There Is No Good Evidence That Felliway Does Anything


TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
Y'all know that cough syrup has been **proven** to do nothing to help a cough in humans right? People continue buying it though.

Felliway doesn't have studies large enough to disprove its value, so its not exactly in the same situation. And its plaussible that hormones *could* have an effect. But there is no reliable evidence that it actually does.

It really annoys me that vets push this stuff. And folks like Jackson Galaxy that have their own custom blends? Ugh, well read the following link and decide if you want to buy this kind of stuff:

Pheromones' therapeutic use in animals

Thats just one link, but I've seen other articles and reviews that say the same thing.

As ar as people swearing it helped their cats, just remember that annecdotal reports from folks that say it helped aren't worth much, because sometimes problems between cats get better on their own. Time doesn't heal all wounds but it sure helps with a lot of them. People tend to notice the testimonials saying it helped, and figure that despite others saying it did not help, "maybe it helps some cats." Maybe. But remember that millions are still convinced cough syrup works and waste many millions of dollars on it every year.

I've got no problem with people that know this and want to take a shot. It *might* work. But many of the folks buying this stuff are also folks that will later not have money for needed vet care. And thats wrong. If money is tight, don't buy this stuff.
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TCS Member
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Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
My Poppycat had no reaction at all to it, although as you mention there are members who really like it. I personally like to utilize cat music and to try other calming products :)
I'm curious about the science on music, but it costs nothing so strikes me as a totally reasonable thing to try.

And I've no problem with folks that want to try the other stuff -- unless their finances are tight enough that it might cut into the money for proven vet care later. My problem is most with vets and others in the business (like Jackson Galaxy) that push the stuff without telling folks it isn't proven to do anything.

(I actually have no problem with giving a kid cough syrup either. Proven to do nothing or not, the power of placebo is a real thing.)


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
There's independent research that the University of Wisconsin conducted and published in Applied Animal Behaviour Science, and it seems like there might be others, although I'm not positive about that.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
There is classical music on in the house from the minute we get up until about 6 PM along with music that I stream from my devices for the cats....some specifically cat music and it does seem to have an effect. Jamie will go to sit in the place where I usually play it and wait.

Feliway has never done anything for any of my cats and I agree that if someone has expendable income it is fine to give it a try but not in place of a vet visit or other essential care.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 22, 2020
Rogers Park Chicago
I started using Feliway- Comfort Zone-for my cat Gem. I had to fly because we were moving, like many other cats she hated the carrier.
I sprayed her carrier and after a minute of her fighting the carrier she calmed down- was calm through the airport and on the flight with me- which I would never put any pet through again. It was a lifesaver for me because in her last year and half she had several trips to the vet and she always calmed down after I used it. One of my vets used it on her towels, but never pushed it on me. So I did have good results with the spray- I don't know about the plug ins- I added one to see if it would help her stress, but it was hard to tell if it worked since she always seemed fairly calm at home. I would say its worth a try if you have a difficult situation. Could be like catnip- It had an affect on some cats but it never did anything for Gem.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 13, 2018
to each their own ... I think it helps my cats with introductions of new fosters and will continue using it. I never got the hype about catnip though ;-) ... it so happens that I have 5 cats that don't react much if at all to catnip ... if anything ... it makes them kind of aggressive with each other - definitely no reaction that I would want so I avoid catnip ... I think cats are just as unique as people ... what helps some might not be so good for others ... many cat supplies are controversial ... top entry litter boxes which I find an abomination and others swear by ... or ... cat box liners, types of litter, brushes. There are people who buy their cats clothes ... more power to them if their feline tolerates it ... I have more of an issue with people refusing to vaccinate their cats or don't spay or neuter ... ( but again personal opinion here ) ... Feliway ... pretty harmless all things considered ...