Swollen glands and green poop?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 24, 2023
I noticed my 10 month old has some swollen glans. Just under his chin by the top of his neck it feels like too little grapes. My other 10 month old doesn't have them in the same spot and after a little research I called the vet and we have an appointment on Thursday morning. He's eating, drinking, playing, zooming, climbing and purring just fine. No real change in behavior though it's hard to tell what's moody teenager behavior with him sometimes and what might be an issue but nothing that's been 'off' or different from normal. I wouldn't have even caught anything at all if he wasn't cuddling in my lap begging for chin scratches and I felt them the other night.

On top of that the only only issue is he's passing green stool. Formed and solid but super stinky. No change in diet or issue going just this light green stool. I've been keeping an eye on the box ever since I felt the glans.

Anyone ever deal with this before? Internet is no help but hoping it's like us and might just be a little cold.


3 cats
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2014
The 2 issues could be unrelated or not. Cats can get acne on their lip from drinking or eating from a bowl. Maybe he ate something green. The vet can tell you more. My cat had acne years ago. Make sure her bowls are clean


TCS Member
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Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Good on the vet visit! It could be some virus causing lymph nodes to swell. If the poop is of normal consistency, that is good despite the color. If you can catch some of the stool, you might take it into the vet with you so they can see it and perhaps test it. Stool can be kept refrigerated for hours and still be viable for testing.

:Let us know what happens at the vets!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 24, 2023
Good on the vet visit! It could be some virus causing lymph nodes to swell. If the poop is of normal consistency, that is good despite the color. If you can catch some of the stool, you might take it into the vet with you so they can see it and perhaps test it. Stool can be kept refrigerated for hours and still be viable for testing.

:Let us know what happens at the vets!
Went to the vet today and she's a little stumped, he has no temp his other vitals checked out fine and he was trying to pull the squeeze treat out of her hand so his apatite and energy levels are just fine. She gave me three days of anti-inflammatory meds to see if that does anything and I think over the past few days they have been slowly shrinking down. We'll see what the meds do.

The next step if the meds DON'T work is getting a small sample but he will need to be mildly sedated for that which she didn't want to do right away if it's no necessary and with how he's acting she didn't think it was. A cat that's eating, drinking, playing, pooping and purring isn't a cat in crisis so if we can hold off giving him heavy duty meds she would like to. She did say that rough play can cause them to swell if there is even mild injury to the neck which my two 10 month old's treat the house like a WWE ring so that's very possible. I'll poke around some other cat places and see if anyone's come across this before.

As of right now like I said Gomez seem's just fine, she said he looks and feels great and healthy so we shall keep fingers crossed it's a big nothing burger!