The Name of the Game.


TCS Member
Jan 7, 2001
Still Hittin' 'Em Right Between The Eyes
No, Hubby really isn't the one who "wins the prize". I am. He is such a good man. I must have done something REALLLLLLLY special somewhere along the line to have been blessed with him. (Don't have the first foggiest clue as to what that special thing might be, but I had to have done something good! Oh, sheesh! Maybe it was that he did something really bad to deserve me! YIKES!)

I told him last night there were a couple of cats I wanted to buy - there really aren't any cats, I just wanted to see what he would say - and his first response was, "Kittens? Really? Cool!", then the next thing was, "How Much?"

I told him yes, they were kittens, a male and a female and that I intended to pay $1800 for the female and $5000 for the male. And I KNOW he was thinking to himself..."Damn! Those cats better be crafted of 24K GOLD!!!" While his eyes did get a little bigger, I really do have to give the man credit... he said while giving me a very sincere hug...

"You've sacrificed so much over the nearly 15 years you've put up with me and my boy, this is not too much to ask. Buy your cats, Gaye-Gaye. We'll love them together."

Bless his heart. So you see, I am the winner in all ways with this. Personally, I choose to think he drove TO work with the mouse in his boot, got there and found it, then took it out...and put it back in the next morning just so he could make me laugh because he really does love me that much. That's what I choose to believe. And I will go to my grave believing it. *smile*



TCS Member
May 30, 2001
Out Yonder in Kentucky
Sigh! What a dreamboat! Does he have an unmarried twin by any chance?

Never husband wouldn't like it if I dumped him for someone else.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2001

Your hubby is right up there in the "greatest men alive" category (along with Sandie's husband, Rene's husband, Hissy's husband, and Anne's husband, to name a few). Glad to see that somebody is managing to find these gems.


TCS Member
Nov 29, 2000
What a great story, not to mention a great guy! My husbands a great guy, but had I said that to him he would have told me no way are paying that much for 2 cats.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 12, 2001
WOW! I agree with Lotsocats & Deb- Glad to hear that there are SOME (RARE) men out there that are willing to put up with dozens of cats!!

As lotsocats asked, does ur hubby have a twin brother or cousin by any chance??

I have a few games that my cats tend to play with me and with each other..

Sunni likes to do this to me.. Hey, you're not petting me enough!
Hey, come on. What do I have to do to get ur attention??
I'm gonna stand in front of the computer until u pet me!
Yes!! YES!
Pet me right there... A bit harder..
here behind the ear please... That will do.. Hey, I said that's enough! I'm going to bite u if u don't stop right now! Okay, THAT'S IT! (biting lightly)
Thank u very much!
Hey, I wanna be petted some more..
(rubbing against leg) Come on!
I'm gonna bug u till u pet me again!

Zebra plays this with me.

OHH! U want to pet me? Nah! No thanks! Okay, let's play tag! U're it! Now come get me!
HEHEH U missed!
hey U stopped?
I wanna have u pet me!
(Laying at feet)Good girl..
A bit closer...
Nope! I'm changing my mind! Don't touch me!
HEEH, u're it!
Come catch me if u can!
See! I cam move faster than u can.. U're giving up too easy!
Hey! Don't walk away. I m not done and u haven't petted me enough!
(Laying at feet again).. Okay, this time I will let u win and pet me for a few minutes!
AHH!I think I'm gonna explode with happiness!!! That feels SOOOOO good!

These are ONLY a few of MANY games these 2 "mistresses" like to play with their slave (ME!)


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 4, 2001
Ottawa. Ontario, Canada
While we have many of the above-mentioned games at our house (skirt surfin using an untied bathrobe belt can be potentially embarassing), all of our cats have jobs.

Clementine (tortie, age 4) is upstairs bathroom monitor, and will wake from a deep sleep on the lower level to tear up the stairs when she hears the bathroom light flick on. She is quite fastidious and usually goes into the litter box room after the others have vacated to make sure they covered everything. She is also my hubby's baby, known as "furry Prozac" when he gets home after a particularly hard day at work.

Goose (Persian X, age 5), in addition to downstairs bathroom monitor, is also in charge of Dino, her 4" high stuffed dinosaur, which must be upstairs at night and downstairs during the day. She doesn't often move it when we're awake, but when she does, she meows loudly until we thank her for doing it.

Winnie (Basic gray stripey, age 3) is still "finding herself" careerwise, but has attempted (and failed at) garbage removal (the bag is too heavy, she realizes after several mouthfuls of green plastic) and farming (the temptation was too much and she ate most of a planting of peas this spring), and has settled on rug monitor lately, which consists of fluffing up the rug wherever there is dent when we move furniture, which is fairly often. At night, she is in charge of keeping either my feet or my head toasty while I sleep. I personally don't think this is a summer job, but she disagrees.

Anybody elses cats have careers?