The Cats I Grow Up With


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 28, 2017
T-Bone was my dad's cat. He was getting out and had a tumor. Stripes was my cat. She stopped eating one day which was a big red flag.


di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Both beautiful babies. No matter how long they are gone we will always remember there loving presence in our homes. To share your life with a cat is an honor. These sweet little ones bring joy and sunshine to our lives for a little while, and when they leave us it brings on a sadness that is hard to bear at times. But over the years we build a bond with their very souls, so in a way we carry them with us to the end of our own lives. Our love is spiritual, so though the physical body fails, it endures for eternity. I believe that is why we should strive to make everyday a new beginning, to love and enjoy life as much as we can, while we can. As we get older we realize that life is finite, that we take a chance with our hearts because these sweet babies do not have the life span we ourselves enjoy. But don't look into that future, dreading the inevitable, enjoy each day as it comes, we can really only live in the present because the past can never be changed and the future is not yet formed by what we do now. So open your heart to as many loves as you can, it is an honor to pass on the legacy they leave us, as a parent does, each and every little one unique and special and loved in their own way.
Bring honor to those who have passed over, for they brought us love and happiness for a little while. They were in our lives for a reason, they shared our homes and our lives and opened our hearts., they taught us what love really is. Thank you for sharing your tribute to these wonderful little felines, they will be thought of and prayed for by many now, just as they so richly deserve. Take care of yourself.........RIP precious T-Bone and Stripes. You will always be remembered and held dear in a loving heart. The memories you leave are treasured, the love you gave is priceless. Goodnight, sleep tight, little ones!