The Weight Loss Support Thread - 2015

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At Abby's beck and call
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Staff Member
May 18, 2005
Well done, Pam! :clap:

Pat, I hope you get this sorted out soon. :hugs:

My goal is to plan my meals out better. I used to be so good at this and need to get back on track. It's so easy to fall into bad habits. :nod:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 1, 2003
Pacific NW
Winchester, congrats on the 10 pounds total.  Good start to your goal!

I lost 1.6 pounds last week, and have my first under 160 weight by average - 159.5. 13.5 pounds to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Had thai food out on Saturday, am glad it doesn't seem to have caused any issues - looking forward to learning more about such dishes and recipes.

Breakfast today was 2 of the Swiss Chard Ricotta muffins I made, husband and I really like this new to us recipe.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 9, 2011
Hampton, Virginia
Instead of losing the 2 pounds I wanted, I gained 2.25 pounds instead, taking me back to the weight I was on January 12. 

I know why I gained in January, I know why I haven't been losing weight as steadily. It all comes down to the choices that I make! I'm still tracking all my food, even the bad stuff. So I'll do my best to start fresh in February and hopefully see a loss. I'd like to lose 6 pounds this month. That shouldn't be difficult for someone at my weight.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Kudos, Pat! 
 Great job!

Aw, Anna....I'm sorry. It's a new month, so get back on track and next Monday, you'll have a good loss! 

My menus are completed for this week: I'm using my Healthy Cooking 2012 cookbook. That gives me the ability to try new recipes, but keep the fat and calories down for our meals. It's hard for me because I really love to cook and love baking breads and such. But if I bake it, I eat it and that's not a good thing. And while my brain understands portion control, my emotions do not. Especially during the winter when it's cold and snowy and no end in sight to the crappy weather.

I did well last week, not eating after dinner and I can honestly say there was no binging at all. I mentioned in another thread that, while I did make a cake, I only ate one piece and got rid of the rest of it before I did any more damage. And, for the third week in a row, I've been bringing a bottle of water to work to go with my lunch instead of diet Mt. Dew. The only time I drink any soda at all is on the weekends. That's it. It's been very difficult, but so far, I've managed to keep at it. 

Last night was difficult. I was so cold and depressed that I knew I couldn't even be in the kitchen. I ended up in bed with the cats by 7:00. And pretty much stayed there. Rick came back to bed with a bowl of cereal and I wasn't particularly amused by that (because sometimes somebody else eating triggers me), but I stayed in bed and didn't go searching. 

My goal this week is, again, to not eat after dinner and stay out of the kitchen pantry, unless I'm actually cooking something for dinner.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 1, 2003
Pacific NW
Going forward Anna is the best idea.  The past is past, and today is a like a fresh sheet of blank paper :)  I know you can do it, because speaking of the past, you've done so before!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 1, 2003
Pacific NW
In defense of turtles:
I took a look back at my daily weight record, in 2012 I was just home from being hospitalized with atrial flutter, and having an atrial ablation done. I weighed 307.5 on 2/04/12.

On 2/04/13 I weighed 284.6 (for some reason I can't find 2/03 weights!).

On 2/03/14 I weighed 220.4.

Just keep going folks, slow and steady will work just fine for you if you are patient, and believe.

This morning is my second day in a row at 158.4.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2012
Victoria, Australia
Way to go Pam :clap: 10 pounds is terrific. A great start to the year.
Another great week Pat :clap: you are so close to goal it's amazing!!!
Parsleysage you will have a good February. We have faith in you :grphug2:

Did I confess to binging again this last weekend? Cheesecake. I'm not gonna lie. I love it. I've thought about it every day for two weeks. My body however said ENOUGH!!! On Sunday morning I didn't feel sick but I did wake up to a face full of pimples!!!! :argh: and I was noticeably bloated. Serves myself right.
I forgot to weigh and measure on Monday - probably subconsciously on purpose. Today is Tuesday and my waist is 1cm bigger.
I've continued to cook soups ect.. For the freezer this week. Yesterday for lunch I had pumpkin and zucchini soup, added chicken breast, fresh spinach and asparagus. Heated it in the microwave and it was delicious, satisfying and low in calories. I've got quite a few options now to mix and match.
My husband and I went shopping for a freezer yesterday too. We have chosen one and Will have it by the end of the week. I'll have my own section for my foods :clap:
My goal this week is to have one reward meal on Saturday and ONE piece of cheesecake. I will throw the rest out if I have to.
There is nothing wrong with being a turtle Pat. You are the best turtle ever!! You are winning your race. I


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2012
Victoria, Australia
Tonight is one of those nights. I am hungry as a hunter and I'm crazy tired. Yeeks!! My plan of attack is: when I get home I will make a cup of tea. Prepare dinner, Eat then I have a good TV show to watch and my nails to paint. My 9 year old daughter has got me into nail polish. I find it a good distraction ;)


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
You're all doing wonderfully! Great job!

Tammat, how did it go last night with your tea and doing your nails? Whatever works! It's bad for me when I'm really tired, too.

Congrats on the new freezer! 

Last night we came home from getting groceries and I fed the cats their supper, all the while feeling so hungry that I could have eaten a bear all by myself. Rick accidentally broke my glasses, so while he was trying to fix them, I put everything away, fed the cats, and just threw a pizza in the oven. There was no way I could actually "make" dinner last night. We ate our pizza and sat on the couch together, watching TV and I was reading for a while. The "urge to splurge" started in and I went to bed to sulk. (shhhh! Don't tell Dear Richard, but I also turned up the temperature in the bedroom a little bit, too, and then I turned it back down in an hour or so. I could not handle being cold and hungry and tired at the same time!)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 1, 2003
Pacific NW
I have a trick..when I'm way past dinner and "done" for the day, if I find tea isn't working, I will have some vlassic pickle stackers slices (3).  They are "0" calories, so maybe 1?  LOL.  It works for me..salty, crunchy.

Tammat, thought your strategy of tea and then distracting yourself doing your nails was a great did it go?


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 9, 2011
Hampton, Virginia
I binged last night after dinner too. I had a terrible day and then after dinner Patrick and I had a disagreement, and I was doing the litterboxes (a greatly despised chore), and I was just frustrated. I went for "a drive" which I knew would lead to food. And it did. I basically had a second dinner. I felt stuffed and awful and sad afterward.

I'm beginning to think that there may be things I need to tackle, emotionally, related to my weight. I've never seriously attempted weight loss before so I guess that's not surprising. You don't get to 381 pounds by accident, especially not before age 26. I can't think of any specific reason why I'm self-sabotaging lately. "The holidays" are long gone, and my stress level is much better now that I'm on a new schedule. So the excuses are dwindling.

Thanks for the support all. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2012
Victoria, Australia
I made it through the night!!! Woo Hoo!!!! I had many cups of tea and I also had lots of help from Revlon. The new nail polish I was using was terrible so I had to keep taking it off and trying again. Il might get myself a new colour today as a reward.
Parsleysage :alright: it's crappy - I know. One day at a time. You can do this. We are here for you.
I don't think we have pickle stackers here Pat? I'm loving the thought of 0 calories!
Last edited:


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Hey, you! You rock! 

 I know exactly where you're coming from. Doesn't make it any better for you, but I understand. You fight it every single day.

