The Weight Loss Support Thread - 2015

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TCS Member
Top Cat
May 9, 2011
Hampton, Virginia
*slips back in the room quietly* LOL

Still on my up-and-down rollercoaster. Hoping that we've crested the hill and are heading for the slope now... we finally moved and I've got the kitchen 98% unpacked. Last night I cooked a real supper and made some food (a Southwestern-style cold bean salad) to have as a side dish or snack for this week. I'm starting to feel a bit more stable and I hope that will translate into some consistency in my food choices.

And I'm tired of fast food anyway... it's the same crap constantly. I plan to research a few new recipes for this week as we are tired of zucchini pasta, homemade pita pizza, and black bean chili (my 3 staples).


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Anna, you might want to look at some of the healthier Taste of Home recipes online. You'd have to join, I think, for the recipes. I have many of their Light and Tasty cookbooks and their Healthy Cooking cookbooks and there are some delicious (and easy!) recipes in the books. I'm not a big Taste of Home fan anymore, but those recipes are actually pretty good.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
I bought a new scale as old one was giving too random readings.

So instead of under 230lbs I got reading of 240lbs, great.

200-210lbs would be ok weight for me, not the greatest, but ok.

So I got bit down and ate sweets, another great, good thing is that won't cause weight gain, but slows down the process.

40lbs, that is so much, I guess I just have to accept that it won't happen this year, but maybe for a spring...

tara g

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 16, 2007
On the farm
*Sneaks back in quietly*

I've just gone & fallen off everything lately!! But the other day I had a 'vision' of myself at the annual fair, and I was NOT the size I currently am in it, and now am trying to set and reach new goals. I have a really hard time with this stuff - I'm stuck in my 20 year old self, a mere 8 years ago, when I could eat whatever whenever and not gain a pound. 4-5 years ago I was in much better shape too, but spent A LOT of time doing pole fitness and a few nights a week at the gym with weights - just a lot more active. Now I'm always tired and its so hot and humid even the DOG doesn't want to go walk for long periods. I started C25K in June, but only made it to the 2nd stage before the heat/humidity got to me. I want to start again when it cools off. Going to look on Craigslist for some bikes for us to ride around the neighborhood nightly.

I was on Pinterest yesterday and made a weight loss project I saw - first, drawing 12 squares on a piece of paper, 1lb per square, cross off as I go along. Then there's a goal list:

End of August - 148
End of September - 139
End of October - 130 (We will probably go to the fair 10/31)

I'm willing to be realistic and be happy with 135 by 10/31. I havent seen the 130s in years. Next to the goal list is a Rewards list, to work towards.

155 - New Book & New CD
150 - Havent thought of one yet
145 - Havent thought of one yet
140 - New Tattoo
135 - Photo session with my truck
130 - Havent thought of one yet
125 - Cruise (my real goal is 130, but if I can reach 125, why not treat myself to a super awesome reward? I want to go on one again, its been too long. I weighed 125 before my life went nuts ~4 years ago)

My calorie counter app doesn't seem to have faith in me being able to get to 135 by 10/31. :( The BF is the one who looked at the scale yesterday & today. He said there was "good progress" from my start weight to this morning's weight, and I'm currently under 160 (only reason I know is because he crossed off at least 2lbs from my chart, and I started it at 160). I told him I might look at the chart this weekend and see what I've accomplished. He thinks a goal of 150 by Labor Day is more realistic, which kind of stinks cuz I thought I had my goals set to be attainable.

Anyway, hoping for some success. I want to go back to the way I was - active, awesome at pole, and even do new things like being able to run (I want to run a 5K, and that was a goal I made last year I never met), maybe start swimming somewhere since I love the water.... and mostly just want to feel better about myself and not hate my reflection or being in pictures.

