This weeks questions: 05/22/05


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 17, 2003
Wellington City, NZ
kittylover4ever said:
First of all, Susie, what's Hookey?

1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do? Throw it away

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help?
I don't drive so wouldn't be in this situation

3. How often do you go grocery shopping? Go the supermarket maybe three times a week

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most? Whtiby New World

5. Do you have a bicycle? Nope

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis? I have played it

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home? Only one

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad? Potato salad

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse? Yip

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre? The Interpreter

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could? Nope

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now? None

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more? Pen

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias? I used to

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye? I can watch, but have never tried putting any in my eyes

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato? Potato's

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate? Depends which one

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with? I don't use soap. I use body wash.

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail? Sometimes

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for? Nope


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
SW Indiana
1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do? Discard the can ASAP

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help? Depends - - -

3. How often do you go grocery shopping? Once a week

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most? Super Wal-Mart

5. Do you have a bicycle? Not any more

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis? No - as for badminton...

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home? 3

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad? Can I taste them first?

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse? Yes, it was made by my parents.

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre? I think Disney's Aladdin. Yeah, it's been eons since I've been to the cinema.

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could? Well, used to. After that bout with pneumonia, though...

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now? One - by the computer

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more? pen

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias? yep - a set of Funk & Wagnells

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye? Tried contacts years ago and couldn't tolerate them, have watched many a person put a contact in.

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato? Po-tay-to

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate? Run, then peek to see what made the noise. Ari just had his first confrontation with a running printer.

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with? No, use whatever ones sis makes.

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail? Sometimes

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for? Brother-in-law had surgery onThursday. He would like good vibes that the skin graft will allow him to get a prosthesis for his leg.

And Jasper has been missing since May 12. Just send good vibes that he can come back or that I can find out why he can't come back.


TCS Member
Dec 3, 2003
Originally Posted by kittylover4ever

Hello everyone. My 3 day hookey weekend is coming to an end.
but the good thing is I work for 5 more days and then get another 3 day weekend off with Memorial Day next weekend! (At least it is here in the states)!
Hopefully alot of you will be off to enjoy it as well. Let's get started. This first question was donated by a very good friend........

1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do? BIN IT!

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help? DON'T DRIVE, BUT I DON'T KNOW?, I'D PROBABLY OFFER TO RING FOR SOME HELP FOR HER

3. How often do you go grocery shopping? ONCE A WEEK

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most? MORRISONS SUPERMARKET

5. Do you have a bicycle? NO

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis? NO

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home? TWO

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad? PASTA

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse? NO

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre? CAN'T REMEMBER?

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could? I THINK SO?

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now?FOUR. 3 SPOT LAMPS IN THE CEILING, AND A LAMP BESIDE THE COMPUTER

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more? PEN

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias? NO

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye? EEK I'D RATHER NOT

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato? POTATOE

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate? BOTH

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with? NEUTRALIA FOR MY FACE AND ANYTHING THAT SMELLS NICE FOR MY BODY

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail? YES

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for? THAT I CAN GET RID OF THIS AWFUL COLD FAST

Have a great one everybody!

(today would have been my grandparents 75 wedding anniversary!)


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do? Check the exp date

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help? Nope...wouldn't be any help!

3. How often do you go grocery shopping? Twice a month, not counting last minute things.

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most? Walmart

5. Do you have a bicycle? Only my husbands, mine was stolen a few years ago thanks to either my step-brother or step-sister.

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis? Have but I'm not that athletically inclined!

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home? 2

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad? PASTA SALAD...hands down...I could live off the stuff!

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse? My grandfather made all us grandaughters doll houses with working lights and everying. Grandma made all the bedding and curtains for the furniture and things too. I cherish my doll house. It even gets decorated at Christmas...lights and all!

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre? Princess Diaries 2, I'm not a big movie fan.

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could? Probably but I'm not gonna try at the moment.

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now? 3

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more? Purple pen!

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias? Only on the computer.

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye? I would LOVE to have contacts soon as I get the money I will. It doesn't bother me one bit. Now my husband cringes when I have put mine in or taken them out.

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato? Tomato...esp from Grandpa's garden!

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate? Right now they are still running, but less than before.

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with? Dove

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail? Yep, worked for Hallmark for a few years so I'm addicted to em.

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for?I have a test at the cardiologist this week....


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 31, 2002
"Southside of Cincinnati"
1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do? Pitch it

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help? Yes, been there... I'd change it for her & chat about stuff.

3. How often do you go grocery shopping.. .a few times a week

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most? Kroger

5. Do you have a bicycle? YUP

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis? YUP I'm great at it

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home? 4, 2 upstairs & 2 in the basement

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad? Pasta

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse? Yup

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre? Star Wars Ep III, Revenge of the Sith --- twice in the theater within 2 days.

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could? Yup, I can now that I'm recovered

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now? None, just ceiling lights & candles

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more? Pen

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias? Yeah I have a set but they're just there for looks

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye? Uh yeah, I wore contacts for 20 yrs til I had Lasik done

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato? Potato -- you can do more with a potato.

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate? The girls run & hide; the boys form a squadron & go attack!

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with? St. Ives

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail? Yup, always, with pics of my cats & me & daughter on them.

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for? Nah I'm all-good


TCS Member
Jul 20, 2003
Lotus Land
1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do?

Wrap well, then put in the garbage OUTSIDE, not the one under the sink

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help?

I'd more likely, without getting out of the car, ask if I could make a call for her, or simply call 911.

3. How often do you go grocery shopping?

No real pattern, but I'm in some grocery store or other several times a week -- sometimes just for one or two items, but I'll also consult my list to see if there's anything else I should be picking up.

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most?

Several, depending on where I am at the time: Safeway is closest, but I prefer Choices, Capers or Stongs [in no particular order]

5. Do you have a bicycle?

Not anymore. We looked at the two bicycles hanging in the garage a couple of years ago, realized we were kidding ourselves and sold them.

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis?

Never have.

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home?

Front, back, basement: 3

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad?

Well, now...I like them all, though I prefer potato IF it's a good one. Macaroni or pasta survive mediocrity more readily than potato, though, so if I have any oubt about the quality, I probably won't take a chance on potato. Is that a sufficiently convoluted answer?

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse?


10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre?

Probably Fahrenheit 911 -- it's been a while.

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could?

Maybe. Not sure.

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now?


13. Do you use a pencil or pen more?

Probably pen, but probably not by much.

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias?

Did when I was a kid. Don't anymore. Between the Internet, and easy access to libraries, I don't think I could justify the expenditure. It's not like we have school age kids doing projects. It probably wouldn't get a lot of traffic before it started being out of date.

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye?

I have no desire to wear contacts; my eyes are jumpy enough when they're being examined, that I think putting contacts in would dicey. But it doesn't bother me to watch someone else.

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato?

Can't choose!!

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate?

Mostly they startle, but don't run. Sometimes they'll investigate, sometimes just give the offending thing the "moth/axe murderer" stare.

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with?

I use a no-name honey/glycerin soap I have only ever seen at London Drugs. It feels lovely, and has a light natural scent, and if they ever stop carrying it, I will be devastated.

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail?

Very few. I got later and later and later, and finally stopped altogether, with the exception of a few specials each year.

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for?

Nothing extraordinary. Please share my vibes among those who need some extras.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 28, 2003
Houston, Texas USA
1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do? Look at it funny, say a comment about it and then chunk it!

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help? Um, I think I would as long as it isn't on a freeway. I would tell her to get in her car and I will call for a tow truck. Here in Houston, they pull you off the freeways immediately.

3. How often do you go grocery shopping? Every 2 weeks. We went today...we hadn't done a GOOD shopping in about a month. My definition of good is going to Walmart where everything is cheaper.

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most? Krogers or Super Walmart

5. Do you have a bicycle? Yes, need to ride it!

6. Have you/ do you play tennis? I have before

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home? one

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad? pasta salad

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse? yes, a Barbie dollhouse

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre? Monster-in-law with my mother last Friday night a week ago

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could? maybe

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now? none

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more? pen

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias? did at my mom's growing up, would like to get a new set for my children some day

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye? Use to wear them, and yes, I can watch people poke their eyes out! doesn't bother me!

16. These two words are spelled very similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato? Potato

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate? depends what kind of mood Mittens is in

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with? Coconut Lime Verbena from Bath and Body Works

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail? Yes, I am old-fashioned when it comes to Christmas

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for? family issues...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 10, 2003
Near Pittsburgh
1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do? i don't think that ever happened.. but i would be freaked out and save it for bf to see then we'd throw it away i guess

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help? if it's daylight and in a decent area I would ask if she needed me to call someone on my cell phone. I would get out and help an old person though, but I'm a single woman and I can pretty much handle myself

3. How often do you go grocery shopping? umm.. once a week maybe

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most? giant eagle

5. Do you have a bicycle? i have an old one but not one that i ride

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis? I used to take tennis lessons but now I just play for fun

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home? 3

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad? pasta salad hands down

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse?no

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre? house of wax.. but that was the drive in.. the theater would be phantom of the opera i think

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could? well I am sorta a quitting smoker but even before i started i was awful at holding my breath, but because I panic

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now? 3.. but only two work, one's for looks

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more? pen almost exclusively

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias?my parents do i think.. i just use the net for anything

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye? I've worn contacts since i was 14. so 11 years. I love eyeball stuff

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato? well.. neither in it's raw form.. but tomato sauce as in italian food is my favorite.. and i also like potato things like french fries, mashed potatoes, scalloped potatoes, and potato salad

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate? he'll run.. but then he'll eventually investigate

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with? dial antibacterial..

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail? i haven't had the pleasure yet.. i'm still the young single girl.. but if i get married i'm sure i will.. for now i just give to people i know well enough to see

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for? I'm just really down and would like cheer up vibes i guess. nothing serious, just general sadness.. for not much reason. Oh and I have that dang pap on tuesday so send me pap vibes


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 2, 2005
Ontario, Canada
1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do?
-ummm...i'm not sure

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help?
- Probably not. I was always told by my mom not to. I'm sure someone else would stop and plus i wouldnt know how to fix it anyway

3. How often do you go grocery shopping?
-once a week

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most?
-Well Zehrs Markets, I work there

5. Do you have a bicycle?
-Yes but its at my parents house

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis?
-I played once or twice years ago with my brother
7. How many outside doors do you have to your home?

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad?
-pasta salad

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse?
-yup, my dad made one for me

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre?
-The inturpreter

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could?
-Im sure i could come close when swimming

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now?

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more?

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias?

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye?
-yeah i watch my fiance do it once in a while

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato?

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate?
-puffs up her tail, runs away but then comes back to look

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with?
-i dont have a fav

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail?
-not usaully but maybe this year i will

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for?
-I'm getting my new coach that i've been waiting for 2 months!! Lets hope nothing goes wrong!


TCS Member
Feb 24, 2004
Loving my beautiful baby girl
1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do? Throw it away!

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help? Yes. I sure am thankful people have stopped to help me when I was in a similar situation.

3. How often do you go grocery shopping? Usually one main trip, then a couple of other times for odds and ends.

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most? Food Lion

5. Do you have a bicycle? No.

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis? No, but would enjoy learning.

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home? One

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad? potato

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse? Yes, it's still in my parent's attic.

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre? Kill Bill 2

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could? Yes

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now? 2

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more? Pen

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias? Yes

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye? Used to wear them before I had LASIK. Yes, and have actually put them in other people's eyes.

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato? Potato!

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate? Run

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with? I use body wash and stick to the couple of brands I know I'm not allergic to.

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail? Every year

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for? Nothing in particular. Plenty of prayers and vibes to offer!

Have a great one everybody!

(today would have been my grandparents 75 wedding anniversary!)Wow, Susie, that's so special!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The future 'Green' House! (NW England)
1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do? Put it in my art box to see what happens next!

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help? To be brutally honest, no. I really think that everyone should learn some general car maintenance or join the AA or RAC! sorry

3. How often do you go grocery shopping? Almost everyday at the moment - trying not to stock the flat up too much before we move!

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most? I go to Asda!

5. Do you have a bicycle? Yes, but it's at my parents'! My flat mate has a mini bike!

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis? Yeah, used to be quite good!

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home? The flat only has one, but the house has two!

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad? I love them all, but i'll go for potatoe salad!

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse? Yes, two!

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre? Along Came Polly

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could? Yes, just did it!

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now? Two

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more? Both equally really, depends on what I am doing!

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias? I have a set at my parents' and I have a complete Encyclopaedia and Cyclopaedia of my own! (need them for crosswords!

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye? I wear contacts!

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato? Potato!
although I like to eat tomatoes fresh from the plant or big ones like apples!

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate? Yup!

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with? Not really!

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail? Yes!

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for? Not particularly, I've just got to get all my pieces and photographs ready for exhibition!

Have a great week everyone!

Sending }}}VIBES{{{ for all who need them this week!


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 1, 2004
wirral, uk
1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do? UMM PROBABLY THROW IT AWAY

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help? YEA!

3. How often do you go grocery shopping? ONCE A WEEK

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most? ASDA

5. Do you have a bicycle? NOPE

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis? I USED TO, BUT NOT ANYMORE

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home? 2

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad? PASTA SALAD

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse? YES WHEN I WAS A KID, IT WAS HUGE

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre? THE RING

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could? WELL I SMOKE, SO PROBABLY NOT

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now? 2

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more? PEN

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias? NOPE

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye? EWW NO, I HATE ANYTHING TO DO WITH EYE'S!

