Sudden Change In Behaviour


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 17, 2017
Hi everyone, I could really do with some advice. We've got two cats, Jasper, who's a year old, and Shiloh, who's around eighteen months. Jasper was here first and then we got Shiloh a few months after. They were both rescue cats. Shiloh was with a family for the first year of his life but they had to give him up, we don't know why. Anyway, we've had him a while now and he settled in really well, he and Jasper get on well, (or I should say, they used to, before Shiloh changed) having plenty of tough-and-tumble play fights and then curling up together on the bed. They are both indoor and outdoor cats and able to come and go as they please, but we usually get them in by 8pm. Up until a few days ago Shiloh loved his food and loved cuddles, and then, literally overnight, he changed. He's not particularly interested in eating, he just wants to be out, and when we DO get him in, he goes upstairs, away from us and away from Jasper, too. He seems to be obsessed with being up on the roof of the garden shed - he's been up there all day since around 8.30 this morning and it's now almost 8pm. I did get him in at lunchtime, I had to carry him in and give him something to eat, then he went straight back out again and he's been outside since. We tried to get him in a little while ago - my partner put the ladder against the shed in an attempt to reach him but Shiloh just jumped down the other side and ran off. I called him but he just ignored me. I'm at my wits end - we've had an awful year where cats are concerned, we lost one in February, then we got Jasper and his sister, but she was ill and we lost her, too, then we got Shiloh and finally things seemed to be going well. I would be so grateful if anyone can shed some light on this or if anyone has experienced the same thing. I'm hoping he'll come in tonight, I'll stay up all night waiting for him if I have to, and tomorrow I want to take him to the vet to see if there's anything physically wrong. Both of my cats are neutered so it's not like he's being distracted by a female cat.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
My guess is that there is something he is seeing from the top of the shed, another cat perhaps or bird that he is obsessed with. Until he catches it or it never reappears his behavior will continue. Your alternative is to keep him indoors, which he may not appreciate but which will likely give him a longer life.


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
Hi lynne180 lynne180 :hithere:

It sounds like the safest option would be to transition both cats to the indoor-only life, or else to set up a safe, enclosed 'catio' for them outside, so they can go out in total safety (and without turning you prematurely grey ;) ). Most cats are very happy living the indoor life (I know mine are), so it's definitely worth considering :catman: