The "What's on your mind?" Thread -2017

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Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Thanks for all the congrats! Stress, it's an amethyst, I think.
Poor Lily!
Hope all the work issues get resolved.
I had a church wedding the first time around. I think we're gonna have a small wedding. We haven't gotten around to doing any planning yet. Our neighbor is an ordained pastor and he offered to marry us for free. Yay! But people are already asking for a date. I don't know yet! Lol
I have never been married, but I would think you should take your time, enjoy your engagement and the cloud you are on right now. I would not rush into anything... When you feel it is right, then set the date and have a tiny wedding.. just family and a few friends. just my opinion...

Great for your neighbor!! and it is someone you know, so even more personable!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I have always imagined a wedding in June or September out on a green lawn sky blue sky and everyone wearing shorts and nice shirts.  No annoying dresses and hose and heels. And some good ol beer and barbecue food with good music playing..simple.

I woke up with Honeybee burrowed in her nest of blankets on top of me this morning and I was sweaty again. I left the heat on 68, which is a good thing because when I stepped outside it was 9! BRRRR! There's a bit of snow and tons of ice on my windshield. I hacked at it for about 5 minutes with the truck running. I think I woke up the neighbors from all the noise I was making. I sure hate that loud noise of scrapping thick ice off the windshield. Even with running the truck a good 10 minutes didn't make a difference. It was pretty though.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I hate clothes.

I went to Target today and tried on three pairs of jeans, each a different size.  Found which pair fit the best, which I used to determine my size.

I need to order some stuff not carried in the actual store, so when I got home I started measuring.  Then I looked at Target's size charts.  According to their size charts, the clothes that fit well are too small and the pants that fall off and the shirts that just hang on me are the correct size.  Measured my chest for bras, the size that I have that is a tad tight around the chest is too small by far and the size I just shrunk from that was clearly too big was also too small.  The underwear that I'm currently wearing is supposed to be like three sizes too small.

Um, yeah, something is clearly off and it's not my measurements.

Then I pulled out 5 pairs of jeans I recently bought that needed hemming.  I have one pair of jeans that are the perfect length.  I tried just comparing the jeans and then I realized that each one has a different height to the waistband so that won't work.  Dug out the measuring tape and measured the inseam of the one that fit.  28.5".  Okay, so my previous attempts at hemming managed to be a half inch off.  No one's perfect.  So let's measure the rest.  Well clearly I don't know how to measure inseams as every measurement ended in half an inch.

Midway took over the pile of jeans that I needed to hem so I had to wait for him to move.  Finally water was appealing.  (I don't have to worry about him ever getting crystals, he guzzles water.)  I managed to hem the two simplest pairs (only 2 inches too long) and the most difficult pair (6 inches too long).  3 inch and 4 inch will have to wait until tomorrow.  Of course I have to rewash one of the pairs, orange cat fur is coating it, and it's a maroon pair of pants, not blue, so the cat hair is obvious.

The doctor said to take Aleve twice a day with food.  Nice.  Too bad I'm not eating on a regular basis.  Oh well, I can handle 4 ibuprofen on an empty stomach, even though 2 aspirin gives me heartburn.  1 Aleve shouldn't be too much trouble.  Of course the irregular eating is probably why I weighed 226 last Friday and 222 today.  Or was it 224 last week?  I don't remember.  Who cares anyway, it's all numbers.
Buying clothes for women is a total guessing game.  I am reasonably lucky in my height and body type, in that I can take my weight, round up to the nearest 10, drop the 0, and that's generally very close to my size.  Underwear is 1/2 my clothing size.  The key word in this is "GENERALLY," and for some horrid reason, the more expensive a clothing line is, the smaller the sizes tend to run.  Jeans rises also very wildly (crotch to waist) making hemming a nightmare unless you put them on and have someone else pin for you.  LOL...I FINALLY learned how to measure for a proper bra fit, and was I shocked!  I thought I wore a 46 B, but I actually wear a 42 H, and can get by with a 44DDDD.  GOOD LORD!  They don't LOOK that big!  But then, I am nowhere near a petite thing.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I hate shopping too. Some clothes I am an 18 some 16. Shirts are the worst. The arm holes are always too tiny. I find the plus size shirts are wide enough but too short and arm width is stupid sized. I took a good shirt and had to cut the seam in the armpits in order for it to  fit properly. I am usually around a 1x but I buy 2x because Jon likes to wash everything in HOT or warm water. He finally stopped drying my jeans and socks. (socks merino wool). I am detesting summer. If I can't get some of this weight down I know I have to buy even more clothes.

I was ready to bag up some of my clothes for the thrift store but they are 3 sizes smaller than I am now. I hesitated and there's still a huge pile. I have to get myself to cut down on snacking. At least if I can get to the gym 3 times a week I feel like I am accomplishing something. but that headache I had thurs/fri just wouldn't let up. and taking Excedrin in the middle of the night back fired..NO SLEEP!! uggg Why can't I BUY sleep?!! PRETTY PLEASE?!!

Time change tonight is going to make this week hard. Tonight working late=only to get up an hour and half earlier than I already do. I will be a miserable person the next few days. I HATE time change. HATE IT> I say what do we have to do to get them to stop changing it?!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
someone on my Facebook wall posted this link: it's about lyme disease. I wonder if our cats ever get it? Years ago when we first got miss Honeybee-my old vet took a lyme test for dogs and put a drop of her blood on it and it tested positive. At the time that was 2013. She said cats don't get lyme disease. Now I am wondering if they do. Humans seem to be having a hard time getting rid of lyme and then they also get Bartonella. Isn't this the parasite that causes anemia in cats? I know the treatment for this is doxycycline. I just wonder if a longer course of doxy in people who have complications from lyme would help? What a horrible disease to suffer from. I can't tell you how many times I have found ticks on myself and Jon. His are because he's always going in the woods chopping trees down. Mine is I walk in the woods. We tick check the cats regularly. Using frontline seems to kill them better than anything else. Someone mentioned in that article that we have too many deer and that's why the lyme has exploded. Another says it's the mice. I wonder if there is a way to form a vaccine against Lyme? So many questions buzzing around in my head...gonna make me bat crap crazy!!! 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Similar to clicking a pen for the most part. 
@Tallyollyopia   This video has the best example of the noises.
Start at 4 minutes 8 seconds.
Looks interesting. I don't know if RB would like it, but I think AWM would. Great Mother's Day gift idea!
I hate shopping too. Some clothes I am an 18 some 16. Shirts are the worst. The arm holes are always too tiny. I find the plus size shirts are wide enough but too short and arm width is stupid sized. I took a good shirt and had to cut the seam in the armpits in order for it to  fit properly. I am usually around a 1x but I buy 2x because Jon likes to wash everything in HOT or warm water. He finally stopped drying my jeans and socks. (socks merino wool). I am detesting summer. If I can't get some of this weight down I know I have to buy even more clothes.

I was ready to bag up some of my clothes for the thrift store but they are 3 sizes smaller than I am now. I hesitated and there's still a huge pile. I have to get myself to cut down on snacking. At least if I can get to the gym 3 times a week I feel like I am accomplishing something. but that headache I had thurs/fri just wouldn't let up. and taking Excedrin in the middle of the night back fired..NO SLEEP!! uggg Why can't I BUY sleep?!! PRETTY PLEASE?!!

Time change tonight is going to make this week hard. Tonight working late=only to get up an hour and half earlier than I already do. I will be a miserable person the next few days. I HATE time change. HATE IT> I say what do we have to do to get them to stop changing it?!
If we could, I'd buy it. Rough day.
someone on my Facebook wall posted this link: it's about lyme disease. I wonder if our cats ever get it? Years ago when we first got miss Honeybee-my old vet took a lyme test for dogs and put a drop of her blood on it and it tested positive. At the time that was 2013. She said cats don't get lyme disease. Now I am wondering if they do. Humans seem to be having a hard time getting rid of lyme and then they also get Bartonella. Isn't this the parasite that causes anemia in cats? I know the treatment for this is doxycycline. I just wonder if a longer course of doxy in people who have complications from lyme would help? What a horrible disease to suffer from. I can't tell you how many times I have found ticks on myself and Jon. His are because he's always going in the woods chopping trees down. Mine is I walk in the woods. We tick check the cats regularly. Using frontline seems to kill them better than anything else. Someone mentioned in that article that we have too many deer and that's why the lyme has exploded. Another says it's the mice. I wonder if there is a way to form a vaccine against Lyme? So many questions buzzing around in my head...gonna make me bat crap crazy!!! 
Good for you. If more people questioned the "established" mode of thought, the world would be a better place. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Okay, so early this morning Spot brought me a baby bunny. A living baby bunny. Imagine my surprise! So, I gave him a box, food, water, and an old towel as a blanket. (He died. Just letting all of you know that right now.) RB and I got into an argument over the bunny; him saying the rabbit wasn't going to stay in the house and me saying that it was something Spot brought me. Well, the argument hyped me up so much I couldn't go to sleep until noon. At two thirty, after he got off work, RB woke me up to tell me that he'd rethought his position about the bunny--that as long as it lived through the day, I could keep it if I wanted. (Gee, thanks for the permission I didn't ask for.) Well, it got up to almost eighty and my room (where the bunny was, to protect it from the cats) has very little in the way of insulation, so it was hot. I had to turn on the air and go to sleep in AWM's room. A few hours later AWM came home from her work, where she was called by SD's work since he didn't show (apparently, even though he never gave any of us their numbers, he gave them AWM's as an emergency contact), and, well, the phone call was very loud. So, I'm lying there trying to sleep (I have work tonight) as she's calling hosipitals and even a morgue looking for SD. I finally manage to doze into a fitful sleep (again, have work tonight), only to have AWM wake me up to tell me that she's taking RB with her up to file a report now, instead of Monday. Well, on their way up there they got a call from SD's boss who found him--and he was in jail for driving under the influence of his prescription medications. (I really, really hope he doesn't lose his job over this.) Apparently the officer who took him in was alerted by the fact that SD was not maintaining his lane (something he can't do sober; I have no idea how he has a license at all). So now the two of them are trying to get him out of jail, but no bondsman will loan them the money without "total security" (which, if you can afford, it would be cheaper to just pay the bail yourself), because they live out of state. (Did I mention that I have work tonight?!)  

 Well, this  is going to be a fun night, I can tell. In retrospect, the argument I had with RB was indeed stupid, as the rabbit was clearly dying (probably from wounds the cat inflicted on it before bringing it to me to finish off). My only defenses are that it has been a long, stressful year (and still not over!!! 
) and that shark week just started, so I'm a little more emotionally unbalanced than normal.
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Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
@Tallyollyopia    What a day!! I mean, your night... ((Hugs))   at least SD was found.. not good but it could be a lot worse. Thank Goodness for his boss, to help out with the bail...

Wow.. surprised he did not call your mom earlier.. but if it was prescription drugs, then maybe they did not clear his system and make him coherent enough to call????  or was he a long distance from home when he was picked up/

Anyway, he is safe. 

Yes, an argument can really effect a person's sleep. That and the addiction of the time change, is bound to wreck havoc on you! 

((((Hugs))))) for a smooth shift...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Well I guess I got some sleep. Took my nightly tea and passed out at 9? I moved the clock forward and last time I looked at it it was 9:05pm. I woke just before the alarm went off. 4:50am. Honeybee was stretched out across my belly. I think I may have accidently pressed her head into my side=I was trying to get my arm under the blanket and didn't realize she was on me and tried to pull the blanket over me but it wasn't a blanket=it was a cat!
  So I sort of woke up and pet her and rearrange her back where she was. She licked my arm and stretched out a paw on my shoulder and she snored! I drifted off...I didn't look at the clock..probably 2am? I was wide awake this morning but now it's 8am and at work-and I am starting to feel tired. Like I could go back to sleep. Oh come on 4pm! I hate the times change.

@Tallyollyopia  I hope you get some rest. Sorry about the hassles in your life. Sounds like you need a vacation already. Or at least at work you can stand in the coolers to cool off. I spent many minutes in there cooling off when I worked in kitchens. It was the fastest way to get rid of my headaches. Of course you can't stay in there too long but sometimes I wished I had an ice box like this at home in the summer. I probably would sleep in there I get so hot. LOL.

