo in New York City, a new car, the largest plazma TV, and the best computer on the market

10. What behaviour would you ask your cats to explain to you, if they could speak?

What is so entertaining about staring out the window for hours?

11. Do you go through alot of toilet paper?

I use TP as my Kleenex, and I have sinus problems, so I guess I do

12. Your sitting on the front porch of your home, and a woman walks down the street walking her dog. Fido decides at that moment that he needs to go potty, in your front yard. The woman doesnt' clean it up. Do you say anything?

Yes, I would tell her to pick up the poo

13. Your in a store looking to buy a radio. You notice there are two left, one has a price of $29.99 and the other one has a price of $49.99, the actual price. Do you take up the cheaper one?

I would ask why one is so much cheaper than the other one

14. Do you keep beer in your refridgerator?


15. IF you like pasta, what is your favorite way to prepare and eat it?

Alfredo style

16. Do your kits ever walk around mewing for no apparent reason?

Simba does

17. When you buy papertowels, do you like the pretty patterend ones or just the plain white ones?

White ones. They are better for the environment

18. Oh oh......the police just pulled you over for speeding.......can you find all the paperwork he needs, (license, proof of insurance, registration of the car)?

Probably not

19. Susan asked last week if you have sexy neighbors. If you don't have any, do you have sexy coworkers?


20. Any special board vibes needed for the upcoming weeK? If so, just let us know!

Not that I can think of


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 24, 2005
1. Do you like veggies? What is your favourite?
A few, broccoli and cheese used to be the fav, but spinach casserole is now.

2. Are your grandparents still alive? Do you know them well?
Only 1, my "Granny", who is now 96 and still goes bowling. I don't know her very well... but she's going to outlive us all!

3. When you have a 'lazy' morning, how late do you sleep in?
Mika & Holly don't allow those! I would've slept in today but they had me up by 7!

4. Do you drive? Do you like to or is it a necessary evil?
I used to love it, I'd hop on the interstate and drive to the next State out of boredom. Now that I live here, I hate it. Traffic here is terrible and people here tend to drive like erratically like they don't know where they're going even though they have this county's tags.

5. What is your first language? What others do you know - not necessarily fluently, but enough to be understood?
English, english, and english. I only know very few words of Spanish, German, and French... but not enough to even get me to my hotel in any countries that speak those languages!

6. How do you like your eggs cooked?
Depends on what I'm eating with them! Scrambled is easiest to cook, but if I'm at IHOP eating them with a big plate of stuff I like over-easy.

7. What is your favourite type of movie?
Largely depends on mood, but Drama with a bit of natural comedy mixed in is probably the best.

8. When you go to a movie do you stay to read the credits?
Only if it's animated, and we stay to see who did what voice

9. OK, you've won the big one -- I mean the really big one -- the one that sets you up for life. What are the FIRST FOUR things that you do with your winnings?
1) Buy a huge house 2) Pay off all debt 3) Buy my husband the Cobra he's always wanted 4) Convert our current house into a small community center and donate it to our current neighborhood that doesn't have one, along with a trust fund to finance neighborhood maintenance and social events.

10. What behaviour would you ask your cats to explain to you, if they could speak?
Siamese do a lot of explaining in their "native language" but in a way we can understand... but I would like to know why Mika insists on trying to eat every plastic shopping bag that comes in the house.

11. Do you go through alot of toilet paper?
Not really... there's just the two of us, and we buy the "Mega rolls" so we only have to buy it once a month.

12. Your sitting on the front porch of your home, and a woman walks down the street walking her dog. Fido decides at that moment that he needs to go potty, in your front yard. The woman doesnt' clean it up. Do you say anything?
No. It's common practice here. In fact, the lady that's helping me throw the July 4th block party does it constantly.

13. Your in a store looking to buy a radio. You notice there are two left, one has a price of $29.99 and the other one has a price of $49.99, the actual price. Do you take up the cheaper one?
Um... the cheaper. They'll likely still make a profit anyway.

