This feels like a custody battle


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 3, 2021
Hi all I am fairly new to the site but I am grateful I found it as I need some advice.

So this is a long story. In June and July, a cat came up and sat with me on the porch. He’s social and loved pets. He kept showing up at the porch and staying there for hours so me and the housemates went to our neighbours two doors down because we’ve seen the cat with them on their porch sometimes. They claimed he was theirs so we left it alone. But then the cat kept coming and he was cute. Pretty soon he got so comfortable that he started coming into the house and laying down on one of the couches. Every day he would come for an hour and then leave. This was in July, many months ago.

He would be at our front door right in the morning and come into the living room. We found out that his owners got a new kitten and now he refuses to go home. It escalated to the point where he was comfortable going into the bedrooms. And then maybe two months ago he started sleeping over. It felt like he was making a new home with us.

The routine was that every night he would sleepover and then in the morning he would be let out outside cause he asked for it by sitting down at the front door. He would be gone for an hour and then we would hear him scratching at the front door and he would be let in and he’d spend the rest of the day and sleptover again. We suspected that maybe he was out hunting and going to the bathroom outside.

There was much lore in the neighbourhood about him. Everyone knows his name is Marco and apparently he used to live in this house I live in but the owners moved away and didn’t want him anymore. The neighbours two doors down took him in apparently (these are his current owners now) but he would still be roaming around.

My problem is no one ever came knocking on our door looking for him, especially on nights when he would sleepover.

Two days ago, we finally got the courage to ask the neighbours for more info. The woman said that Marco was theirs and to please not let him in or let him sleepover anymore. We were all heartbroken. She told us not to pay attention to him. But the problem is, he’s still here. He keeps coming to our front dooor and asking to be let in. When we ignore him, he sleeps on our front porch waiting for someone to let him into the house. No matter how much we lure him to his home he doesn’t want to.

I keep crying about Marco because he’s not mine and I want to take him inside so bad and have him cuddle with me again but I don’t want the owners to get mad. Apparently keeping cats inside that aren’t yours is theft of property. Although I would argue that he’s no one’s property and he’s chosen to want to live in this house. I am heartbroken. I’ve picked up a habit of smoking cigarettes again because it’s the only time I can afford to spend time with Marco because he sits beside me when I do. But when it comes time to go inside he’s begging and crying for me to let him in. But I can’t and now I’m sad. I don’t want to offend our neighbours or get into trouble.

He keeps staying at our front porch, not moving. No one ever comes over to look for him either. I saw him fighting with another stray cat and I know it is dangerous for him to stay outside. It is starting to get cold and it has been raining but he’s still there, right on our porch.

I want to approach the neighbours about maybe adopting him but I don’t know if that is even at all appropriate. They were clear that Marco is theirs but they never come out and look for him. What should I do?

Cat McCannon

TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 28, 2021
Tell the neighbors that if they don't want their cat to sleep over at your place, to keep him home. I'd also go knocking on their door every time Marco shows up on the porch or in the garden. Tell them you can't keep him out of your place because he's allowed to roam free. You might end up not seeing Marco ever again, but it might spur the neighbors to take care of him. Or, give you Marco to stop you from annoying them.

crystal dawn

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 25, 2015
Missouri, USA
I would consider him abandoned at this point and start researching what would be required to defend myself if anyone decides to come looking and take him in and properly take care of him.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Could you compromise and let him in for an hour or two and than take him back outside. That might be enough for him to feel he has been “home” and more willing to return to his new home for the night. It also gives you some comfortable indoor non smoking time with him.


TCS Member
Aug 11, 2021
Such an awkward situation to be in! My friend experienced the exact same thing.

Here in the UK, keeping a cat that comes by your house is 100% theft of property, regardless of the cat's preference, no apparently about it. It's really hard when you get attached to an animal like that and they beg to be let in, but you're potentially putting yourself in a difficult legal position. If the owners have said he's theirs and to not let him in anymore, I think you should respect that, unless of course he's clearly neglected — too thin, dirty, injured, what have you — in which case you could call the RSPCA or your local equivalent.

They're only two doors down and they know you're attached to the cat, so if they suddenly don't see him around for weeks at a time, your door will be the first one they'll knock on.