Sudden shift in behavior - FHS?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 29, 2013
Hi all! Hopefully someone will be able to help me get to the bottom of this!

First the basics:

My cat, Mr. Kitty, is a brown tabby and will be turning 3 next month. He's cuddly when he wants to be, he can be sassy, he's playful, and talkative. We've never had an issue with him health wise.

However, last Thursday there was a considerable shift in his behavior. Thursday morning went along as usual, he sat curled up in a ball and watched as I got ready and was perfectly content. Later that night we noticed that his back was twitching, he had "airplane ears", his ears and tail would flicker and he was aggressively licking himself. After he would be done cleaning himself he'd rush off and stay close to ground as if he was afraid of something. He would find a spot in the room and just sit there until another attack came. Later that night as I slept, which he usually sleeps with me or finds a hiding spot in the house, he was incredibly active. He was running and jumping on and off my bed. He tried to settle and sleep on my bed, but that didn't last long. He has never in the 3 years we have had him ever exhibited this kind of behavior where he appears to be constantly on cat nip. His symptoms seem to match with FHS, Feline hyperesthesia syndrome.

However, while he was madly cleaning himself he wasn't cleaning as harshly as some symptoms say or videos portray. He doesn't even seem very sensitive to touch. We also noticed that he had a considerable increase in dandruff which is something we've seen for the first time. We went to the vet the next day and he was clear, he had no fleas, ticks, nothing. The vet also noticed the amount of dandruff. We've ran the humidifier and started giving him wet food as to help his skin.

Luckily in the past few days he has started returning to his normal self, he's talking more, laying around more and looking out windows. I should also mention he never lost his appetite and always used the litter box. He seems to come out more in the open, which he is less afraid of as the day leaves and evening comes. He still continues to hide underneath my bed and when he stays still it seems he is less likely to have an episode, his episodes come less now and seem to be less aggressive. He still cleans himself with great force, but he's stopped licking in the areas FHS says he should and he also never attacked his tail.

We're going back to the vet again, even though his symptoms appear to be improving. I'm just at a loss between if he truly has FHS or should I assume that he probably has an allergy of some kind and he's only itchy because of the dandruff.

I'm sorry this is so long, any feedback is appreciated and I know I probably left some things out. Like that he is an indoor only cat.

Thank you!


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
Hi Kristinakat and welcome to TCS! 

Poor Mr Kitty, and how frightening for you...

It does sound like FHS and may have been brought on by some kind of trauma.  I'm sure you've thought it through.. whether anything occured that may have triggered it?

It's wonderful that it's settling, and hopefully it was just a temporary thing.There may be people with more experience with this that will have some good ideas for you.

One thing I would recommend, though, is to try to make wet food more and more the main part of Mr Kitty's diet.  Have a look through our nutrition threads for more info.

It would be good to hear how he's getting on generally.. and also, maybe you would like to introduce yourself/him in our New Cats on the Block thread.. and we love photos
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TCS Member
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Apr 29, 2013
Hi Mani! Thank you so much for the warm welcome!

The only conclusion we can come up with about any certain trauma is his room. By room I mean his litterbox, a scratch post, a window and food, it use to be our playroom as kids so it's open and still has some furniture in it. We started going through old pictures to organize them and laid them out n his floor, we've cleaned it up, but that's the only conclusion we can truly come up with and there have been other times we have left boxes and such in his room and he's done fine, I guess that was the last straw. He wasn't afraid of his room or anything when we did have the pictures and we had them there for about a week and a half.

The only concern we have is that he doesn't truly eat the wet food, he just drinks the juice. I'll be sure to check out the nutrition thread, we've been feeding him Purina cat naturals for his dry food for most of his life.

This is deeply unsettling and frustrating for me, especially since it was so sudden. Thank you for your support! I'll be sure to give updates!

I'll also be sure to go check out the welcome thread! Thanks so much!


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
Hi Mani! Thank you so much for the warm welcome!

The only conclusion we can come up with about any certain trauma is his room. By room I mean his litterbox, a scratch post, a window and food, it use to be our playroom as kids so it's open and still has some furniture in it. We started going through old pictures to organize them and laid them out n his floor, we've cleaned it up, but that's the only conclusion we can truly come up with and there have been other times we have left boxes and such in his room and he's done fine, I guess that was the last straw. He wasn't afraid of his room or anything when we did have the pictures and we had them there for about a week and a half.

The only concern we have is that he doesn't truly eat the wet food, he just drinks the juice. I'll be sure to check out the nutrition thread, we've been feeding him Purina cat naturals for his dry food for most of his life.

This is deeply unsettling and frustrating for me, especially since it was so sudden. Thank you for your support! I'll be sure to give updates!

I'll also be sure to go check out the welcome thread! Thanks so much!
My pleasure


TCS Member
May 5, 2012
Waldron, Arkansas
You might want to try fooling him into thinking the wet food is all juice.  Mix in enough water to make a thin slurry, and see if he eats that.  I would just try a little bit of the slurry at first.  No sense using a whole can an having to dump it.  Or get a pill grinder, available in the pharmacy department of your favorite store, grind up half a dozen kibbles and sprinkle on the wet food or add to slurry.


TCS Member
Apr 2, 2010
Annapolis, MD
Welcome to The Cat Site.

Ritz has FHS.  In her case-and in retrospect--she has had some very minor, very sporadic, twitching episodes for over two years.  In January 2013 her symtoms escalated dramatically, almost overnight.  Rippling skin, frantic biting of her flank like she has a mosquito bite, running back and forth the hallway trying to escape only something she can see.  She hates being touched during an episode.  Ritz is on Prozac, it seems to help a little, and/or we're both simply getting use to the episodes. 

In retrospect, I think a serious of stressful events over a four-month period caused the symptoms to escalate; these events included a move from a condo to a townhouse, fostering a cat (Ritz is a spoiled, only child--the love of my life), a gastric upset episode resulting in a vet appointment. and another vet appointment for a wellness check/vaccinations.  Ritz is prone to stress-induced illnesses (UTIs, FLUTD).

Some of the ways to alleviate some of the symptoms of FHS include: Feliway plug ins; routine routine routine; lots of play time to the extent possible/practical/financially, high quality food with as little additives/chemicals as possible.  As catspaw suggested, you can make wet food really soupy and/or add toppers to the wet food to encourage him to eat it. 

Good luck and let us know how things are going.
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TCS Member
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Apr 29, 2013
First I want to thank everybody for their feedback!

Here's the update! Jynx is showing progress, promise, etc. He came out to visit me in the morning and last night, while it was only for a few minutes, came to knead and cuddle with me. His attacks have seemed to take on a less violent turn. He still has a lot of dandruff and mostly in the areas where he licks himself. He still isn't sensitive to touch, in fact when I scratch down his back he raises his butt and encourages it. His back also seems to ripple only on his lower back, once again where the dandruff is. I've taken to combing him more, and with a flea comb just to be safe. He still likes to rest underneath my bed, he seems to have less attacks when he's sitting still. He'll stay under my bed for the majority of the day and will just lay out. When he has an attack he will still move, but not as rapidly and harshly like before and will find a corner or wall to tuck his paws under himself.

I am still keeping hope that this is an allergy.

Once again thank you for the warm welcome and your feedback!
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Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
So glad things are working out