Stray Cat Mom With Two Kittens Leaving In My Backyard


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 22, 2017
Good evening. I am new to this, so forgive me in advance if I don’t know the rules for posting. I am just extremely concerned. Here’s my story:
In late September I came Accross a stray cat in my backyard. Since I have 2 indoor cats, I immediately took some food out for her. I could tell she had kittens but she was alone. For the next few days I continued to feed her and after 2 weeks she brought her 2 kittens over to my yard. I was so excited. I named the mom Autumn because her coat is the perfect autumn blend of colors and she came to me right when Autumn began. Anyway, I could tell she was young herself, and the kittens were about 4 weeks when I first saw them. I bought some kitten food to nourish her and made several shelters for them. She took in to her new home just fine and I got to see the kittens grow. When they seemed to be big enough I trapped them and took all 3 to get neutered and they all got their vaccinations. I have gotten them heating pads, different shelter areas including making an opening on my barn door so they can have access to it whenever they please. Autumn is now more than a stray cat, a regular cat because she runs to me every time I come outside to see them and hangs out with me while I work on the garden. The kittens (Jack & Sally) although come very close to me, they still are a bit shy and run if I get too close. Everything has been perfect for 2 months until last night. Sunday I made the mistake to leave the catnip plant I have on a hanging pot on the ground, and last night I notice that another cat was on my porch, when I went outside he ran, but I think something must of happened because This morning for the first time in 2 months Autumn and the kittens were not on my back yard. They usually sleep on one of the shelters that has a heating pad right outside my patio door. I spent all morning calling for them and finally on mid afternoon, Autumn showed up and seemed very happy to see me but the kittens were not with her. After she ate and napped as she normally does, she left again and I can’t And hasn’t come back. I’ve been going around my block several times calling for them but haven’t succeeded in finding them. I am beyond worried for the kittens. Jack is a mamas boy and a big eater, so my heart is breaking to think today is the first day for him to go hungry. Why did she move them if she knows my backyard is safe? Could she have moved hem temporarily because of this Tom cat that appeared out of nowhere last night? Why would she come today to eat but not bring the babies Along? Could it be because she wanted to check out the premises to make sure no other cats were around? I know she must be close by, but it kills me to think of the poor babies being out there in a new environment with no heating pad for this cold nights and hungry. (Sally is the little white & black kitten) jack is white & red


verna davies

TCS Member
Feb 23, 2016
Wales uk
I would guess that the appearance of the other cat has made them go into hiding. If Autumn is close I suspect the kittens are too. Just keep looking out for them, they know where their food is so there's every chance they will reappear when they are ready.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 13, 2016
North Florida
I think your on the right track, the mom cat probably got the kittens nearby keeping them from the tomcat that showed up, you may have to move their home w/ heating pad to a safer/different location, where mom will feel kittens are safe......but if mom can back, she'll bring those kittens back sometime too, just keep your regular feeding routine going..........and i know what you mean about those kittens getting cold, but you'll have to move that home to a different location because mom will never bring them back to a location where she thinks any male cat has discovered them, she has to feel it's a safe place and as long as those kittens are young, you got to try to keep lone males away at least till those kittens get a little older...........
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TCS Member
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Nov 22, 2017
UPDATE: this morning she was back with one of the kittens (jack) , Sally was nowhere in sight. I fed them as usual and soon after Autumn went to get Sally. It looked like she knew exactly where she was. Autumn seemed very interested in being in my garage maybe because it was in the high 30’s. I immediately brought in some of their chairs from the patio, scratching post, etc. When the sun started coming out she went to the garden and after playing with the babies for a while they all relaxed in an open area. I then noticed the Tom cat again in my backyard. I really freaked out because Jack had fallen asleep and was unaware of the big cat, however Autumn saw him and immediately kept her eyes on him. Tom cat though seemed to know he was in her territory and didn’t seem to be interested on her or the kittens. He was walking very slow away from them and towards my porch, I think because he saw the bowl of food. I was watching both of their reactions and it was all peaceful. I was more freaking out than they were. However I did go out and scared Tom cat away. Autumn and babies are all fixed now and I know a neighbor of mine feeds stray cats so he must be fed by her because he looked healthy. Maybe he’s just curious? Once he left my yard, Autumn and babies went back to relaxing and they’ve been back and forth from garden to garage where I moved their food bowls to as well. I am going to start feeding them and removing their plate once they all eat to avoid curious bypassers. I will keep them in garage tonight and see how they do. I have managed to litter train the babies but Autumn doesn’t seem to use litter box and instead uses dirt patch I have on the garden so fingers crossed they do ok tonight.