This is the SECOND time I've had my posts not show up so am reporting it this time.

red top rescue

TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
Last week I responded to someone's post (a team member fortunately) in a thread about visiting New York City.  I even included a photo.  Later on I asked her to see my post on the thread and she came back in a PM and said there wasn't one there.  I checked and sure enough, it wasn't there, and didn't show up as a draft either, which it would have done if I had just neglected to click POST.  I sent her the same message in a PM and she suggested I ask the mods about it, but it didn't seem worth the trouble.  Andeventually it showed up in drafts (6/22).  OK, so just a few minutes ago I wrote a medium sized post in response to a comment from wasabipea, in the thread and I POSTED it.  Evidently Datagrrl posted at the exact same time I did, and her post showed up, mine did not, and mine is not in the drafts either!!  So can two posts collide and one of them wins and knocks out the other?

Also, immediately after that I tried to give someone purraise and I was unable to type anything in the comment box!  It just would not take any text from me.  Yes, I know we're still in a Mercury retrograde and weird stuff abounds, but I'm starting to feel like a second class citizen here!  Any explanation?  I will now try to go back to the post I wanted to give purraise to, but think it probably took the purraise but just not the comment.  Take your time, I have to go to work now, won't be back for hours!
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Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
That's frustrating! The post hasn't been held for review, i.e., there's absolutely no record of it, so no explanation. Most of what I post doesn't show up in my draft list, so I doubt you can go by that.

It would help to know what browser you're using and if you're using any sort of add-ons. This could also indicate that you might be experiencing a problem with your computer/a virus, rather than a malfunction at this end.
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