Stray Cat just had kittens. Questions

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  • #201


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Adult Cat
Jul 5, 2015
Thank you checkers checkers . My work keeps me busy for sure.

I fed everyone the same thing this morning, pate chicken flavored wet food soaked in KMR. Claire is just to nosey about what I am feeding her I was able to get the calico to eat a little from the plate once she tasted it on the spoon. Cheeto smells and licks a little, but is not really eating it. Claire ended up eating with her daughter even though she had the same on her plate. I didn't have time to take any photos as I was pressed for time. I am going to try some KMR soaked kitten chow tonight.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Eh, I wouldn't fret about it. There are only three of them, so just put enough for all on one big plate and let them have at it! Those two babies will be hungrily scarfing food in no time flat. :)

PS: I like the name Chex too :) I like the alliteration as well of Cheeto, Chex, and Claire.
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  • #203


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 5, 2015
I thought I was going to wait until Saturday afternoon to give an update, but some super cute photos happened tonight, and they both have names!!! Thank you to @Handsome Kitty  for helping me name the calico Chex.

I am thrilled with their weight gain over the past 5 days

Chex- 14.4 oz = 2.7 oz gain in 5 days and .5 oz daily average

Cheeto- 16.4 oz = 2.9 oz gain in 5 days and .6 oz daily average

Cheeto has reached the goal of 1 pound by 4 weeks, 2 days early! Chex is eating KMR soaked can food from a spoon 3-4 times a day. It is available from the plate but she only eats it from the spoon thus far. Cheeto has taken a few licks, but still is not eating it like his sister. I have set up a small litter tray for them right next to the nest. I haven't seen them use it yet, but there is evidence that they are walking in it and moving the litter around. Claire has started teaching them about biting already. Chex was playing with Claire's tail tonight and I guess she bit down too hard and Claire actually put her mouth around her neck and made this trill like noise. It kind of startled me, but Chex was fine and seemed to get the message. I have to be very careful now because the kittens are running around and tried to follow me out of the room tonight. It is so interesting to me to watch Claire communicating and interacting with her kittens. She makes different noises to get their attention and they are keeping her busy as they each take off in different Claire still does not seem to want to leave the room so I have just let her be. She is such a good mamma!!

I think Chex has dilute colors. Where Claire has black and orange Chex has grey and cream colors. I think she is going to be a beauty with a feisty personality...a little  

I managed to fix the settings on my camera, but I am not sure what I did. Their noses and feet look less pink in tonights photos.

Enjoy @Checkers  and @sarthur2

The litter tray

That tail looks like a fun toy!

I am so adorable I can hardly stand it.

I found a cool hiding spot.

This is my spot!

I'll fight you for it!
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TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 21, 2015
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
The latest news is great, @Jeapa507, and the photos  are priceless. Good to see you've controlled that pink on the Nikon.

Their personalities are really emerging now.  I recall asking this forum on my kitten journey if the personalities which emerged at kitten stage were an indicator of their natures as adult cats, and the advice was basically that they were, although their maturity settled them down somewhat.   It'll be fun for you to watch their natures emerge as they grow into distinct little individuals.  I'm guessing the antics in the last two pics are just playfulness and not aggression.

Chex and Cheeto really are exquisite kittens.  They take after their mother in the good-looks department.

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  • #207


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Adult Cat
Jul 5, 2015
Yes they were definitely playing checkers checkers . Chex just does everything with gusto and Cheeto is more laid back. I am looking forward to watching their personalities develope.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
They are just adorable! I love this little age! :)

They will begin eating better and using the litter box in the next couple of weeks. If you happen to see any kitten poo outside the litter box, put it in their tray and show it to them.

Is that a big piece of foam I see in the pictures? You may want to remove that before they begin teething on it and accidentally swallow a piece.

The picture quality is fantastic, and Cheeto and Chex's weights are right on the money! :)
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  • #210


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 5, 2015
Sarthur2 Sarthur2 thank you for mentioning the foam. My hubby put it in the box to give them some cushion, and I never thought about the possibility of them eating a piece. Cheeto likes to play with it so I better remove it.

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
I use folded towel everywhere to add padding in spots where my cats like to lay.  It's also an easy clean.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 21, 2015
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Perhaps, @Jeapa507  , you could replace the foam with an old covered cushion?  My kitties loved cushions to play with, and other harmless fun things like cardboard boxes, balls, shoelaces, etc.   Just keep your eye out for things they could swallow.

Here comes the fun, and the wonderful photo opportunities!


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  • #213


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Adult Cat
Jul 5, 2015
Claire and kittens are doing well. Cheeto and Chex are a little over 4 weeks old and they are growing by leaps and bounds. Chex is eating can food just like a kitten should, she stands in her food while  Her face and feet always have left over food on them, I can't help but laugh at her. She has learned to use the litter box very quickly. The only problem is she and Cheeto also play in the box chasing each other in and out.

Cheeto has not taken to eating the mush yet and I can't seem to entice him as of yet. I am sure he will eat when he is ready. I tried to weigh them, but they both had other ideas and would not hold still long enough for the scale to settle. I know they are gaining and growing so I don't think there is any need to worry. Claire is a very focused mom. She follows her kittens around the room and lays close to where they are playing. She still shows no desire to leave the room. A couple of times this week I thought she was going to follow me out of the room, but she stopped right at the door and turned and looked at her kittens and changed her mind. 

My husband has mentioned keeping one of the kittens. I didn't ask him he just said out of the blue maybe we should keep one of them... I said how would we decide? He said choose the friendliest, I said their both So I have hope that he is going to say well lets keep them both. Fingers crossed here. My grandson Isaiah has already asked me if I thought his mom would let him have one, and I told him I didn't think she would because they aren't allowed to have pets (they are renting). So he gets quiet for about 2 minutes and I thought he was on to something else, but he said grandma I bet she would let me have one if it lived here with he is a smart kid! 

I have removed the foam @Checkers  and @sarthur2  . I just put an extra layer of old tshirts underneath and I think it is cushy enough.

Here are a few photos of the gang.

You can see why my face and feet are dirty. I like to stand in my dinner.

Claire always near by. Look mom I used the box!

Is there another kitten in there??

You can't catch me!

Check out my big feet...


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
SO DARN CUTE!!! I love your captions too!

You probably don't even need to weigh them anymore - they are doing just fine :).

Cheeto will begin eating any day now, don't worry. Two of my four began eating about a week before the other two. Same with the litter box.

Kittens just love to play in the litter box! :)

No more foam - yay!

About keeping one kitten - it's easier to keep two. They need each other to play with while growing up. I don't think they should be separated. It's common advice we often give to adopt two kittens not one. Far fewer behavior problems with two!

I'll bet your grand kids love these kittens! What fun to come visit and have kittens to play with. :)

PS: The other kitten can be "Isaiah's" kitten :).
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  • #216


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 5, 2015
SO DARN CUTE!!! I love your captions too!

You probably don't even need to weigh them anymore - they are doing just fine :).

Cheeto will begin eating any day now, don't worry. Two of my four began eating about a week before the other two. Same with the litter box.

Kittens just love to play in the litter box! :)

No more foam - yay!

About keeping one kitten - it's easier to keep two. They need each other to play with while growing up. I don't think they should be separated. It's common advice we often give to adopt two kittens not one. Far fewer behavior problems with two!

I'll bet your grand kids love these kittens! What fun to come visit and have kittens to play with. :)

PS: The other kitten can be "Isaiah's" kitten :).
I have wanted to keep both kittens since about day two, but I haven't said a thing to my husband. I figured I would just let them work their magic on him. Just hearing him suggest we should keep one is proof my plan is working lol. There is plenty of time to work on him some more. :D


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 21, 2015
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
 My husband has mentioned keeping one of the kittens. I didn't ask him he just said out of the blue maybe we should keep one of them... I said how would we decide? He said choose the friendliest, I said their both So I have hope that he is going to say well lets keep them both.
YAY!  A big step forward in the keep-the-kitties strategy. I reckon you're right on target to be a three-cat household!

The kittens are just SO adorable. And now the fun has really started.  You'll have to be quick with the Nikon or we'll only see blurs! 

Thank you for another kitten-fix, @Jeapa507.  I had started  my withdrawals, but feel much better now. 
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  • #220


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 5, 2015
The kittens are 5 weeks old today! Time sure has flown by. A big thanks to @sarthur2  @Handsome Kitty  and @Checkers  for all of your help getting me this far with Claire and her beautiful kittens!

They have graduated to the exercise/playroom on the first floor. This room is smaller, but it has more objects and places for the kittens to hide and play with. My grandsons old desk has become a favorite place for the kittens to hide and run through as the photos below show. This room used to be my grandsons when they lived with me a few years ago, and the evidence is still visible  We have been gradually replacing the carpets downstairs with lament/hardwood room by room and this is the last one left to do. We figured with the kittens getting bigger this room is perfect because it is slated for carpet replacement soon and it is closer to the action. I want to give the kittens some time out in the house with us in the evenings, and they need to meet the dog at some point.  Any advice on how I should make the introductions?

I still don't know if we will keep one, two, or neither of the kittens. We will just have to wait and see how things work out. I mentioned building or buying a tower/scratching post and my dh said well they won't be here for too long so why spend the money I can build them something quick. So we will just have to see.

The new hangout for Claire and the gang:
