The Weight Loss Support Thread - 2015

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 1, 2003
Pacific NW
Hi Sivyaleah,

I hope you can things stabilized without needing the bridge or implant.  Good job under such stress at keeping your weight stable.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2012
Victoria, Australia
Welcome Ambermay. I love our little thread . I feel supported and it helps me so much. I hope it can help you too.
Sivyaleah I hope you and your dentist can sort out your problem. I've looked into implants for teeth I had pulled in the back of my mouth. They were insanely expensive. You are doing so well to stabilise your weight. Big hugs to you.
My freezer was delivered this morning. How exciting!!!! I'll post the pic separately. There's an extra pic too. Neffie approves of the freezer.


I hold your heart close to my chest.
Adult Cat
Dec 16, 2010
Harare, Zimbabwe, Africa
Hi Ambermay and welcome to our little weight loss group. There's nothing at all bizarre about your post. I do have one question for you....can you walk? I mean, can you go for a walk? The reason I'm asking is because I have four blown disks in my lower back. Pretty much the only thing I can do steadily is my walking. You'll see my posts that say "3 miles walked during lunch" and that's pretty much it from me. It's hard to do much of anything else. But I am fortunate that I can still walk.

Sivyaleah, I'm so sorry about your dental issues. Keeping your weight stable is good, though. Always good not to gain!
Thanks Winchester,

That's the problem.  I can walk for very limited distance - like in the office from room to room, at home, from house to the car, etc.

I manage every day around the house in our yard.  Standing is the biggest problem, just mostly sitting.

Also when lying down - I do some stretching exercises.  Going for a walk for me is extremely painful.

I also use the vibro-shape belt for massage.  It is kind of a belt around the back that vibrates and suppose to tighten muscles.  That reduces the pain.

But since I've lost some weight - pain is less.  I know that muscles are important to support the spine, but well, I hardly have any.  Just bones fat and skin.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I'm sorry to hear that, Ambermay. I remember a few years back when I had a bout with sciatica....we had to go to the mall for some Christmas shopping and I literally walked from one bench to the next at the mall; that was all the further I could walk without terrible pain. I'd walk out of a store and head to a bench for about ten minutes. Then walk to the next bench. And so on. Standing in line was agony; I simply couldn't do it. That's when I learned that shopping online was my friend. Thankfully it only lasted about two months. I told Rick that if it ever happened again, he had my permission to shoot me because I am not dealing with that kind of pain ever again.

I love walking. I consider that my me-time. Which is good because it's pretty much the only thing I can do regularly.

Keep posting! Every ounce lost is better than an ounce gained.


I hold your heart close to my chest.
Adult Cat
Dec 16, 2010
Harare, Zimbabwe, Africa
Thank you so much!

Your problem sounds much like mine.  I couldn't even find position couple of years ago when I weighed 75 kgs.

I went to chiropractor, but it didn't really help. 

Losing weight is perhaps the thing for me.  That's why I'm here.

I'll read everything posted and will look further into my diet.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2012
Victoria, Australia
I confessed to my trainer on Tuesday that I ate cheesecake on the weekend ( um I left out the other add on stuff and the quantity of cheesecake- the man would keel over if he knew the truth :lol3:) He said it's not a bad thing to have a cheat meal on the weekend. It resets your metabolism and its a reward for a good week of healthy nutrition and hard training. I've planned it out. I'm going to do this. Im going to eat slow and really enjoy it and then stop. There will be lots of tea drinking after dinner but I'm going to do this. I am.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I entered a new lower "decade" this morning (as our Pat would say
). Not by much, but enough for me to 
 a little bit. I hope I can keep that off; weekends are difficult.

Enjoy your cheat meal, Tammat! 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2012
Victoria, Australia
Yay for you Winchester :clap:

I had my cheat meal. I ate slowly and really enjoyed it. I ate a second piece of cheese cake an hour or so later. The second piece tasted of guilt.:lol3: I'm not beating myself up about it. That's a Huge improvement on the last two weekends. Next weekend I'll do better.
Weigh ins are coming up. Good luck everybody.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Thanks, Tammat!

A loss of 3.8 pounds since last Monday....and I did manage to stay in that lower decade. It's not by much, but I'm there.

You did good, Tammat! 

I need to slow down when eating dinner and really enjoy my meal. The problem is that til I get home and dinner is ready, I'm ravenous, so hungry I want to just throw the entire pantry into my mouth. And it's hard to slow down when I'm really hungry. (It's like that Snickers commercial on tv "You're not really you when you're hungry". That's me!)


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 9, 2011
Hampton, Virginia
Happy Monday all! 

Thank you all for the wise words and encouragement, @Pat  @Winchester  @sivyaleah (Trying to tag Laurie but it won't let me, grr!). I read them all but it was hard to respond because I was having such a rough time. But, I've made some progress over the last few days, I'm feeling much more positive about my weight loss, and I think I will have a loss tonight to boot.

Laurie, if you see this, I think the wedding is a source of stress for sure but mostly, I have some things I need to work on as a person that affect our relationship. Nothing that is threatening us or breaking us up, just things I need to grow up about. Patrick is also learning how to be more assertive in the context of our partnership. He is so calm and easygoing, and I am... not. lol. This results in him getting run over by my needs and demands. So we are working on those things and sometimes I feel trapped between what I know I should do, what's fair to Patrick, and what I feel like doing, or not doing as the case may be. That place is full of intense frustration of the plain old immature, whine and cry, stamp-my-foot-like-a-child variety. Not that I DO whine, cry, or stamp my foot! (I'm not THAT immature!) It just feels that way inside. That's how I was feeling last week... and I was feeling that way on top of cleaning out the litterboxes, which I utterly despise. 
 So it all just kind of blew up and resulted in McDonald's. Our next step is individual counseling, something I've done before (for anxiety issues) but I haven't been since I moved here. And Patrick's passivity is not just with me but with most people in his life and he wants to work on that, so he'll be doing that for himself too. We are both still 100% sure of each other as partners and of our future together. We just know that it's better to deal with these things now instead of keeping the peace and having things fester for years or decades, jeez. So even though this growing process is painful, I'm happy we're doing it.

Woohoo, I derailed the weight loss thread with my personal problems! Thank you all for listening and being so supportive.

We took several walks this week and after the binge episode, I kept things pretty in check calorie-wise. So, I hope to check in later today after my weight loss meeting with a positive result! 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 1, 2003
Pacific NW
Hi all, short note for this time, not feeling well.  I had a higher than expected weight this morning, so it popped my overall average up.  I still lost 1.37 pounds, for a new weight by average of 158.17.  I will take it.

Congrats to all who lost, will post again when feeling better.
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At Abby's beck and call
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May 18, 2005
Welcome AmberMay! :wavey:

That's a great looking freezer, Tammat! :clap:

Laurie, I'm so sorry about your teeth. Dental pain is awful. I've got a bum tooth right now myself and it's too snowy to get to the dentist. I hope things go OK with that front tooth.

Well done Pam and Pat! :clap: Pat, I hope you start feeling better soon.

I'm still not getting on the scale, but I did OK eating wise the beginning of last week. The weekend wasn't as good. We went away for a long weekend and I managed to have spats with two different family members in the space of three days. :sigh: There weren't many healthy options to be had at the restaurants we went to. I didn't do great, but in the past I would have done much worse. Back to reining it in today. :nod: According to the Garmin thing on my wrist, I did walk over 10 miles in snowy conditions on Saturday. I guess that's something. :lol3:

Woohoo, I derailed the weight loss thread with my personal problems! Thank you all for listening and being so supportive.
Sometimes it's just better to get it all out, especially if it helps you move past it. :hugs:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 1, 2003
Pacific NW

If when away, you have any heads up on what restaurant you are going to, I then just look up their menu online, and then choose what I want, running it through the Myfitnesspal search function as many will either have gone to that restaurant and figured out calories - you can tell who puts in a wild guess, or you can deconstruct the entrée and get a best estimate as to calories.  I.e. you can estimate that most serve 6-7 oz. of chicken, and they will describe how prepared, sauces can be looked up, and I usually estimate 1/4 cup max, if you know you can ask them to sub a steamed veggie for any pasta or rice - if you wish, you can then estimate you'll have 1 cup max of that veggie etc..

