The Duke and Wellington


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 15, 2016

I'm new to the forum, needing some help with kitten vs. cat behaviour (I've already posted in the cat behaviour thread :) )

We adopted Wellington 2 years ago when he was returned to the shelter for "behaviour issues". Really, he was just a hyper and crazy little bugger. With the right stimulation, he calmed down and became a great cat. Very friendly, always wanting to be with us, greeting us and any guests at the door. 

Here's some pictures of the little bugger! 

View media item 361479

A few weeks ago we rescued a feral kitten living in the engine of an old abandoned van. We are currently fostering him with the hopes of adopting him once he's eligible for adoption. We named him Duke. So far, he's still really skittish around people, but he is in love with Welly. Problem is, Welly has begun to play rough with Duke (hence how I ended up on this forum!). In the few weeks we've had him, he's really begun getting more comfortable with us. He's even nibbled at our toes a few times! 

Really hoping this forum can help us solve our kitty problems so we can "fail foster" Duke and adopt him :) 


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
Welcome to TCS!  
  You have definitely come to the right place - the knowledge and expertise among TCS members is impressive and so is their willingness to share.  I hope you will get some good ideas for helping Wellington and Duke get along.  They are really beautiful cats, btw.  The ginger tabby/solid black combination is one I'm especially fond of myself as I once had a ginger tabby and a black cat in my family and just adored them.  Anyway, don't forget to check out all the forums.  There is something for everyone here.  


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Welcome to all 3 of you! Wellington is quite the dapper gentleman! 

Duke is adorable!  He is not a true feral though (which is a good thing for you). If he was a true feral, you would not be able to handle him the way you have been. He's spent some time around people in his short life. My guess is he is an abandoned pet. Possibly lost but I doubt it. The fact that he is skittish means that he has not had much socialization though. This is fixable. It will take time. LOTS of love and more patience than you might think you have but you do have it. I promise. We always surprise ourselves when situations like this arise. 

The fact that Duke is till so young is very good. He hasn't had as much time to develop more feral ways or become TOO distrustful of humans. The fact that he is with a human now who obviously loves him and is willing to earn his love and trust is excellent. Cats are very intuitive and I believe that he knows what your true intentions are. He will come around. 

Wellington will be a good big brother. The fact that he is there is also good for Duke as he will see the interaction between Welly and you and he will see how Welly trusts you. This will have an impact on how Duke learns to interact with you also. The whole, "well, if HE can trust this person, maybe I can, too". 

If Wellington is becoming rough in his play with Duke, what you can do is break out an interactive toy such as Da Bird. What this will do is encourage them to play together (and with you) while making the toy the focus of the play and not each other. Laser pointers are also good at this. It will also help tire them out so they have less energy to roughhouse with one another while helping them to bond. 

While you are bonding with Duke on a one on one level, try sitting or laying on the floor. When you stand or "loom" over a cat, this is considered threatening to them. Try making yourself closer in size to him. Offer him your hand in a fist rather than with an open palm as this mimics the size and shape of a cat's head. Cats greet one another with head butts so he will sniff and explore your hand and then likely rub his cheeks on your fist to claim you as his own. 

When he behaves in a way that you want, offer him lots of praise and a yummy treat. This will help associate you with good things. 

You are doing a really wonderful thing for Duke. You saved his life. He is aware of this. It already looks like this will be a "failed" foster and that there is a very beautiful friendship (2 actually- he will have one with Wellington, too) in the making here. 

Thank you for caring. 