Honeybee hid under the bed this morning when I tried to give her the pumpkin. I already did her puffs when she was laying on me. I had to move her to make her lay across my lap and did the puffs before she took off to hide. She stays under the bed until I leave for work. Jon says she comes up to see him around 8ish and begs for treats. Did I tell you she has an annoying habit of jumping up and biting him if he ignores her?! Then she bites his foot when he's sitting up. Of course he teases her by lifting her up with his foot or just tripping her up as she walks by. She bites him and he makes those noises of oww you brat! and then he picks her up and cuddles her-meanwhile her tail is snapping back and forth and I warn him-watch the tail--if it's whipping back and forth she's going to bite you! LOL. And he doesn't mind. He just teases her some more then gives her treats..which I keep telling him you are training her to be a brat. So no more whining when she claws you.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Just popping in to say, "IT'S SNOWING!"  Well...the snow is  fallling fit to beat the band, but it has been so warm here the past week that it isn't accumulating anywhere, not even trees or car tops.  However,  all my blinds are open, and it is lovely to watch!  I was out in it until Hekitty started clawing at the window, reminding me that I went outside before even filling the kibble dish! BAD MAMA!  Got to check my email, back later.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
we got some snow coming Tuesday.

Today trying to contact the folks who we rent from in the summer=so far it's not going well. So I have looked around and one place looks cute and price is cheaper but some of the reviews were soso. It looks to be on a backroad away from the major roads. I would give anything to find something on a deadend road. I don't like traffic or people zooming by fast. I hope I hear back from the ones we normally rent from but if they don't get back to me in a week I will have to move on.

So far the weeks I want are booked up on most places. I am also considering flying on a plane and visiting people I have met online. And then just staying in my own home and doing day trips here and there. The problem is we have explored just about everywhere so this cottage I am looking at is 15 miles south of our usual area=we haven't been much in that area..we like to drive around back roads and look at stuff. The problem is with Honeybee and Pumps on meds they need to go with us. They both travel well. I just know a new place is very stressful for all of us. Send the heavens some pixy dust that I calm down and let things go. Because I just feel like in shock because I wasn't expecting to never go back. But I guess that's part of being an adult..but the child in me is saying NO!

I should hit the gym after work but I didn't eat all day due to my nerves. I envy people who got their stuff together.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Normally, March is our snowiest month in Colorado, but this year we've gotten practically none.  It's sunny and warm out today, temperature in the 60s, and on Thursday and Saturday it's supposed to get up to 74º F!  We were supposed to get snow in the mountains this weekend, and we have, kind of -- just enough to make driving dangerous, not enough to add to the snow pack, which is what gives us most of our water.  There's a wildfire watch out today for most of the eastern half of the state, because it's warm, dry, and windy.  In February we actually had 75º temperatures one day this year.  With the way things have been going I'm beginning to wonder whether this is still Zone 5 for gardening purposes.

For the past couple of years there have been bills introduced in the Colorado legislature to take us off of DST all-together.  They failed, unfortunately.  But this year they've decided that maybe they can pass a bill to make it DST year-round!  I hope this one passes.  I don't much care which one they choose, I just want us to pick one and stick to it!  Forget this Spring-Forward-Fall-Back thing.  It's only nice in the autumn, when you get the missing hour back.  In the spring we end up with more deaths because of people driving and working while half-asleep.  It's not worth it.

The last month or so have been very weepy for me, what with the first anniversary of my mother's death.  I've been relying greatly on Sudafed, but it can only do so much, so now I have a sore throat from all the post-nasal drip.  I checked, and I'm not running a fever, but I am feeling rather fragile, physically.  Mostly I'm guzzling Throat Coat Tea, using the toilet a lot (all that tea has to go somewhere!), and keeping a close eye on my blood sugar; it can tend to go crazy when I'm under the weather.

With assistance from my Pastor, who had mentioned it in one of her sermons about a year ago, I found a poem that I find comforting; the author wrote it for his mother when she was dying.   It helps to know that a "currach" is a small Irish boat, frequently made of canvas stretched over a wicker frame.

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Well I guess I got some sleep. Took my nightly tea and passed out at 9? I moved the clock forward and last time I looked at it it was 9:05pm. I woke just before the alarm went off. 4:50am. Honeybee was stretched out across my belly. I think I may have accidently pressed her head into my side=I was trying to get my arm under the blanket and didn't realize she was on me and tried to pull the blanket over me but it wasn't a blanket=it was a cat!
  So I sort of woke up and pet her and rearrange her back where she was. She licked my arm and stretched out a paw on my shoulder and she snored! I drifted off...I didn't look at the clock..probably 2am? I was wide awake this morning but now it's 8am and at work-and I am starting to feel tired. Like I could go back to sleep. Oh come on 4pm! I hate the times change.

