The vet has given up on my 16 year old cat

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Foster mama
Alpha Cat
Dec 25, 2015
Oh, she is so beautiful! I'm so sorry your old vet did not have much more say to help. If it is ulcers in her esophagus that would make sense. Can you call the vet and ask them about giving her the Pepcid AC? I'm sure they'd be willing to give you some advice about that as far as the dosage and whatnot. Its so hard to remember these things when you're in the appointment.

I am really glad to hear she's getting the transdermal meds for her thyroid and that they gave her sub-q fluids, though, that's great. I imagine with the transdermal meds, her thyroid should improve. 

My only other ideas in addition to those above to get her eating and drinking and keeping the food down is to try giving her some chicken broth if she likes chicken. Just make sure its garlic and onion free. You can make your own, too. I boiled a chicken for Sidney when she was sick and wouldn't eat, gave her the broth and mashed up the chicken in a blender with water and broth until it made a sort of smoothie-consistency and she could not get enough. I like that your'e doing the tuna water. Have you added extra water to the tuna juice to help her out a bit more?

As far as knowing when the end is the end, only you and your wife can decide when the time is right. She is so beautiful and I wish you the best. I hope she gets better. 

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
I'm so glad you posted a photo. Sadie really is beautiful. I can see why now, she likes seeing that brush.

I would try the above suggestion from @sidneykitty about the mashed up chicken in a blender, and chicken broth.,

I also came across a thread here, from a while back in which the OP(original poster) thought her cat had "megaesophagus". It turned out that her cat did not pass away from this, but rather from a tumour.

But from it, and a related thread,...there was mention of "elevating the cat's food dish, onto a two-step stepstool" that the cat had to eat with front feet raised and then gravity would help get the food down towards the stomach and past any strictures.

It might be a longshot, but trying to get Sadie to eat from an elevated bowl, on a few steps or step-stool might help.

The last article above also suggested keeping a cat 'upright for 10 minutes' so that gravity would help, so I'm thinking that means holding her against your chest.

Maybe just give it a try with the above food suggestion, or any type of wet pate, soft watered down blended food, or even kibble if she used to like kibble.
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  • #43


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 3, 2016
Griffin, Georgia
I thought she was doing better last night, eating some, drinking water and not hardly getting sick... this morning it's back to square one. She won't eat, but she was drinking water earlier, but when I went out on the porch she had thrown it up, now she won't drink again.... I just gave her 1/4 of a pepcid ac, prayin' it helps.... I'm going to try and give her some chicken baby food with some chicken stock mixed with it, but thought I would wait a little while to see if that pepcid stays down and give it a little time to work. I hate to try and feed her right after and the food makes her throw up the pepcid too...


TCS Member
Young Cat
May 14, 2016
Miami Beach
Hi- I was reading about ur cat and I know first hand how heart breaking it is, we love our animals so much- they are family. I lost my boy Harry 18 years with me and I was in and out of vet offices, praying , hoping ..... its not at all the same thing as your fur baby but what we have in common, people in this site really care and love animals. I had a mentor person who was there for me and it most definitely helped when I was so confused about vets, what to do, etc.. I miss Harry so much however it was time and I knew he was suffering. I loved him tooooo much for him to suffer. Gracie, my other earth angel is mourning Harry too!!! in time I will go to a shelter where all my animals come from and opt for an adult cause they don't get adopted like the cute kittens. We have sooo much love in our home to give another furbaby an amazing pampered and loved life. My heart hurts for you and I'm so very sorry. Sadies in my prayers and blessings.
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  • #45


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 3, 2016
Griffin, Georgia
 Well, I did it a little different... I had bought two chicken breast for Sadie yesterday, so I grilled one of them. While I was doing this, I had tore a very small piece of chicken off the breast, about as big as a pencil eraser and tore it into tiny little pieces over and over. She smelled it and was waiting, and scarfed it all up immediately and then was hollering for more. I took just a little of the meat and put it in one of those electric chopper things with the chicken stock and made a chicken porridge. Instead of trying to feed her with the dropper, I just set the bowl down, she dove into it slurping it up. Then of course she walked away, and this is what always happens, she starts turning her head and doing her tongue like when they have a piece of food in their mouth they can't get to where they can swallow it, then she starts like she is chewing, then her tail starts swinging kinda fast and up it came...

 She went out on the porch and in 5 minutes she came back and dove into the bowl again eating more...I just went and checked, she is laying up in the window... it's been 15 minutes since she ate the chicken porridge and she hasn't gotten sick yet (fingers crossed).

Now here is what I don't understand, and I think this animal hospital we went to, pushes things not necessary for the money, maybe I am wrong. So Sadie had all these test and they could find nothing, we get ready to check her out of the hospital Thursday night and they say, "We are giving you these two prescriptions, but don't give her either one until she stops vomiting. They didn't say what they were for, and I didn't ask... yesterday I started looking at them and looked them up, one is Panacur Suspension and the other is Metronidazole. From what I read both of these are supposed to rid her of parasites? So what parasite did they find? If there are none, why were we given this? This is the third time they have given us medication to take home, that won't be used. The first time, back in November they gave us 7 prescriptions. After the first dose of each, Sadie was like she was drunk, she couldn't walk without falling down, so I took her back to the vet and she saw a different vet. We set her down in the office and she tried to walk and fell against the wall, he said he thought she was over medicated, to stop everything and see how she the next day she was fine and never took any of that. Three weeks ago, they gave us an IV bag and some meds, and said we would have to bring her back to have the IV two or three times a week, I think they said. Shortly after she started throwing up, so she never used any of those meds, nor it seems, needed them.
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  • #46


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 3, 2016
Griffin, Georgia
Well, she ate some of the chicken porridge I gave her an hour and a half ago and it didn't come up! then I saw her drinking a lot of water and it didn't come up... maybe the pepcid ac is helping. Then she went back and ate some of the chicken porridge about 20 minutes ago came and laid down in the doorway, then got up and went back and is eating more now!!! :) :) :)

 I didn't know about a feeding tube when I was at the vet and neither one mentioned it, or the endoscopy.

I'm prayin' hard this pepcid and chicken porridge is working!!! 

Here is a few more pics of her.... The first one is during the winter, when I was working, every day when I come home she would be waiting on me like you see, so we could take a walk around the yard before it got dark. The second one is her, in her spot in the window. The third, I had gotten a new camera and me and her was out looking at things, and I was looking through the camera at something and she had to come up and check it out, so I snapped it!




TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
Baby food is fine but only feed the ones that don't  have garlic or onions in them. Here are the safe ones to feed: Keep in mind that baby food can only be fed temporarily to a sick cat. it does not contain any of the essential vitamins and minerals a cat needs. What you can do is take pate canned cat food and turn it into soup using a blender and water and add a little baby food to it to make it more appealing. Then feed it to your cat, syringe feeding if necessary. Adding FortiFlora to the food often works. FortiFlora is irresistable to cats, even sick inappetant ones. You can buy FortiFlora online at many web sites such as Amazon. There's a $5 rebate coupon on the FortiFlora web site.

A feeding tube may be very helpful to get essential nutrients and medicines into the cat. Here is some info on the different types of feeding tubes:

Here is another article with suggestions on how to pay vet bills:
What is fortiflora?

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
@SadiesDad   You should be able to get copies of the reports, lab results, and any ultrasound, x-ray, or findings from these tests from the vet place that you took Sadie to. You paid to have these tests done, and get their diagnostic work-ups, and you are entitled to have them, read them, and keep them for your own records.

(I'm not sure why a lot of vet places do not print out written instructions, except on the medication bottles, for clients to take home. I also find it confusing, many times about how to give a medicine to my animal, and when they have side effects, I don't know what to look out for, unless I ask ahead of time, or am told to watch for it.

And yes, I do wish that any medications that our animals could not handle, or have adverse reactions to, can be refunded, but I never have asked for a refund, since my own vet sometimes waives his consultation fee, depending upon the reason for the vet visit.)

The only thing you can do is ask this vet clinic to print you out Sadie's findings, and also that you want to know exactly why the Panacur and Metronidazole was prescribed. Ask them to print out for you detailed instructions about when, how, and why each medicine they prescribed is given. Also ask them to print out side-effects for each medication. Tell them you are confused, and need it in writing.

(Especially when we are stressed at the vet's office, I tend to forget everything I just heard, unless it is written down. I once walked out, after writing down the vet instructions and paying, and left my cat in his carrier in the waiting room, and only realized it when I had gotten to my car...that is how stressed I was.)

