*****Spotlight of the week***** LSULOVER *****


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 11, 2007
Mount Pocono, PA
Originally Posted by LSULOVER

Ok, this should be good. I got a few questions. I'll start off easy and then get harder...

Where were you born? I was born in South Dakota

Who is your favorite NASCAR driver? Jimmy Spencer, of course, that was a silly question

What do you think of Dale, Jr. and his fans? I do not like Dale Jr. I do not like most of his fans

Have you ever seen a snake? You know perfectly I have seen a snake in my boathouse, and you know I went and got the cops to come and kill it.

Have you ever been bungee-corded to another person? Another silly question, you know perfectly well that me and Tim were bungee-corded together at Bristol. That way if we got lost, we would be lost together, and we would have been much easier to find

What really was in those sausages at Bristol that set the grill and table on fire? That was just the fat from the pork, I actually don't remember the grill and table being on fire, I was drinking that stuff that Marie MADE me drink. I think it was the cooks that set it on fire anyways.

These were some very good questions, my dear dear dear friend. I knew all the answers to them
You probably are correct about the cooks setting the grill and table on fire since me and Neet were cooking them things!

I also have a picture of the "bungee-cord incident". I won't post it but I don't know what Neet will do when she sees this!

A couple of follow up questions...

Did you ever threaten to burn the boathouse down?

Do you remember if you ever had Jaegermeister and Red Bull shots?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
Columbia, Ms.
You probably are correct about the cooks setting the grill and table on fire since me and Neet were cooking them things! Yep

I also have a picture of the "bungee-cord incident". I won't post it but I don't know what Neet will do when she sees this! I bet she probably will

A couple of follow up questions...

Did you ever threaten to burn the boathouse down? Yes I did, that is when I found the snake and the cops told me maybe I could smoke the snake out

Do you remember if you ever had Jaegermeister and Red Bull shots? Yes, I did drink that stuff, but Marie was making me drink it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 6, 2006
Tarheel State
Originally Posted by LSULOVER

Hey Neet, where is my questions from my boyfriend?
Later, you got the spotlight all week....

Originally Posted by LSULOVER

Thanks Hilda, you were a great help, just wait till Neet sees me, she is gonna faint.
I about did!

Originally Posted by markvg

You probably are correct about the cooks setting the grill and table on fire since me and Neet were cooking them things!

I also have a picture of the "bungee-cord incident". I won't post it but I don't know what Neet will do when she sees this!
I still say them things were possum sausages. I have had pork sausages lots of times, and NEVER in my life have I seen so much grease come outta something. It was like they had a shot of Crisco in the middle!

I might have a picture of that "bungee-cord incident" somewhere....


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 4, 2005
Here... or There... Hmmm
Well Congrats on being the Spotlight!!! You'll have a blast!

Some easy ones from me to start out with:

Do you own purple socks?
What is your favorite game to play?
How many children do you have?

I forget... Is this going to be your first grandchild?
What is the last toy you bought for your doggie?

What size shoe do you wear?
What is the last thing you said to your husband?
Do you own a digital camera?

Why do you like LSU so much?
What year did you graduate?
How many hours did you sleep last night?
What is the last show you watched?
When did you last go to the movies?
What are you most thankful for in your life?
What is your most prized possession?

What is the most rewarding part of your job?
Do you own credit cards?
Do you own your own home?
How many years have you been married?

That's all for me for now!

Congrats again!



Staff Member
Jun 25, 2005
Have you ever been in a situation where you felt you had to "do as the Romans do"?

What culture besides your own do you admire and why?

What is your favorite memory of childhood?

What was your favorite subject in school?

Do you enjoy meeting new people?

What is the most annoying thing for you?

Now you have mastered the changing the font color, what is the next computer thing would you like to conquer?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
Columbia, Ms.
Originally Posted by neetanddave

Later, you got the spotlight all week....

I about did!

I still say them things were possum sausages. I have had pork sausages lots of times, and NEVER in my life have I seen so much grease come outta something. It was like they had a shot of Crisco in the middle!

