ten NEW questions for YOU!


TCS Member
Apr 13, 2001
1) what is your worst habit?
That I will argue a point into the ground if I think I'm right, weather I am or not is another matter.... but, ya'll know that.

2) what is your favourite time of day & why?
Morning! Thats when I have the most energy.

3) which celebrity are you most *drawn* to & why?
Male.. Dustin Hoffman AWESOME Actor
Female.. Hmmmmm Tyne Daly, She's AWESOME as well.

4) what kind of *artist* are you? (we all have *some* artistic ability, so you have to answer!)
Uhhhhhh, Artsy Fartsy things... For you New Englanders... Ahtsy Fahtsy.

5) how many animals do you 'own'?
12 Kitties and 1 doggie.

6) coffee or tea?

7) what activity are you interested in pursuing that you have been putting off?
Being a Vet

8) do you like kids?
Only My own...

9) what is your favourite movie?
The Excorcist

10) what is your ideal place to live and why?
Having spent most of my time in Arizona, I would have to say New England... There are actually 4 seasons here, and sooooo much to do.



TCS Member
Jan 21, 2002
Movin' on up!
  1. 1. what is my worst habit? smoking, since I was 12
  2. 2. what is my favorite time of day/why? evening, I'm NOT a morning person
  3. 3. which celebrity? none, really
  4. 4. what kind of artist? dressmaker/costumer/designer
  5. 5. animals? none. Opie owns me!
  6. 6. coffe or tea? coffee. The same way I like my men: hot & sweet!
  7. 7. activity put off? going back to school. Maybe, this summer.
  8. 8. kids? not any more. Mine are grown and I have no patience with others.
  9. 9. favorite movie. "Gone With the Wind". I'm a gutsy broad, too.
  10. 10. ideal place to live? Right here, in Tucson. Born & raised, here, family here.[/list=1]


TCS Member
Mar 2, 2002
Lakewood (Denver suburb), Colorado
1) what is your worst habit?
My mood swings - I'm a Cancer, very emotional.

2) what is your favourite time of day & why?
Depends on the day! Sunday afternoons for NASCAR, Anytime the Colorado Avalanche play, and, of course, whenever my Trent kitty wants to snuggle me!

3) which celebrity are you most *drawn* to & why?
Joaquin Phoenix and Angelina Jolie. They are both really great up and coming actors(I guess they have both "made it" now), young, vital and beautiful.

4) what kind of *artist* are you? (we all have *some* artistic ability, so you have to answer!)

Craft stuff and cross stitch. I used to write, actually finished a novel, but haven't taken the time to do that in a long time...

5) how many animals do you 'own'?
I live with two cats, Trent and Ophelia.

6) coffee or tea?
Coffee, but only at work.

7) what activity are you interested in pursuing that you have been putting off?
Going to school for something I can actually use. (Went to college to be a teacher and found out that I was NOT meant to be a teacher. Now I'm a secretary because you can't really do anything with an English BS)

8) do you like kids?
Certain kids are ok, but not in general. The ones that I really can't stand are the ones that parents don't control, especially in public.

9) what is your favourite movie?
Gone With the Wind is my all time fav, but Almost Famous, The Usual Suspects, and Lord of the Rings rank up there.

10) what is your ideal place to live and why?
I like where I live now, in a suburb of Denver. The weather is great - pretty mild climate with little humidity. The views of the Rockies are great, and my family lives about 65 miles away - far enough not to meddle and close enough to be able to see when we want to.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 5, 2001
Arlington, Texas (DFW area)
Now I'm a secretary because you can't really do anything with an English BS.
You'd be amazed at what you can do with an English degree! I was a technical writer and an instructional designer for years before I had my kids. I have a Bachelor's Degree in English/Technical Communication.

My husband is an IT project manager right now and supports the family on his own. He used to be a technical writer before he got into management. He also has a Bachelor's Degree in English Literature.

So there are things you can do, you just have to be imaginative. Technical writing is a great field with lots of potential and it brings good money. Instructional design is even better because companies always have money in the budget for training.

Just my two cents... Don't write off your degree as useless. It's can actually be very helpful.


TCS Member
Mar 2, 2002
Lakewood (Denver suburb), Colorado
I guess it isn't so much the degree as the experience. At least here in the Denver market it is really tough to break into any field without experience so it's a Catch-22 situation.
I just went through a period of unemployment from Sept. through Nov. (great time to lose a job, huh?!?) and I put in applications and resumes for anything I thought I was even remotely qualified for. I got lots of interviews for Admin Asst. jobs, since that is what I have experience in, but nothing else. I couldn't even get hired in a large company since I have only worked with small companies, and they told me as much in the interviews! (I am also the primary breadwinner in the house so I can't be without steady work for very long, even to take additional courses or an internship to get some experience.)

I don't mean to sound downtrodden or anything, that's just my experience.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 5, 2001
Arlington, Texas (DFW area)
That's true - the job market is very bad right now. I was lucky and got work in my field immediately after I graduated. Plus, this was in 1991 when the job market was very strong. Here in DFW, there were more jobs than writers.

I know what you mean about being unemployed. My husband, who is our only support, lost his job in the first week of Dec 2000 and he didn't find another job until mid-Feb 2001. It was a very long, hard time for us. Thankfully he was able to find work in his field.

My mother lives in Austin, and the job market there right now is about as bad as it can get. She's a technical writer and she also does web development, and she can't find job at all. Not even ones she's not qualified for. THere just aren't any. I feel for all those out there unemployed right now, and I'm so thankful that my husband lost his job when he did and not one year later.

Hopefully the market will turn around, and you'll be able to find something fun and challenging to do with your degree.