The Mega Pawsitive Fundraiser

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Hey everybody all is well. The foot still hurts but I found a fairly decent foot surgeon to help me get active again. The closest I could get was Sept. 13th. So for now I try to sit as much as possible and at night keep my foot on ice.

The pawsitive is Jon told his doctor about how crudy he's been feeling and they upped the medication. Hopefully it will help him feel normal again. Rheumatoid arthritis is not pawsitive and wish there was a cure for it other than steroids. At least after 8 months of grinning and bearing the pain he's being upfront about what is really going on.

Tonight is humid out and only down to 65. This morning it was 53 here. I would love those temperatures to stick around. Tomorrow 85 and sunny. Which is good for the beach goers but for me I am still kind of burned from my bike ride yesterday and today so got to skip the sun exposure.
I am glad to see new members here and hope you stick around for a while!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
foxxycat foxxycat Did not hear what happened with your foot but wishing you all the very, very best! and hope the doctor you found is not only an excellent one, but at the top of his form when he works for you. At least you've got good weather now! Sorry about Jon, too -- my ex has that and it's horrible. He was not doing well at all on several of the drugs, but then his doctor put him on something injectible and he improved dramatically. We don't talk anymore so I can't find out which one it is. But it would be a fairly new one.
Lalexa67 Lalexa67 OH, how adorable!!! I'm notorious here on TCS for wanting all the black cats (and for trying to find any means I can for invading the homes of those who share life with them, so as to sneak them into my coat with the big pockets and abscond :bigeyes::lolup::insertevillaugh:. Just ask 1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine . HE KNOWS.)


TCS Member
Young Cat
Apr 16, 2018
OH, how adorable!!! I'm notorious here on TCS for wanting all the black cats (and for trying to find any means I can for invading the homes of those who share life with them, so as to sneak them into my coat with the big pockets and abscond :bigeyes::lolup::insertevillaugh:. Just ask 1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine . HE KNOWS.)[/QUOTE]

You made me laugh really hard with this!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
OH, how adorable!!! I'm notorious here on TCS for wanting all the black cats (and for trying to find any means I can for invading the homes of those who share life with them, so as to sneak them into my coat with the big pockets and abscond :bigeyes::lolup::insertevillaugh:. Just ask 1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine . HE KNOWS.)
You made me laugh really hard with this![/QUOTE]
*Today, you laugh. Tomorrow? :confused2:*


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 27, 2017
My PAWsitive is that I get to eat all the ice cream I want! I lost my last (and only) bit of wisdom this morning, by way of tooth extraction.
My not so PAWsitive is that I don't even really want ice cream because I also had a bridge and a crown and am inlay done. It's only a little sore, not bad yet. After having my mouth open for 3.5 hours earlier, though, I could keep it shut for the rest of the night. As anyone who knows me will tell you, that's saying a lot!
Second PAWsitive though, my cats are cuddly and warm, and I get to nap with them and check up on my TCS friends, and not even feel bad about slacking off on the housework. The dentist said to keep my head upright and no activity! I think I can manage that...;)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
Less bathroom accidents today! We're improving! My students all seem nice so far, so I think once we get over the learning the routines hump (and figure out they actually need to try to go potty when we take them), we will be good.

Plus there was happy hour today and that's always positive!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
My PAWsitive is that I get to eat all the ice cream I want! I lost my last (and only) bit of wisdom this morning, by way of tooth extraction.
My not so PAWsitive is that I don't even really want ice cream because I also had a bridge and a crown and am inlay done. It's only a little sore, not bad yet. After having my mouth open for 3.5 hours earlier, though, I could keep it shut for the rest of the night. As anyone who knows me will tell you, that's saying a lot!
Second PAWsitive though, my cats are cuddly and warm, and I get to nap with them and check up on my TCS friends, and not even feel bad about slacking off on the housework. The dentist said to keep my head upright and no activity! I think I can manage that...;)
Wow, tinydestroyer tinydestroyer , that's a LOT of work to have done at one time! The upside? It's all done. But yeah, you must be hurtin' for certain! Hope you will be an in ice cream mood in awhile, because it would probably soothe the mouth.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
My PAWsitive is that I get to eat all the ice cream I want! I lost my last (and only) bit of wisdom this morning, by way of tooth extraction.
tinydestroyer tinydestroyer - No, no, no; ice cream is for tonsils; your dentist suggested it only because it causes cavities!

