This weeks questions: 05/22/05


TCS Member
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Top Cat
May 10, 2004
Hello everyone. My 3 day hookey weekend is coming to an end.
but the good thing is I work for 5 more days and then get another 3 day weekend off with Memorial Day next weekend! (At least it is here in the states)!
Hopefully alot of you will be off to enjoy it as well. Let's get started. This first question was donated by a very good friend........

1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do?

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help?

3. How often do you go grocery shopping?

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most?

5. Do you have a bicycle?

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis?

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home?

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad?

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse?

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre?

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could?

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now?

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more?

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias?

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye?

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato?

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate?

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with?

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail?

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for?

Have a great one everybody!

(today would have been my grandparents 75 wedding anniversary!)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 24, 2003
Double Springs, Alabama
1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do? Throw it away!

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help? Yeah

3. How often do you go grocery shopping? every day?

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most? It's a local store called "Son's Supermarket"

5. Do you have a bicycle? yup

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis? nope

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home? two

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad? potato

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse? yes, mom still has it

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre? Lord of the Rings 2

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could? probably longer

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now?three

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more?pen

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias? yeah, two

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye ?
can't wear them, my eyes are so dry that they just stick where you put them in and no, I cannot stand to watch someone else put them in!
16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato? BOTH !

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate?both, lol!

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with? Nah, I swap out a lot

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail? yes

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for? nope, not this week

Have a great one everybody! You too Susie!
(today would have been my grandparents 75 wedding anniversary!) So very cool!


TCS Member
Dec 5, 2004
1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do? Toss it!!!

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help? I probably would. Not that I could do much except to offer to go call someone for her

3. How often do you go grocery shopping? As little as possible - hubby goes every week

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most? Meijer

5. Do you have a bicycle? No- we got rid of them

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis? Yes, but haven't played for years

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home? Four

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad? I really don't like those kind of salad. If I had to eat one, I would choose pasta.

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse? I don't think so.

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre? Finding Neverland

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could? I don't know

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now? one

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more? Pen

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias? No

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye? Sure

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato? Potato

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate? Run

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with? I don't use soap - just bath/shower gels and I like all kinds!

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail?

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for? Nope - have a good week Susie!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 20, 2005
Savannah, GA
Hope you enjoyed your 3-day weekend Susie

1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do?Throw it away?

2. You're driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help?Yup, do unto others.....people did that for me before and I was so appreciative.....gotta do it for someone else...karma....

3. How often do you go grocery shopping?Once a weel (Saturdays)

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most?Krogers because it's closest, but Publix is my fave

5. Do you have a bicycle?Not anymore

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis?Yup, we have a court here in my complex and Bradley and I have plans to start playing on the weekends

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home?2- one to the screened-in porch, one to the stairway

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad? None of the above

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse? Yup, I had 2 (my favorite was my Barbie Dreamhouse

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre?Mindhunters, last night. Great movie!

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could?Possibly, thanks to those years of playing saxophone

12. How many lamps do you have in the room you're sitting in now?Uno....dos...TRES!

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more?Pen

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias?Nope and nope

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye?Yup, do it every day

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato?Tomato

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate?Eppie runs
, Cosette is the investigator

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with?I like the Victoria Secret's body scrubs

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail?I sure do

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for?Driving to FL for Memorial Day weekend on Friday with my best friend....could use some safe travel vibes please

Have a great one everybody!

(today would have been my grandparents 75 wedding anniversary!)Awwww


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 7, 2005
Ormond Beach/Orlando, FL
1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do? There's really nothing in my pantry that's canned. But, I guess I would throw it out? Why would the ends be bulging though. I don't think I get it lol.

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help? No. I've never changed a tire before.

3. How often do you go grocery shopping? Whenever I'm running out of food. It varies. I don't have a set day or anything.

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most? Publix!!!!! I LOVE Publix!!!!!!

5. Do you have a bicycle? Yes! It's still at my parents house though.

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis? I have played, maybe in middle school, but I haven't played since then.

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home? At the apartment, 1. We have a solarium instead of patio so no door there. At my parents, 4.

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad? Pasta salad!

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse? YES!! I have a beautiful wooden 3 story dollhouse that my brother built for me when he was 14 and I was 6. He built it and my mom painted and wallpapered it. It's really gorgeous and I hope to have a little girl who will love it as much as I did.

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre? Kicking and Screaming, on Friday night.

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could? I have no idea. I probably could if I had too but I don't think I'd be willing to without force!

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now? Two. One of them is very pretty. I love lamps lol.

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more? Pen. Pencils are annoying.

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias? No. There's a set at my parents though.

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye? I don't wear contacts so I don't know if I could do it myself, but I have no problem watching other people do it.

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato? I refuse to pick between the two!!!

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate? It depends on the nature of the sound. Sometimes Waffle runs and sometimes she checks it out.

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with? Not really. I don't use bar soap though, just various body washes.

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail? When I remember to send them, yes.

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for? Nope!

Hope everyone has a great week!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 7, 2005
Illinois, USA
1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do?Throw it away!

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help?Near home, stop to see if she wants to use my cell to call for help. In a big city like Chicago, drive past, but feel bad about it. DH has made me promise not to stop to help people in the city!

3. How often do you go grocery shopping?Rarely. DH does the grocery shopping usually. He goes about every two weeks. I am too inclined to impulsive shopping, and we save a lot this way!

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most?Jewel!

5. Do you have a bicycle?Only a stationary bike. But I should get one, now that all the kids can ride two wheeler bikes!

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis?I have, but not for years!

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home?Three doors.

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad?Potato salad

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse?No, but my daughters have them!

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre?Star Wars, last night!

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could?Yes

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now?Two lamps.

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more?A pen.

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias?Encyclopedia Brittanica, purchased at the grocery store in South Carolina. Maybe at the BiLo?

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye?I can watch, but when I had them it was a daily struggle to put them in!

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato?Hard choice, I love them both. If I had to give one up, it would be the potato I think.

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate?Go investigate. When we had a timid foster, she would run in terror from us at first, and Garfield would run just as fast with her, then come tearing back to us!

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with?Dial liquid

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail?Yes

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for?Just new kittens born yesterday.

Have a great one everybody!

(today would have been my grandparents 75 wedding anniversary!)[/quote]

Happy 75th! Wish they were still here with you to celebrate!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 4, 2005
1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do? Throw it out

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help? Depends, Highway no they scare me. City road yes I would.

3. How often do you go grocery shopping? On Sundays.

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most? Safeway

5. Do you have a bicycle? No

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis? In high school not now

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home? 2

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad? Potato salad

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse? No

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre? I can't even remember.

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could? Yes I think so

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now? One

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more? Pencil, I work with numbers

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias? Not me personally.

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye? I do it everyday.

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato? Tomato

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate? Run then investigate

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with? Dove Cool Moisture

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail? Yes and I make my own cards too.

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for? My sanity at work.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 5, 2005
Seattle, WA, USA
1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do? Throw it away!

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help? Depends on the location.

3. How often do you go grocery shopping? Every 1-2 weeks. We live directly across from a grocery store, so usually we make quick trips for particular items rather than large trips.

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most? Albertsons

5. Do you have a bicycle? No

6. Have you/do you play tennis? I've played for fun a few times - don't really know the rules.

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home? One main door, one that goes to our enclosed balcony.

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat: potato salad, macaroni salad, or pasta salad? Ooooh, I love them all. I guess I'll go with pasta salad, but I wouldn't turn any of those down.

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse? No

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre? Can't remember, but we're seeing Episode III this afternoon.

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could? LOL, I don't know. Probably if I really had to.

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now? Three, but we only use 1 of them.

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more? Pen. I only use pencils for a few particular tasks.

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias? My parents had a set when I was a kid.

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in their eye? Yes. I've worn them for 12 years! It doesn't bother me to watch someone put them in either.

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato? I love them both - I'll say tomato however.

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate? They investigate...Chloe much more cautiously than Iris however.

18. Do you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with? Dove (Sensitive)

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail? Yes! I love getting them, so I always send them! I figure there are other people out there like me who like to receive them. Especially picture cards.

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for? Just would appreciate continued good vibes as the kitties in my house get to know each other and learn to get along!

Have a great week!


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2003
Los Angeles,CA
1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do?

I'd throw it away

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help?

I'd ask her if there was anyone I could call for her. I wouldn't get out of the car.

3. How often do you go grocery shopping?

About once a week, although I do stop off at convinience stores for things during the week.

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most?

Ralphs Market

5. Do you have a bicycle?

Does a motorcyle count?