@Tallyollyopia  I hope you get some rest. Sorry about the hassles in your life. Sounds like you need a vacation already. Or at least at work you can stand in the coolers to cool off. I spent many minutes in there cooling off when I worked in kitchens. It was the fastest way to get rid of my headaches. Of course you can't stay in there too long but sometimes I wished I had an ice box like this at home in the summer. I probably would sleep in there I get so hot. LOL.

Honeybee hid under the bed this morning when I tried to give her the pumpkin. I already did her puffs when she was laying on me. I had to move her to make her lay across my lap and did the puffs before she took off to hide. She stays under the bed until I leave for work. Jon says she comes up to see him around 8ish and begs for treats. Did I tell you she has an annoying habit of jumping up and biting him if he ignores her?! Then she bites his foot when he's sitting up. Of course he teases her by lifting her up with his foot or just tripping her up as she walks by. She bites him and he makes those noises of oww you brat! and then he picks her up and cuddles her-meanwhile her tail is snapping back and forth and I warn him-watch the tail--if it's whipping back and forth she's going to bite you! LOL. And he doesn't mind. He just teases her some more then gives her treats..which I keep telling him you are training her to be a brat. So no more whining when she claws you.
I did get some sleep. Would have gotten more, except no one else was home to let the cats out and in--and the temperature dropped all day. 
Just popping in to say, "IT'S SNOWING!"  Well...the snow is  fallling fit to beat the band, but it has been so warm here the past week that it isn't accumulating anywhere, not even trees or car tops.  However,  all my blinds are open, and it is lovely to watch!  I was out in it until Hekitty started clawing at the window, reminding me that I went outside before even filling the kibble dish! BAD MAMA!  Got to check my email, back later.
Snow can be beautiful. Especially if you have a fire to keep warm.
we got some snow coming Tuesday.

Today trying to contact the folks who we rent from in the summer=so far it's not going well. So I have looked around and one place looks cute and price is cheaper but some of the reviews were soso. It looks to be on a backroad away from the major roads. I would give anything to find something on a deadend road. I don't like traffic or people zooming by fast. I hope I hear back from the ones we normally rent from but if they don't get back to me in a week I will have to move on.

So far the weeks I want are booked up on most places. I am also considering flying on a plane and visiting people I have met online. And then just staying in my own home and doing day trips here and there. The problem is we have explored just about everywhere so this cottage I am looking at is 15 miles south of our usual area=we haven't been much in that area..we like to drive around back roads and look at stuff. The problem is with Honeybee and Pumps on meds they need to go with us. They both travel well. I just know a new place is very stressful for all of us. Send the heavens some pixy dust that I calm down and let things go. Because I just feel like in shock because I wasn't expecting to never go back. But I guess that's part of being an adult..but the child in me is saying NO!

I should hit the gym after work but I didn't eat all day due to my nerves. I envy people who got their stuff together.
I don't think anyone really has their stuff together.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO

I don't think anyone really has their stuff together.
Nope.  Some people are just really good at pretending.  And some people are experts in specific areas; when you see them in their safe zone it looks like they have their stuff together.  But I guarantee that outside of their area of expertise they're just as clueless as all the rest of us.



TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
She most certainly is. 

One time I went clothes shopping at Wal-Mart to try and figure out what my pants size was. I got a twelve, fourteen, and sixteen--that were all the same size. 
 And guys wonder why it takes women so long to go clothes shopping. 

What are the sounds like? (I have trouble with high-pitched noises.)

Really busy night. A couple of points for my customers and coworkers.

1) The big sinks are not trash cans. (I expect my coworkers to know better!)

2) The men's room floor is not a trash can.

3) The men's room mirror is not a place for tobacco pouches.

4) If you don't want your nachos, don't put the tray upside-down on the counter. Throw them.

5) The toilet/urinal is not alive. The toilet/urinal is not armed. The toilet/urinal are not possessed. You can flush them. There will be no recriminations. I promise!!!

