The woes of working in animal welfare


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
Originally Posted by Dragoriana

' Her little boy picked Lance up and was running around with this cat that looked to big for him to handle, his head shaking around while his sister tried to grab him.
That poor child- his own mother sends his beloved cat to the shelter! The biblical "giving him a scorpion instead of a loaf of bread"

Well, his mother will someday find out the bitter harvest of her actions now is going to be a son that has learned to harden his heart and it wont surprise me if she winds up in a nursing home waiting for a visit that just wont happen....Another tragic consequence of people who discard pets like cheap socks...
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Top Cat
Aug 20, 2006

Guess what? Cleo decided to occupy the end of the bed and steal my leg warmth! That's the first time she's done that. And my boyfriend told me the other week that sometimes when i'm not there she will sleep on my pillows (boyfriend doesn't use them lol). I feel like a real mummy!

Whisky'sDad, that sounds like a good idea. If these kids see the condition some of the animals come in, and how much noise they make just for some attention, they might get better at being pet owners.

catsknowme,i wouldn't know what to do in that situation. When we brought Cleo home she had a problem with Timmy the older cat (there are also two dogs who get along fine), but now they don't mind eachother (well, they can't communicate for a couple more weeks anyway since Timmy was diagnosed with fiv and she needs 3 injections to protect herself). I knwo it's sad that Lance was given up, but at least we look after him, instead of him being dumped. And hopefully someone new will take him into their home.