7 prescriptions?? wow...that would have confused me to the limit.

As far as the IV bag...if it is sub-q fluids then the vet's office could have shown you how to administer sub-q fluids to Sadie, if you are okay with using needles.

It is not that difficult, so they could have given you options to do them at home, if you wanted to. I think they expect people to ask them, and they don't just offer.

Remember, you paid for all of these services, and if they don't answer your questions fully, then you have the right to ask again. There is no harm in asking questions.

If you feel phoning is easier, then phone, but I find that going in person is sometimes easier.

You don't have to bring your cat in, but usually have to call ahead and find out when the vet you want is free to talk to you, for 10 to 15 minutes.

Vets should never rush you out the door, either, although, some days, and times, they are swamped with patients.

I'm also going to be praying that Sadie gets even a little strength back, even from any amounts, or times that she manages to keep down the chicken porridge.

Hopefully, each time, she will get a little stronger.

Your photos are lovely. They really capture how beautiful Sadie is. Total healing vibes for Sadie, sent your way.
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  • #50


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 3, 2016
Griffin, Georgia
 I think that place is really a money making machine. They have constant day I was a walk in and had to wait 4 hours, another day I made an appointment and waited 3 and a half hours.... Twice I had vets tell me they would call me and tell me what was going on to never hear from them. One called the next day, and one called at midnight, to say she was in emergency surgery, from 7pm to 12am? If you call and say your pet sneezed they will say you need to bring it in, so they can see for themselves, which can run from $40 for a regular visit to $89 if you think it's an emergency...

 I have had to change bandages on my wife's side, when she had a tube running into her from kidney stone surgery, so I am sure I could do most else.... these folks are always rushed it seems... They seem good as far as knowledgeable, and really good folks, the lady vet that first was seeing Sadie and figured out she had anemia, went home and got her own two cats to give her a transfusion...but I am thinking they are pushed by the owners to milk you if they can.... (shame on me for thinking so, but as my grandad used to say, if it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, then it must be a duck)  I do think I need to get a copy of all those test though...

Thank you so much.... I don't have children, so Sadie is my only child! :) Especially since I have been out of work since Jan., she loves that I am home with her everyday, and I am glad that I am able to be here with her...


Foster mama
Alpha Cat
Dec 25, 2015
I second everything @cat nap   has just said.

I am not sure about the medications they prescribed. Sounds like they think it could be a parasite so thought they would try treating just in case it is.

If it helps, I'd suggest writing a log of what you feed her and approx. how much she eats and when/if she brings it up so you know how much she might actually be getting. Then you can have a record of what foods she will eat vs. what foods she ignores. Its helpful to have when you're in the thick of feeling emotional about it all.

I am glad she ate the chicken and hope she continues to improve! Keep us updated. She is so lovely, thanks for the photos of her. Your story with her is so touching to me...thank you for persevering and keep trying to take care of her. I know how hard it can be to care for a sick kitty. When my Sidney was sick, I really couldn't think about anything else and she was taking about 100% of my efforts and time! She was my companion while I was unemployed, and it made a huge difference for me having someone who needed me. Sending you and Sadie the most positive and hopeful vibes! 


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
What is fortiflora?
FortiFlora is a probiotic and nutritional supplement: It's basically animal digest which very few cats can resist. A little sprinkle on top of food is enough to entice an otherwise inappetant cat to eat.

If your cat seems to be eating the "porridge" consider making a complete balanced home cooked diet for her to eat instead. The porridge you are making is lacking all of the vitamins and minerals a cat needs. There are some good recipies in this thread: Additonal info on how to properly make a home cooked diet is here:
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
FortiFlora is a probiotic and nutritional supplement: It's basically animal digest which very few cats can resist. A little sprinkle on top of food is enough to entice an otherwise inappetant cat to eat.

If your cat seems to be eating the "porridge" consider making a complete balanced home cooked diet for her to eat instead. The porridge you are making is lacking all of the vitamins and minerals a cat needs. There are some good recipies in this thread: Additonal info on how to properly make a home cooked diet is here:
Thank you.
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  • #54


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 3, 2016
Griffin, Georgia
Thank you.
FortiFlora is a probiotic and nutritional supplement: It's basically animal digest which very few cats can resist. A little sprinkle on top of food is enough to entice an otherwise inappetant cat to eat.