14. Do you keep beer in your refridgerator?
No. I buy champagne every weekend and there's always a bottle of whiskey available for hubby's nightly jack-and-coke.

15. IF you like pasta, what is your favorite way to prepare and eat it?
Spaghetti is easiest, and best eaten topped with chicken parmesian

16. Do your kits ever walk around mewing for no apparent reason?
OOoooh no, when Mika talks, he always has a good reason and he makes sure the neighbors know it.

17. When you buy papertowels, do you like the pretty patterend ones or just the plain white ones?
Plain white... good to line bird cage floors with but no ink in case they chew it.

18. Oh oh......the police just pulled you over for speeding.......can you find all the paperwork he needs, (license, proof of insurance, registration of the car)?
In fact, our new car came with a nice leather organizer for just those things!

19. Susan asked last week if you have sexy neighbors. If you don't have any, do you have sexy coworkers?
Not really. Ours is a kind of motley crew, but there is one younger guy that is slightly cute.

20. Any special board vibes needed for the upcoming weeK? If so, just let us know!
Nope! Well, just so it doesn't rain on our party tonight!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 24, 2005
Originally Posted by KittenKrazy

19. Susan asked last week if you have sexy neighbors. If you don't have any, do you have sexy coworkers? egad, I work with my mom, dad, hub and aunt...NO NO NO !!
You don't think your hubby is sexy?

Mine has a really cute butt


TCS Member
Dec 5, 2004
Hi, Susie!

1. Do you like veggies? What is your favourite? Corn

2. Are your grandparents still alive? Do you know them well?Yes - one grandmother and I see her almost every week

3. When you have a 'lazy' morning, how late do you sleep in? 7 am???

4. Do you drive? Do you like to or is it a necessary evil?
I don't mind it. I just get nervous if it is going to storm

5. What is your first language? What others do you know - not necessarily fluently, but enough to be understood? English- I could speak French if necessary - it's very rusty by now

6. How do you like your eggs cooked? Scrambled

7. What is your favourite type of movie? Romantic comedy

8. When you go to a movie do you stay to read the credits? Sometimes. If it was filmed in a pretty place I usually want to know where it was filmed

9. OK, you've won the big one -- I mean the really big one -- the one that sets you up for life. What are the FIRST FOUR things that you do with your winnings? 1. Buy a new home 2. Buy a vacation home 3. I would buy a sailboat 4. Hire people to clean my houses and do my gardening 5. Give money to charities (oops one over)

10. What behaviour would you ask your cats to explain to you, if they could speak? Why they cry when they carry their toys around

11. Do you go through alot of toilet paper? I don't know! I've never compared notes with anyone

12. Your sitting on the front porch of your home, and a woman walks down the street walking her dog. Fido decides at that moment that he needs to go potty, in your front yard. The woman doesnt' clean it up. Do you say anything? No

13. Your in a store looking to buy a radio. You notice there are two left, one has a price of $29.99 and the other one has a price of $49.99, the actual price. Do you take up the cheaper one? Sure I do if there is nothing wrong with it

14. Do you keep beer in your refridgerator?
Right now hubby has a dark beer in there (barf)

15. IF you like pasta, what is your favorite way to prepare and eat it? I love creamy alfredo sauce over angel hair pasta

16. Do your kits ever walk around mewing for no apparent reason?

17. When you buy papertowels, do you like the pretty patterend ones or just the plain white ones?White usually cause hubby does the shopping. I would buy cute ones

18. Oh oh......the police just pulled you over for speeding.......can you find all the paperwork he needs, (license, proof of insurance, registration of the car)?

19. Susan asked last week if you have sexy neighbors. If you don't have any, do you have sexy coworkers? Not really

20. Any special board vibes needed for the upcoming weeK? If so, just let us know!


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 1, 2004
wirral, uk
1. Do you like veggies? What is your favourite? I HATE VEGIES, NEVER LIKED THEM

2. Are your grandparents still alive? Do you know them well? YES, IM CLOSE WITH THEM ALL

3. When you have a 'lazy' morning, how late do you sleep in?I CANT SLEEP IN, IM A MORNING PERSON, AND LIKE TO BE UP AND ABOUT

4. Do you drive? Do you like to or is it a necessary evil?I DONT DRIVE YET, BUT HAVING LESSONS, I CANT WAIT UNTILL I PASS MY TEST

5. What is your first language? What others do you know - not necessarily fluently, but enough to be understood?ENGLISH, I DID FRENCH IN SCHOOL, BUT COULD NEVER GET THE HANG OF IT

6. How do you like your eggs cooked?SCRAMBLED

7. What is your favourite type of movie?SCAREY OR COMEDY

8. When you go to a movie do you stay to read the credits?NOPE

9. OK, you've won the big one -- I mean the really big one -- the one that sets you up for life. What are the FIRST FOUR things that you do with your winnings?BOOK A HOLIDAY, BUY A HOUSE, SORT OUT A FEW FRIENDS AND MY MUM AND DAD, MAYBE START MY OWN BUSINESS

10. What behaviour would you ask your cats to explain to you, if they could speak?HMMMM, MAYBE ID ASK WHY HE MAKES THAT FUNNY CHIRPING NOISE WHEN HE SPOTS A FLY OR BIRD

11. Do you go through alot of toilet paper?NOT REALLY

12. Your sitting on the front porch of your home, and a woman walks down the street walking her dog. Fido decides at that moment that he needs to go potty, in your front yard. The woman doesnt' clean it up. Do you say anything? DAMN RIGHT, ID MAKE HER CLEAN IT ASWELL

13. Your in a store looking to buy a radio. You notice there are two left, one has a price of $29.99 and the other one has a price of $49.99, the actual price. Do you take up the cheaper one? WELL THAT DEPENDS ON WHICH ONE IS BEST, IF THEY ARE EXACTLY THE SAME, THEN OF CORSE I GO FOR THE CHEAPER ONE.

14. Do you keep beer in your refridgerator?YES

15. IF you like pasta, what is your favorite way to prepare and eat it?I LOVE PASTA BAKES

16. Do your kits ever walk around mewing for no apparent reason?YES, ALL THE TIME

17. When you buy papertowels, do you like the pretty patterend ones or just the plain white ones? NOT TO BOTHERED

18. Oh oh......the police just pulled you over for speeding.......can you find all the paperwork he needs, (license, proof of insurance, registration of the car)?KNOWING ME PROBABLY NOT

19. Susan asked last week if you have sexy neighbors. If you don't have any, do you have sexy coworkers?GOD NO!!

20. Any special board vibes needed for the upcoming weeK? If so, just let us know!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 7, 2005
Ormond Beach/Orlando, FL
Originally Posted by kittylover4ever

1. Do you like veggies? What is your favourite? Yes! I love veggies! Zucchini and brussel sprouts are probably my faves though.

2. Are your grandparents still alive? Do you know them well? I only have one grandmother still alive. I know her very well. She came to live with my parents a few years ago from western New York. It's been nice having her so close when most of my life it was a super long trip to see her and my grandfather.

3. When you have a 'lazy' morning, how late do you sleep in? I usually only manage to sleep in until about 10. If I sleep that late I feel like it's an accomplishment.

4. Do you drive? Do you like to or is it a necessary evil? Yes! I can't imagine not being able to. Most of the time I like to drive, though sometimes it can be a bit terrifying.

5. What is your first language? What others do you know - not necessarily fluently, but enough to be understood? English. I know only a bit of spanish, and that's it.

6. How do you like your eggs cooked? To be honest, I never remember and have to have either my parents or Brendan speak for me when I'm ordering eggs. You'd think I'd remember what it's called after 22 years!!

7. What is your favourite type of movie? That's tough. I love lots of different kinds of movies. Probably drama or comedy though.

