The Temptation To Get More Cats Is Real...


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Mar 19, 2018
A month ago we adopted Nova, a standard-issue black DSH. She's approaching 7 months old and is such a joy. We only planned on one cat but my husband, kid and I find ourselves falling over each other to hog her! She's chosen me as her favourite person and one of the other two are always plucking her off my lap because they're jealous and want some kitty cuddle time too. Maybe we could stand to have another cat or two to spread the love around. Dare I go full cat lady and start a multi-cat household?

Thing is, Nova seems really happy. In her foster home, she was with a couple of younger kittens that bothered her a lot - they kept pouncing on her from behind and biting her head, and the poor sweet thing would just screw up her little face in pain and paw at them gently! Had to get her outta there. Her foster mother said that she ignores the other cats and would probably be happiest alone. In fact, all the older kitties kind of ignored each other, like they were just tolerating each other. That kind of reaffirmed my thoughts that cats are solitary and are more likely to just endure a cat companion than truly enjoy it.

As an only cat in our house, she has blossomed. She's sashaying around our house with her tail up in the air like she owns the place, getting cuddles and treats and playing with her toys, sociable and purry as can be. She's got a good thing going and I'm scared of ruining that and saddling her with a permanent roommate she might wish wasn't there.

My husband is of the opposite fear - that once Nova gets a playmate she'll love him/her more and stop being cuddly with us humans! Honestly that would make us sad. We love lap cats.

Of course our kid disagrees and would have 20 cats if she could.

What are your thoughts/experiences on expanding kitty families?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
I have always found that cats and Miniature Horses are like can't have just one. lol

I have always had multiple cats. Yes, they play with and groom each other, but...they always come to me for cuddles. They sleep on my bed, follow me around the house, even come when they're called.
I would not get a kitten since Nova doesn't seem to like them much. There a a lot of older cats that need homes. Keep in mind though, that you can't just throw the cats together, they need to be introduced...slowly.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
My main thought is keep thinking about it and try and decide in the next few months. It gets harder as the resident cat gets older, and resident cats over two years old have problems with kittens quite often. Its usually "safe" to introduce another kitten to a 7 month old. Meaning that they are unlikely to hate each other and you won't have to break up true fights. HOWEVER, with your kitten being unusually tranquil, its quite likely that the new kitten will bug her a bit just like the old kittens did. You can try to get a long-haired kitten like a Persian -- they maybe tend to be slightly more chill, but its variable and they are still kittens. A personality match with an older cat is another option, but isn't the easiest to find a reliable match, as older cats often don't like younger cats, especially at first.

Behavior towards you may indeed change somewhat. That is harder to predict, but it does sometimes happen, whether the two cats end up friends, enemies or even in between.

Most likely outcome? They play a lot. Your tranquil current kitty will sometimes get mildly annoyed with the kitten. Your current kitty may be somewhat less affectionate at certain times, especially when the kitten is nearby and active. It will be different. But you will still love the new kitten and it will still be positive. Likely :)
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
I am a big fan of multi cat households :) we have 4. I think its good for them to have friends. And the more for us to love. If she has had time to get confident in your home that may help make it easier for her to adjust to another cat.

My guys ignore each other occasionally, they want alone time just like we do. But the majority of the time they like to be together. Playing, they love to play chase all over the house, and the boys like to play fight, hard sometimes, the girls will not put up with Or just cuddling up and napping. they nap and cuddle with each other, and us. one on one or all in a pile, so fun :) they sit together in the windows and watch the birds, then cuddle up and nap.

one of the biggest reasons, in my opinion, for stress between cats in a home is lack of resources. Cats are social creatures, but they are also territorial about resources. they must be to survive in the wild. They need space, for when they want alone time. and things, such as cat trees or scratchers that they can mark as theirs.. a rule of thumb i have always read was at least one good room per cat, so they can get away from each other, and the humans when needed.

Food is a big one. I feed wet meals, all in one room, but everyone gets their own plate, a little distance from each other. Its a social meal, but no one is crowded. Dry food i keep two or three bowls around the house, in different rooms, so they can eat in peace if they want. same with water bowls. i have several bowls and fountains in different parts of the house.

Litter boxes, the standard of 1 for each cat, plus 1 more works. I have 4 cats and 5 boxes around the house, so they can go without another cat right over them. some cats are social in the litter box, some are not. plus they like clean boxes, some will not go if it has already been used.