Pat, are you talking about the sandwich stackers? OMG, aren't they delicious! I'll take two of them and drain them on paper towels, then add them to a tuna sandwich instead of pickle relish. But I also like them right out of the jar. You have the sweet, salty, crunchy thing going on.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 1, 2003
Pacific NW
I made it through the night!!! Woo Hoo!!!! I had many cups of tea and I also had lots of help from Revlon. The new nail polish I was using was terrible so I had to keep taking it off and trying again. Il might get myself a new colour today as a reward.
it's crappy - I know. One day at a time. You can do this. We are here for you.
I don't think we have pickle stackers here Pat? I'm loving the thought of 0 calories!
I LOVE OPI - I'm terrible at doing my nails (when I have them..trying for years to break this bad habit. The most I manage is a year of not chewing, then I get tired of applying polish, my nails start peeling etc etc.).

The brand is Vlassic - it's just pickles sliced thin with variations - i.e. spicy garlic (my fav) is one.  By any bizarre chance does deliver to your country?? (I'm so ignorant.  Sorry).  if so, I am sure you could find someone selling these on there.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 1, 2003
Pacific NW
Hey, you! You rock! 

 I know exactly where you're coming from. Doesn't make it any better for you, but I understand. You fight it every single day.

Pat, are you talking about the sandwich stackers? OMG, aren't they delicious! I'll take two of them and drain them on paper towels, then add them to a tuna sandwich instead of pickle relish. But I also like them right out of the jar. You have the sweet, salty, crunchy thing going on.
Yep, I am!  I get the garlic version, so it's just tasty, salty but not sweet as that sets me off (yes, it really does.  I can't even drink chai green tea because it tastes like a baked goodie and the cravings start up.)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 1, 2003
Pacific NW
I binged last night after dinner too. I had a terrible day and then after dinner Patrick and I had a disagreement, and I was doing the litterboxes (a greatly despised chore), and I was just frustrated. I went for "a drive" which I knew would lead to food. And it did. I basically had a second dinner. I felt stuffed and awful and sad afterward.

I'm beginning to think that there may be things I need to tackle, emotionally, related to my weight. I've never seriously attempted weight loss before so I guess that's not surprising. You don't get to 381 pounds by accident, especially not before age 26. I can't think of any specific reason why I'm self-sabotaging lately. "The holidays" are long gone, and my stress level is much better now that I'm on a new schedule. So the excuses are dwindling.

Thanks for the support all. 
It never helps after a bad day and bad eating day to then also have a tussle with a loved one.  I had a spat recently with dh, and immediately the thoughts went to comforting myself. I have something I don't wish for you to need - the memory of being hospitalized with my heart issue..which sure made it clear to me I had to keep on losing weight (this was back a couple of years).  I know, from having done the overeating for sorrow, anger, sadness, depression, way too many times, that it only makes me feel worse. 
I am prolly the queen of trite at times, but - if you can - give yourself the advice you'd give a much loved friend in the same kind of pain or tough times, do for yourself whatever thoughtful thing you'd do for them.  You deserve to treat yourself as well as you'd treat another!  Okay, trite advice off.


I hold your heart close to my chest.
Adult Cat
Dec 16, 2010
Harare, Zimbabwe, Africa
I don't know if I may be in to this group too?

I'm trying very hard to lose weight myself as well.

I've been okay all my life, but in my age now to keep low weight is important to minimize my back pains, etc.

I've been 75kgs about couple of years ago, and since then I lost about 15 kgs, but by now I struggle to lose more.

For my height being 170cm: my weight right now is around 60 kgs (if I can trust my floor-scale).

Internet says I'm okay with my weight to my height, but my body doesn't say so.  I need to lose more, I know that.

From now-on it's rather difficult to loose more.  I wish I can.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

(I use Garcinia Cambodia as well as African Mango pills).

I don't exercise ever ( I can't due to my disability to do so).

I have to look after my 7 cats (they are still young).  So, I must keep my work to maintain my life for them and stay out of ending up in a wheel-chair. 

Sorry if my post sounds too bizarre...


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
Hi All,

Just wanted to check in.  Having an insane work week, been getting home late and not much time for anything.  I had to give my first ever office presentation which had me slightly on edge, but that went well.  