I might have a picture of that "bungee-cord incident" somewhere....
I am sure that you do have that picture some wheres


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
Columbia, Ms.
From Silly Jilly

Well Congrats on being the Spotlight!!! You'll have a blast!

Some easy ones from me to start out with:

Do you own purple socks? Yes, I do

What is your favorite game to play? Monopoly

How many children do you have? I have two children, both are married

I forget... Is this going to be your first grandchild? Yes, this is my first grandbaby

What is the last toy you bought for your doggie? I bought Opie a sqeeky little orange dinasour

What size shoe do you wear? I wear a six and a half

What is the last thing you said to your husband? Good Luck, he was going fishing

Do you own a digital camera? Yes, but I don't know how to use it, our son gave us his old one

Why do you like LSU so much? I grew up in Louisiana, and I just started liking them then

What year did you graduate? I graduated from high school in 1973

How many hours did you sleep last night? About 5, we didn't get home from the weekly card game until about 2, and we got up around 7

What is the last show you watched? Something on the food network channel

When did you last go to the movies? Right before Christmas, we took a field trip to see the Santa Claus

What are you most thankful for in your life? My family

What is your most prized possession? My videos of special things in my life

What is the most rewarding part of your job? Just being able to love the children that I work with

Do you own credit cards? Yes, but we never carry a balance on them, if we charge something, we pay it off the next month

Do you own your own home? Yes, our home has been payed off for about 6 years

How many years have you been married? Almost 30 years

That's all for me for now!

Congrats again!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
Columbia, Ms.
From katachtig

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt you had to "do as the Romans do"? I don't think so

What culture besides your own do you admire and why? I have never given this that much thought, but maybe Indians, I love the movie Dances with Wolves, and I liked to watch how the Indians always looked after each other.

What is your favorite memory of childhood? When I was real little we lived in North Dakota at Minot Air Force base. We live at the end of one of the units there. When it would snow real bad, we didn't hafta go to school. The snow would gather up pass the garage and we would climb out the window onto the roof of the garage and sled down the little slope that was there. When we got to the bottom, we would go back in the house and climb out the window again and start all over.

What was your favorite subject in school? Is lunch a subject? If not then probably English

Do you enjoy meeting new people? Yes, I love meeting new people and making new friends.

What is the most annoying thing for you? People who always take advantage of other people

Now you have mastered the changing the font color, what is the next computer thing would you like to conquer? I would like to learn how to take pictures that people send me to my email and learn how to post them here. DesirÃ[emoji]169[/emoji]e scanned some pictures of Opie and sent them to my email, but I don't know how to post them here.__________________


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 4, 2005
Here... or There... Hmmm
OK, it's been slow going for you this week and I am prepared to not make that the case anymore!

Tell us about your favorite memory growing up?
Tell us a funny story about when you were pregnant with any of your children?
Did you have multiple names picked out for when you had your kids? What were some of them?
How old were you when you said your first word? What was it?
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Since you have purple socks do you have yellow?
What is your favorite thing to do on a Wednesday?
Do you know how to play cribbage? Can you win?
What is the last thing you were mad at your DH for?
What was the best gift you got for christmas this year? Ever?
Tell us a story about your parents that you really like?
Do you know how they met? Will you tell us?
What is your favorite ice cream topping/s?
Do you know how to sew? What did you last sew?
Did you watch the news this morning?
Do you read the newspaper daily?
Are you cold or hot right now?
What are you wearing?
How often do you mow the lawn?
Who does the grilling in your house?
How often does the doggy get table scraps?
When were his nails last clipped? Yours? DH's? (ewe I know!)

What is the last book your read?
Would you suggest that to me?
Do you read Sidney Sheldon or Particia Cornwell? (They are both very good)
Did you know that Sidney Sheldon just passed away?