Cat trees, window boxes, beds, toys, always have more than is actually needed.

Anything a cat uses they will feel the need to fight and defend if there is not enough to go around.

let us know what you decide, and post photos :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2017
I would say one , especially as she has come out of her shell and had previous experience with cats . I’ve been watching ‘my cat from hell ‘ found it on some channel (never thought I would in the uk ) and my god mistakes people make when getting another cat because the believe current cat wants it ! I’d love a lap cat however Gracie is not one and I know she would hate another cat . Maybe one day I will get a dog as I know she will always still be queen bee if I do that .


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 25, 2018
I've always had only cats, due to my husband's cat allergies. I would say trust your gut about whether a new cat would really be something your cat enjoys. My first cat was definitely an only cat and hated any and all changes in the household, and let us know it pretty clearly, so she was well-suited to our single-cat home. I'm sure a second cat would have been an unmitigated disaster.

I'm sure our Juniper could figure out how to get along with another cat (she is sweet and eager to please), but she is very skittish and high anxiety, and I'm not sure that it would make her happier to have a buddy. I'm told that she was very stressed out at the animal shelter where she spent a couple of months before coming to us, and I wonder if adding another pet would be too chaotic for her.

Of course, we'll never know, but I think we've tended to have shy and/or nervous kitties, who are good fits for our only-cat household.

So I can't offer any advice about adding a cat, but I think it is possible that cats can be happy without another cat in the house, and some should be only cats.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Due to the fact that Nova's foster mother recommended that Nova be an only cat, I'd be hesitant to get another. However, lots families do have more than 1 cat, and make it work.

I'll post links to some TCS articles that may be helpful as you contemplate being a multi-cat household. Good luck with whatever you decide. :heartshape:

Your Second Cat: How To Choose The Best Friend For Kitty
The Multi-cat Household
Introducing Cats To Cats
How To Successfully Introduce Cats: The Ultimate Guide
How To Fix An Unsuccessful Cat Introduction


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 24, 2015
perhaps you could adopt an older cat that wouldn't be constantly bugging nova for play, but if the foster mum said she wasn't keen on kittens, then steer clear of younger, rambunctious cats.

Cats can be companions, even if they don't cuddle or play together, they just work out an understanding. It's like "yes this space is yours too. I will allow you to occupy it" Mojo probably would like it if she was once again an only cat, but she and her 'brother' share food, they have three litter boxes and she gets all the attention because he hardly ever asks for any, so she puts up with him. They play, but it's mainly chase, little hiss, swat and then they both lay down there are obviously rules which I'm not privvy to. Sometimes Mojo looks triumphant, sometimes Charlie does. They don't snuggle, but they will settle a few inches apart from one another so I think they are happy.

You all clearly have love for another animal, perhaps she might do better with a laid back dog, or you could get your child a rodent or fish to have as their "own" pet depending on how old they are. If the other animal has a confined space like a tank cage or hutch, then she may not be threatened by it. Just an idea.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
I have mixed feelings considering the temperament of Nova. I got Lily as an adult after I had Mingo, and Lily is of a similar personality to Nova. I introduced them well, and Mingo was delighted to have a playmate.

There is good and bad in their relationship. They are affectionate to each other, and keep each other company. They love to play, but the play can sometimes escalate into an attack. Mingo takes advantage of Lily's compliant nature and bullies her quite a bit. On the other hand, Lily has had a good effect on Mingo. He would not sleep with me until after I got Lily. I believe he was jealous - he chased her off the bed at first. He would not sit in my lap, either, until he saw Lily doing it. But Lily would be much more outgoing, I think, if Mingo were not around.

That may happen to Nova - that she becomes more subdued in the face of a more aggressive cat. You would have to choose carefully.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 28, 2018
Hmm...personally I thing a lot of this choice should come down to either your daughter or your husband as odd as that sounds. You mentioned that nova has claimed you as her human, so IF you decide on another cat I would say it should be one that either of them picks out (Personally I find older cats make better lap cats since they don’t have the crazy energy). And if you do get another have the one who picks the cat be their human, sleep with them, feed them (in a separate place), groom them, and most importantly they will need to play with them. If you get another kitten the play becomes even more important as you would need to wear them out so they don’t pick on nova. The idea behind this would be to show nova that while there is another cat, she is still your number one (try not to spend to much time with the new cat, at least at first) and that she isn’t losing anything from the new cat being there.