I was head-hunted by the night-shift manager of the fiberglass plant across the street. (The same place that has had the air purification system go down seven times  in the last two months, which explains why I'm not applying.) I mentioned that the people working across the street don't seem very happy--and she changed the subject. Um-hmm. I called that.

Still no word from SD. Hoping we hear from him sometime today. 
Are you sure?  I mean, I know the toilets are safe in women's room, but the men's room is a mystery to me.  Except for the few times I've had to help clean the men's room at work.  The toilets flushed safely then, but maybe the monsters are scared of women.
I have never been married, but I would think you should take your time, enjoy your engagement and the cloud you are on right now. I would not rush into anything... When you feel it is right, then set the date and have a tiny wedding.. just family and a few friends. just my opinion...

Great for your neighbor!! and it is someone you know, so even more personable!
I'm really happy for my neighbor.  I guess he was into some bad stuff and on drugs but he got clean and found God in prison and he's really working hard to turn his life around.  It's not easy for him - he was only able to get a minimum wage job and most of his money goes to fines.  He's preaching at a church that was left without a pastor right now but I don't know if he gets paid for it - I've never asked.  I have tons of respect for people who are truly able and willing to change their lives.  I've never been involved with drugs but I'm not naive enough to think that they're easy to get away from.
Okay, so early this morning Spot brought me a baby bunny. A living baby bunny. Imagine my surprise! So, I gave him a box, food, water, and an old towel as a blanket. (He died. Just letting all of you know that right now.) RB and I got into an argument over the bunny; him saying the rabbit wasn't going to stay in the house and me saying that it was something Spot brought me. Well, the argument hyped me up so much I couldn't go to sleep until noon. At two thirty, after he got off work, RB woke me up to tell me that he'd rethought his position about the bunny--that as long as it lived through the day, I could keep it if I wanted. (Gee, thanks for the permission I didn't ask for.) Well, it got up to almost eighty and my room (where the bunny was, to protect it from the cats) has very little in the way of insulation, so it was hot. I had to turn on the air and go to sleep in AWM's room. A few hours later AWM came home from her work, where she was called by SD's work since he didn't show (apparently, even though he never gave any of us their numbers, he gave them AWM's as an emergency contact), and, well, the phone call was very loud. So, I'm lying there trying to sleep (I have work tonight) as she's calling hosipitals and even a morgue looking for SD. I finally manage to doze into a fitful sleep (again, have work tonight), only to have AWM wake me up to tell me that she's taking RB with her up to file a report now, instead of Monday. Well, on their way up there they got a call from SD's boss who found him--and he was in jail for driving under the influence of his prescription medications. (I really, really hope he doesn't lose his job over this.) Apparently the officer who took him in was alerted by the fact that SD was not maintaining his lane (something he can't do sober; I have no idea how he has a license at all). So now the two of them are trying to get him out of jail, but no bondsman will loan them the money without "total security" (which, if you can afford, it would be cheaper to just pay the bail yourself), because they live out of state. (Did I mention that I have work tonight?!)  

 Well, this  is going to be a fun night, I can tell. In retrospect, the argument I had with RB was indeed stupid, as the rabbit was clearly dying (probably from wounds the cat inflicted on it before bringing it to me to finish off). My only defenses are that it has been a long, stressful year (and still not over!!! 
) and that shark week just started, so I'm a little more emotionally unbalanced than normal.
I'm dealing with shark week, too.  Which means a week of back to back migraines.  It's a major pain in the rear.  At least SD was found safe and sound.  Though someone should probably give him a good smack upside the head to get some sense knocked in there.  Men are such boneheads.

It's snowing here again.  Ugh.  And it's not sticking so it won't even be pretty.  Just cold and wet and gloomy.  I'm SO done with winter.  And Aislyn's mother is picking her up tomorrow.  She called this morning wanting to come get her today, but John put his foot down on the 24 hours notice thing.  It's really not that much to ask.  I'm proud of him for standing up to her, even though I understand why he's so leery of doing it.  Without court ordered visitation, he's pretty much at her mercy and since we get her at least half the time, he's afraid to rock the boat.  But I'm still sick of her walking all over him.

