This for those who harness trained there cats


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 24, 2024
Hi I was wondering is there anyone on this forum that’s has harness trained there cat or cats ? The reason I ask is because I’m one of those people that did so lol was wondering if you have done so ? Has anyone ever get tired or annoyed with people constantly. I mean constantly approaching you asking about your cat and asking how you got them to wear a harness ? Just curious cause I am so fed up and tired and annoyed most times . When I’m out with my kitty and I have people asking me wow how did you do that or ask for tips or pics . I’m so tired of it at times that it upsets me cause I never ever wanted this type of attention ever . I did this in the beginning for her then I realized how much I loved having her by my side when I would leave . And I’ve actually enjoyed and prefer to have her tag along with me . But without all the constant attention and ect , but that’s just me you know I’ve notice , if you have a dog it’s so different then if you have a cat walking on a harness . I know it’s weird it’s strange and it’s different but it’s just a cat on a harness . It’s not like a monkey or a possum or a tiger 🐯 on a harness lol so was wondering what’s up with all the attention? I get it’s a cat on a harness? But it’s just that a cute kitty cat on a harness with her owner .


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 24, 2021
Victoria, Australia
It's unusual enough to draw attention, not least because it's a lot harder to train most cats to a harness than it is dogs. I succeeded with one cat out of three. I'd be glad if other people want to learn how to do it.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 24, 2024
Yeah but try after being on a grey hound for 5 days including delays lol also for me I did it when she was a weee little kitten lol and she didn’t take to it at first but gradually. She did once she knew she would be rewarded and plus she knew she be going outside and to places with me lol but she don’t always care for ppl lol


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 24, 2021
Victoria, Australia
You mean try walking a cat after being on a Greyhound bus for five days, or having people ask you about it then? They're not going to know that. Point is it is rare to see cats being walked - I never see any and cats are kept indoors far more now here in Australia - so you're always go to get people asking about it.


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
I agree withthe above members. I would be flattered under the circumstances. I have harnessed training one cat, but we didn't go any farther than the backyard. However, DH's friend had a little dog, Buddy, he took everywhere. When we went somewhere together, it was like being with a celebrity. I think it kind of goes with the territory. Most people who have their pets out in public seem to enjoy showing them off, even though it means getting stopped often.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 24, 2024
Oh I see but still I just get annoyed lmao I know it’s rare to see a cat walking with his or her owner lol but it’s nothing new
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 24, 2024
At times I was flattered and still am but it gets hold I don’t care for the attention I just wanna be left alone lol I get not everyone sees a cat on a harness I get it but should I wear a sign saying please leave me be today lol


Toxoplasmosis Mind Control Slave
Adult Cat
Jan 19, 2024
I get it. You’re not a people person and I’m not either, at least not in real life, I’m pretty nice on the internet though lmao. I dog sit for my mom quite a bit and the thing I hate about it most is the huge influx of people I have to deal with when I’m just trying to take him for a walk, who approach, wanting to pet him, ect. that I end up having to make small talk with for way longer than I’d like. Most of the time I’m fine with it, especially if it’s someone who has a dog he knows, but other times I’m just really not in the mood. When I’m reeeally not in the mood I will sometimes lie and say something like “Oh, please don’t approach! He’s reactive!” and they very quickly change their minds about wanting to meet him :flail: You could easily do something similar for your cat when needed, just say “Oh sorry, she’s scared of strangers” or something and they should usually back off. There’s nothing wrong with setting boundaries and having a cute dog/cat/baby doesn’t give strangers the right to your time, touching it, ect. If she actually doesn’t like attention from strangers you are really just advocating for your cat, and there’s nothing wrong with that, and if she does like strangers but you don’t, you are just advocating for yourself :dunno:
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 24, 2024
Omg !!! Finally someone that understands lol I love my fur baby for better or worse she’s my best lil friend in the whole world lol sometimes I just like taking her for walks like going to a quite park and walk the trails . Without having random strangers wanna to pet her and stuff . I don’t mind it at times but hell not all the time but I try my best to be nice and not rude . Cause I get it most don’t see someone walking there kitty cat lol but when I do to me it’s special it’s me and her time . It’s a moment I can bond with her and take her out for kitty cat adventures without having to worry about doggies lol l think sometimes she prefer to have me all to herself lol cause she has known me since she was a little baby lol and I love those little moments with her lol she’s so darn sassy and so playful and I know how far I can go with her . And she knows how far she can go before she gets too carried away lol and she does listen too me lol if she’s riding on my shoulder and she wants down . If I say no and tell her to stay on my shoulder . Then she will stay but if I say go ahead and jump down . Then she will lol she’s a good little girl but the thing is I know she is extremely attached to me . Especially since I take her everywhere with me on her harness and u just went and got her a new one lol I feel she feels safe when she’s with me and it’s like she’s only trust me . I call her my little princess or my little love . Cause when I was dealing with my own self love she was there to show and teach me love . She’s the best little thing on four paws but she doesn’t like other cats or dogs around me lol you know what funny is that dogs will run when they puffs up lol which is so silly too . But I love her and I hope I’ll have her for many many years to come :) most people don’t see the sweet side that only I get to see . I know some thinks she’s mean and ect but really she’s so not like that when it’s just us lmao I always think she’s putting on a front and showing off lol


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 1, 2022
At times I was flattered and still am but it gets hold I don’t care for the attention I just wanna be left alone lol I get not everyone sees a cat on a harness I get it but should I wear a sign saying please leave me be today lol
Years ago, I had a promising puppy that I decided to train for competition. That involved training in different environments, like parks and stores. Many times people would make very nice comments about his behavior which I appreciated. But sometimes people would take it upon themselves to pet him without asking, which was rewarding to him because he would break his stay or position and be rewarded for it with pets from strangers. It was very, very annoying. I bought him a harness that said "do not pet." Most people respected it.

This harness appears to be similar with velcro patches you can personalize to place on your cats harness.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 24, 2024
I might have to get one of those lol I don’t mind it once in a while . But after coming home I’ve just been tired and she’s the same . I don’t mind people asking me about how to do this or that . But isn’t that what YouTube is for lol so what did happen to the puppy ?


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Finally someone that understands
Its not that the rest of us don't understand, because we do. However, people are people, and you obviously appear to be approachable, as I do in grocery stores about where products are, how to get to a certain street from here, et al. You'll continue to be asked about how you did it even with a Please Don't Pet sign. If you don't want to direct people to the article here on TCS, just let them know there are youtube videos because if they're asking you, they don't know. Use this as a teaching moment to help people with their cats, because not only is it about your cat, it is about theirs as well.


Toxoplasmosis Mind Control Slave
Adult Cat
Jan 19, 2024
if they're asking you, they don't know. Use this as a teaching moment to help people with their cats, because not only is it about your cat, it is about theirs as well.
This sentiment is nice, but the reality is the vast majority of the people asking about it probably don’t intend to harness train their own cat, chances are the majority of them don’t even have a cat nor really care about the process of harness training itself, they just use that as a conversation starter because it’s such a novel thing to see and they want an “in” for approaching the owner and seeing/petting the cute kitty, which is to be expected and totally normal human social behaviour, but it’s also a bit manipulative and entitled and if it’s happening multiple times every time you take the cat out and you’re neurodivergent, have anxiety, are an introvert, and/or are not a people person, it becomes not only exhausting but extremely stressful very quickly to a degree that most neurotypical people will just never understand. If you are one of these people I totally agree with at least pointing them to the appropriate resources, but if that’s all you’re willing or able to do that day and they feel entitled to more than that and are trying to push you to explain everything as if you’re their new personal cat coach, trying to pet your cat without your consent, ect. that’s not okay and the only teaching moment they deserve is one on boundaries, honestly. For me personally, the time I’d be willing to give them would depend entirely on how they approached me and my cat, I think I’d be able to sus out who is genuine and respectful and who is not pretty quickly.
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TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 1, 2022
I might have to get one of those lol I don’t mind it once in a while . But after coming home I’ve just been tired and she’s the same . I don’t mind people asking me about how to do this or that . But isn’t that what YouTube is for lol so what did happen to the puppy ?
I understand that. I sometimes don't really want to talk to anyone after a long day either, but I try to remember that people have a lot less social interaction than they used to thanks to an increase in technology, COVID, etc. I think sometimes people just miss talking with others in person. :)
The puppy went on to compete, and had titles in obedience, rally obedience, and agility. He was a dual performance champion by the time he retired at 10 years old and passed away at 13 1/2. He was part of my soul.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
think sometimes people just miss talking with others in person.
This sentiment is nice, but the reality is the vast majority of the people asking about it probably don’t intend to harness train their own cat,
I'm not going to get into an argument about this since the last sentence of your post was all I had in mind. The bottom line is, if there's a chance to help someone with their cat, take it. If not, try anyway and then, make up an excuse (if necessary) and move on.
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Toxoplasmosis Mind Control Slave
Adult Cat
Jan 19, 2024
I'm not going to get into an argument about this since the last sentence of your post was all I had in mind. The bottom line is, if there's a chance to help someone with their cat, take it. If not, try anyway and then, make up an excuse to move on.
Not trying to argue at all, nor are any of my responses really directed at you alone, I’m just trying to provide a different perspective as these interactions that most people see as basic and easy can be extremely hard for some people, myself included. I have generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and am on the autism spectrum, I go into “fight or flight” mode very easily and sometimes just existing with my own mind is hard— going out in public and interacting with a stranger to simply buy a coffee can be hard— so for me, already being on edge and the additional mental stress of having my cat out somewhere a million things could potentially go wrong, that I’d be constantly worrying about every moment, would already be rough enough. Add having a bunch of strangers approaching me while I’m already in that state, and me being expected to interact with them and let them near my cat, and it could be a recipe for disaster. My point is, everyone’s circumstances are different but just because you are out in public with your cute kitty doesn’t mean you should be expected to interact or be an educator to strangers just because they think it’s cool or whatever. You need to advocate for yourself and your cat first, always.