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis?


7. How many outside doors do you have to your home?

I live in an apartment. I really don't have an outside door.

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad?

Potato salad

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse?

Whe I was a child

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre?

I never go to the theatre. The last movie I saw in the theatre was Bruce Almighty-2 years ago, in Florida for my Birthday

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could?

No. I'm a smoker

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now?


13. Do you use a pencil or pen more?


14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias?

I don't have a set now, but I did as a child.

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye?


16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato?

I LOVE tomato's. I also love potatoes, but only if they're mashed. I love tomatoes every way. So I will say tomato's

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate?

They investigate, as long as they know the strange noise can't get in to get them.

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with?


19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail?

No, not usually

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for?

Not that I can think of.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 13, 2005
Orlando Florida
1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do?Throw it immediately in the trash

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help?I've never changed a flat but I would offer to help

3. How often do you go grocery shopping?As seldom as possible - every three weeks is typical

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most?Publix

5. Do you have a bicycle?No

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis?I tried taking lessons once - I guess as long as you can play 3 courts at the same time I could do it - my balls flew sideways

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home?Including sliding glass doors - 5

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad?Potato - it the Irish in me

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse?I made my own dollhouses and furniture as a kid

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre?Star Wars Episode 3 - saw it last night

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could?Probably not, I'm a smoker

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now?2

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more?Actually I use a computer most, then I gues a pen

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias?We had a set growing up, now I use the online encyclopedias

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye?Used to wear contact, had laser surgery about 5 yrs ago

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato?Again the Irish - potato

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate?Mostly run to

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with?Camay

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail?My husband does

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for?Final exam in microeconomics on thursday


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 27, 2003
1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do? Throw it out

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help?
gosh I hate to say it, but if I am alone no. There are too many scams around here. I have helped people in other circumstances, like aguy who flew off his bike, I walked him for a couple of miles to his house.

3. How often do you go grocery shopping? Once a week, maybe another for produce

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most? Trader Joes

5. Do you have a bicycle? Yep, going on a ride today

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis? I used to but not lately

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home? two

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad? Probably the pasta

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse? Yes, oh gosh I loved it too.

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre? Robots

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could? Um yeah.

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now? three

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more? Pen

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias? We had one as a kid.

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye? I don't wear them, and i don't like to watch others put them on.

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato? Gosh it's a tie, I love them both.

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate?
He does both actually.

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with? TJ's hand soap

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail? Yes, always

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for?
I think I have a new job, they called me on Fri afternoon and I have to return the call Monday morning.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Apr 27, 2005
1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do?
Throw it away

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help?
Only if I have someone with me.

3. How often do you go grocery shopping?
Once a week

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most?

5. Do you have a bicycle?

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis?
I have but I suck

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home?
Four if you count the garage door and the door out back that's in the garage.

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad?
Pasta Salad

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse?

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre?
Something's Gotta Give

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could?
no way

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now?

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more?

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias?

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye?
I don't wear them but I have watched someone put them in and take them out.

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato?

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate?
one will investigate the other will run

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with?
Wash what dishes? no, clothes? yes and it's Era

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail?

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for?
Just that I get thru the week and it goes by fast.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 11, 2005
Wellington, New Zealand
1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do? I'd throw it away

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help? Probably only if I had someone with me... not that I'd be much help!

3. How often do you go grocery shopping? Once or twice a week

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most? Co-op

5. Do you have a bicycle? Sold it last year

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis? Used to play but haven't played for years.

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home? 4!! The front door, plus double doors from 3 rooms out onto a terrace that's actually bigger than my apartment!

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad? Pasta

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse? I think so.... I can't remember it vividly.

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre? Million Dollar Baby

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could? Probably not.

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now? one

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more? Pen

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias? Nope.

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye? I wear them, but I hate watching other people put their's in!

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato? Potato naturally as I'm Irish.

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate? Charley used to run and hide.

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with? I like Dove, but it turns to mush in the shower!

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail? Always.

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for? Nothing special this week other than some travels with work. But no aeroplanes this week, so no vibes needed!!