8. When you go to a movie do you stay to read the credits? Only if they're showing extra clips during the credits or if I heard there's an extra scene after the credits, like with Constantine.

9. OK, you've won the big one -- I mean the really big one -- the one that sets you up for life. What are the FIRST FOUR things that you do with your winnings? Put a whole lot of it in a special savings account meant only to pay for my graduate school, put another large chunk in a few various mutual funds, buy a new car for myself and one for my mom (since everyone else in my family is set with theirs).

10. What behaviour would you ask your cats to explain to you, if they could speak? I'd like to know how Waffle knows it's me coming to the door before I even get into my hallway at the apartment!

11. Do you go through alot of toilet paper? I'd say I go through a pretty average amount. My boyfriend's female roommate uses SO MUCH of it on her caked on make-up though that there's RARELY any toilet paper in their bathroom. *grumblegrumblegrumble*

12. Your sitting on the front porch of your home, and a woman walks down the street walking her dog. Fido decides at that moment that he needs to go potty, in your front yard. The woman doesnt' clean it up. Do you say anything? Probably not. I've never been bothered too much by things like that.

13. Your in a store looking to buy a radio. You notice there are two left, one has a price of $29.99 and the other one has a price of $49.99, the actual price. Do you take up the cheaper one? Of course.

14. Do you keep beer in your refridgerator? On occasion. Pretty much just for Brendan though, I'm not a beer fan. I can only really handle a dark beer and that's even pretty rare. I'd never have anything like bud or any other junk beer like that in my fridge. If it's in there it's gonna be quality.

15. IF you like pasta, what is your favorite way to prepare and eat it? With fresh shrimp and vegetables sauteed and thrown in with it. Then topped with Barilla's Rustica sauce! I LOVE that stuff!

16. Do your kits ever walk around mewing for no apparent reason? Yes and I find that strange since it's fairly rare.

17. When you buy papertowels, do you like the pretty patterend ones or just the plain white ones? I don't really care. I just buy whatever is relatively cheap. It's always nice to have the decorated ones though, if they happen to be the cheapest!

18. Oh oh......the police just pulled you over for speeding.......can you find all the paperwork he needs, (license, proof of insurance, registration of the car)?'s all in there. Though there's also a number of outdated registrations and insurance cards so it might take me a minute to find the correct one in the glove compartment. It's definitely there though.

19. Susan asked last week if you have sexy neighbors. If you don't have any, do you have sexy coworkers? Only at the gym, and only one or two of the guys are actually sexy. I can admit that there are some attractive women that I work with there though.

20. Any special board vibes needed for the upcoming weeK? If so, just let us know! Hmmm...none that I can think of!

From Fran and Susie, we hope your upcoming week is the best ever!
Have a good one guys!


TCS Member
Jul 4, 2002
1. Do you like veggies? What is your favourite? Yes I love veggies and all of them except tomatoes!

2. Are your grandparents still alive? Do you know them well? My mum's parents are still alive and I am very close to them!

3. When you have a 'lazy' morning, how late do you sleep in? 8:30am! Kahu doesnt let us sleep!

4. Do you drive? Do you like to or is it a necessary evil? Nope I hate to drive.

5. What is your first language? What others do you know - not necessarily fluently, but enough to be understood? Its a toss up between spoken english, american sign language and new zealand sign language.

6. How do you like your eggs cooked? sunny side up

7. What is your favourite type of movie? psychological thriller, comedy.

8. When you go to a movie do you stay to read the credits? Only if someone tells me that theres more after the credits. But then again, i almost never go to the movies anyway!

9. OK, you've won the big one -- I mean the really big one -- the one that sets you up for life. What are the FIRST FOUR things that you do with your winnings? Buy a new house with land, put the money into investments, buy an apartment in New Orleans so I can go there every year for Mardi Gras, pay off my family's debts.