Do you have a printer? Scanner?
Tell me your favorite saying?
What is the color of the walls in the room to your right? (and what room is it?)
Do you have snow tires on your car?
Do you even get snow?
Where are you from again now? (i should just look up but I'm not going to!!
Do you write with pen or pencil? If pen what color ink?
Do you shop at discount or pre-owned stores?
Do you shop at dollar stores?
Can you tell that I am cheap?
Is it really obvious?
Do you like me?

When are you getting another cat?
Will you adopt another 10?

Do you use a phone book to find numbers or call information?
What is the last clothing item you bought?
How much are you going to spoil this grandbaby?
What is the last thing you drank?
What is the nest thing you want to drink?
Do you think there are enough questions now for you?
Should I maybe do a couple more for good measure?
Do you like brids?
Do you collect anything other than the obvious LSU stuff?
Does you DH collect anything?
Do you wear jewelry? What?
What do you want for Valentines?
Did you get something for DH already? What?

Ok... I think you've had enough now!!

Enjoy!!! I'll check back for the answers in 5 minutes and if it's not done I'll ask 50 more!!!!



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 4, 2007
Magnolia, Texas
Be-linnnn-daaaaa! Where are you girl? It has been a long week for ya but there are still some unanswered questions here!

Just wanted to let you know that I'll be happy to show you how to post pics in here...let me know if you're interested!

Hilda >^..^<


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
Columbia, Ms.
I will answer Silly Jilly's questions in a little bit, I gotta do my walking on my treadmill first.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
Columbia, Ms.
Originally Posted by Hilda>^..^<

Be-linnnn-daaaaa! Where are you girl? It has been a long week for ya but there are still some unanswered questions here!

Just wanted to let you know that I'll be happy to show you how to post pics in here...let me know if you're interested!

Hilda >^..^<
I have been at work all day, one of the afternoon workers called in sick, so I had to go back.

I learned how to post pictures in here a couple of weeks ago. I posted some pictures of my LSU room. But I don't know how to post a link to it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
Columbia, Ms.
From Silly Jilly

OK, it's been slow going for you this week and I am prepared to not make that the case anymore!

Tell us about your favorite memory growing up? I remember when we lived at the Air Force Base in Louisiana, my little brothers found a parachute that had never been deployed (or used, whatever you would call it). Anyways they found it and somehow opened it up, that thing kinda just went crazy. We just about fainted, and we were trying to figure out a way to hide it before my dad found out.

Tell us a funny story about when you were pregnant with any of your children? When I was pregnant with my daughter, I started eating hot fudge sundae's like they were going out of style. My doctor thought I was gaining too much weight, so he put me on low fat milk, I just kept eating those sundaes, anyways I kept gaining so he asked me if I got on low fat milk like he told me to and I told him yes. Then he asked me what did I think was making me gain all that weight and I told him I reckon it might be those sundaes I had been eating, ( I had gained about 35 pounds or so by then). So he told me didn't I reckon I should quit eating them, so I did. At least until the night that we found the house that we now live in. My MIL kept telling my husband that he was gonna make me mark the baby by not letting me eat one. (I would have killed for one). So we went to Dog-n-Suds to get me a sundae and they were locked, people were still in there though, so he went to the back door to get me one. He told them his wife was pregant and craving hot fudge sundaes and he didn't wanna go to Hattiesburg (about 30 miles away) and get her one. So they told him, "No nuts and no whipped cream right?". And he said Yeah, how did you know, and they told him I usta go there every day and get one.

Did you have multiple names picked out for when you had your kids? What were some of them? With my son, we had one boys name and one girls name. With my daughter, I only had her name picked out. And I had her name picked out before I ever got pregnant with her.

How old were you when you said your first word? I don't know how old I was.

What was it? I haven't the slightest idea.

How many pairs of shoes do you own? Probably about 20
Since you have purple socks do you have yellow? Yes I do have yellow socks, except they are more gold.

What is your favorite thing to do on a Wednesday? Watch the vote off for American Idol when that starts.

Do you know how to play cribbage? Can you win? No I do not know how to play Cribbage

What is the last thing you were mad at your DH for? For letting people take advantage of him. He is a very giving person, and useless people tend to know that.