The hardest part for me is food. I LOVE pasta, bread, pizza, etc. There's a drawer of chocolate at my office-mates desk (and her tiny, 5'5 125lb self can snack all day on it!). I am trying to cook at home more just for the saving money factor, but when we do the HCG program we have to be even more strict and all I can think about is the food I can't have at all for 3 weeks!! I have to remind myself I'm allowed to have a few slices of pizza, just not 3x a week, or consistent bad meals.

Sorry for the long post, got a little carried away and rambley to myself also!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
Today my new scale claims I'm 1 pound less than yesterday.

edit: Oh, after eating I'm suddenly 3 pounds more, I'm pretty sure I did not eat or drink that much though, well, we see what scale will show in a week or so, I know there is at least 20% deficit and weight should change or at least fat should disappear.
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tara g

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 16, 2007
On the farm
Well, the BF decided he wasn't going to play my "I dont want to know" game anymore LOL. :lol3:

He told me last night that I started at 160.5 on Tuesday morning. The most I've ever, ever weighed. I'm glad I didn't see it, I think it would have hit me hard but not really motivated me, I just would have felt defeated in a way.

I went to Michael's craft store on Wednesday and bought two little jars that look like old dairy jars, some of those smooth small decorative rocks people put in bowls, and some stick-on letters for another motivation idea I found on Pinterest. You take one jar and label "Pounds Lost" and another labeled "Pounds to Go", put the amount of rocks in the To Go one, and each pound lost gets moved into the Pounds lost, as a visual :) (PS - Going to a crafts store after spending a long time on Pinterest makes it reallllly hard to not spend money ;) Especially with one of my favorite holidays coming up - Halloween - I think I squee'd in excitement!)

I've gotten to move 4 rocks over this week. I weighed 156.5 this morning on the scale. I definitely am glad it's progress, but I also tend to find myself remembering a few weeks ago I was 157 and had been at 157 for awhile ... I managed to gain weight and end up setting a higher starting point for my journey. But as long as the scale is showing progress, I think I'll stay motivated. When it plateaus is when it gets really hard!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
Scale lies

At morning I was 4 pounds less, but at the evening I was 5 pounds more than at the morning, so I gained a pound.

If I use 2500-4000 calories and eat less than 2000 calories, it should be impossible to gain weight, but such evils are those scales.

Reading that post does ease mind though, there might be weight loss at some point, just need to keep doing same thing long enough.

Oh yes, I have spreadsheet made where I can put morning and evening weight, spreadsheet then makes nice graph from it, will be interesting to see in coming weeks if there is a trend or not.

Edit: Had horrible sweet teeth desires today, had to ride with bicycle around the yard, then read many articles about weight loss to somehow make last two hours until shop would close that I would have no chance to get anything sweet today. Tomorrow might be even worse.
I can always take Xylitol for worst moments, it keeps sweet tooth under check for short while and there is also good part that Xylitol has 40% less calories than sugar and does not skyrocket blood sugar levels, but best part is that if one eats too much of it there is laxative effects, so it is self regulating too.

I bought sugarless strawberry juice some time ago, I might put Xylitol on that to make kind of lemonade that I don't need to feel guilty drinking.
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tara g

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 16, 2007
On the farm
At morning I was 4 pounds less, but at the evening I was 5 pounds more than at the morning, so I gained a pound.
I only weigh myself in the mornings, since it seems weight fluctuates throughout the day. I always seem to weigh more at night than I did in the mornings also.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
Yesterday was not a good day. A co-worker brought in some fruit pastries and our boss brought in donuts. Rick and I went to the farmers market for a hot sausage sandwich and French fries. And some filled cookies. Rick was hungry for some steak sandwiches last night for dinner, so I made them. I had mine with a Pepsi. All in all, not good. And the scales showed it this morning. :boohoo:

But in all honesty, it all tasted good and I refuse to guilt myself to death. That was the first really bad sugar-and-fat day I had since I started in again. Back on track today. 
I hate coke and Pepsi. Can't you drink diet Pepsi, it's not the same, or zero?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
*Sneaks back in quietly*

I've just gone & fallen off everything lately!! But the other day I had a 'vision' of myself at the annual fair, and I was NOT the size I currently am in it, and now am trying to set and reach new goals. I have a really hard time with this stuff - I'm stuck in my 20 year old self, a mere 8 years ago, when I could eat whatever whenever and not gain a pound. 4-5 years ago I was in much better shape too, but spent A LOT of time doing pole fitness and a few nights a week at the gym with weights - just a lot more active. Now I'm always tired and its so hot and humid even the DOG doesn't want to go walk for long periods. I started C25K in June, but only made it to the 2nd stage before the heat/humidity got to me. I want to start again when it cools off. Going to look on Craigslist for some bikes for us to ride around the neighborhood nightly.

I was on Pinterest yesterday and made a weight loss project I saw - first, drawing 12 squares on a piece of paper, 1lb per square, cross off as I go along. Then there's a goal list:

End of August - 148
End of September - 139
End of October - 130 (We will probably go to the fair 10/31)

I'm willing to be realistic and be happy with 135 by 10/31. I havent seen the 130s in years. Next to the goal list is a Rewards list, to work towards.
155 - New Book & New CD
150 - Havent thought of one yet
145 - Havent thought of one yet
140 - New Tattoo
135 - Photo session with my truck
130 - Havent thought of one yet
125 - Cruise (my real goal is 130, but if I can reach 125, why not treat myself to a super awesome reward? I want to go on one again, its been too long. I weighed 125 before my life went nuts ~4 years ago)

My calorie counter app doesn't seem to have faith in me being able to get to 135 by 10/31. :( The BF is the one who looked at the scale yesterday & today. He said there was "good progress" from my start weight to this morning's weight, and I'm currently under 160 (only reason I know is because he crossed off at least 2lbs from my chart, and I started it at 160). I told him I might look at the chart this weekend and see what I've accomplished. He thinks a goal of 150 by Labor Day is more realistic, which kind of stinks cuz I thought I had my goals set to be attainable.

Anyway, hoping for some success. I want to go back to the way I was - active, awesome at pole, and even do new things like being able to run (I want to run a 5K, and that was a goal I made last year I never met), maybe start swimming somewhere since I love the water.... and mostly just want to feel better about myself and not hate my reflection or being in pictures.

The hardest part for me is food. I LOVE pasta, bread, pizza, etc. There's a drawer of chocolate at my office-mates desk (and her tiny, 5'5 125lb self can snack all day on it!). I am trying to cook at home more just for the saving money factor, but when we do the HCG program we have to be even more strict and all I can think about is the food I can't have at all for 3 weeks!! I have to remind myself I'm allowed to have a few slices of pizza, just not 3x a week, or consistent bad meals.

Sorry for the long post, got a little carried away and rambley to myself also!
It wasn't such a long post. I enjoyed it and wish you luck in attaining your goals.

tara g

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 16, 2007
On the farm
It wasn't such a long post. I enjoyed it and wish you luck in attaining your goals.
Thanks! :D And luck to you as well :)

I'm sure eating 2 tacos from Taco Bell tonight wasn't the best choice in meals, but we didn't get home until almost 11pm so it was kinda a quick meal in between locations of our side job. I did put them in my cal counter and came up with 210 cal a piece, but I've managed to stay under my daily calories for my desired weight loss - hopefully I won't have gained anything from it! I'm getting nervous since I've done so well this week ... and that time of the month i get bloated up has arrived to top it off :rolleyes:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
I only weigh myself in the mornings, since it seems weight fluctuates throughout the day. I always seem to weigh more at night than I did in the mornings also.
I weight myself at evening and at morning, in same state, that is right after eating at evening and after morning bathroom visit, this way I get my high and low readings which I can compare between highs or between lows but evening readings and morning readings are completely different rollercoasters :D

For example from last evening weight my morning weight was down over 5 pounds, but morning weight is down over 1 pound from two days ago.

Still I have only 3 morning measures and at the evening I will have 4 evening measures, it is way too little to have any statistical meaning because weight varies so much based on hydration alone.

I think that this mornings drop was the 'swoosh', I actually lost that weight earlier but cells were filled with liquid, my morning weight was higher yesterday, after about 2000kcal deficit day, so what I have read is that retaining water happens temporarily and after that comes big drop, but there is a delay, fat gets replaced by water and water is heavier than fat but occupies similar volume.

That shows up in waist measurements too, which should be bit better indication of fat loss, which is my goal, just need to buy flexible measurement device for that.

Using metal tape measure I got 1 inch decrease in waist over 1 night, I'm happy if even half of that is true, but probably that too changes so that evening it is more and morning it is less.

Tomorrow reveals a lot more again about direction where I'm going if I'm going.

According to some science I could have over 5000kcal deficit without burning too much muscle, less fat % and smaller you are, less deficit is possible, also progress will be slower. I'm still trying to average around 20% deficit in weekly stats, challenge is to know how active I am, 8000kcal a week in sports is small amount often, base consumption is bit below 15000kcal a week for me, so that would be 23000kcal a week, but at some freak days I can burn about 6000kcal which messes whole week's calculations.

I try to keep eating between 2000-2500kcal (it is 20% deficit or more), but during freak days I'm not overly concerned of eating up to 4000kcal. According to some guide I would be moderately active, but not sure about that.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
I think I did bit of miscalculation of how much bodyfat I can burn a day, I did calculate whole body weight when I should of calculated only bodyfat weight.

So instead of 5000kcal a day I find out below 1400kcal being possible, which of course limits weight decrease a bit.

There is not much events so far and number of variables cause things to look probably bit too optimistic, but with time this should show direction where I'm heading, my goal is at the bottom, but it might take time to reach there, today's big drops certainly are just a fluke, or just temporarily drop, we see that in a future though. Those are kilograms and centimeters.

Oh yes, I gave in for sweet tooth today, that caused 1600kcal of poor nutritional value, I had to then limit my healthier eating to quite small amount, only 1400kcal or so.

Still I'm at -25% because daily use of calories is going to be about 4000kcal for today, base + exercise + activity. I'm also managing to keep within that 1400kcal window, deficit more than 1400kcal would cause muscle burn which I don't want.

It looks like I need to drop 44 pounds, around 20kg, that is still just a rough estimate as bodyfat percentage is somewhat difficult to estimate properly, calculated from BMI it would be 31% for me or then estimating with software that uses skinfold method it might be as high as 35%, both of those might be off, so 32-33% might be closest estimate I'm going to get.

However to be on safe side of things I use 31% as base for calculations of how much fat I can except to burn daily. My goal is 13% of bodyfat, which would be near lower range of fitness category.

1400kcal * 7 = 9800kcal, and as ~7000kcal equals 1kg of fat, that would mean that 9800/7000= 1,4kg a week weight loss might be theoretically possible, but I doubt that I will push it that hard, 0,5kg a week might be something realistic to except in a long run, that would be then 20 * 0,5 = 40 weeks, so next summer I might have possibility to walk on beach shirtless without causing vomiting in other people.

That is the theory at least, it is not harmful if I never get under 100kg if that is because of muscle mass :D


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Wow, JTbo, you have it all down pat!

I weigh myself every morning (try to hit around the same time and always in the nude). I take everything ponytail band, my Fitbit, everything. Sometimes I'll weigh at night, but I've tried to stop doing that.

This morning, I'm 3.2 pounds less than last Monday.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
Oeh, noes! My food nutritional value spreadsheet was faulty, for some reason I had completely wrong values for pasta, this led today for me to over eat about 1000kcal.

So I had to sweat 1 hour and 20 minutes in quite fast pace wood chopping to burn those evil extras off.

My weight management spreadsheet then has column for total time of sweating in a day, so I can calculate base consumption off from heart rate monitor reading as HRM reading has base consumption in it and my spreadsheet checks that separately.

So I forgot to mark hours and I thought that I can still eat one licorice bar (20g), but because of not marking hours, I had about licorice bar worth of error there, but I guess it is not a big deal, I'm at 27% deficit anyway, it would of been 28% otherwise.

It is nice little reward for staying in 20% deficit or little more, maybe I manage to keep on it better that way.

4458kcal burned for this day (includes BRM), 3261kcal consumed, sounds big numbers? Well, I'm big too :D
3 hours and 45 minutes sweating, then all the chores on top of that and base consumption.

Evening weight is now over 3.3 pounds less, than 6 days ago, surprisingly morning weight is 3.3 pounds less too, but there is only 5 mornings logged.

My new scale tends to give 1kg difference in readings depending a bit where on floor it is, these floors are over 70 years old, can't find properly level spot for the scale, so it is bit unclear after this short time that if I have managed to place scale perfectly same spot every time, but enough data points should eliminate noise from statistics.

Oh and sorry if my approach is too technical, it is my brain to blame, it seem to feed on numbers :p

tara g

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 16, 2007
On the farm
I also weigh
I weigh myself every morning (try to hit around the same time and always in the nude). I take everything ponytail band, my Fitbit, everything. Sometimes I'll weigh at night, but I've tried to stop doing that.
I do the same lol. My ponytail holder might add some weight in my mind!

I've been in the 155 range all weekend. Saturday was 155.6, Sunday was 155.4 and this morning was 155.2. I'm trying not to look at it as a plateau ALREADY since technically it IS going down ever so slightly, but I did lose 5lb in the first week of my "dieting"/working towards my goals. Again, we haven't been as strict on the HCG allowed foods (and half the time I forget the drops anyway), but I've been using a calorie counter as well to keep myself from overeating. We also try and pick healthier choices if we have to eat out. I've noticed if I don't THINK about food or keep busy during the day, I'm not missing it or feeling hungry. :)
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
I also weigh
I do the same lol. My ponytail holder might add some weight in my mind!

I've been in the 155 range all weekend. Saturday was 155.6, Sunday was 155.4 and this morning was 155.2. I'm trying not to look at it as a plateau ALREADY since technically it IS going down ever so slightly, but I did lose 5lb in the first week of my "dieting"/working towards my goals. Again, we haven't been as strict on the HCG allowed foods (and half the time I forget the drops anyway), but I've been using a calorie counter as well to keep myself from overeating. We also try and pick healthier choices if we have to eat out. I've noticed if I don't THINK about food or keep busy during the day, I'm not missing it or feeling hungry. :)
Do we all have ponytails? :D

I tend to weight myself with normal clothes, even my keys in pocket, but I doubt that will add all 36 pounds I might need to loose.

My first goal is to get into 220 pounds which is about 15lbs to loose from now, then maybe to 200 pounds, but it depends so much about my fat percentage then, if I'm around 10% fat at 220 pounds, then I'm happy with that, but I guess I will get to proper fat percent only at 200 pounds or even bit less

Time will show as I'm at the same time doing quite lot of different workouts in order to keep the strength or even increase it a little, 22 inch shoulder width would be nice, I'm at 21.6" now, so it might be possible with enough working out.

Of course this working out increases my weight, so it is bit counter intuitive to do when trying to loose weight, however I think most want to loose fat and not so much weight itself, so maybe loosing weight is bit misleading.

I have got my waist down more than an inch already it seems, but I guess there is about 4 inches to go, however my current progress might be also due to measurement error, so I can't trust it too much yet, it might be that I still need to loose 5 inches.

I'm sure ponytail adds at least a pound, btw :D


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
This is not a good morning, despite I had 27% (~1200kcal) deficit yesterday, I gained a pound and waist measurement shows 2 inches increase from yesterday's.

Might be water retention, which would mean that in day or two there would be big drop again, but it really puts you down, when your weight goes up even when you manage to get into near maximal deficit.

Maybe evening weight is showing something else then, maybe not, will be interesting to see how it goes, but bit crazy how weight goes up.
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