Swollen Paw Issues.


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Jul 4, 2018
So Braveheart has had one swollen paw for a little while now. It never seemed to bother her. She jumps, runs - no issues.

I tried colloidal silver and soaking her paw in apple cider and water. It seemed to help a bit but never completely and it always came back.

I made an appointment a few weeks back for it and she saw the vet today to have it checked out.

She's now in surgery to have a piece removed and tested. The results should be back in about a week.

Could be an allergy, could be Eosinophilic granuloma (with no FIV as she's clean) or it could be Cancer.

Needless to say I was in tears on the way home. I've had to leave her there for the surgery. I go pick her up tonight.

Please send good vibes her way. I'll let you all know what happens.

Edit to add: The vet said I did the right thing by trying a few things first and that was good and warranted. She also remarked how surprised she was that BH was able to walk without any issues as she shouldn't have been able to.

She'll have stitches in her foot tonight and a cone - good luck to us with that.
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  • #3


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Jul 4, 2018
Poor Braveheart and poor you, its terrible leaving them at the vets. I hope it turns out to be nothing bad.
Sending good vibes and best wishes to you and Braveheart, let us know how it turns out.
Thank you xo

She's home now. Stitches in her paw and all wrapped up. Plus the cone of shame. She's very very doopey and can't stand up and she's exceptionally frightened. I have some anti-biotics for her to take over the next week.

I moved the couch so she could get into her hidey place. She kept trying but the cone was in the way.

Now we wait a week and hope it's something easy and not the C word.

She bloodied up her nose and two claws, even on gabepentin, as she hates cages so bad she bangs her heads on them and tries to claw her way out.

Poor wee one. :-(
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verna davies

TCS Member
Feb 23, 2016
Wales uk
I feel so sad for her, she doesnt know what's going on. The anaesthetic will have worn off by the morning then she will need lots of cuddles from you, which I'm sure she will get. Try not to worry too much, I hope its really good news. Please let me know.
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  • #6


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Jul 4, 2018
I've had to help her go potty. Poor kiddo kept trying to stand up to go and couldn't so I held her up. Tiny bit of red slime on her poop and it was hard so I think constipated. Pee'd loads so that's something.

I hope that she can settle a little and start to heal from the surgery. You are doing everything that you can for her and it is not easy for either of you. Sending good thoughts that at the end of this the diagnosis will be minor.

Yes, this is a bit more of a challenge than I thought. *cheers to hoping it's all okay*

I feel so sad for her, she doesnt know what's going on. The anaesthetic will have worn off by the morning then she will need lots of cuddles from you, which I'm sure she will get. Try not to worry too much, I hope its really good news. Please let me know.
Me too. She looks so confused. I'm trying to sit with her to give her good vibes. I hope when the anaesthetic wears off she doesn't go mental over the leg bandage and cone or oh boy oh boy.

I will let you know for sure. Dear me, this is going to be a long week of waiting

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  • #8


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Jul 4, 2018
Thank you for asking. XOXO :-) She's doing really well! *knock on wood* She's living up to her name in full for sure. Eating up a storm and trying to shake the bandage off, which is a bit funny to watch as it's like she's doing the hokey pokey.

She's jumping up to the window - the cone is not stopping her. I came down this morning to see her there and was like woaow! Not sure if I should be proud - or worried for the stitches in her foot!

I'm doing okay. As you can imagine a bit sleepy as one ear was open all night.
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  • #10


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Jul 4, 2018
Each day her paw will improve and you can relax a little. I hope the results come through quicker than expected ans she has the all clear. Cats do these things to keep us on our toes you know.
Yes, they seem to like us on our toes!

The drama queen kitty couldn't eat with the e-collar on and I managed to get it back on Monday overnight but Tuesday morning after breakfast it was a fail. So I trusted her, with some supervision, and she did fine and left the bandaged be.

The vet tech said I could take her bandage off Tuesday night / Wednesday morning.

I had planned to take the bandage off Wednesday night, but last night Braveheart decided to shake it off herself. (As I was prepping to remove it.) She looked rather proud of this action.

Her foot looks the same. No worse or better, but I don't think I was expecting that really. Secretly I had hoped that the anti-biotics would reduce the swelling but no such luck. She's being careful with it and not putting her full weight on it as I'm sure it's sore still.

All in all, I'd say we're doing well. Her appetite has increased so that might be good.

I should hear from the vet tonight with a couple of questions I have, but really it's waiting for results at this point.

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verna davies

TCS Member
Feb 23, 2016
Wales uk
As I'm sure you have experienced before, antibiotics take a while to get into the system and start to mend. I love the fact that she beat you to the bandage removal.

It must be sore for her but at least she is eating. I hope the results are good news then you can celebrate.
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  • #12


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Jul 4, 2018
As I'm sure you have experienced before, antibiotics take a while to get into the system and start to mend. I love the fact that she beat you to the bandage removal.

It must be sore for her but at least she is eating. I hope the results are good news then you can celebrate.
Yes! Thank you for that reminder about anti-biotics. Completely forgot about that aspect of them. I was only viewing them as a method of keeping infection out of the surgery area. Doh.

She's acting like all is good and nothing happened at all and yes, love that she's eating a bit more too as she is the skinny one in the household so a tiny bit of extra weight gain probably wouldn't be a bad thing for her!

LOL it was funny that she beat me to the bandage removal. It was like "See ma. No problem. I got this."

Thank you XOXOXOXO *fingers and toes crossed*
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  • #13


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Jul 4, 2018
No news yet on results. The vet is usually there later making calls, so if not later tonight, maybe Monday.

Braveheart is still acting like nothing happened, so small mercies. Eating well, drinking, playing, and taking her meds. A tiny bit of protest on the meds, but not too bad.

I can feel her stitches now but the swelling is slightly down. It's down enough that the color has finally come back to one very, very small portion of the pad of her foot. I've not see that nice black paw pad for a bit so that makes me smile a little.

She's not bothered by the stitches in the slightest. They really did a good job making sure they were tucked up and in. Bless them.

verna davies

TCS Member
Feb 23, 2016
Wales uk
Well that's positive news, lets hope more colour returns day by day. Shame about the weekend wait, try not to think about it if you can. This is s good time to have a good old clean and sort out, take your mind off it. Sending positive thoughts and good wishes.
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  • #15


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Jul 4, 2018
We have the results. It's NOT Cancer! YAY! :cloud9:

They are thinking Plasma Cell Pododermatitis (aka Pillow Foot). I'll be going to pick up Doxycycline tomorrow and she'll be on it for two weeks. It might not help, it could come back, it's a wait and see thing. We are hoping that this is all the meds she'll need to get in under control and the rest will be watching, waiting and trial and error with things like food and other environmentalist factors.

She was snap tested last year for FIV and FELV - both negative. She's had shots too.

I've already begun prepping all their (she has roommates) bedding and blankets etc and washed in hypoallergenic soap. That sad thing is that no one really knows what causes Plasma Cell Pododermatitis.

I'll be doing things as a process of elimination for her and see how we do. I know there are a few threads on here so I'll be reading those to try to glean some further insight as I don't know that much about it yet.

I will say the vet was a bit surprised that the anti-biotics helped the swelling.

Here she is with her bandage the other day: (She's been such a trooper with all this.)

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verna davies

TCS Member
Feb 23, 2016
Wales uk
Well thats a relief, you must be pleased. Lets hope that the treatment will make it go away once and for all. Its hard when you dont know the cause, elimination can be very trying and time consuming. I hope you hit on the cause right away. In the meantime lots of reading for you by the sounds of it, dont get too bogged down. Lovely photo, she is a brave little thing. Get well soon Braveheart. Keep us updated please.
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  • #18


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Jul 4, 2018
Thank you all for the good thoughts her way and for being here! :-) XOXOX

I've gone though a couple threads and articles already. Sadly, seems another user is recently facing the same thing so I'll watch and see if we can help each other too.

My Kitten Chews His Paws Raw

Well thats a relief, you must be pleased. Lets hope that the treatment will make it go away once and for all. Its hard when you dont know the cause, elimination can be very trying and time consuming. I hope you hit on the cause right away. In the meantime lots of reading for you by the sounds of it, dont get too bogged down. Lovely photo, she is a brave little thing. Get well soon Braveheart. Keep us updated please.
Thank you :-) XOXO

First words out of the vets mouth were "It's not Cancer" and my heart went to it's normal beat and yes, there was a big sigh of relief. I knew then anything that came out after would be okay.

She is this tiny little fierce creature. She's come a long way. This time last year she was outside as part of a feral colony I care take. Now, she's absolutely at home.

I think my only real concern atm, besides slowly sorting out the cause, is that she has her annual Dr appointment in November. As a practice the cats get , Feline leukemia shots, Rabies (law) and Upper respiratory shots. With an autoimmune issue - is getting the shots a good or bad idea, or should I be limiting them.

I promise not to get too bogged down with it. We'll take it very slow. One thing at a time - and there is always the possibility we get very luck and hit it right away like you hope. :bouquet:

I'm formulating a plan of attack on it as we speak. Baby steps so as not to overwhelm us both.

I'm glad you liked her photo. She is a dear little devil.

I am so glad. Pillow Foot, like all of the autoimmune issues, can be frustrating but it isn't cancer or FIV.
Thank you :-) XOXO

Yes, *nods*this will be frustrating for sure but, exactly, not cancer or FIV so I'm taking this as a total win in every way.

I have one kitty, Charlie, with a heart condition, Asthma, food allergies and now crystals. It took over three years to get the food allergy remotely under control so I'm at least versed a little in elimination. My experience with his bad luck should help with Bravehearts journey.

PS - I've look at a lot of pictures with cats and pillow paw tonight. Bravehearts paw, thankfully, is no where near as bad as I've seen the others.
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  • #19


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Jul 4, 2018
If looks could kill - I'd be dead right now. I got her first round of Doxycycline in her. She took it well and I washed it down with water and wow - she' s now not happy with me.

It wasn't a right away I hate you - it was an after. This means for the next two weeks I best be crafty and wear some riot gear to protect me and she is a wild thing if she's set off.