Stray cats causing disruptions for my inside cats


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Nov 1, 2007
Cincinnati, OH
For about the last 3 weeks I've been hearing a cat cry outside at night. Yesterday my husband saw a stray in the neighbors yard. Last night all night we heard crying, moaning and out and out fighting between cats. This really had my cats upset and they were sitting in the windows growling. I don't like my cats getting upset and I'm afraid they'll start spraying or something, though all are spayed and neutered. As far as I know these are strays as none of my neighbors have outdoor cats. Can I do anything? I'd like to trap them and take them to the shelter but it costs to drop off strays and money is tight. Ideas? Thoughts?



TCS Member
Feb 19, 2001
You can contact a local feral rescue group and ask for their assistance. Offering them money is always helpful to get the ball rolling. But no group usually charges for trapping. There is a website or maybe it's org? Where they list by state neutermobiles. These will do neuters and spays on a donation basis. If you are struggling, talk to them and see if you can reach an agreement.

edited to add both links work giving vital information.

If the kitty is a true feral- you can take a visit to you local beauty shop and ask if you can pick up all the hair remnants at the end of the day. Sprinkling human hair around your yard, will keep a true feral off your property. But if it isn't feral, all you will accomplish is a hair trail in your yard- plus your first snow or rain will wipe out most of the human scent.

You can call local feed stores (if you have any in your area) or pest control outfits and ask to borrow a trap. Most will do so with a deposit (which you generally get back) YOu need a drivers license to borrow a trap here in my area and the deposit is $30.00 but they only keep $10.00 if you bring the trap back. If you borrow one, be sure and wash it out with just dishwashing soap and water. Leave it to air dry at least 24 hours- then bait it (KFC in small chunks) works really well- stinky cat food does too. Once the cat is in the trap ( don't trap in the open, but in a secluded area) Drop a heavy dark towel or blanket on the trap to calm the animal.

If the left ear is tipped (a portion of the ear is missing) it is part of a feral colony and won't need to be neutered, just relocated. Make sure if the ear is missing- it is a clean cut because Toms get their ears torn by other toms during mating season.

Buy a black light and go out in the dead of night and shine the light on the part of the house where kitty hangs. Florescent green stains are urine stains. look high and low because toms can really reach great heights. You will need to remove these marks to calm down your cats and stop any possible spraying issues.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 18, 2010
I was able to just scare off the local kitties w/ loud noises. Not their fault, but they were causing my cats to get really defensive as well when coming up to the windows and so had to be encouraged to skedaddle. No more paw prints all over my car too.