The Exercise Motivation Thread - 2016

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Yesterday at lunch did squats bench press and barbell rows with 31 lbs. 5 sets of 10 reps. as the weight goes up I will scale it back to 5 x 5 like the program calls for but while I am at lighter weights I want to perfect the form.

that girl is amazing! I struggled with my bench pressing 31 lbs yesterday. of course I had to rest inbetween sets. I tried to not rest much and only got 8 reps but the last 2 sets I rested 30 sec and was able to complete the set. I still looking around for a gym that is close to me and not super expensive. I wish Planet fitness never got rid of their Olympic bar and power rack. I hate that smith machine-you are limited on range of motion. I don't go straight up and down for squat due to my body shape so not sure if I will even like the smith machine-will try it probably tomorrow. Today is cardio and I have the weekend off so maybe I will head to the gym on the weekend.

Winchester=I bet you are so happy to have a new treadmill-I don't think those fans work for me-the machines at the gym don't have fans on them but I do remember some places having them.

Keep up the good work!


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
There was news posted today on local media about young girl (only 18 years old) that made new world record of bench press, 110kg / 242 pounds.

I think her best is 113kg / 248.6 pounds, which is national record done by her.
OMG That's double my weight! She's really strong.

Sorry to hear you're having so many problems with your trainer @Tammat  I was looking forward to seeing pictures of it when it's all set up. Hope they sort it out soon.

I'm glad to hear you're happy with the new treadmill @Winchester

I walked for about 2 hours last night. I heard from the boy who feeds the last few TNR's cats at my old place that one cat I thought had disappeared has been coming around again. I really want to move her to a safer location if I can. I walked round and round the old neighborhood until nearly 2 am this morning, but I couldn't find her. I'm going to try again in a few days.

Ran for 30 minutes this evening.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
OMG That's double my weight! She's really stron
Another crazy thing about that girl is that when she was just 15 years old, she did bench press over 97kg if my memory is not failing.

This is 14 year old Henna Kaasalainen, squats 105kg in this video, I think that for such a young girl that is very impressive!:

Here she does deadlift of 130.5kg:


Huge respect to those girls, they show how anything is possible!

If a kid can do it, we certainly should be able too, right?

I don't really know how much I could do, I have never tried and I don't have such weights or scale that I could tell accurately how much weight there is. All I know is that many of those logs feel too heavy, so I need to train more.
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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Today was my first day off for ages. I didn't get up until 9.30. 

I did 90 minutes yoga this morning, then spent the afternoon weeding the flower beds at the front of the house and putting a few more plants in. 30 minutes run after that.

Going to treat myself to a glass of wine now.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen

I mentioned the morning treadmill of 3 miles

Went back down and did 2 more miles on the treadmill

Friday (today)

3 miles on the treadmill this morning

3 miles walked during lunch (and it's such a lovely day I didn't want to come back into office


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I did 3 miles on the treadmill this morning. 

I really wish manufacturers would realize that not all people are 5 feet, 10 inches! The fans simply are not positioned such that shorter people (like me) will get the blowing air. OTOH, I worked up a good sweat on my mini-jog this morning.....not really a walk, but not really a jog. Maybe a w-og?  
 Anyway, my shirt is soaked and my hair is soaked and I can use a shower. 

Did get a male accessory cable for the iPod for the treadmill last night. When I have the treadmill's fans on High, I can't really hear the music that well over the fan noise. It will take a bit of getting used to. 
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
Would it be possible to add something like piece of paper to top of the fan so that it acts kind of deflector and air stream would be directed more towards you?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2012
Victoria, Australia
This is the last week of my 6 week programme :woohoo: I trained with Rohan today. Back and shoulders. My shoulders were swelled when I left :clap: I wish they were like that all the time without the ache :lol3:b They will be one day.
keep working hard everybody :sheep:


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Nice, Tammat. Great job!

This morning I was on the treadmill and hit a button down toward the bottom of the console. And the volume to my iPod went up. Considerably. Oh, so that's how you increase the volume. 
 Didn't I feel stupid. Rick came downstairs and said, "So how long are you gonna be on the Prince kick?" Oops. 
 Guess I'd better find something else to listen to, something that Dear Richard likes, too. Either that or use the ear buds again.

3 miles on the treadmill this morning.

3 miles walked during lunch today.

Oh, and I figured out how to get the Fitbit to work more accurately. Take it off my wrist and throw it into my pocket. (Like what I did on the elliptical) It works much better and keeps a more accurate account. Thank goodness.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
Nice, Tammat. Great job!

This morning I was on the treadmill and hit a button down toward the bottom of the console. And the volume to my iPod went up. Considerably. Oh, so that's how you increase the volume. :anon:  Didn't I feel stupid. Rick came downstairs and said, "So how long are you gonna be on the Prince kick?" Oops. :blush:  Guess I'd better find something else to listen to, something that Dear Richard likes, too. Either that or use the ear buds again.

3 miles on the treadmill this morning.
3 miles walked during lunch today.

Oh, and I figured out how to get the Fitbit to work more accurately. Take it off my wrist and throw it into my pocket. (Like what I did on the elliptical) It works much better and keeps a more accurate account. Thank goodness.
Might not work for you, but I usually have some volume of these collections ringing in my head when I'm blasting downhill with mountainbike (this is Vol 3, at around 1 hour and 18 minutes 36 seconds there is song called Heavenly - The Prince Of The World, which is perhaps a bit Prince like, but all of those songs are just fast heavy metal, not everyone likes it, however I can swear it makes me faster on bike :D :

Of course it might be that Rick is going to run out of the house screaming something about demons and evil spirits, but that would be just right for him for not appreciating your efforts at walking enough to be considerable about your music choices! :lol3:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
did workout A of stronglifts dot com.

Squat and bench press. ran out of time. bench press 35lbs=worked up a good sweat! after work hitting the gym to do the third exercise-deadlift-I need heavier weights. I am going to try 40-50-60 lbs-I know that this particular program doesn't do the pyramid but I feel like I am being lazy if I don't try to up the weights. The gym has a smith bar so this will be my first time messing around with it. I did squats with 35lb but I didn't feel any strain. So I haven't decided if I will do squats tonight. I need to do 10 min of cardio to warm up then deadlifts. I want to try the row and lat pull down just for the heck of it. then back on cardio for 45 minutes.Oh and my arms are getting bigger :) the guys have been giving me a hardtime-said they will call me sledgehammer because of my arms. I will take it. Now today  I did good with my diet-I so far only ate 1100 calories. Usually its around 1600 by now :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
did workout A of stronglifts dot com.
Squat and bench press. ran out of time. bench press 35lbs=worked up a good sweat! after work hitting the gym to do the third exercise-deadlift-I need heavier weights. I am going to try 40-50-60 lbs-I know that this particular program doesn't do the pyramid but I feel like I am being lazy if I don't try to up the weights. The gym has a smith bar so this will be my first time messing around with it. I did squats with 35lb but I didn't feel any strain. So I haven't decided if I will do squats tonight. I need to do 10 min of cardio to warm up then deadlifts. I want to try the row and lat pull down just for the heck of it. then back on cardio for 45 minutes.Oh and my arms are getting bigger :) the guys have been giving me a hardtime-said they will call me sledgehammer because of my arms. I will take it. Now today  I did good with my diet-I so far only ate 1100 calories. Usually its around 1600 by now :)
Just be careful with cardio, if you are having deficit and workout more than you can get energy from fat, energy will be taken from your muscle and bone.

So total deficit can be only 69kcal for each kg of fat in body and that is for 24 hours, so if there is 18kg of fat it is 1242 calories for 24 hours, that means for 1 hour it is only 51.75 calories that can be taken from fat, if burning more it won't be fat and that can lead to losing/gaining muscle instead of steadily losing fat and gaining muscle.

Because of that I have made sure I have something in my stomach before I start workout as that is taking priority over fat burning and fat burning happens then from other parts of day as I will have a deficit, but workouts I try to fuel fully by eating before.

But as with many things, there are studies, then findings of study are taken too literally and they start to live life of their own, sometimes findings apply only to certain situations, but I don't have much better information about how this fat conversion rate to energy is found out, I just know there are study quoted saying so and it kind of makes sense.

Anyway I have seen great results when doing weight loss and muscle build this way, by fueling workouts fully and having deficit for rest of the day, so just a heads up about how there probably is limit of conversion rate from fat to energy.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
I bet that music does speed you up @JTbo


I like having music on while I'm running, but it's not good for yoga. Your supposed to focus on your breathing and if you have music on your breath starts to sync with the music.  Natural sounds, rain, ocean etc, are supposed to be the best thing to listen to while you do yoga.