An old childhood friend came to Colton's to eat today.  He was with his mother and a few other people.  We grew up together and played together as kids, but I hadn't seen him in at least 10 years.  He looked terrible.  His teeth were all black and he was all methed out.  Everyone always knew his family was bad news, but that doesn't stop you from hoping he would follow a different path.  I didn't talk to him.  I don't think he saw me.  It just made me feel really sad.  I kinda feel like he was one of those kids who never really had a chance.  Parents were crap and he never had a decent role model.  I can't help feeling bad for him, even though I know he made his own choices.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Nope.  Some people are just really good at pretending.  And some people are experts in specific areas; when you see them in their safe zone it looks like they have their stuff together.  But I guarantee that outside of their area of expertise they're just as clueless as all the rest of us.

I'm good at pretending. I'm so good at pretending, everyone who meets me at work will swear I'm a people person.
Are you sure?  I mean, I know the toilets are safe in women's room, but the men's room is a mystery to me.  Except for the few times I've had to help clean the men's room at work.  The toilets flushed safely then, but maybe the monsters are scared of women.

I'm really happy for my neighbor.  I guess he was into some bad stuff and on drugs but he got clean and found God in prison and he's really working hard to turn his life around.  It's not easy for him - he was only able to get a minimum wage job and most of his money goes to fines.  He's preaching at a church that was left without a pastor right now but I don't know if he gets paid for it - I've never asked.  I have tons of respect for people who are truly able and willing to change their lives.  I've never been involved with drugs but I'm not naive enough to think that they're easy to get away from.

I'm dealing with shark week, too.  Which means a week of back to back migraines.  It's a major pain in the rear.  At least SD was found safe and sound.  Though someone should probably give him a good smack upside the head to get some sense knocked in there.  Men are such boneheads.

It's snowing here again.  Ugh.  And it's not sticking so it won't even be pretty.  Just cold and wet and gloomy.  I'm SO done with winter.  And Aislyn's mother is picking her up tomorrow.  She called this morning wanting to come get her today, but John put his foot down on the 24 hours notice thing.  It's really not that much to ask.  I'm proud of him for standing up to her, even though I understand why he's so leery of doing it.  Without court ordered visitation, he's pretty much at her mercy and since we get her at least half the time, he's afraid to rock the boat.  But I'm still sick of her walking all over him.

An old childhood friend came to Colton's to eat today.  He was with his mother and a few other people.  We grew up together and played together as kids, but I hadn't seen him in at least 10 years.  He looked terrible.  His teeth were all black and he was all methed out.  Everyone always knew his family was bad news, but that doesn't stop you from hoping he would follow a different path.  I didn't talk to him.  I don't think he saw me.  It just made me feel really sad.  I kinda feel like he was one of those kids who never really had a chance.  Parents were crap and he never had a decent role model.  I can't help feeling bad for him, even though I know he made his own choices.
The bit about the toilets made me laugh (and I've had precious little of that lately). Sorry to hear about your shark week--and your migraines. 
 And I got more details about SD's ordeal, which I'm about to rant about, and while part of it may have been his fault, most of it wasn't. Sorry to hear about your friend; it's a hard thing to see.

Okay, ranting. Ranting about work, ranting about SD, just ranting. Feel free to skip to something more interesting; I just need to get this off my chest.

Sometimes I really hate corporate. They have issued yet another  impossible edict: every  shift (including third!!) has to have a lead clerk.
 That means that since I'm the only  third shift employee (more on that in a moment), I have  to become a lead--and I don't want to! I'm planning on leaving  and they want to promote me?! (Which doesn't sound that bad when I say it like that, but it means being on call 24-7, being able to work double shifts--which I'm currently not  allowed to do because of my contract with the company, and paperwork! Bright and shining stars, I hate paperwork! (I can do it, don't get me wrong, and will, but I loathe it. And what do I get for all this trouble?! A wage increase of $.25. That's right: one whole quarter an hour! 
 It's not worth it! And why  am I stuck with this? Because one of the other third-trained employees moved to first (the night terrors are mostly under control, but the doctor--apparently there's a physical cause for them--has warned that they could come back at any time, so third just works out better for her) and the other got fired! Here's a tip: if you're going to lie to your employer about going to Florida to take care of an elderly relative (called it!), don't post pictures of yourself on Facebook with pretty young thing that is not  your spouse. (He's also in the middle of a divorce right now.) If you're going to lie  to your employer about needing to take off work early because your child is having a seizure, don't  post on Facebook "hey, guess how I got out of work today!" 
 Of course  he was fired! If I'd been his boss, I  would have fired him! Now I only have one day off a week until someone else gets hired and trained! (And we can't borrow someone from another store, because no one wants to work third shift at our store. I may have mentioned this once or twice before, but it wasn't that long ago the store was getting robbed on a monthly basis, and everyone knows it.) The good  news (little though it might be) is that my manager has no intention  of moving me to another shift, or calling me for another shift unless it is an absolute and total emergency. The reason why? I'm the only  person working at the store who actually enjoys  third shift! 
 Of course, maybe it has something to do with the fact that I don't like people. There's a reason third is the deep cleaning shift--it's the least busy.

Now, about what happened to SD. True, he wasn't maintaining his lane. (Like I said, I don't know how he got a license; he never  maintains his lane, which is why I try not to ride with him.) True, he was on his pain medication when he was pulled over (not that they'll be able to prove it, since the never administered a drug test). When arrested they took his phone, impounded his truck--and refused to allow him to call anyone. By the time AWM and RB got to him, he'd already had his arraignment hearing and they were trying to get him shoehorned into the prison system. (Gee, I wonder if they're low on their yearly prisoner quota?) They then refused to allow him any  of his medications--including the anti-seizure and breathing medications. Within hours he couldn't swallow. He couldn't eat or drink, and he hadn't been able to for days  before one of the guards (god bless her) sent a text to his work that he was in jail and what jail he was in--who then called AWM. (He's still employed, by the way.) He was almost catatonic when they got him out, and the only reason it took them so long to get home was because they were both feeding him and making sure he didn't need to go to the hospital. (He likes them only slightly  better than I do.) You might be wondering why we're not up in arms and suing the crap out of this town--and there are two reasons. 1) The cops in this town would forever harass him when he goes through it, and he has  to go through it--there's no other route he could take to work. 2) It would get the cop that did  try to help him (and sent the text) in major, deep trouble, and we simply owe her too much for that.

Oh, yeah, little more rant about the store--it's infested with fruit flies and gnats, and I have no  idea where they're coming from. I have cleaned everything; I have cleaned everywhere, I have gotten all the trash cans, I have washed  the trash cans--I can't find their source! And they are driving me crazy! 
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Nope.  Some people are just really good at pretending.  And some people are experts in specific areas; when you see them in their safe zone it looks like they have their stuff together.  But I guarantee that outside of their area of expertise they're just as clueless as all the rest of us.

I'm good at pretending. I'm so good at pretending, everyone who meets me at work will swear I'm a people person.
---BIG SNIP---
I embroider temari balls (Google it for some pretty pictures), using pins with different colored heads to mark the ball in various geometric patterns.  The color of the pin head is important because it tells you what the pin "means," so I have my pin cushion sorted by color.  When I'm using it in a public place, people inevitably seem to conclude that I must be a very organized person, which couldn't be farther from the truth. 
  Appearances can be so deceiving.

Regarding SD's experience, and your decision not to sue, you may get some pleasure from this Kipling story:

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Well I heard back from the folks we rent from-no go. I have been looking for other rentals but nothing in my price range or the ride is farther away. near Bangor Maine on the west side away from the Ocean. And the rentals are now $1500 a week. who can afford this?!!!

I found a camp I do like but it's pricy. $3500 total after all the fees and bs. At least it's available during the weeks we want and they do have cable tv for rainy days and wifi plus some exercise equipment and a game room. It's a cute place but I don't know if jon will go for that kind of money. We are used to paying $900 a week plus cost of food and gas. This place looks like it's remote so we don't have to worry about traffic. He said he wants something down the end of a dirt road or not on the mainway. Wish us luck. we will discuss it tonight. I tried to book it next year and the price went up to $4200! OMG. I don't mind half of the 3500 but we damn well won't be driving around all day. I will be in the water and poking around the woods.

I found some others but one was a dump for $560 a week. It was embarrassing. no drywall on the walls and the floors looked crappy. The only good thing is the water and surrounding area. I still didn't hear back from that one. If they had cable tv I would just buy a blow up mattress for the livingroom but at this point it's hard to say.
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