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato? POTATO

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate? YEA!

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with? DOVE SOAP

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail? NO

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for? NO THANKS


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2004
Kansas City, MO, USA
1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do?throw it out.

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help? No but then I'm paranoid

3. How often do you go grocery shopping? around once a month, however I stop and get bread and milk about weekly.

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most? Hen House, I think.

5. Do you have a bicycle? No but I'm planning on getting one.

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis? Nope.

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home? 2

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad? I'd rather starve to be quite honest but I guess macaroni salad

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse? Nope

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre? Star Wars III Revenge of the Sith.

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could? I have no idea but I doubt it.

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now? None just overhead lighting.

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more? Pen

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias? No

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye? Yes

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato? Potato

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate?
Gandalf runs, Samwise investigates.

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with? Dove

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail? Nope

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for? Just getting through the work week.


TCS Member
Jan 3, 2004
Nova Scotia
1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do? Throw it out! No botulism for me thanks!

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help? I don't drive, but if I were with someone, I'd get them to stop and offer to call someone for her.

3. How often do you go grocery shopping? I don't, my aunt does! I do go to the grocery store to pick up things for work though.

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most? Sobey's, Superstore

5. Do you have a bicycle? Not anymore.

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis? I did a few times when I was younger (not very well I might add!)

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home? 2

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad? Pasta!!

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse? Yep!

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre? Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could? I tried, and only got to a minute! (non-smoker here!)

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now? None, just the light on the ceiling

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more? Pen

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias? Nope

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye? I don't wear them, but have watched people put them in

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato?

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate? Depending on how loud it is; if it's loud they usually run, if not they'll go check it out or ignore it!

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with? haven't found a favourite yet

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail? sometimes

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for? None this week, pass them on to someone who needs them!

Have a great one everybody!
You too Susie!
(today would have been my grandparents 75 wedding anniversary!) Awww


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Apr 27, 2005
Taipei, Taiwan
1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do?
throw it out.

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help?
I don't drive

3. How often do you go grocery shopping?
at least 3 times a week.

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most?

5. Do you have a bicycle?

6.Have you/ do you play tennis?
Tried, I suck.

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home?
None to outside. 1 to elevator.

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad?
potato, macaroni,potato,macaroni....I'm homesick now

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse?

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre?
Dunno, hate going to the theater.

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could?
No, I smoke

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now?
None just overhead lighting

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more?

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias?
Parents had a couple of sets, none now.

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye?
Yep, both, been doing it for about 20 years

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato?
Potato, especially mashed with butter.

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate?

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with?

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail?
I always want to then never get around to it.

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for?
Nope, sending good vibes to others


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 8, 2001
IA. If you need me, just meow..
1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do? pitch it. I don't trust cans like that.

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help? nope, I figure a single woman has a cell phone and will call for help like I'd do in the same situation.

3. How often do you go grocery shopping? once a week to take the stress off my life...

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most? Walmart(sorry it's the only one my friend likes to go to!)

5. Do you have a bicycle? nope

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis? I used to but don't anymore

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home? two. four if you count the ones for the enclosed porches.

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad? any of the three I like them all equally

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse? I think so, but I'm not sure.

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre? Star wars tomorrow!!!!

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could? nope not even when I was younger!!

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now? none

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more? pen, I hate pencils

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias? nope. I think my mom owned a set when I was younger.

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye? Yep I do everyday! LOL! (since I wear the annoying things!)

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato? tomatos! I love tomato and mayo sandwiches!

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate? yes, but I am very protective of them so I check it out too!

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with? Dove green tea and cucumber.

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail? Christmas cards.

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for? I'd say the surgery I'm having friday , but I'd prefer some because I feel screwed by my work about the surgery. They are trying to make me come back sooner them I should because other people have done it and have come back sooner... oh bother I'll just post it it's to long to write here...

Have a great one everybody!
(today would have been my grandparents 75 wedding anniversary!)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 7, 2004
kittylover4ever said:
1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do? throw them away

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help? No because I would not be any help what so ever

3. How often do you go grocery shopping? once a week or so

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most? Krogers

5. Do you have a bicycle? yeah but it's at my parent's house and I never ride it and it's actully my mom's anyway

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis? once and it was really funny!! the ball went everywhere but to the guy onthe other side of the net

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home? 1

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad? My Mom's potato salad

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse? yeah

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre? Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith.... really good go see it!!!

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could? no

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now? 2

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more? Pen

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias? Yes

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye? Yes to both

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato? Potato

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate? Limerick runs first then investigates

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with? Caress

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail? yup

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for? ummm..... not really