10. What behaviour would you ask your cats to explain to you, if they could speak? Why Peedoodle is so needy for attention and I would tell him I would never abandon him. Kahu...I would ask him why he is so demanding for his wet food and to please let us sleep a little longer!

11. Do you go through alot of toilet paper? Not really.

12. Your sitting on the front porch of your home, and a woman walks down the street walking her dog. Fido decides at that moment that he needs to go potty, in your front yard. The woman doesnt' clean it up. Do you say anything? I would chase after her with a plastic bag and tell her to clean it up or I will dump it on her doorstep!

13. Your in a store looking to buy a radio. You notice there are two left, one has a price of $29.99 and the other one has a price of $49.99, the actual price. Do you take up the cheaper one? I don't take either one, whats the point if I can't hear??

14. Do you keep beer in your refridgerator? Nope, I dont like beer.

15. IF you like pasta, what is your favorite way to prepare and eat it? Alfredo!

16. Do your kits ever walk around mewing for no apparent reason? I dont think so.

17. When you buy papertowels, do you like the pretty patterend ones or just the plain white ones? I buy the ones with the different sizes so I can use as least as possible, it doesnt matter if they are pretty or not.

18. Oh oh......the police just pulled you over for speeding.......can you find all the paperwork he needs, (license, proof of insurance, registration of the car)? yep

19. Susan asked last week if you have sexy neighbors. If you don't have any, do you have sexy coworkers? I dont have any sexy neighbours but I have one sexy coworker - my hubby!

20. Any special board vibes needed for the upcoming weeK? If so, just let us know! None, so I can expend mine for anyone who needs them here!


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
Originally Posted by kittylover4ever

Happy "Almost" Independence day! Hope everyone's week was a great one. My thanks to Susan/Rosiemac for cohosting last week with me on the questions. This week my cohost is the wonderful Frannie/Rapunzel47. If any of you want to cohost with me, just PM me. Here we go........first set of 10 are from Fran, the second set are from me.

1. Do you like veggies? What is your favourite? I like a lot of veggies. Broccoli is my favorite

2. Are your grandparents still alive? Do you know them well? None are alive

3. When you have a 'lazy' morning, how late do you sleep in? 9:00 the latest

4. Do you drive? Do you like to or is it a necessary evil? I drive and I like it!

5. What is your first language? What others do you know - not necessarily fluently, but enough to be understood? English is my first language. I did take 3-1/2 years of French in school. It helped when I went to Canada, but I have forgotten a lot.

6. How do you like your eggs cooked? Gimme an omelet!!! If it's a plain egg, I'll take scrambled.

7. What is your favourite type of movie? Comedy/Romance

8. When you go to a movie do you stay to read the credits? No, unless the theatre is very crowded, then I may wait for the majority of people to leave.

9. OK, you've won the big one -- I mean the really big one -- the one that sets you up for life. What are the FIRST FOUR things that you do with your winnings? New house in this area, Another house in the mountains, give some to my brothers and parents so they can live better. After that, I would proably set up some type of charity.

10. What behaviour would you ask your cats to explain to you, if they could speak? How can you go from loving and purring one minute, to having your back arched and looking scared and galloping away the next?

11. Do you go through alot of toilet paper? Sure

12. Your sitting on the front porch of your home, and a woman walks down the street walking her dog. Fido decides at that moment that he needs to go potty, in your front yard. The woman doesnt' clean it up. Do you say anything? If I was outside, right in front, Sure would!

13. Your in a store looking to buy a radio. You notice there are two left, one has a price of $29.99 and the other one has a price of $49.99, the actual price. Do you take up the cheaper one? Yes, I would.

14. Do you keep beer in your refridgerator? Sure so, but I don't drink it! My husband does. We had a cookout yesterday for friends, so there is A LOT of beer in there right now! Party at my house!!

15. IF you like pasta, what is your favorite way to prepare and eat it? Lasagna!

16. Do your kits ever walk around mewing for no apparent reason? She sure does!

17. When you buy papertowels, do you like the pretty patterend ones or just the plain white ones? Whatever is cheaper!

18. Oh oh......the police just pulled you over for speeding.......can you find all the paperwork he needs, (license, proof of insurance, registration of the car)? Yep, all in the glove compartment!

19. Susan asked last week if you have sexy neighbors. If you don't have any, do you have sexy coworkers? No, but there was this one guy that was helping construct the new building we moved to. He was definitely sexy!

20. Any special board vibes needed for the upcoming weeK? If so, just let us know! My father has bronchitus and is having a hard time getting rid of it. He could use a few vibes. My husband and I are also driving to Cape Cod and Wednesday morning for a few days. It may be tough battling the traffic!

From Fran and Susie, we hope your upcoming week is the best ever!
Same to both of you! Thanks!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
1. Do you like veggies? What is your favourite?
yes - broccli and cauliflower

2. Are your grandparents still alive? Do you know them well?
three of them, my granny passed away in jan 04

3. When you have a 'lazy' morning, how late do you sleep in?
10am-12pm, depending on how late i stayed up the night before

4. Do you drive? Do you like to or is it a necessary evil?
i loooooove driving, the faster the better, it relaxes me

5. What is your first language? What others do you know - not necessarily fluently, but enough to be understood?
english- i speak basics in spanish, portugese, and french... my goal is to be fluent in about 6 choice languages by the end of my life.. i used to be almost fluent in spanish, but i never spoke it, and most of it has faded away

6. How do you like your eggs cooked?
scrambled will do, or in an omlet with turkey and cheese

7. What is your favourite type of movie?
no favorite, i love a good movie, doesnt matter the type

8. When you go to a movie do you stay to read the credits?
uh, no

9. OK, you've won the big one -- I mean the really big one -- the one that sets you up for life. What are the FIRST FOUR things that you do with your winnings?
money to local animal shelters, my dream car, a new giant cat tree for my kits, and the rest would go to saving until i thought of more interesting things to do with it

10. What behaviour would you ask your cats to explain to you, if they could speak?
what causes them to spaz out

11. Do you go through alot of toilet paper?
yeeeeeeeees! what can i say, i like to be/feel clean!

12. Your sitting on the front porch of your home, and a woman walks down the street walking her dog. Fido decides at that moment that he needs to go potty, in your front yard. The woman doesnt' clean it up. Do you say anything?
yes, i ask if she would like to me to get her something to clean that up, or is she has something

13. Your in a store looking to buy a radio. You notice there are two left, one has a price of $29.99 and the other one has a price of $49.99, the actual price. Do you take up the cheaper one?
of course!

14. Do you keep beer in your refridgerator?
yes, tons and tons of it!

15. IF you like pasta, what is your favorite way to prepare and eat it?
i love pasta, anyway is great, but i really like stuffed shells

16. Do your kits ever walk around mewing for no apparent reason?

17. When you buy papertowels, do you like the pretty patterend ones or just the plain white ones?

18. Oh oh......the police just pulled you over for speeding.......can you find all the paperwork he needs, (license, proof of insurance, registration of the car)?
after 10 minutes of searching yes, it is never where i think it is

19. Susan asked last week if you have sexy neighbors. If you don't have any, do you have sexy coworkers?
dont work, but i have sexy fellow students

20. Any special board vibes needed for the upcoming weeK? If so, just let us know!

Excellent questions guys!!! Have a good week everyone!


TCS Member
Jul 20, 2003
Lotus Land
Originally Posted by sooz123

Siamese do a lot of explaining in their "native language" but in a way we can understand... but I would like to know why Mika insists on trying to eat every plastic shopping bag that comes in the house.
Now that made me crack up! Only one Siamese has owned us (Nibs [RB] but it's only a matter of time before there's another) and he did that too. Absolutely DON'T leave a plastic shopping bag where he can get at it and expect to find the handles intact in the morning!
Only cat I've known who did that.