Have a great week!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do?
be grossed/weirded out and say, 'awwww man' and throw it away

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help?
yes-done it before, but she was out of gas, and we were on base, i would NOT do it off base

3. How often do you go grocery shopping?
a real trip... about once a month... i get stuff from schwans sometimes and grab a few things as i need them

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most?
commissary-on base of course

5. Do you have a bicycle?
i do, it is at my parents house

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis?
i have, but no i dont anymore

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home?
just three, front, side and back

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad?
(mustard) potato salad
omg yummy!

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse?
yes, of course

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre?
oceans 12 i think, it was a while ago i know

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could?
probably a minute, i dont know about the half

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now?

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more?
pens!!!!!!! i hate pencils... i will use them if i have to but they have to be HARD lead, soft lead ones make me cringe with sickness

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias?
yep! Colliers, they are kinda old.... i used them in junior high, so they are at least 7-8 years old, my parents gave them to me

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye?
yes, i drive my hubby crazy when i touch my eyeball

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato?
potatos! i love my mashed potatos especially!

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate?
sara stands up like a ferret and waits for a second, if she doesnt see anything then she goes to investigate, chloe is kinda startled and looks around, but quickly goes back to what she was doing

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with?
no, just as long as it has a nice clean scent and it doesnt dry my skin real bad

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail?
yes, of course, but they are usually late, because i am a giant procrastinator!

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for?
YES!!! i am still introducing sara and chloe! and they are good for a while and then they get to rough and sara hurts chloe, so if you can spare any {{{get along}}} vibes, i would appreciate it!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do? Throw it away. Doesn't that mean there's a little hole in it and the contents have gone bad?

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help? Definitely yes.

3. How often do you go grocery shopping? We make 1 major trip every 5 weeks

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most? Walmart Supercenter

5. Do you have a bicycle? No

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis? Yes and I'm pretty good!

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home? 3

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad? Macaroni salad, but only a certain kind. I don't like the sweet kind with mustard, I only like the kind with mayo.

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse? No, but I always wanted one.

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre? Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could? I think I could.

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now? None, we haven't unpacked them yet.

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more? Pen.

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias? Yes

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye? *cringe* Noooooooo. I have this thing about seeing people touching eyes

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato? Tomato!!! Too many potatoes are bad!!!!

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate? It depends on how loud the noise is.

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with? If I'm sweaty from working out, Lever 2000. any other time it's my Victoria's Secret body washes.

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail? When I remember to.

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for? No, thanks any way. Send your extra vibes to folks who need them


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 18, 2005
Originally Posted by kittylover4ever

1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do? open it to see if it looks alright, if it's funky i throw it away

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help? absolutely...i always stop for women!

3. How often do you go grocery shopping? once a week

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most? unfortunately...wal-mart it's cheap!

5. Do you have a bicycle? yes i have an antique's a 1930's beachcruiser

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis? nope

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home? 3 but i have one of them blocked off we don't use it

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad? pasta salad! i love pasta

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse? i haven't personally but i got one for my daughters because i always wanted one as a little girl, and they love it

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre? wow it's been awhile...Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azcaban...opening night

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could? i'm a smoker and i can, we just tried that not long ago

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now? one

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more? pen, unless i'm drawing

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias? i did as a kid but i don't now, i can look everything up online

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye? i've watched people do it, i only wear glasses for reading though so i don't need them

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato? tomato, with salt

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate?
18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with?
bath and bodyworks...cucumber melon
19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail?
yes, with pics
20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for? kids have been very sick for over 2 weeks and they are getting better, but now i'm very sick, and i don't have the energy to chase a 2 year old around
Have a great one everybody!

(today would have been my grandparents 75 wedding anniversary!)


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 9, 2005
Needles, CA
1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do? Toss it in the trash

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help?
Experience has taught me not to stop, I will however, call the state police to her aid

3. How often do you go grocery shopping?
Twice a month

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most?

5. Do you have a bicycle?

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis?

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home?

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad?
Pasta Salad

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse?
One large Victorian that I'm still building, and one chateu waiting to be built

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre?
Star Wars 3

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could?
Nope, I'm asthmatic

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now?

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more?

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias?

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye?
My eyes aren't bad enough, but I have no problem watching someone put them in

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato?

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate?
A couple of them run, most investigate

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with?

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail?

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for?
Cassie and Ivory go for their final round of shots tomorrow, and we'll find out if Ivory will have to have her eye removed. I'm ok with it being removed, I just want her to be ok with the surgery, if it does happen.


