I have the best cat in the world. I got him when he was 10 weeks old. He was a great kitten. He doesn't like any kind of "people food". He only eats his hard food and he gets a half pouch of soft food a day. Which he has to have or he'll let you know that you "forgot" him. After my girlfriend moved in, it was love at first site. He'd follow her everywhere she went in the house and still does. She can't even go to the bathroom without him being there. It is so cute. She has epilepsy, and he can tell when she is about to have a seizure. She has 2 daughters and when it's bedtime and she tells them to go to bed and they don't listen to her. He'll wrangle them up and chase them into their room. That is so funny to watch. She has had 2 surguries. After she has came home from the hospital he is real protactive of her. I mean he won't let any anybody near her except me. It's the same way with a seizure. Nobody gets near mommy if something is wrong with her. We've never seen this kind of behavior out of a cat before. We were wondering if anybody else has seen this in a cat before. He is a dream cat. He loves to play rough like normal everyday cats. He loves to chase ankles at bed time and make sure you get on the bed. Well that's enough for now.