Sudden discovery of cancer!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 4, 2015
Hi everybody,

Firstly I am very happy, that there's a forum like this and that you are reading my and my cat Miley's story.  I really need your advice and support in this.  And secondly, please forgive me my misspellings, as English is not my native language (I am from Estonia).

Yesterday I took my cat Miley to the vet. I thought that she has fungal infection on her skin, she has had it before. But vet was doing the regular general check and discovered something in not right in her abdomen. Vet took the cat to x-ray. The result of that was awful and shocking - most of her tummy was full of big mass. Vet was also afraid that it had gone to the other organs (liver, lungs), so she got me quickly checked into ultrasound. Ultrasound showed nothing good -  big mass in the tummy and liver full of little tumors. Lungs are not sure, as you can't check it with the ultrasound, but the  x-ray showed something also in the lungs, but the vet couldn't tell for sure, if it is another spread or if it's just a some shade.

I WAS TOTALLY CHOCKED FROM ALL OF THIS. This all came out of nowhere, I didn't see any obvious sings and I am so sad that I didn't take my cat to the vet earlier, I been wanting do that for few months now, to ger her checked out, but everything was seeming ok and didn't rush that visit. Even tho I had my inner doubts about her health, but in the past I have been just over worring.  I feel so  devastated that I didn't trust my inner gut earlier. I feel I have failed my cat.

Now I see all the symptoms, when I know the condition..she is tired, she is not so active as she could be, she is drinking A LOT OF WATER. She still eating ok, she has always been picky with food, maybe because she is persian breed. She is purring less. Have had few coughs.  This is what I have noticed today. Yesterday morning before the vet visit I didn't notice anything, we were playing and she seemed all good, just sleeping much more. Today she hasn't played with her toys at all. Maybe it is all because the yesterdays visit: touching, ultrasound, x-rays etc. Maybe she is just feeling bit distress after all the checking or maybe she is really feeling unwell because of her condition. I am wondering if she is in pain.

Miley only came into my life 21 months ago trough a rescue organization. I was supposed to be just a temporary home for her, until she would find her own (my partner was not keen on having our own pet, he was not a per person and never ever had one). When she first came to our house, her condition was terrible: her teeth were in such a bad condition that they had to be removed, she had ear mites, mass under her belly that needed to be removed surgically and skin fungus. Plus her coat was in very bad condition and smelled. She had been living with a older lady with  20 or something other cats. She was feed cheap supermarket food and because she was pure breed and also very picky with her tastes, she was very thin, in result of that bad food. My sister was totally chocked when she petted Miley for the first time, because she was so skinny that you could feel all the bones. She was the ugliest cat that I had ever seen.

In the first day I just washed her and I was quite nervous to do so -  last time I put a cat into the water, was when I was a kid and that cat scratched my face so badly that I have scar on my face for ever. You can imagine washing a strange cat who has obliviously had never seen water in her life of something like 10 years (nobody knows her real age), that fear of how she might react. But she didn't try to hurt me at all! She was complaining  a little and she wasn't enjoying it, but not a scratch, not a hiss, nothing. She accepted it all, even tho her bad condition. In the next few days a discovered what amazing soul Miley was: she just wanted to be close, she trusted me tho I was stranger and she was just showing so much love and thankfulness that I had never seen in any cat before and I have seen plenty of them (I grew up in a farm where we often had 3-4 cats or even more, when they had kittens). You can imagine, how a felt after few days having her with me, to send her to surgery. I prayed for what ever god or spirit out there to make her well.

All went well and she got healed and was with us for few moths until me and my partner (he had become so fond of her and her personality,  first pet in his life) decided to keep her with us forever. I was going trough some rough time with my partner at that time and when ever I was was sad or even had a little cry, Miley came to me and started massaging me and meowing, like she was trying to comfort me. She amazed my partner and helped him to see how I was hurting in our relationship - this also touched his heart. When ever we were having a fight or argument, Miley came to us to bring us back to the moment and help us to remember that the most important things was love. She was like a therapist, amazing one, full of love and gentleness. I had never ever seen a cat like that. When ever me and my partner cuddle on the couch or we have hug, Miley is there meowing and asking to be part of that love. She joins our cuddle curled up in both of our laps. AMAZING, SHE SUCH A BEAUTIFUL SOUL, AND NOW SHE IS SICK AND I DIDN'T SEE IT COMING. I AM TOTALLY HEARTBROKEN AND IN SHOCK.

Firstly the vet didn't give me much hope, it was more about when things get really bad, then it is time to let her go.

Today vet consulted a oncologist and together with they recommended to give it a try to operate, as the tumor is so big, that soon she just can't eat and she will be starving slowly and that will be very sad and painful ending to wait until it is so bad. She generally looks quite good, especially until yesterdays visit.  They say there are high risks, as she might not start breathing after her operation and they don't know very well exactly, what is going on around her mass in the stomach, with other organs. If this big mass has been cut out, she should be able to MAYBE live bit more and not suffer from that huge mass pressing on her other organs. Maybe the metastatic masses in her liver and maybe in her lungs could be treated with chemo. They think it is Lymphoma, but they don't know until they cut her up and send that mass to Germany for testing. But most of the signs are showing that this what we are facing.

I am taking Miley to vet for blood test tomorrow, to see if they give a good promise for the surgery.

Things are not looking good, I know I Miley might be gone soon. I am in shock. I really don't know what is the right thing to do. At first the idea that there's no real option made me devastated, I was hoping some window and today that option came and I felt a little light in this darkness. But I don't know if I should take it and put her trough all of that suffering of blood test, surgery, recovery, maybe chemo. Or just accept that things are bad and let her go.

I just want her to feel good and not be in pain. I love her so much. She is an angel and I am so happy to for all of her help and gifts that she has brought into my life.

I really appreciate your thoughts, story of being in a similar situation, options in treatment. Do not hesitate to ask me questions as maybe I didn't explane things well enough.

Forever grateful Liz and cat Miley.

This is Miley 21 moths ago, when she was rescued from her poor life.

This is Miley something like a year ago, after she was much better.

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This is Miley yesterday, after coming home from the vet.



TCS Member
Jun 4, 2015
Heyy im new to this site and i need urgent help . I dont know how to post a topic, help?

anne thomason

TCS Member
Jun 2, 2015
I don't have any great advice for you but I am going thru a similar situation except they aren't sure what her insides look like so they are doing surgery Saturday, which she might not make it thru as she is really weak.

Anyway, I wanted to send love from me & my cancer kitty, and along with that am sending hopes that the results will come back positive for your sweet kitty.

I recently joined this forum too (for same reason as you) & the people on here are really, really nice...

Also, if it doesn't go well, just remember that Miley is a very lucky cat no matter what. I did rescue for 10 years and sadly most cats do not get love of any sort in their lives. Miley made it out of her situation and is now in one where she is loved, as she should have always been.

To a lot of folks, cats (and dogs sometimes) are disposable animals, so just the fact that Miley found an awesome mom like you instead of ending up hit by a car or euthanized at a shelter makes her very, very lucky!

And yes I am telling myself that too about my kitty - no matter the results, at least your Miley & my Alaska knew they were loved

I will end with this awesome emoticon that someone posted on our post - good vibes are being sent to you & Miley (who is gorgeous BTW!!)



Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
As Anne said, Miley is so lucky to have you in her life

All I can tell you is "go with your gut" on this.  And know that chemo for cats is not nearly like chemo for humans.  Here is a direct quote from one of our members whose cat is currently in remission from Large Cell Lymphoma:

"  The management of chemo in treating cancer in cats is completely different.   In people, it is all about quantity of life, and it is used in relatively much higher doses, and therefore with many more toxic side-effects. In cats (and dogs), it is all about quality of life, and thus used in much smaller (relative to body size) amounts. It is generally very well tolerated by cats, and the oncologists generally work very closely with you, monitoring every aspect of your kitty's health and well-being."

I think you and your partner, and your Vet will need to really sit down and have a heart to heart discussion about how difficult surgery might be on her, what the recovery will be like (although it sounds like she's been through a similar surgery before?) and how much time it might add to her life, etc.  Knowing those things should help you in making your decision.  It's so tough, I know
. and, of course, you just want to do what's best for her.  If only we could see into the future

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TCS Member
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Jun 4, 2015
Thank you Anne and mrsgreenjeens so much for your support and all the good vibes

It is very heart warming to hear that you are thinking of us 

Anne I was also thinking about your Alaska on Saturday, I hope she is ok.

Update about Miley>

On Friday we did the general blood test and another special one for her liver and kidney condition.  The results of general blood condition was all good, but her liver is not at all good and same with kidneys - they are starting to fail. So the vet told no to the surgery, as Miley most likely will not survive that. 

In a way I am relived that I don't have to make that decision to cut her up and put her trough all of that process. My gut feeling was starting to say no to it already as well.

But i was also terrible to hear that THIS IS IT, that the vet can not do anything anymore. It is for sure that Miley is slowly getting sicker and she will be going to the heaven. 

I came to the terms with that news and I am not as shocked as I was on Thursday, when I just had found out the news the evening before. I have cried my cries.  Now I am not making sure that Miley will see me happy and we would have the best last days of her lives. Making sure I spend maximum time with her, and making sure she will get spoiled with all her favourite food. 

My partner wants to give some cannabis to Miley to ease the pain and maybe reduce the growth of cancer.

I was strongly against it at first, as I am afraid that this will be no good for her and be toxic for Miley. But my partner did convince me to do research on it and I have found may people talking in the forums about giving cannabis (mostly oil) to their sick pets. Few of them said that they got rid of cancer, but most of them just told that the cat became more active, they had less pain and lived much longer than expected *so the cancer growth was reduced. There were also stories about toxication, but they were not coming from peoples mouths / they were general articles and in these cases the cat or a dog had eaten a lot of marijuana without people watching. People who were giving it as a treatment only gave half a size of a rice grain to their cats. 

I know trough friends that cannabis has great effect on people, who are suffering with cancer, but I am still troubled and afraid to allow my partner to give any to Miley, because her liver condition. Does anybody have any experience with that?


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
This company sells cannabis for pets, and ship anywhere by Australia!

I was investigating getting it for my Callie (kidney disease and sometimes liver issues), but she is impossible to pill, so am going a different route at the moment.
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TCS Member
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Jun 4, 2015
mrsgreens. Oh how I wish we would be still living in Australia (we did for few years, as my partner is from there), but we have moved to Europe and to an area where no forms of cannabis is legal. But we can still get some trough some friends.  

But the question inside of me remains, should I allowed it with Miley and her condision and how much is enough and how much is too much... 
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Jun 4, 2015
mrsgreenjeens> i did have a look on that site that you shared and reading the testimonials it is making me feel much better. I also forgot to say big thank you for sharing that site in the previous post. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
Miley is gorgeous!

I know the feelings you are going through and the heartbreak. I went though something similar with my Cindy, should have seen sooner that she was not feeling well and taken her to the vet sooner. We couldn't get a diagnosis of what kind of cancer, so we decided on surgery as the only hope. Her tumor was attached to her colon and the surgeon was able to get it all out and then they found out what kind of cancer and did chemo.  She did great for almost two years and then started to go downhill again, despite they couldn't find a recurrence of the cancer.  What the vets told us that regardless the surgery to remove the mass would make her feel better to get it out of her, and it did.

When we decided to have the surgery, in my mind it was with the thought that it was our only home. I knew if we just let her go the vets were saying 3 months tops, and a miserable 3 months probably, so we had nothing to lose.  I've never regretted it.  Sometimes it's hard to make decisions for those we love who can't make them for themselves, but Miley is very lucky to have you and I know you will do what you feel in your heart is the right thing to do.
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TCS Member
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Jun 4, 2015
Hi Misty8723, thank you for your support 

Unfortunately surgery is not an option for us anymore. Her kidneys and liver are to bad to have one - Miley would not wake up from it. 

I am  happy to hear that that option worked for your Cindey and you had few more years with her.

I am now looking into option of cannabis treatment for Mileys last days, so she would still keep feeling considerably good and happy, till her last day has arrived. If you have any information about that or know somebody who has used marijuana in that case, I would appreciate the help, as I am still looking into the pros and cons. 


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
mrsgreenjeens> i did have a look on that site that you shared and reading the testimonials it is making me feel much better. I also forgot to say big thank you for sharing that site in the previous post. 
And I made a typo.  they wlll ship anywhere BUT Australia, so you should be able to get it sent to where you are
  It may not be legal to smoke it where you are, but this is a different substance, although it still has the medicinal benefit.  Where I live, it only became legal to smoke it for medicinal purposes (IF you get a Medical Marijuana card), however, it has been legal to take what is called Marinol which is synthetic marijuana, for years.  But that doesn't get you high. It just helps with nausea.  So Medicare actually provided it at no cost for cancer patients even though it's a costly drug.  I know all this because my husband's been taking it for years.  

Here's a thread on using it for IBD, but towards the bottom, there are discussion on the use with cancer:

anne thomason

TCS Member
Jun 2, 2015
I am so so sorry to hear about miley but she will have good company on the other side of the bridge.

I had to let alaska go on friday. She was a champ thru the surgery but the vet called me toward the end.

Cancer was extensive and even with chemo she would continue to suffer and would never be better.

Vet said the recovery from surgery would be painful and that she might be able to buy her 1-2 months but that those months would be for me and she would suffer so i made the decision not to wake her up.

Wish things would have turned out differently. Enjoy your time with miley. That is one of my regrets, alaska spent the last two weeks at the vets office as we thought we could save her.

Please give miley and yourselves a big hug from me i am sorry you have to go thru this too...
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Jun 4, 2015
Thank you so-so much msgreenjeens. That previous forum post is a great help!!! 

Anne, I feel so sorry for your loss. 
You did the right choice to let her go in her condition. You beautiful kitty is now in a better place, where there's no more pain. Me and Miley, we're sending you lot of warm hugs. 

Miley is still doing ok, she hasn't shown any hard pain symptoms. I can see sometimes that she is uncomfortable with her big tumor belly. She is still eating really well, goes to the toilet all good and loves to cuddle up with me and my partner.

Most of people, who have come and visited her, don't want to believe her being so sick, as she still welcomes them and asks for a pat.

I am feeling much better myself emotionally as well and I have accepted the fact that she will be gone sooner than I would have wanted. I of course don't know how I would feel again when things get worse and it is time to really let go.

I am so grateful for this forum existing  and all the peoples support. Thank you all so much


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 23, 2014
I had to let alaska go on friday. She was a champ thru the surgery but the vet called me toward the end.
Miley is still doing ok, she hasn't shown any hard pain symptoms. I can see sometimes that she is uncomfortable with her big tumor belly. She is still eating really well, goes to the toilet all good and loves to cuddle up with me and my partner.

Most of people, who have come and visited her, don't want to believe her being so sick, as she still welcomes them and asks for a pat.

I am feeling much better myself emotionally as well and I have accepted the fact that she will be gone sooner than I would have wanted. I of course don't know how I would feel again when things get worse and it is time to really let go.
BlueIsland, I'm glad to hear Miley doesn't appear to be in pain: the fact that she is eating and cuddling is very good.

Our previous cat had a similar illness: like Miley, she had other ailments (kidney, thyroid, heart) that meant she couldn't have surgery or even invasive testing. Based on symptoms, blood tests, and physical exams, the vets were pretty certain she had lymphoma. She was with us for twelve years so it was very hard to watch her go. She was our therapist cat, too, and we miss her a year and a half later, even though we have two wonderful new cats. They're more like entertainers than therapy cats we love them that way and it's great that they're all different!

Keep letting us know how Miley does. She's very lucky you took her in and are giving her such wonderful care! 
  (And don't worry about your English! It's great! Far better than my Estonian.


TCS Member
Jun 12, 2015
Hi all im knew on here and I too have just been told my gorgeous cat sebastian has a tumor in his tummy they are saying its lymphoma he is due to see a specialist vet on tues to see if they can help my beautiful boy in some way, im heartbroken and devastated at the thought of losing him.
My heart goes out to all of you in similar situations.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Hi all im knew on here and I too have just been told my gorgeous cat sebastian has a tumor in his tummy they are saying its lymphoma he is due to see a specialist vet on tues to see if they can help my beautiful boy in some way, im heartbroken and devastated at the thought of losing him.
My heart goes out to all of you in similar situations.
I'm so sorry.  Did they already do a biopsy?  Are you seeing an oncologist on Tuesday?     Depending on the type of lymphoma, chemo might work!  We have a member here whose cat had chemo a couple of years ago at least, and he's still alive and going strong


TCS Member
Jun 12, 2015
Hi thanks for your reply, yes he had the Biopsy last week and yes seeing the oncologist on tues im very happy with how quick my vets have acted but just hope something can be done.
Youve given me some hope about the memver whos cat is stil going strong. I will keep you all posted with what happens on tuesday.
fingers crossed for my gorgeous boy.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Ooooooh....he IS gorgeous
  'Course, I'm partial to black cats myself