However, having a health issue myself (Pat, sorry to hear you're dealing with one also).  I've always had crummy gums, have been seeing periodontists for over 20 years now for deep cleanings added to my twice yearly regular ones.  Have had many surgeries, including some bone grafts to stabilize teeth.  Anyway, my upper front tooth (right) is loose.  I'm slightly freaking out because of where it's located.  Had an emergency visit to the perio - we have a game plan but still worried the tooth may fall out.  She corrected my bite (my lower front teeth were hitting that tooth due to it shifting out of place slightly).  Monday, I am having the 2 top teeth splinted together to stabilize the one.  Then, in a few weeks, more gum surgery on that tooth along with yet another bone graft.  If it does not take, will have to consider an implant (so much $$$$ it's sickening) or, at the very least a bridge (still expensive and not as good an option).  Been trying to eat things soft for the last week or so.  Stinks.

Anyway, I'm still at a stable weight, no gain, no loss.  Some days I do great, others not so much (although, never over the top, just not great choices).  I've decided I'm not going to beat myself up over this and just keep trying.  As long as I don't gain, all is good for now.

@Anna.  Sorry to  hear you sound so down about things.  Arguing with a loved one is one of those things which used to set me off into really poor eating.  It took many years to get out of that pattern, only in the last few can I say that this isn't something I do any longer and I'm nearly 56.  Everyone here has been, or is in the same boat as you.  We all can empathize completely.  I will, however, throw something out there for you to consider.  Perhaps, the upcoming wedding is creating more anxiety than you are aware of, not necessarily in a bad way, but it could be part of the reason that you feel the way you do currently. I'm here for you too, if you need an additional sounding board.  

@Ambermay- welcome to our  little club here.  Your post is not bizarre at all.  Feel free to jump in anytime, whenever you need to.  Just be aware, that all of us (I'm pretty sure of this) believe in losing weight in a healthy way which is through good eating habits and exercise (well some of us anyway - I admit to being lacking in that regard lately).  We do not promote weight loss drugs or supplements.  My own personal opinion on them is they don't work at all and recently here in the States (I see you are in Africa) there's currently a big issue with it being discovered that several companies that manufacture these type of products were not even putting what they said it was into the capsules.  

Last, congrats to those who have been doing as great as they are.  Always, an inspiration and just reading your stories is helpful and incredibly supportive.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Hi Ambermay and welcome to our little weight loss group. There's nothing at all bizarre about your post. I do have one question for you....can you walk? I mean, can you go for a walk? The reason I'm asking is because I have four blown disks in my lower back. Pretty much the only thing I can do steadily is my walking. You'll see my posts that say "3 miles walked during lunch" and that's pretty much it from me. It's hard to do much of anything else. But I am fortunate that I can still walk.

Sivyaleah, I'm so sorry about your dental issues. Keeping your weight stable is good, though. Always good not to gain!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 1, 2003
Pacific NW
I don't know if I may be in to this group too?

I'm trying very hard to lose weight myself as well.

I've been okay all my life, but in my age now to keep low weight is important to minimize my back pains, etc.

I've been 75kgs about couple of years ago, and since then I lost about 15 kgs, but by now I struggle to lose more.

For my height being 170cm: my weight right now is around 60 kgs (if I can trust my floor-scale).

Internet says I'm okay with my weight to my height, but my body doesn't say so.  I need to lose more, I know that.

From now-on it's rather difficult to loose more.  I wish I can.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

(I use Garcinia Cambodia as well as African Mango pills).

I don't exercise ever ( I can't due to my disability to do so).

I have to look after my 7 cats (they are still young).  So, I must keep my work to maintain my life for them and stay out of ending up in a wheel-chair. 

Sorry if my post sounds too bizarre...
Welcome, nothing bizarre about your post.  It's what you are dealing with.  All I can suggest is that you find a consistent approach to changing how you eat, one that you can live with.  I think that works best for permanent weight change.
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