My doing this ahead of time, takes away any angst and helps me not take forever to make up my mind ;-)

I.e. Yesterday we went to our favorite tapas restaurant.  I decided ahead of time to have a small Caesar salad and one small plate of calamari tenders with an aioli.  I should have had more protein, and did have a small dessert but I'd also had less than 200 calories so far for the day. 

Anyhoo, family spats (well, any spats with anyone) are difficult, sounds like you did a good job re the eating.
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At Abby's beck and call
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Staff Member
May 18, 2005
Thanks, Pat! :) I had a list of restaurants picked out ahead of time that had acceptable choices. Two were closed for vacation and the other had a 90 minute wait, but no room inside to wait! :eek: :lol3: It was frustrating to walk to them into the snow and then to find out they weren't an option, but we certainly got our walking in that way. :lol3:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 1, 2003
Pacific NW
How about we have a few posts on best strategies for dealing with restaurant meals out - either unexpected, on vacation, etc.

Besides what I already posted in reply to Karen a couple of messages up:
I know that a Caesar salad with an added portion of grilled chicken breast or shrimp, while not necessarily low carb, will be lower in carbs and overall pretty healthy for me (especially if in my case, I leave all the croutons).

I know that salmon (or any fish) or chicken are my best bets if watching calories especially compared to beef or pork or a pasta heavy entrée.  If I want a sandwich, I will get a grilled chicken burger with a side salad and if not having any dessert, will eat the bun, otherwise, I remove it. 

I have found that ranch dressing is usually lowest in calories, or if a choice, oil and vinegar you apply yourself and then a little dash of black pepper works.

If we go out to a Mexican restaurant, I have found them especially nice at substituting a grilled veggies and/or salad for any rice and beans an entrée comes with.  I usually get a seasoned, grilled chicken breast, the veggies and then split a dessert with my husband.  1 Churo is usually doable, sometimes two if they are mini sized.

Those are some of my tricks.  Before I was watching calories but was keeping carbs really low, when going cross-country, we would stop for breakfast omelettes (we were usually driving at the crack of dawn) or grab a egg mcmuffin - hold the muffin.  On Cape Cod, I was able to get a lobster salad that was just that, lots of lettuce, lobster and mayo.  I actually lost weight on both our cross-country trips where we drove.

The how I handle a road trip and food topic, can be posted another day. (I'm feeling better..and have had 3 cups of coffee and 8!! cups of tea...can you all tell??  LOL).


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2012
Victoria, Australia
[@]Parsleysage[/@ hugs to you. :hugs:] we are all here for you. Sounds like you are moving forward in a very positive way. Good luck with the counselling.

Winchester Winchester another good week. I too used to be ravenous before dinner. That was most definatley a trigger for a binge for me. I now eat the bulk of my calories during the day and have a light dinner. Most days I am hungry for dinner but not starving. It's those starving days that I struggle. If I'm honest with myself I am never hungry after dinner. I just want to eat out of habit. You are doing great. Keep up the good work.

pat pat another good week to you too. Thanks for more words of wisdom. I appreciate you sharing with us.

AbbysMom AbbysMom you are doing great. Keep up the good work. 10 miles walking!!!

I had a good week. My waist is the same measurementt. Around my thighs is 1cm less :woohoo: my weight has come down but actually that's not good with my weight training. I'll just watch it but I may need to eat more- so that's a positive.

Have a good week everybody. :rbheart:


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 9, 2011
Hampton, Virginia
Thank you all *hugs*

So thrilled to report I lost 3.75 lbs this week!!!! Phew!!!!! Hopefully the shenanigans are behind me. :)
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