there's a kitten outside my apartment, how do I catch her?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 10, 2013
Jeez, this certainly is the season for kittens! I found an abandoned one in a box just a few days ago and now there's a stray kitten (I'm guessing eight weeks old or so) outside my row of apartment buildings. She meowed and climbed up the underside of a neighbor's car when I got out of mine. I called to her a bit and sat down on the curb. She poked her head out from the tire and finally sat down on the street for a bit.

My neighbor says he's been trying to catch her for about a week, but she's very skittish and runs away if you get near. Since I'm the only one here who has cats I put out some kitten kibble and water for her. I'd like to take her over to the humane society, where they could get her taken care of. I'm sure she'd find a home quickly, because she's beautiful. All white with a little grey around her face and paws, with a slightly cream and white striped tail. Her tail is really long. She's gorgeous, but obviously very scared.

What's the best way to catch her? I have some catnip (mine aren't interested in it so I never used it), should I put that out there too to attract her?
I also got some goat's milk for the abandoned kitten I took in, should I leave a little dish out for her?


TCS Member
Nov 20, 2008
Burlington, North Carolina
If the humane society can lend you a trap, that might work. Feed her in the trap only and she will learn to go in it. You can tie it open for a few days until she learns.

If you have the time and patience, you can also use a carrier or crate. Tie a length of twine to the door, loop it through the top of the carrier and walk a distance away. Put the food inside the carrier, all the way at the back. When she goes in, pull the twine and close the door. You will have to act quickly to make sure she doesn't push the door open before you secure it.

Thank you for helping her!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 10, 2013
I called the humane society but I guess they were busy because they never answered. Kitty spends a lot of time inside my neighbor's car, laying on his engine. It took about half an hour of meowing and talking softly and singing to her (just generally looking like a crazy cat lady to all my neighbors and any car that drove down my busy street) but I managed to get about two feet from her after she'd climbed out and was laying on the curb, and she was comfortable enough to nap next to me, but got nervous every time I moved. Then some neighbor kids came out and she ran back up inside the car, scared by all the people and noises.

She's white with cream on her face and paws and tail, and a ton of engine dust and other dirt. She also has a bite or cut (maybe a burn) on her front right elbow. She's a bit older than I originally thought, probably ten to twelve weeks but she's really really skinny. She has bright blue eyes. Really a beautiful cat.

I think I could grab her by the scruff of the neck next time I can get close to her, would that be a good idea? Someone suggested throwing a towel over her and grabbing her but I've tried that on my cats and they always weasel out or escape before I can even grab them, so I don't know that I could do that with a stray who only sort of trusts me. Any ideas?
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 10, 2013
I brought her a can of wet kitten food and she went nuts, loved it and the water and ended up letting me pick her up and bring her inside. I've got her in the bathroom with litter, food, water, and a cat carrier she can cream into when she's scared. She won't stop meowing loudly, and is constantly climbing all over me purring, meowing, and kneading and licking. She's gorgeous and half starved to death, eating everything in sight.


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
I brought her a can of wet kitten food and she went nuts, loved it and the water and ended up letting me pick her up and bring her inside. I've got her in the bathroom with litter, food, water, and a cat carrier she can cream into when she's scared. She won't stop meowing loudly, and is constantly climbing all over me purring, meowing, and kneading and licking. She's gorgeous and half starved to death, eating everything in sight.
How wonderful..
  Congratulations.. you're doing a fabulous thing for this little girl.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 10, 2013
She is actually a he! He's insanely loveable, seriously, I've never met a cat that was so loving to me, and I considered all my cats to be affectionate. He climbs all over me, purring non-stop, kneading me, headbutting me, and rubbing against me. I fed him quite a bit yesterday and left out kitten kibble all night for him (he ate it all) along with water (also all gone).

I'm keeping him in the bathroom to slowly introduce him to my other cats (except the seven-week old kitten I found abandoned a few days, who I bring in to help socialise him). The thing is, he meows like a baby velociraptor. It's a loud, annoying meow, probably the most annoying meow I've heard. And he does it non-stop pretty much unless he's eating or playing. How can I get him to shush? Am I not doing something right?

Also, when can I give him a bath? I was able to use a damp comb to get out most of the motor oil and stuff in his fur but he still has several globs of something stuck in there. I don't want to make too many changes to his life too quickly (he's used to being outside and he has boundless energy in my bathroom), though he doesn't seem to mind the change so far.

(It was hard to get a good picture of him; he's constantly moving. It doesn't show but he has bright blue eyes.)


TCS Member
Nov 20, 2008
Burlington, North Carolina
He looks like he has a lot of Siamese in him - the shape of his face and the ears being pointed.  Siamese are talkers, so there is probably no way you can shush him.  Is there a Siamese rescue near you?  They usually go overboard to find strays homes.   The one near me finds homes only for blue-eyed cats, so they may have restrictions.

When he is ready, you might try bathing him in Dawn dish soap.  Use the original blue, as it cuts the crease and won't harm him.  And the bonus is, it kills fleas!

He's a lovely kitty and you are a lovely person to help him.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 10, 2013
Thank you, Ondine! I had wondered if he was part Siamese because if his coloring and huge pointy ears, and the gorgeous blue eyes. I had no idea they were "talkers" though, since all of my cats are pure black generic cats :) glad to know he's not meowing because I'm doing something wrong!

and no, there's no specialised rescue near me. We are lucky to have a humane society even. I'll probably end up keeping him as long as I can get my cats used to him. Once he's up to weight enough and a few months older I'll get him fixed.

Thanks for the advice on the dish soap! I was nervous about using the harsh flea medicine in him. He's young and so undernourished, I don't want to make him sick. Dawn sounds much nicer!


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
I wrote a response to you in your post at the Description forum.

Well done MadameSir!

Good luck!