The Kittens are almost 10 wks old...


TCS Member
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Mar 4, 2006
This coming monday and wednesday, the kittens will turn 10 weeks old. There is an add going in the paper for them starting Monday. I am soooo sad. I don't really want to let any of them go

I'm also rehoming the mothers to families that will spay them. I am keeping Casper as he needs special care because he was abused.

I may keep one other male kitten (there is 7 of them) but I don't know which one yet. I'm thinking squeekers or Twinny, but I'm not sure.

Any advice on how to let these kittens go to the right homes or any advice really. This is hard for me.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 29, 2005
SW Minnesota
As a breeder, it is hard - you watch kittens born, nursed, and raise them and see them go from tiny squeeks to running around playing catchers.

But I had a waiting list for those who wanted the kittens, so I could focus on providing a loving, housebroken kitten who would adjust to their new family. The kittens were taught house manners before they left.

What helps is to ask the people they go to to keep in touch over the next few weeks and let you know how they are adjusting.

persi & alley

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 27, 2006
Farmers Branch, Texas
Originally Posted by GoldenKitty45

As a breeder, it is hard - you watch kittens born, nursed, and raise them and see them go from tiny squeeks to running around playing catchers.

But I had a waiting list for those who wanted the kittens, so I could focus on providing a loving, housebroken kitten who would adjust to their new family. The kittens were taught house manners before they left.

What helps is to ask the people they go to to keep in touch over the next few weeks and let you know how they are adjusting.
Your last line here is exceptional. Although I have had plenty of cats, I have never had a kitten before which I bought at age seven weeks. Yes, I did know until I found TCS that this was too early. But I do remember really thinking the breeder would call me to see how her little baby was doing. Nope, no phone calls nor did she ever mention me calling her at any time which showed me she cared not one iota how the kitten was doing. So much for my total lack of knowlege in picking breeders. I have since seen ads saying they will take the kitten back if there is some kind of problem with it or if it cannot adjust. Fortunately, I was lucky and Persi adjusted OK.
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TCS Member
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Mar 4, 2006
Well the add is out today, so that means I will be fielding many calls (hopefully) so that I can be picky about who gets the kittens. I've already turned down 2 people because they are not willing to be good pet owners.

I'm not asking a whole lot, just that in lou of a fee, I ask that you spay or neuter the kitten and that it be indoors only and that you join tcs. I also ask about where the person lives, with who, if they've had other pets before and if they took them to the vets, if they are renting, I ask for a written letter from the landlord stating that pets are acceptable.

Also I include my phone number and a variety of other sources for items the kittens have enjoyed while in my care, as well as health related sources and tips.

How's that sound????

Anything I'm missing?


TCS Member
Oct 5, 2003
Northern Virginia
Originally Posted by IloveSiamese

Well the add is out today, so that means I will be fielding many calls (hopefully) so that I can be picky about who gets the kittens. I've already turned down 2 people because they are not willing to be good pet owners.

I'm not asking a whole lot, just that in lou of a fee, I ask that you spay or neuter the kitten and that it be indoors only and that you join tcs. I also ask about where the person lives, with who, if they've had other pets before and if they took them to the vets, if they are renting, I ask for a written letter from the landlord stating that pets are acceptable.

Also I include my phone number and a variety of other sources for items the kittens have enjoyed while in my care, as well as health related sources and tips.

How's that sound????

Anything I'm missing?
You may want to use the adoption form that is at the back of the "How to find homes for homeless pets" PDF. You can find it here:

Adoption form:

Adoption Contract
Name of person adopting out the animal (referred to as “Guardian”)____________________________________
Phone_____________________ Address__________________________________________________________
Adopted Animal’s name_______________________ Sex_____ Age_____ Spayed/neutered? ________________
Color and description_____________________________________________________________________ ____
Name of person adopting the animal (referred to as “Adopter”)_ _______________________________________
Phone_____________________ Address__________________________________________________________
1. If the Adopted Animal is not already altered, I agree to have the Adopted Animal altered by this date:
__________________. I will provide proof of altering by ________________ and, if not delivered, I understand
that _________________________ reserves the right to reclaim the animal.
2. I agree to keep an identification tag attached to a properly fitted collar that will remain on the Adopted Animal
at all times, whether inside or outside of the house, and to obtain all city licenses required by local authorities.
3. I agree to provide the Adopted Animal with necessary inoculations at the intervals advised by my veterinarian.
4. I agree to have the Adopted Animal under my control when he/she is not within the confines of my property. A
secure fenced area will be provided for dogs, including shelter from the elements. If the Adopted Animal is a cat, I
agree to keep the cat as an indoor-only pet. The Adopted Animal will not be tied or chained.
5. If for any reason I cannot keep the Adopted Animal, I agree to notify the Guardian of the availability of the pet
and to return the Adopted Animal upon request.
6. I agree not to abuse or neglect the Adopted Animal and I authorize the Guardian, at his/her sole discretion, to
determine whether or not the pet has been abused or neglected.
7. I understand that any failure to perform the foregoing agreement will constitute a breach of contract. In the
event of any such breach of contract, I authorize the Guardian to reclaim both possession and ownership of the
Adopted Animal.
8. I understand that the pet covered by this adoption contract is, as far as can be determined by the Guardian, in
good health and that the Guardian is not responsible for any medical fees incurred after the adoption date. However,
if a health problem develops during the first 10 days, I should notify the Guardian so we may discuss the matter.
9. I agree to give the Guardian occasional visitation rights to ensure that the terms of this adoption agreement are
being observed.
Signature of Guardian______________________________ Date______________________________________
Signature of Adopter_______________________________ Date______________________________________

They also have a "screeners" sheet:

Adoption Screener’s Worksheet
Date call received________________________ Date of interview_______________________________
Name and address_____________________________________________________________________
Phone numbers: Day___________________________ Evening________________________________
Record the prospective adopter’s answers to these questions:
How did you hear about the pet?_ ________________________________________________________
What type of animal are you looking for?_ _________________________________________________
Who is the animal for?_________________________________________________________________
Who will be the primary caregiver?_______________________________________________________
Do you have other pets at home? ___ Yes ___ No
If yes: Please tell me about them._________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________ ___
If no, ask: Have you had pets before? _____ If yes: What happened to them?_ _____________________
________________________________________________________________________________ ___
Do you have children? _____ If yes: How old are they?______________________________________
Do all members of the household know about and want a new animal? ___ Yes ___ No
If no, please explain:___________________________________________________________________
Do you live in a house, a mobile home, or an apartment?______________________________________
Do you own your home or are you renting?_________________________________________________
If renting, does your lease allow pets? ___ Yes ___ No
May I call your landlord? ___ Yes ___ No Landlord’s phone_ ____________________________
Can I come to your home, to see where the animal will be living? ___ Yes ___ No
How many hours would the animal be alone during the day?_ __________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________ ___
If you’re trying to find a home for a cat:
Will the cat be an indoor or outdoor cat?__________________________________________________
Would you consider declawing a cat? ___ Yes ___ No
After the interview, record your impressions:
Does the prospective adopter seem responsible?_______________________________

Also, unless you are comfortable with the idea of may want to require no declawing.

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  • #7


TCS Member
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Mar 4, 2006
o.o that listen is excellent. I copied and pasted it and printed it out. I've already had 10 or 11 calls in the first day.

GAWDDDD I would never allow unregistered kittens to be born in my care EVER again. Every single person that phoned wanted a female and had some excuse not to spay her. I just said sorry, I don't support back yard breeding and I will wait for someone who is willing to be a good pet owner.

PEople are sick here!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 24, 2006
London, England
If you have somewhere that does early neutering/spaying, can you arrange with the adopter that you drop them off for the surgery, and then they pick the kitten up from the vet/neuter clinic following its surgery, and pay for the surgery rather than an adoption fee to you? This will set your mind at rest that the kittens cannot be used for breeding.
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Mar 4, 2006
Originally Posted by Epona

If you have somewhere that does early neutering/spaying, can you arrange with the adopter that you drop them off for the surgery, and then they pick the kitten up from the vet/neuter clinic following its surgery, and pay for the surgery rather than an adoption fee to you? This will set your mind at rest that the kittens cannot be used for breeding.
That is exactly what I am offering. HEck, I'll even drive you to the clinic...SHESH! and still they have excuses
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Mar 4, 2006
Well I just phoned the lower cost place and they won't do spays/neuters before 6 months old so I phoned around and I found out where my local human society gets theirs done and I phoned there and they start spay/neuters at 8 weeks old. The price for male cats/kittens is $89.97 and the price for female kittens 8 to 16 weeks is $143.55 and over 16 weeks is $174.23.

I've done everything for the prospective new owners and all they have to do is pay.