The dentist said to keep my head upright and no activity! I think I can manage that...;)
You know what that means, don't you? Once you retire for the evening, absolutely no

jumping up and down on the bed.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 27, 2017
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine well, the joke's on my dentist. I eat ice cream every night, and have had only one cavity in my 32 years! (All that got done today was due to genetic defect or bruxism.) Ice cream has calcium, right?

As for jumping up and down on the bed: YOURE NOT THE BOSS OF ME! :hyper::hyper::hyper::p

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 I'm glad it's over with, though! Thanks for the well wishes.

foxxycat foxxycat I hope your foot heals swiftly, and you feel 100% better soon!

Extra pawsitive: long walk with Mondo (doesn't count as activity at the slow rate we are walkin,) and I notice the reflection of the water, and the pastoral land:

There are a few things I guess I'll miss when I leave. In a good way.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
Lelia wants me to tell you that playing mousie is very pawsitive.

So is this - it's the secret drawer that holds the wand toys and treats and other "not out all the time" goodies.

S's pawsitive is that my bf got up from his computer room for a couple minutes and she was able to lick the plate that his pizza rolls were on before he spotted her and took it away. :clapcat:

Cat pawsitives are easier than human ones sometimes.

Shane Kent

Crazy Cat Gentleman
Top Cat
May 9, 2016
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
When I got home late today Rusty was in the front window and looked so excited to see me. I got in the house and Kitty was first at the door to greet me and Rusty came around the corner from the window. I got lots and lots of loving when I got home:) Then Karen came up from the basement with Taz and Zoe and I got even more loving:) This is where I was before going home.


Love, love and even more love. What a great day.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
This is where I was before going home.

View attachment 249502

Love, love and even more love. What a great day.

View attachment 249503
Shane Kent Shane Kent you son of a gun, am I ever jealous! That's a glorious view, my Friend, and no one deserves that view as much as you do.

Sitting on the patio enjoying the night air a few minutes ago, I watched an adolescent raccoon disappear around the corner of the barn, and then reappear perhaps an half dozen times. Curiosity finally got the better of me, and I went out though the back gate, and 'round the north side of the barn. If anyone has a recipe for blueberry-stuffed raccoon, send it to me - the little fellow has been picking straight through the blueberry patch!

I should be mad at him, but with almost 45 quarts in the freezer, it's might hard not to just laugh.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
foxxycat foxxycat Did not hear what happened with your foot but wishing you all the very, very best! and hope the doctor you found is not only an excellent one, but at the top of his form when he works for you. At least you've got good weather now! Sorry about Jon, too -- my ex has that and it's horrible. He was not doing well at all on several of the drugs, but then his doctor put him on something injectible and he improved dramatically. We don't talk anymore so I can't find out which one it is. But it would be a fairly new one.
Lalexa67 Lalexa67 OH, how adorable!!! I'm notorious here on TCS for wanting all the black cats (and for trying to find any means I can for invading the homes of those who share life with them, so as to sneak them into my coat with the big pockets and abscond :bigeyes::lolup::insertevillaugh:. Just ask 1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine . HE KNOWS.)
Hey, stay far away from me, you can't have my Panthera no matter how big your pockets are. Well, they may be BIG enough but he's one heavy cat at 20 lbs so the pockets may just break and he would make a beeline back to me.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
My positive is that I want to @ all of you! I am filled with joy after reading all the posts! New members. Longtime members! ( No old members here! We are all too young at heart!) Cat humor and loving jokes! Welcomes to new folks! Such a great group of people, cats and posts! I am hoping for fast healing for foot and mouth! Eating Ice Cream every day sounded great to a young friend of mine who joined the site today! I loved seeing a stunning water view. I wish I was there! I am holding tight to all three of my black cats! Lol I loved the music and video posted by a friend that I admire! One smart cookie! I love the camaraderie here. I also love the expression of love by cats and for cats. I am happy that I got to be included here and in assisting some kitties the past few days and that I got to offer information and comfort to a budding cat rescuer. I have been inspired by someone who never has let on they have MS. They rescue and though I have worked with them, they go about tending cats, attending school and other activities without ever letting on. They even offered to help me. (Especially when I get old! Tee hee) They are a delight! A day when I was tired has ended in laughter! Thank you to all of you here. This is a night I will always remember! The air is cool and breezy. The gentle wind is sweet with the scent of my beloved Tea Olive. Osmanthus fragrans. I hope you find this view as beautiful as I do. Maybe you can imagine the feel and the scent of the night here. All is quiet and right with the world for this instant. I’ll keep this stored away in my mind just to revisit later. Good night good kitties. Good night good people!

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