If your cat seems to be eating the "porridge" consider making a complete balanced home cooked diet for her to eat instead. The porridge you are making is lacking all of the vitamins and minerals a cat needs. There are some good recipies in this thread: Additonal info on how to properly make a home cooked diet is here:
 Right now, I am trying to find something she can keep down that at least can keep her going. I tried mixing a little of her canned food with the chicken broth into a slurry and it came back up. And now after looking at the dish with the chicken, I think she is mainly licking the broth off of it, there was still a good bit of chicken left in it.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 31, 2015


Foster mama
Alpha Cat
Dec 25, 2015
 Right now, I am trying to find something she can keep down that at least can keep her going. I tried mixing a little of her canned food with the chicken broth into a slurry and it came back up. And now after looking at the dish with the chicken, I think she is mainly licking the broth off of it, there was still a good bit of chicken left in it.
I wonder if it is at all possible she has a food intolerance to something in the processed can/dry food. I'd hesitate to switch to a new food (new brand and protein type, such as lamb, duck, etc.) for fear of doing more harm than good, but it is something else you could try. I know this sounds really weird, but I also hard-boiled eggs and let Sidney eat the yolk to get some nutrients and food in her tummy, she loved it. She didn't like the egg whites though.

To echo, @LTS3  , she does really need to get her appropriate nutrients though I realize you are trying to get something, anything in her that will stay in. Hang in there!

As an aside, here's a page I found on Georgia vet care assistance - with a couple of national programs as well. I also found the VetHeart of Georgia program - and P.a.l.s. Atlanta ( though I am not sure any of these will be helpful, its worth looking at.
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  • #57


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 3, 2016
Griffin, Georgia
 Well, I found out there is a cat vet in a town about 25 miles away and made her an appointment, but the earliest they had was for 2:30pm, gonna have to use another credit card, which I have been keeping paid up, but if we add much today, I won't be able to pay it...

 This lady vet's specialty is senior kitties... Sadie drank a bowl of tuna juice this morning and ate/drank a very small amount of the porridge, she is sleeping now... She used the litter box once this morning and once sometime before, so her kidneys are still doing their thing...


What greater gift than the love of a cat.
Top Cat
Jul 13, 2015
Just wanted to let you know that I've been following your thread and wanted to send some good vibes for a productive and helpful vet visit today. It sounds promising that you've located a vet that specializes in senior cats!
:vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes:
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  • #59


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 3, 2016
Griffin, Georgia
thanks so much!  Poor Sadie just came in the room meowing at me, she wanted something to eat... I opened another can of tuna and gave her the juice, she wouldn't eat any more of the porridge I made this morning. She didn't even finish drinking it and quickly walked away and threw up... then she sneezed three times. I am hoping she just dipped her nose in the juice and it made her throw up and sneeze... she went back 15 minutes later and drank a little more of the tuna juice and threw it right back up.... she then followed me into the living room and wanted to get on her towel in the recliner, so I helped her up there and she curled up to sleep.... That is what bothers me so much, she is hungry, she just can't keep it down! :(

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
 Well, I found out there is a cat vet in a town about 25 miles away and made her an appointment, but the earliest they had was for 2:30pm, gonna have to use another credit card, which I have been keeping paid up, but if we add much today, I won't be able to pay it...

 This lady vet's specialty is senior kitties... Sadie drank a bowl of tuna juice this morning and ate/drank a very small amount of the porridge, she is sleeping now... She used the litter box once this morning and once sometime before, so her kidneys are still doing their thing...
Can you bring all the medications you have for Sadie, with you. That IV bag, also.

And all the paper work, too.

So this lady vet can see them, and not have to repeat any of the recent tests, and also be able to contact the vet hospital by the medication bottles, or paperwork.

Later on tonight, see if any of those links that @sidneykitty posted above, would help with vet care expenses.

Worth it to ask the vet, too, about any financial assistance plans. Never hurts to ask.

Write down everything she says, and take your time, in getting the answers.

Something in Sadie's body is preventing her from keeping down her food, I hope this lady vet can tell you why...and give you suggestions to try.
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