What was the best gift you got for christmas this year? Ever? My LSU Fat head that my husband got me this year. I don't know about ever though.

Tell us a story about your parents that you really like? A funny story about my mom is she once sold a bag of pot to my little brother, the pot was actually his, but my mom found it and when my little brother told her he would give her $20 for it, she sold it to him.

Do you know how they met? Will you tell us? I do not know how my parent met.

What is your favorite ice cream topping/s? Hot fudge

Do you know how to sew? What did you last sew? I do know how to sew, the last thing I sewed was some purple curtains for my LSU room.

Did you watch the news this morning? No, I see the news on the internet

Do you read the newspaper daily? Not daily, just when I want to read about something.

Are you cold or hot right now? I am comfortable right now

What are you wearing? A LSU t-shirt and LSU shorts

How often do you mow the lawn? I NEVER mow the lawn

Who does the grilling in your house? My husband does all the outside cooking

How often does the doggy get table scraps? Not often, just on special occasions, or when he looks at me real sad.

When were his nails last clipped? Yours? DH's? (ewe I know!) Opies nails were clipped about 2 months ago, I clipped mine about 4 days ago, and I don't know about Jimmys

What is the last book your read? Scarlett

Would you suggest that to me? Yes

Do you read Sidney Sheldon or Particia Cornwell? (They are both very good) I have never read any of their books

Did you know that Sidney Sheldon just passed away? No I didn't

Do you have a printer? Scanner? I have a printer

Tell me your favorite saying? "I am gonna hafta start going to anger management"

What is the color of the walls in the room to your right? (and what room is it?) They are blue, and it is the bathroom

Do you have snow tires on your car? No

Do you even get snow? No, we hardly ever get snow

Where are you from again now? (i should just look up but I'm not going to!! ) I live in Mississippi

Do you write with pen or pencil? If pen what color ink? I use a ink pen, I write in blue, but I write my checks in purple ink because I have LSU checks.

Do you shop at discount or pre-owned stores? Yes, I do shop at discount stores

Do you shop at dollar stores? Yes, I love Dollar Tree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you tell that I am cheap? No, I couldn't tell

Is it really obvious? No

Do you like me? Yes I do

When are you getting another cat? I do not know, I think I want to, I am just now sure right now

Will you adopt another 10? Probably not 10

Do you use a phone book to find numbers or call information? I use the phone book, or I write the numbers on the door frame by the telephone

What is the last clothing item you bought? Some blue jeans

How much are you going to spoil this grandbaby? As much as I can

What is the last thing you drank? The last thing I drank was milk, the last alcoholic beverage was grape Smirnoffs

What is the nest thing you want to drink? Probably some baby beers

Do you think there are enough questions now for you? Not really

Should I maybe do a couple more for good measure? Sure, why not

Do you like brids? What is brids?

Do you collect anything other than the obvious LSU stuff? Nope

Does you DH collect anything? Yes, he collects Jeff Gordon stuff

Do you wear jewelry? What? I wear rings, necklace, and sometimes earrings

What do you want for Valentines? I want some LSU crocs

Did you get something for DH already? What? Not yet, he is offshore, and he will come home Valentines Day
Ok... I think you've had enough now!!

Enjoy!!! I'll check back for the answers in 5 minutes and if it's not done I'll ask 50 more!!!! J/K



TCS Member
Mar 30, 2004
The "Dark Side of the Moon"
Oh My!...
Jill made a great long rant of questions!...

My turn Belinda,....The topic of today going to be Movies!

1.- Wich one is your favourite Genre of Movies?
2.- Do you collect DVD´s or VHS??,….How many do you have?

3.- Wich one is your favourite Actor Male?
4.- Wich one is your favourite Actor Female?
5.- Have you ever to participated in some Special Event of your favourite artist?
6.- Have you ever to saw in live to some artist? ( I mean is some restaurant, buying at mall or in some resort?)

7.- Do you like to watch the Oscar Awards?

8.- Have you ever to participated in a role in a Theather representation? ( maybe just for fun or when you was on School?) …

9.- If you could to meet to some artist wich one would be and say us why!...

10.- Would you like to live next at some artist (? ( I mean for example your neighboor would be a TV anchor or else?)…

Cheers my friend…


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 31, 2006
Louisiana (Cajun Country USA)
Congratulations Belinda.

I have been REALLY behind on reading through the spotlight threads. So, forgive me if ANY of these questions have been asked already. Here are mine...

~ If you could have ANY (paying) job in the world and be successful at it, what would it be?

~ Who is your favorite singer?

~ Who is your favorite band?

~ What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

~ How many siblings do you have?

~ What is your birth order?

~ How many nieces & nephews do you have?

~ Do you like shopping for antiques?

~ What is your favorite color?

~ Do you collect anything?

~ How many cats have you had since your very 1st one? What's the most you've ever had at one time?

~ Cameras....do you prefer to be the picture taker or the subject?

~ What kind of car do you drive?

~ Residence.....own or rent?

~ Did you attend college or trade school?

~ What do you do for a living?

~ Have you ever been camping?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
Columbia, Ms.
From CoolCat

Oh My!... Jill made a great long rant of questions!...

My turn Belinda,....The topic of today going to be Movies!

1.- Wich one is your favourite Genre of Movies? I don't have a favorite, I like different kinds

Do you collect DVD´s or VHS??,….How many do you have? I have dvd's now, I mostly make my own from old vhs tapes, I probably have about 300 or so

3.- Wich one is your favourite Actor Male? I love Kevin Costner

4.- Wich one is your favourite Actor Female? I love Jessica Tandy

5.- Have you ever to participated in some Special Event of your favourite artist? No

6.- Have you ever to saw in live to some artist? ( I mean is some restaurant, buying at mall or in some resort?) No

7.- Do you like to watch the Oscar Awards? Yes, I like to watch any awards show

8.- Have you ever to participated in a role in a Theather representation? ( maybe just for fun or when you was on School?) … No

9.- If you could to meet to some artist wich one would be and say us why!... I have never thought about who I would like to meet

10.- Would you like to live next at some artist (? ( I mean for example your neighboor would be a TV anchor or else?)…… Not really, never gave much thought to it.

Cheers my friend…


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
Columbia, Ms.
From Sophie C

Congratulations Belinda.

I have been REALLY behind on reading through the spotlight threads. So, forgive me if ANY of these questions have been asked already. Here are mine...

~ If you could have ANY (paying) job in the world and be successful at it, what would it be? I like the job that I do now, and I do think that I am very good at what I do. At least the kids like me.

~ Who is your favorite singer? I love Vince Gill, but I really really really like Garth Brooks butt.

~ Who is your favorite band? I don't really have a favorite band

~ What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Vanilla

~ How many siblings do you have? I have one sister, and two brothers

~ What is your birth order? I am the oldest

~ How many nieces & nephews do you have? I have three nieces, and 8 nephews, I also have a nephew that died when he was 18

~ Do you like shopping for antiques? Not really, I get bored

~ What is your favorite color? Purple

~ Do you collect anything? LSU stuff

~ How many cats have you had since your very 1st one? What's the most you've ever had at one time? I have had probably about three cats since my very fist one, I never owned more than one at a time.

~ Cameras....do you prefer to be the picture taker or the subject? It doesn't matter to me

~ What kind of car do you drive? We have a Hundai that my husband uses for driving to work, my husband has a duramax truck, we are fixing to buy a Jeep for his travel to work now, he needs something that is a little more comfortable, he drive 4 hours every week.

~ Residence.....own or rent? We own our house

~ Did you attend college or trade school? No

~ What do you do for a living? I am a kindergarden teacher

~ Have you ever been camping? Yes, we love to camp, we have a 30 foot pull behind camper, we go lots of places camping. We go to Talladega every fall.__________________

peace ........ Sophie