Terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day (long sorry)


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Nov 25, 2008
Bradleyville, MO
Today was terrible at my work. I knew it was coming, but it still sucked. I was just wondering if I could get some advice on what to do...or if there was possibly anyone out there that has gone through something like this??

I work at a daycare as a lead teacher with infants up to 18 months old. Some of you may remember me talking about the fact that one of my coworkers is not very nice to the babies (a couple in particular) and my boss is aware of this fact and continues to keep her on. Her "excuse" was "well, she feels like she will be a failure if she leaves or is let go, so I want to give her another chance". I'm sorry, but we are here to protect these defenseless babies, not the feelings of a grown woman. She's always been teetering on the edge of being abusive, and I could see her someday getting to that point, which is why I tried to put a stop to it before it got there. I even asked my boss "what, are we going to wait until she actually does damage before we do something or get rid of her? Why should it get to the point of a broken arm or a cracked skull or shaken baby syndrome??

After the last time we had to reprimand her for being inappropriate with the babies, she actually did better for a long time. It's been about 3 or 4 weeks since she's had any issues. I don't know if something happened in her personal life, or it was that time of the month, or what it was. Last week and the week before she was VERY testy and short with the babies. There is one baby in particular that she "picks" on. He is 6 months old and comes in to daycare every day in hand me down pj's, most of the time his clothes are dirty. I don't know if it is b/c he's poor, or what, but she doesn't like him and has said so. He is a bit more challenging than our other babies, and takes a bit more effort, and that can get stressful.

Anyway, last Monday I witnessed her abusing him. He was crying and grating on her nerves, and she dropped him from about 4 inches above the floor to lay on the ground and he hit his head and cried. Then she yanked his arm really hard to roll him over, then grabbed him up really hard and SLAMMED him into a Bumbo seat. This happened at the end of the day, so both of our bosses had left. The director had left for the remainder of the week as she had a funeral to attend out of state. As soon as I came in the next morning I told the assistant director exactly what happened and she said she would speak to her. As far as I could tell, nothing happened. I kept a close eye on my coworker to make sure she didn't do anything like that again. Gladly, she didn't.

That evening I decided to go above the directors' heads. I knew a person on the board of directors for the daycare (the daycare is in a church) so I emailed her the situation (along with a couple other concerns I had with the place) and told her I felt I had no choice but to contact the state/cps. She felt they were serious concerns and needed to stop immediately. The board of directors had a meeting on Thursday morning, and they suspended my coworker pending an investigation. The board of directors insisted that my coworker be turned in to cps and the assistant director tried to do it but called me up (I was home sick that day...BAD reaction to a Tetanus shot) and told me she was told that I had to do it myself since I was the one that witnessed it happen. I called right then and there and reported her.

Keep in mind that the director had been gone through all of this. Her first day back was today. Things were fine and dandy (for the most part, there was a situation/scene not involving this issue) until I got back from lunch. It was then that she pulled me into her office to "talk". It was there that she basically called me a liar. The assistant director is now claiming that I never told her about what happened, that I just made it seem like the coworker was in a bad mood and to keep an eye on her. Pretty much trying to cover her butt. I gave the person I emailed permission to use my name, so my bosses had the email that I sent her. In it I stated that issues with this coworker had come on multiple times in the past and that I had gone to my boss every time. My boss is now claiming that none of this ever happened, which is what I was afraid she would try to do.

She went on to give me the 5th degree on where I called to report my coworker, who exactly I talked to, what exactly I said. I refused to give her very many details, though I'm sure she'll eventually find out. She told me that the email I sent the board member was "the most ridiculous things she had ever seen" and it was nothing but a bunch of lies.

Next was the shocker. I am no longer lead teacher. She demoted me, just out of spite. Gave no reason for it. She is also now refusing to let me leave the building to go to lunch with my husband every day. It does say in the employee handbook that we are not allowed to leave for lunch to keep in ratio, but that should only apply to toddler and preschool rooms. Those teachers can break each other with just one teacher left in the room while the children are napping. In an infant room, ratio must be kept at all times b/c there is no set nap time when all the children are sleeping at once, which is why someone comes in to break us. Anyway, I asked my boss on my first day if we really had to stay there b/c my husband and I go to lunch together almost every day. He comes to pick me up and we go out, then he brings me back. SHE told me it was fine, not to worry about it. I have been working there for 2 months and have gone out to lunch with my husband just about every day. I just call him when the first person goes on break to tell him really quickly what time to be here. Not a big deal. When she told me today that I was no longer allowed to do that, I told her that I had asked her and she told me it was okay, and she said "Well, I changed my mind".

So basically I'm being punished for standing up and turning my coworker in...which by the way is the law, and I could have got into trouble had I NOT turned her in. It took everything I had not to quit right on the spot today, but I'm afraid quitting will cause me to lose all of my credibility. She is pushing to make me quit, though. She is going to try everything she can to get me to do so, and will make my life hell. I don't know what I can do.

The board of directors and the pastor of the church told me not to worry about getting in "trouble" for this and that they want to retain me, but that doesn't seem to be holding true so far. I spent all afternoon sobbing. Does anyone have any advice??


TCS Member
Jun 16, 2006
You need to go back to the director about being demoted and the police and cps for the abuse. That is not acceptable and you shouldnt have to go through employment politics to have this woman kept away from children. It needs to be handled outside of work so she is charged and kept away from children permanently.

Im sure the Director will see through you being demoted, hopefully the one who didnt do anything loses her job, she is no better than the abuser for allowing it to happen.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 14, 2005
in the land of poutine and ice
Originally Posted by Pami

You need to go back to the director about being demoted and the police and cps for the abuse. That is not acceptable and you shouldnt have to go through employment politics to have this woman kept away from children. It needs to be handled outside of work so she is charged and kept away from children permanently.

Im sure the Director will see through you being demoted, hopefully the one who didnt do anything loses her job, she is no better than the abuser for allowing it to happen.
I can't agree with this enough, your boss is just worried she will be held responsible because your coworker IS dangerous enough to hurt a baby


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
I think you are absolutely right about the assistant director. And I agree that you should speak to the director about your situation. You did the right thing. You shouldn't be punished.


TCS Member
Jan 30, 2005
Originally Posted by Pami

You need to go back to the director about being demoted and the police and cps for the abuse. That is not acceptable and you shouldnt have to go through employment politics to have this woman kept away from children. It needs to be handled outside of work so she is charged and kept away from children permanently.

Im sure the Director will see through you being demoted, hopefully the one who didnt do anything loses her job, she is no better than the abuser for allowing it to happen.
and the labor board( you are lucky the one in Omaha is fairly good)


TCS Member
Apr 26, 2001
Ingersoll, ON
Your boss has no right to treat you that way - she should be applauding you for reporting dangerous behaviour. I agree, go back to the Board of Directors and explain what happened as a result of what you did. You have nothing to be ashamed of but your boss certainly does.

If it were me, I would go to my boss in the morning and tell her I was sorry, but I have no choice but to go back to the Board and tell them what is happening now that you've reported the co-worker. That will give your boss a chance to do the right thing - if she doesn't, go ahead and report to the Board of Directors and also tell them that if you are fired or forced to quit, you will go to the labour board.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 22, 2002
new york city
Originally Posted by Pami

the police and cps for the abuse.
If I were in your shoes, I would beg the cops and CPS to please please please relay what I saw directly to the mom so she can make an informed decision on whether to keep her child in that daycare.

I would say Dear CPS, I implore you to inform the mother of [child] of exactly what I told you I saw. * I apologize if I am overstepping my bounds as I am not a member of CPS or law enforcement, however, common decency and my gut instinct compel me to ask this of you.

Where the * is, you can add Please do this anonymously. if you want but they'll likely keep your identity private anyway.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
I agree with the others. I can't imagine what your supervisor's problem is other than she is afraid fo being made to look bad, because you reported the abusive person and she didn't. After all, you (as in people in daycare work) are required by law to report abuse, and since she already knew about it and didn't report it, she is liable.

Good job following through. That poor baby. I do hope the mother is notified. The baby may have bruises or other, not visible, damage from such treatment.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Kudos for doing what was the right thing to do. I feel so bad for the poor little baby. And yes, that mother needs to know what happened to her child.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Sep 16, 2007
I agree, you SO did the right thing! And the mother of that baby needs to know what is going on.. I mean, this is a place that she trusted to take good care of her child and she has no idea that there is a possibility her child could be hurt by the hands of someone who is supposed to be taking care of him. What gets me the most is that you said this is a church daycare. Those people should definitely have a different attitude when it comes to things like that. This reminds me that my best friend was actually working at a daycare at a church and she also witnessed a child being abused, when she kept reporting it, she was fired. Its a terrible thing.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 25, 2005
Chicagoland, Illinois, USA
Some states have laws to protect "whistleblowers" although I'm not sure if these laws just apply to government employees. You may want to call your attorney general's office or a lawyer.
Keep meticulous records just in case this ends up as a criminal or civil case. You have to protect yourself, too!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Originally Posted by kara_leigh

After the last time we had to reprimand her for being inappropriate with the babies, she actually did better for a long time. It's been about 3 or 4 weeks since she's had any issues. I don't know if something happened in her personal life, or it was that time of the month, or what it was.
There is no excuse in the world that gives anyone the right to abuse, assault, torture or treat badly, a defenseless child!! No excuse in the world!!

Last week and the week before she was VERY testy and short with the babies. There is one baby in particular that she "picks" on. He is 6 months old and comes in to daycare every day in hand me down pj's, most of the time his clothes are dirty. I don't know if it is b/c he's poor, or what, but she doesn't like him and has said so. He is a bit more challenging than our other babies, and takes a bit more effort, and that can get stressful.

Anyway, last Monday I witnessed her abusing him. He was crying and grating on her nerves, and she dropped him from about 4 inches above the floor to lay on the ground and he hit his head and cried. Then she yanked his arm really hard to roll him over, then grabbed him up really hard and SLAMMED him into a Bumbo seat. This happened at the end of the day, so both of our bosses had left. The director had left for the remainder of the week as she had a funeral to attend out of state. As soon as I came in the next morning I told the assistant director exactly what happened and she said she would speak to her. As far as I could tell, nothing happened. I kept a close eye on my coworker to make sure she didn't do anything like that again. Gladly, she didn't.
I'm sorry, but I didn't even finish reading your post. I stopped here!!

It is your duty as a responsible adult to report this woman to the police. The heck with the director or whomever runs that daycare that seems to permit child abuse.

Your first duty is to that child! And you have tried to go through the director or whomever, to have her removed in order to keep the child safe, and that hasn't been working.

Stop sitting on the sidelines and call the police and report this woman for child abuse, because that is exactly what she has been doing.

Where I live there is a law that forbids anyone to standby and witness what you've been witnessing. If I witness a child being abused and don't report the abuse to the police and it is later found out that I was a witness, and even if I did go to my manager with the information, I could still be arrested and thrown into jail, because the law says that I must report such behaviour to the police, NOT to my manager, as it is a criminal offense to abuse a child.

Get on the phone right now, today, and call the police!!!!!


Ok, I went back and read. I see you did call the police!! :claps:

Now go back to those people you talked to, and tell them that your Director seems to be taking out her hostilities on you having demoted you etc. If that doesn't work, go to the Human Rights Board and tell them what was going on, what you did, and what the repercussions have been.

Don't quit!!! Sounds like that place desperately needs someone to look out for those children.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 10, 2009
none'ya buss. for snobs
Oh h*** NO! This is not only illegal but immoral as well! MOST DEFINATELY you've GOT to call your state board, licensing, etc... (like Dept of Human Services, etc...). You will find it online if you go to your states website. I would call them directly and explain the situation. They CAN NOT punish you for reporting, that is illegal, illegal, illegal if I have ever heard of such. They can "demote" you for other reasons but you have a STRONG case against these folks. I am so upset right now I cant even think of the term its called but its basically the "whistle blower" law. You have the ball in your court and need to run with it! If you lose your job or any money (pay decrease, etc...) I would call the state board first then depending on what they say call an atty. If atty fees are out of the question find a legit atty who works on a contingency fee. There is also a website, ill find the name of it if your interested but basically for like 5-25 bucks you can email them a simple question and an atty will advise you on what to do next. You dont even have to pay them (just negotiate up front) if you dont agree with or like their answer. Please let me know if you'd like the site, ive used it several times myself.
Please please do this for that defenseless baby and that poor mommy and daddy who are trusting that SOMEONE, anyone, is protecting their baby. :-(

krazy kat2

TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 14, 2001
Somewhere in Georgia
What an awful situation to be in. I admire you for standing up for this poor child. I know the parents will be very grateful when it all comes out.
It can't be easy to have all this going on and have to work with these people. I hope it does not damage you in any way. It is awful that you boss is more interested in covering her butt than doing her job and caring for these innocent children. Hang in there, you are doing the right thing. If more people did that, the world would be a much better place.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 18, 2004
Employers should be happy to have such a dedicated employee. Unfortunately in the work place that doesn't seem to happen much. Hang tough you have lots of support from us here.