still looking for people with pancreatitis experience


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 26, 2009
anybody got a kitty with pancreatitis
I need info and support
not more links


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 11, 2008
Calgary, Alberta, CANADA
You may want to check out/join the Feline Pancreatitis Group on Yahoo. Those are folks there who are dealing with (or have dealt with) kitties w/ pancreatitis and they're surely able to provide you with the support and info you need:

People who are actively dealing with feline pancreatitis would be the best sources of info.

I had an old cat years ago who had bouts of pancreatitis but I don't really remember much other than she'd throw up, I fed her special canned food until the bout passed, and the Vet would put her on antibiotics to prevent an infection occuring in the pancreas, that's about all I remember.

There's likely plenty of good articles online (try Google) with info on Feline Pancreatitis, too.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 11, 2006
Since it was a long time ago that automaton2 originally posted about this, I looked around yesterday for earlier posts and found this from 2nd January 2010, 12:30 PM

Originally Posted by esrandall2000
This is a great group to join with lots of information:

[email protected]

tried them
I am not a closet vet
but a retired nursing assistant
the posts were cat specific theirs
and I got two related to my kitten [1yrold[

the grisly reports from the people totally turned me off and scared me
I am looking for support
dietary advice and not horror

thanks for reply
I will troll all the kitty forums till I find other people
I would just like to add for automaton2 that, normally, different people have very different experiences with feline pancreatitis. I'm not sure two people ever have the same identical experience when it comes to treating this disease. I would also like to add that it's almost impossible to offer meaningful, truly helpful advice without knowing anything about the kinds of tests this kitty has had, certain very important tests results, what your vet is doing for treatment, how kitty is doing now, and, something about kitty's diet.
Are you using pancreatic enzymes with meals? If so, what kind?
Are you giving fluids?
What about pain relieving and/or other medications?
Have you tried any therapeutic diets?
Has kitty been tested for IBD?
Are the liver enzymes elevated or are they in the normal range?
What about all the other blood values? Any out of range blood values?
Would you remember whether kitty got sick after being vaccinated (getting booster shots)?

Aurtomaton2, please share some info so we can try to help you in return.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 26, 2009
meaningful, truly helpful advice without knowing anything about the kinds of tests this kitty has had he had a chem 21 and Flpi

, certain very important tests results, what your vet is doing for treatment, how kitty is doing now, and, something about kitty's diet.
Are you using pancreatic enzymes with meals? He is on forti flora What about pain relieving and/or other medications? he has low grade chronic
Have you tried any therapeutic diets? he was raised on wellness and natural foods he wont touch them
Has kitty been tested for IBD? yes
hes on 5mg pepcid qd
Are the liver enzymes elevated or are they in the normal range? normal
What about all the other blood values? Any out of range blood values?Flpi
Would you remember whether kitty got sick after being vaccinated (getting booster shots)?no
hes also on cipro too

thanks for yor time

Aurtomaton2, please share some info so we can try to help you in return.[/quote]


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 11, 2006
Thanks so much for the answers. Once again I went back to earlier posts to get an idea what might be going on with your kitty. I didn't have a chance to read each and every post, so please help me out here. It seems that he was having some digestive problems. And then you posted "success with wellness beef and chicken no more grains and dry food!" He seemed fine and you were very happy. That was back in September. So, what happened after that? Between that time and when he came down with pancreatitis? There might be a clue somewhere there, in that time period. Also, what are you feeding now?
And just one more question. Did he have an endoscopic exam to diagnose or rule out IBD? If so, when?
Sorry, one more. Did he have an abdominal ultrasound after he got sick?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 26, 2009
he started not wanting to eat
I switched him to friskies after trying a regime of natural foods evo and all my store carried
he had diarrhea due to switch?
treated with metrodanizole
I am a senior on a fixed income
he did not have an ultrasound and the 1200$ biopsy
he has had 2 blood workups the last the Texas Pli
he is on ciproheptadine qod and pepcid 5mg qd
he takes fortiflora a.m. in his food

thanks so much for being there
I have gotten so few replies
the yahoo group was gory


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 11, 2006
Thanks again. Going back to the time when you started feeding Wellness, I need to ask you, what else was he eating before he got sick?
On Dec 2 you posted"showing symptoms of anorexia and having abondoned all the better foods I have gotten my 1 yr old to eat friskies and friskies indoor 2 flavors".
Please, give me a detailed list of everything he was eating, all those better foods besides the Wellness. And whether they were canned, dry, or raw. We need to try to find out where the inflammation (and possibly infection) that eventually led to pancreatitis was coming from.

He was having digestive problems before you changed to the Wellness food. So already there was a problem. It might have been (severe) food sensitivity/intolerance, it might even have been undiagnosed IBD.
An article by Dr. Margaret Muns explains what we need to consider, since these problems can lead to the pancreas eventually becoming involved. (The diagnosis of LPE would be made by doing an endoscopy.) She writes:

The most common form of inflammatory bowel disease in cats is the presence of lymphocytes and plasma cells, which produce a diagnosis of lymphocytic-plasmacytic enteritis (LPE).
Causes of LPE

This disease can develop in one of two ways. The inflammatory cells can enter the intestinal wall in response to an injury or infection. Or, parasites, food intolerance, bacteria, fungi, or cancer can cause activation of the immune system and subsequent inflammation.

Cats that are affected with LPE may have a defective intestinal wall barrier. This defect allows normal intestinal bacteria to leak into the deeper layers of the intestinal wall, and the body mounts an immune response to remove them. Subsequent inflammation damages the gut wall even further, allowing more bacteria to enter the deeper tissues.
Link to the article:

Now. In an excellent article about pancreatitis you'll find the following:

There may be an association with pancreatitis and inflammatory bowel disease. (The theory is that the abnormal intestinal disease leads to an overgrowth of bacteria. These bacteria are able to crawl up the pancreatic duct and cause infection in the pancreas.)
Link to this article:

Since food reactions cause inflammation, which in turn causes food reactions to become more severe and, with that, inflammation also becomes more severe (it's a never ending vicious cycle), the first two things you'd want to do is find foods that will hopefully not cause an inflammatory response, and you'd also want to deal with the existing inflammation by starting kitty on antiinflammatory medication. I would also urge you to get B 12 injections from your vet and start giving these injections every week. They can make a tremendous difference for a cat with pancreatitis, IBD, lack of appetite and other serious issues.

I'd also like to mention that some seemingly harmless ingredients in food (the thickener carrageenan in canned foods for instance) can interfere with digestion by inhibiting pepsin and other gastric enzymes, and it can also have inflammatory effects. Because of this I would urge you to read labels and avoid all foods thickened with carrageenan. That will still leave you with the problem of other highly allergenic food ingredients. You will have to deal with that as well.

I realized the serious damage an inflammatory response can cause when one of my cats came down with pancreatitis after a booster shot. That's why I'm focusing on causes of inflammatory responses in your kitty's situation. I believe this is what you have to concentrate on and work with.

Whatever questions you have, don't hesitate to ask. I was just trying to cover the basics right now, help you get started in the right direction based on your kitty's history.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 11, 2008
Calgary, Alberta, CANADA
How old is your cat?

If an older cat, 5mg of Pepcid AC per day may be too much.

I used to have a cat with CRF who would periodically throw up due to the build-up of urea and stomach acid. All i read indicated that in a senior cat, it's best to give 1/4 of a 10mg Pepcid AC tab per day....sometimes only every 2nd day because in an older cat, it can take them longer to metabolize (break down) the medication and too much can build-up in their system.

I know with my old girl, if I gave her 1/4 tab every day, like clockwork each night she'd throw up her evening meal...but when I switched to every 2nd day, that stopped.

Obviously cats w/ pancreatitis have vomiting so if this symptom continues, just throwing this out there as a possible cause (too much Pepcid?). She also frequenly had bouts of Pancreatitis, too, incidentally.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I have a cat that has had reoccurring episodes of pancreatitis for over 5 years. I have had the best results with California Natural Chicken and Rice. He still has occasional episodes but they are much milder and shorter. It has been about 4 years since he was last sick enough to go to the vet. His first 2 episodes required him to stay at the vets on an IV until he started eating again. At one time he was on Eukanuba Low Residue. He did as well on it as the California Natural but it is very expensive. What works for each cat is probably different and I found something by trial and error. The California Natural is a very simple food with very few ingredients.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 26, 2009
Cupido was on natural balance duck and pea and then I added wellness chicken and beef before the appetite decrease
once he became anorexic the only foods hed touch were friskies beef at first
then the vet told me info from their vet pro online database
that recommended no beef and no fish
hes mainly eating friskies select indoor chicken and turkey and a touch of friskies chicken prime fillet
I retried california natural ,[which has fish]Evo and this week wellness
he wont touch them I was giving him boiled chicken legs but now he puts his nose up at it
he is a year old and I love him to pieces

thanks for all your attention keep it coming

P.S.he is not vomiting its the appetite that initiated the texas blood test for his pancreas


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 11, 2006
Automaton2, thanks again. At this point the only thing I can add is that, as far as diet is concerned, the consistent, long-term use of foods (including Wellness) containing carrageenan and other problematic ingredients is a huge big problem. I urge you to, please, make every effort to find different food for him.
(Yesterday I already mentioned antiinflammatory medication and B 12 injections. Both would be very important for him.)

Some other important things from Dr. Mike Richards' website

Toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection, can cause pancreatitis in cats. This should be suspected when pancreatitis occurs in young cats, or in groups of cats or when there are other signs of parasite infection such as neurologic disease, visual problems, weight loss or unexplained diarrhea. Another parasitic cause of pancreatitis in cats is a liver fluke, Amphimerus pseudofelineus, which has been diagnosed sporadically in a number of states in the U.S.
Pancreatitis in cats is signaled by a reluctance to eat, vomiting, jaundice and weight loss. There is an association between feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) and chronic pancreatitis in cats so an effort to discern if this is a problem may be a good idea. Toxoplasmosis has also been implicated as a possible contributing factor in chronic pancreatitis in cats so testing for this may also be worthwhile, especially since it is more treatable than FIP.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jul 26, 2009
Sunnyvale, CA
You've gotten some excellent advice here. My IBD kitty, Whimsey, had his first pancreatic attack last week. It was horrible to witness. I now have added to his regimen:

1. Weekly B12 subq injections.
2. Every other day subq fluids (IMPERATIVE for pancreatic help).
3. My holistic vet has put him on baby food for the time being
4. Anti-nausea meds: Reglan was too week so we put him on Ondansetron
5. Pain meds.
6. Pancreatic enzymes: PancreaPowder Plus
7. He's already on a steriod for his IBD

The fluids have helped his nausea and the B12 his inappetance. He will only eat if I finger feed him.

To be blunt, all of this is not cheap. Since you are on a fixed income you need to consult with your vet to find out what treatment fits in with what you can afford and gives you the greatest benefit.