Sudden discovery of cancer!

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TCS Member
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Jun 4, 2015
Hi everybody.

It's been a long time since I wrote here last, so I am giving an update for those who are interested and have been there for me at the beginning of Miley's journey.

I am here with good news, my cancer cat Miley is still here :) :) :)

It has been a miracle, as vet told us in the beginning of June that she would be around most likely 1 month, maybe if lucky maximum 2 months.  Now it has been 2.5 months and she is still here with us on the couch, purring and cuddling

I started giving her cannabis butter in mid June and I have nothing else than that medicine to thank for her still being around. I am still giving it to her everyday.

From June for 1 month I was feeding her only by hand, because she didn't want to eat, now she is eating her self again and she is back to her normal appetite. She doesn't seem to have any pain anymore either.

I keep on touching his belly, to feel how this massive tumor is going. It seems to me it has stopped growing bigger or maybe even gotten smaller, but I am not sure. She is not playing much tho, but other than that I would never guess that something is wrong. All my friends and family can't believe their eyes that she is still here and looking so good!

I haven't gone to the vet, we decided to take here there, if she is still here with us in Christmas and get another check up.

I am really surprised and thanking the spirit very-very much for her still being here with us. This situation has been a great lesson for me emotionally and I'm thankful for everyday that she is still here and well. 

I really hope this miracle continues.

Good vibes to you and your cats


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
I am very glad to hear that Miley is still with you.  I hope you have lots more cuddling time with her.  


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Such great news!!! 

May I ask how you are making the cannibis butter for Miley?  And how you give it to her?  Do you just put a little on your finger and she licks it off, or melt a little and stir it into her food?  I NEVER did order any of the Canna for pets formy Callie that I sent you the link on in June.  She's just so hard to pill that I figured it would be a waste of time
.   BUT, I've got the ingredients to make that butter, since my hubby has his Medical Marijuana card
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  • #25


TCS Member
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Jun 4, 2015
I made the butter by this recipe

I didn't have any access to medical marijuana and only had 2 grams of marijuana. So I calculated the quantities accordingly what I had. I also didn't boil my mixture as long as it was said in the recipe, mine turned glossy in 1.5-2 h time. I think because I had so little. But I still have this butter, so that quantity has been enough for Miley. There was even enough for my partner, to test to make sure it actually works

I tried just to give butter from my hand to Miley - she had little taste, but didn't like it much. So I started putting it on her dry food snacks that she is crazy about. No problems feeding it down with these. I don't think that I would have been able to feed any pills or powder into her as she is supper picky as your cat and most of the cats that I know. She really didn't eat much at that time when  I started feeding this medicine to her, so I was very happy that she still loved her snacks and what ever was on top of them.

I firstly started with half a rice grain (or bit less) size quantities and made it bit bigger everyday. Until I saw that it was bit too much, as I think she got bit high. This was scary, but nothing bad happened. Then I saw her limit and went little bit down in the quantity again. I give her 1.5-2 rice grain x 2 times a day (morning and evening, aprox every 12h). So all together  3-4 rice grain in 1 day. I really don't have the correct quantity, as I measure it all with mu eyes. Usually people who give oil, feed half a rice grain size drop to their cats daily. But butter should not be as strong as oil is. 

Of course the canna butters strength depends on the original marijuana and how much butter goes in.

I was so thankful for that Canna for pest link that you gave me mrsgreenjeens
, as it gave me belief that Miley will be ok, if I feed her any cannabis. I was so afraid to poison her or make her feel unwell etc. Now I have no problems and it has really changed my opinion about marijuana as medicine for both people and pets.

I even found this awesome grandma in California and it made me think if I would have lot of this butter might try out some of her recipes
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