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
Originally Posted by kittylover4ever

Hello everyone. My 3 day hookey weekend is coming to an end.
but the good thing is I work for 5 more days and then get another 3 day weekend off with Memorial Day next weekend! (At least it is here in the states)!
Hopefully alot of you will be off to enjoy it as well. Let's get started. This first question was donated by a very good friend........

1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do? THROW IT AWAY!!!

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help? No, she could be a "lure" to get you to pull over and there could be someone hiding.
3. How often do you go grocery shopping? Usually once a week

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most? Shaws

5. Do you have a bicycle? Yes

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis? Yes, but not in a very long time

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home? If I don't count the garage, 3
8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad? definitely pasta salad

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse? I think I had a Fisher Price one when I was young
10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre? I can't even remember!

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could? No - I have asthma

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now? none - only a light on the ceiling
13. Do you use a pencil or pen more? Pen

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias? My parents had one when I lived at home. I don't have one now
15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye? I can watch, but I don't know if I would be able to wear

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato? potato

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate? It depends on teh noise - if it is a loud nosie, she runs. If it a softer noise, she will investigate
18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with? Lately I have been using soaps from Bath and Body works, but I really have no preference

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail? Yes

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for? Not that I can think of
Have a great one everybody!

(today would have been my grandparents 75 wedding anniversary!)


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 23, 2004
New Hampshire
1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do?
Find another can

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help?
Maybe if I had my cell phone on me, because really the only help I could be would be calling someone!

3. How often do you go grocery shopping?
Once a week

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most?

5. Do you have a bicycle?
No, not really

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis?
Yes, but badly

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home?

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad?
potato salad

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse?

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre?
Harry Potter 3

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could?
I just tried and not even close (and I am a non smoker)

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now?
One lamp, one overhead light

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more?

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias?
We did at my parent's house when I was little

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye?
I have contacts

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato?
Potato, particularly cut up into French fries!

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate?
She usually runs

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with?
Not really

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail?

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for?
No, I don't think so!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 24, 2005
1. You go to your pantry, and reach for a can of something, and find the ends of the can bulging. What do you do? Probably throw it out, but I might open it to make sure first.

2. Your driving along the road, and see a single woman pulled off to the side of the road with a flat tire. Do you stop to see if she needs any help? Depends, if she's sitting in the car I'd assume she's already called for help. Since I can't change a tire, I'd pull over and let her use my phone if she looked like she was in need of it.

3. How often do you go grocery shopping? Several times a week. I can't get my husband to do it all in one trip per week like I used to, so we never get to go straight home after work anymore.

4. What is the name of the grocery store you go to most? Publix, but in Knoxville it was Ingles or Kroger.

5. Do you have a bicycle? No, but our neighborhood is very condusive to biking in the street or roller blading. I want some roller blades myself.

6. Haver you/ do you play tennis? I took to it one summer in my early 20's, but that was it.

7. How many outside doors do you have to your home? Two if you don't count the door to the garage or garage door.

8. If you only had these three choices, would you prefer to eat, potato salad, macaroni salad or pasta salad? Potato!

9. Have you ever owned a dollhouse? My dad hand crafted one for us kids, and I loved it. Even had stairs... but I don't know what happened to it.

10. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre? Amityville

11. They say the average non smoker can hold thier breath for a minute and a half. Do you think you could? Used to, not anymore... because I am a smoker!

12. How many lamps do you have in the room your sitting in now? One, with a great big overhead light in the ceiling fan.

13. Do you use a pencil or pen more? Pen. Purple ones.

14. Did you ever/do you have a set of encyclopedias? Nope, but I had an old fashioned set growing up... the kind they sold door-to-door.

15. Can you wear or can you watch someone put a contact lense in thier eye? I used to wear them, so yes! Although I can't do it if I'm watching myself in the mirror for some reason, have to go by feel.

16. These two words are spelled verys similarly......which do you prefer to eat? Tomato or potato? Potato!

17. Do your kits run from unexpected strange noises or go to investigate? Investigates, especially if the noise came from one of the birds!

18. So you have a favorite brand of soap that you wash with? Dove Nutrium... now that I've used it for so long everything else dries me out.

19. Do you send out holiday cards through snail mail? Yup! I think email cards are cheesy because ...they're free... and take no effort, so they can't convey the same sentiment!

20. Anything coming up this week that you need some good vibes for? Not that I can think of...