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
A month ago we adopted Nova, a standard-issue black DSH. She's approaching 7 months old and is such a joy. We only planned on one cat but my husband, kid and I find ourselves falling over each other to hog her! She's chosen me as her favourite person and one of the other two are always plucking her off my lap because they're jealous and want some kitty cuddle time too. Maybe we could stand to have another cat or two to spread the love around. Dare I go full cat lady and start a multi-cat household?

Thing is, Nova seems really happy. In her foster home, she was with a couple of younger kittens that bothered her a lot - they kept pouncing on her from behind and biting her head, and the poor sweet thing would just screw up her little face in pain and paw at them gently! Had to get her outta there. Her foster mother said that she ignores the other cats and would probably be happiest alone. In fact, all the older kitties kind of ignored each other, like they were just tolerating each other. That kind of reaffirmed my thoughts that cats are solitary and are more likely to just endure a cat companion than truly enjoy it.

As an only cat in our house, she has blossomed. She's sashaying around our house with her tail up in the air like she owns the place, getting cuddles and treats and playing with her toys, sociable and purry as can be. She's got a good thing going and I'm scared of ruining that and saddling her with a permanent roommate she might wish wasn't there.

My husband is of the opposite fear - that once Nova gets a playmate she'll love him/her more and stop being cuddly with us humans! Honestly that would make us sad. We love lap cats.

Of course our kid disagrees and would have 20 cats if she could.

What are your thoughts/experiences on expanding kitty families?
You have an awesome kid =D

The thing is, if we get worried about adding sometimes that worry rubs off on them. We bring in a new kitten, and instead of being happy or enjoying their interactions (even if there's some hissing/mild slapping going on), we freak out and think our cats need a psychiatrist. They pick up on this.
If you could find a laid back kitten or cat that is playful but not "bold", it might be a good fit.
We've always had multiples, and after several decades of this I can safely say I'll never be "single cat" house ever again.

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
Most of me says an adult cat might be the best for Nova provided it's a nice, quiet cat that isn't out looking for trouble.
Kittens can and often are really annoying, but take correction better from an adult cat....which makes me wonder if the "right" kitten that will take correction from an adult or "get a clue" when the adult cat leaves the room would work....?
My only concern would be Nova would feel threatened by an adult, even a nice adult, if she's very shy or very passive.
Depending on how you assume Nova would respond to an 8-10 week old ankle biter, and depending on your situation (would separation be do-able if you're all out of the house so no one gets annoyed?), a kitten MIGHT work. If you could find that rare love bug kitten that spends 90% of their time being adorable and only 10% being crazy (vs. the other way around), this could be an ideal solution.

Or be wreck-less like me, and bring home both an adult in need and *coughTWOcough* kittens in need..., LOL
(no, I really don't recommend this!)
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TCS Member
Super Cat
Dec 20, 2017
Tacoma, Wa
males and females are generally better than female and female. also what you describe with play time doesn't sound that bad. cats do play rough. if they aren't constantly running away and hiding they're in it. it's a mistake to think she wasn't socializing well from what you describe. I do think you should get another cat. cats can get neurotic when they are the only one. just get an adultish neutered male. like 1 and a half years to 3 so he can still keep up with her. no worries about them ignoring you for each other. they hang out together and they also hang out with the humans. but it's important for them to have stimulation outside of you. you can't be their world because they need a LOT of stimulation beyond cuddles and 15 minutes of play time yah know?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
OK yes I'm on the side of getting a male kitten. :dizzycat:

Whether you adopt a kitten or not I do have some suggestions that helped turn my "why do I have to be do cute..... don't pick me up!!!" cat :devilcat:into a lap. :angelcat:How? I let him decide if he wants attention or to just chill on my lap. If he gets slightly agitated I stop petting him. I also have a 15 minute rule (30 minutes if I put my feet up and get under a blanket) where 99.99% of the time if they get on my lap, they get 15 minutes at least. When they were young if I saw them coming and I had to get up in a few minutes, I would stand. (Sadly my cats know the phrase 'I need to pee!' :crackup: Means 'get off I'm getting up and running to the bathroom!' )

I also think not grabbing your cat off of other people's lap will help. :petcat: