Surprises On Our Long Road To Socialization


Lover of Cats and Catfish
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jan 12, 2016
It's been awhile since I've posted regularly on here, but I wanted to give an update on my feral cat I took home. We've made great progress and I'm really excited about it.

Astrid came home with me on January 4th, 2016. It's been a long socialization process - I didn't get to take her home on my own terms, because other people involved themselves, so I didn't get to prepare her room or anything. I had to block off the closet and take out the bed well after she was moved in, and wasn't able to completely cat proof the rest of the room. Socialization took a lot longer than I expected. It took almost a whole year to get her to start being okay with being out and about while I was in there. But since then, progress has been pretty nonstop, and its mostly her that's pushing her own boundaries.
Right now, she still lives in a safe room. She has yet to let me touch her, but has otherwise gotten very comfortable with me. If she and I weren't moving in the next month or so, I'd probably go ahead and try to integrate her to the rest of the house, with the other people and animals. But it seems like a better idea to just wait till we move, where, after a little longer in a single room to get her comfortable with her new surroundings, she'll get the whole place to herself.

Astrid has picked up habits I never expected from a wild cat I met in a parking lot. She started talking to me, taught herself to meow again. It started out quiet, squeaky little beeps that seemed to get lost halfway through her trying to make noise. Now she chats and sings to me for the first few minutes of my visits. She has recently also started rubbing her whole body all over whatever is closest to her, and even rolling upside down with her paws in the air, to excitedly rub on things like a typical house cat when she's excited to see me bringing her food. Last night she even hopped off her bed and came towards me to do the excited cat song and dance right in front of me. (I do still have a little barricade in front of the door from the early days, when I was worried about her darting out and getting lost in the rest of the house, so that was between us when she did this. I probably ought to go ahead and take it down.) She also will knead and purr if she's laying on a pillow when she's excited to see me.

Despite all of that, we've been working for a long time on her being okay with me reaching towards her, since before all the song and dance started. She is not at all a food motivated cat, she'd rather starve herself than eat something she doesn't like, which baffles me with her having been feral. I've tried all kinds of tempting treats (baby food, tuna, etc.) and the only thing that she actually cares about enough to use as a food reward for our progress is the feline greenies treats. So every time I visit and go through our normal routine, I slowly reach towards her with very small a handful of those treats. She gets super quiet and serious when we do this part of our routine, and watches me like a hawk. She'll move forward to sniff the treats, but won't take them from my hand. Recently she's added taking a step back after that to wait for me to drop them. It doesn't matter how close and relaxed she is before I try to offer treats, as soon as we get to this point she goes to the same spot, just out of easy reach, and waits and watches.

Astrid is an odd cat, and does lots of funny little things I'd never expect from a feral, and some things that I've never seen in a typical house cat either. She's obviously super smart. (She used to like to sort her toys by shape and color.) She constantly surprises me, and always pushes her own boundaries much further than I expected. I've always approached this that things would go at her pace. Now that we've started making progress, she's set that pace much faster than I would have.

I really love this cat. I'm so glad she came home with me.


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Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Tell me. When you come in and she greets you. Does she yawns, and or strech herself out on the floor? I would guess she does.

Its not "lazy sleepy cat just awake". Its greetings to a friend.
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Lover of Cats and Catfish
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jan 12, 2016
Yes, she does yawn and stretch at me right away every time when I come in. :)


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
Such great progress! Have you tried using a pet petter to try and touch her? They work really well especially when their back is to you so they don't see it coming. I made one from an old wand toy. I wrapped one end with an old clean sock. I secured it with duct tape. I then added a very soft piece of flannel. The wand was on the longer side so I could still reach at arms distance. I often would use it as a toy first and then when my feral boy turned around, I would lightly touch his fur. It takes a bit, but I have used this on 5 feral kitties and all learn to love the feel of touch. Once they get used to the pet petter, I slowly start pulling the wand towards my body and replacing the wand with my hand.

Also when you are working with her, try extra yummy food rewards instead of plain cat treats. I use plain cooked chicken, bits of canned tuna or bits of canned salmon. Most cats really like that as a special treat.

I will post a picture of my pet petter below.
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Lover of Cats and Catfish
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jan 12, 2016
I haven't tried that, but I think it would really freak her out. :/ She is afraid of wand toys. Any time I've tried to play with her with one she ignored to toy moving around and focused on the big scary stick in my hand. She is also pretty much always facing me, I don't think I could reach towards her without her noticing.

She won't eat any of those food items. :( I've tried everything with her, she is the pickiest cat in the world. I see my original post got linked to another of mine, the one about flying with her, but that one is just the most recent of my posts about her. Most have been about her pickiness. She only eats two varieties of one brand of wet food, one kind of dry food, and two kinds of treats. Everything else I try she turns her nose up at. (Here's the very first thread I posted here about her, because she was starving herself. And here's two more since talking about how picky she is.)

I do think that in time the current approach will work. Or she'll surprise me and break the touch barrier on her own one of these days. Who knows? She's full of surprises.
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Lover of Cats and Catfish
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jan 12, 2016
Since I've popped back in on the forum, I figured I'd give another little update here.

I moved from FL to PA in August, but lots of roadblocks came up that delayed getting Astrid up here with me. My family ended up having to catch her up in mid October and fly her up for me. It was a big traumatic ordeal, but she has since settled in to her new safe room.

We picked up where we left off and have continued to make progress. She is suddenly much more motivated by these same old treats. Our typical routine is that I come in and start out filling and refreshing her food and water, and I usually leave a couple treats in front of the bowl of food. Then I offer her some more treats by slowly reaching towards her.

She gets really excited to see me now, sometimes I hear her chirping back at me when I start talking to warn her I'm coming in, before I even touch the door. She'll sit right next to me and rub her whole body on the scratcher next to the food setup and chirp at me while I get her stuff ready. She's started often trying to check out the treats as I put the ones in front of her bowl, practically climbing under my arm to sniff them. She still sits back and waits for me to drop the treats I offer directly to her, but she's been comfortable enough to eat them with me sitting right beside her now.

I think trying to pet her before she's ready would just freak her out and set us back more, but I'm really waiting for the day she rubs on my hand like she does everything else so I can pet her. I think that will make a huge difference. Right now, aside from her nose touching me when she sniffs things in my hand, we've still yet to break the touch barrier.

If I was living alone, I'd just cat proof the rest of the house and let her loose, but I live with my fiance now so I'd like them to make some progress before she's out. Not necessarily to the point I'm at, but enough that she can be somewhat comfortable with him in her space so she's not terrified every time he's around. Them seem to be doing okay though, so I'm going ahead and trying to get the house cat proofed while he tries to make friends.


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
Thanks so much for the update. You have done so much for this sweet kitty. I bet in time she will allow touch.

Have you tried making a pet petter? I made one from a long handled old cat toy. I covered the end with a thick sock and then put a soft piece of flannel on it. I just used duct tape to secure it. I then added some catnip to the end. I allowed my feral boy to just sniff it for a bit. I also used it a bit as a toy just moving it back and forth to get his interest. When his back was turned, I would rub the sock part on his back. You also can just do this with a feather wand toy. I always try to do it when they are not facing me so the cat cannot see it coming.