Sweepy bye bye my little one


TCS Member
May 16, 2009
St. Stephen, NB, Canada
I'm bawling my eyes out as I read your post. I am soooo sorry to hear about your loss. They are never "just cats", and this is just like losing a close member of your family. I lost two a couple of years ago (one to cancer, one to old age), and I know exactly how you are feeling. Just remember...merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again. Brightest Blessings!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
Condolences to Mister & you on losing your precious Sweepy. What a treasure the picture is
If we were in ancient Egypt, you would be able to shave your eyebrows & even be given time off from work in order to grieve the loss of a cat.
You have definitely come to the right community of people who can, unfortunately, emphathize completely

I know that right now the wounds are so very raw, but I hope that you will find comfort and encouragement just in knowing that we truly care. About 5 years ago, I lost my Miss Tobie, who was my "sphinx cat" who was "mine", she slept with me & guarded me; I had finally decided, that the loss, combined with losing custody of my grandson, was my "breaking point" and I couldn't risk loving and losing again. But I couldn't say "no" to my daughter who has brain-damage when she spent over 3 year's savings (she was saving up for a home stereo system for her room) to buy 2 kittens, JC and Joey. And as it turned out, Joey is my new "sphinx cat" - my devoted shadow who not only bonds so completely with me, he bonded with my grandson who vacations with me - and if my grandson is having a hard time, with abuse or is ill with a fever, etc., even though they are over 400 miles apart, Joey will sense it and go about the house mrreowling loudly (he's a Manx with a typical very quiet way),
Sending your mega prayers and vibes for comfort & healing


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 14, 2009
Rockland County, NY
I am so sorry for your loss. I know what you mean about people not understanding the loss of a pet, but all of us here know exactly how you feel.

You said that you buried him in your garden? When we had to put our first cat, Cookie, to sleep, I planted a garden over him - he was mostly white, so I grew only white flowers in that garden. It's still called Cookie's garden. It helped me through that difficult time. I still talk to her everytime I am out there weeding or watering. Perhaps you could do something similar in your garden?