I go out on the deck and listen to the cicada screaming in the trees.

30 minutes run on Saturday. 90 minutes walk on Sunday. 90 minutes of yoga on Monday. 60 minutes walking and 60 minutes of yoga today.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
@JTbo-yes I think I know what you mean. I know I always eat before I workout. Most of my days calories are from 7am to 11am. Then at 2-3 I have protein again. Then gym at 4. last night I was there almost 2 hours. I wasn't even hungry.

I tried 20 minutes on the stairclimber thingy then tried the smith bar and HATE It. Now I know why those who do body building don't like planet fitness-there is no safe way to squat/deadlift over 60lb as they only have barbell weights up to 60lb. I tried to squat on that machine and you are limited to exact up and down motion. when squatting you almost go forward then down. So no I didn't like it plus I cant get my wrists behind the bar enough. I had shoulder impingement so my range of motion is limited in regards to that.

So then I tried to do deadlift with that machine and I had the same problem. So abandoned that-grabbed a matt and did pushups and plank waiting for a bench to open up. then grabbed those barbells and did the deadlift and barbell row. so I was pretty sore after. I climbed onto a bike and stair thingy for 15 min just to loosen up. Then headed out. I don't want to go to a different gym. Hey at least I had one day I didn't overeat. I do notice I can't go as far without eating before. Empty stomach work out never works for me. Maybe others but not me. 
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In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
@JTbo, the Power Metal Collection, Vol 3....I like it! Thanks! I wasn't able to listen to all of it because am at work, but will listen more tonight. Thanks! I need music to walk to; not only does it make me feel good, but it helps me keep a good pace. I like Prince's older music for that reason, esp when I'm walking outside at lunch.


3.25 miles on the treadmill this morning

3.75 miles walked during my lunch break

It's beginning to get rather warm outside now. By the end of the week, the local weatherweenies are talking mid-80s with high humidity and t-storms. May get a little tricky trying to walk outside during my lunch breaks at work.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
, the Power Metal Collection, Vol 3....I like it! Thanks! I wasn't able to listen to all of it because am at work, but will listen more tonight. Thanks! I need music to walk to; not only does it make me feel good, but it helps me keep a good pace. I like Prince's older music for that reason, esp when I'm walking outside at lunch.


3.25 miles on the treadmill this morning
3.75 miles walked during my lunch break

It's beginning to get rather warm outside now. By the end of the week, the local weatherweenies are talking mid-80s with high humidity and t-storms. May get a little tricky trying to walk outside during my lunch breaks at work.
There are 14 Volumes in those and new ones appear every few weeks, Volume 5 is perhaps one I like most, but they all are really nice, especially for getting that little extra speed or effort, also great for discovering new bands and albums to buy, most of bands in those I had never heard before and some are really great ones.

I don't know if there is something wrong with me, but I kinda like to run in rain, somehow my run flows much better in rain, maybe it is that I tend to overheat when running at warm weather.

Not much workout today, I did visit in a city and borrowed chainsaw from saw shop to test it out if I like from it, did little cutting and chopping, but not much. I'm thinking of getting new chainsaw as old one is not working properly, despite I have done repairs, it is not running too well when I point bar down.

It is going to be expensive, but it is exercising equipment and also I hope that some day I can get some income if I learn to use it better, kinda would like to try carving a cat or something like that.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
I'm doing the walk challenge at work again this year
I'm doing it with a different group of people this year. Nothing wrong with the people I did it with last year but it was hard to get them to keep their step entries up to date even with bribes and reminders. The walk challenge starts tomorrow and runs until Labor Day
There are a few new thigns this year like a new pedomter that you can sync with the phone app and new challenges and healthy lifestyle modules. My stage 1 target is the recommended 10,000 steps. That is a very doable number for me. Last year I was averaging 18,000-something steps daily. Going to have to start using the fitness center again... if I'm not too tired after work. I've been exhausted since starting my new job


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
3 miles on the treadmill this morning.

3 very hot and sticky miles walked during lunch today. I think we jumped right into summer from yesterday to today. Hot, hot, hot. 
  (I love it 
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