Spotlight Member of the week - Kitten Krazy!


TCS Member
Jul 20, 2003
Lotus Land
Hi Cindy. Here are a few for you.The theme is (mostly) desert island, i.e. suppose you were stranded on one... and don't worry about the technology to support your choices, that will be taken care of...

1. What would be your five Desert Island CDs? They don't need to come from your own collection. Why would you choose these particular ones?

2. You might also want some reading material. What would be your five Desert Island books? Why?

3. What else would you like to have with you to occupy your time and your mind?

4. Food might be a challenge. If you could have only two or three foods and nothing else, what would you choose? Why?

5. If you could have one human companion, who would that be? Why?

This one is not part of the theme:

6. If you came into a large sum of money -- an unexpected inheritance, a winning, whatever, but "set-you-up-for-life" big -- what would be the first four things you would do?


TCS Member
Mar 30, 2004
The "Dark Side of the Moon"
Originally Posted by KittenKrazy

Bring 'em on, my friend!
More please?
....your wishes are orders my lady!..

1. Have you ever to sleeped on satin sheets?

2. Can you whistle?..

3. Favorite color?...
4. Would you be a Pirate? (Disguise for Halloween…..arrrrrrrrrrgh!)…

5. What songs do you sing in the shower?...

6. Favorite Girl's Name?...

7. Favorite Baseball Team?..

8. Favorite boy's name?...

9. What's in your pocket right now?...

10. Last thing that made you laugh?....



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 24, 2003
Double Springs, Alabama
Originally Posted by rapunzel47

Hi Cindy. Here are a few for you.The theme is (mostly) desert island, i.e. suppose you were stranded on one... and don't worry about the technology to support your choices, that will be taken care of...

1. What would be your five Desert Island CDs? They don't need to come from your own collection. Why would you choose these particular ones?

2. You might also want some reading material. What would be your five Desert Island books? Why?

3. What else would you like to have with you to occupy your time and your mind?

4. Food might be a challenge. If you could have only two or three foods and nothing else, what would you choose? Why?

5. If you could have one human companion, who would that be? Why?

This one is not part of the theme:

6. If you came into a large sum of money -- an unexpected inheritance, a winning, whatever, but "set-you-up-for-life" big -- what would be the first four things you would do?
Hey Fran, this is cool!

1. One of the Statler Brothers "collection" cd's, where they've gone back and compiled their best songs together.
A mixed cd of my friends, The Perrys, where I've gone through and picked out all my favorites ( I actually have this cd in my van at the moment).
My Bing Crosby Christmas CD.
A good "oldies" country cd.....with George Jones, Conway Twitty, Loretta Lynn and such.
A CD of The Blue Collar Comedy crew...gotta have some laughs too!
Mind you, all these should be the longest playing cd's around.

2. James Herriott's vet tales ( I do believe theres a printing with all three in one cover)
Steven King's Pet Cemetary
Any one of Janet Evanovitch's Stephanie Plum series
One of Ann Rule's true crime short stories.
Last, but not least, my Bible....all kinds of reading in there!

3. If there was electricity, my sewing machine and sewing stuff.....otherwise, I can sew by hand pretty well.

4. There are a few things that I can eat every day and not get tired of them.....homeade mac & cheese, good vegetable soup and Little Debbie Swiss Cake you have protien, starch, veggies and dessert.

5. My husband......because I cannot imagine life without him.

6. #1......Pay off every bill that I have...and set my monthly bills up on automatic drafts to an account that I never have to worry about having enough money to cover them...(can you tell I'm tired of being broke?
#2 Make sure my mom and dad had enough to live off of and not have to worry about their bills either, since they're both retired now.
#3 Buy two things: a with plenty of room and a basement so that hub, myself and my cats would have a good place to go in tornado weather, and a couple of dependable cars for me and hub to drive.
#4 Put part of it in a high-interest account to help others with....folks who have lost their homes to weather/fires, etc., people who need help with their medical bills, sick children, sick pets, things like that.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 24, 2003
Double Springs, Alabama
Originally Posted by CoolCat

....your wishes are orders my lady!..

1. Have you ever to sleeped on satin sheets?

2. Can you whistle?..

3. Favorite color?...
4. Would you be a Pirate? (Disguise for Halloween…..arrrrrrrrrrgh!)…

5. What songs do you sing in the shower?...

6. Favorite Girl's Name?...

7. Favorite Baseball Team?..

8. Favorite boy's name?...

9. What's in your pocket right now?...

10. Last thing that made you laugh?....

Yay! I've been anxious to get back to these all day, lol!

1. Yes, I love them, hub hates them.
2. Yep, pretty darn well too!
3. Pink or purple.
4. Naaah, not much pirate in me, I'm afraid.
5. Depends on the time of 3 a.m., not much of nothing!
6. Holly.
7. Atlanta Braves!
8. James
9. Pocket lint......nothing more, lol
10. My goofy cats running through the house like banshees this morning.

More, please?


TCS Member
Mar 30, 2004
The "Dark Side of the Moon"
....ready for another tiny set?...

1. Can you drive a motorcicle?...

2 Worst injury you've ever had?...

3. Do you love where you live?...

4. How many TVs do you have in your house?....

5. Who is your loudest friend?...

6. Do you have any pets?(apart of your kitts of course

7. Does someone have a crush on you?...

8. Your favorite book(s)?

9. Do you collect anything?...
10. What song do you want played at your funeral?



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 24, 2003
Double Springs, Alabama
Originally Posted by CoolCat

Thanks for your kind answers!...

Look what I found!..
just click on the simbol of 128 of media player, and voila enjoy!..

Originally Posted by CoolCat

....ready for another tiny set?...

1. Can you drive a motorcicle?...

2 Worst injury you've ever had?...

3. Do you love where you live?...

4. How many TVs do you have in your house?....

5. Who is your loudest friend?...

6. Do you have any pets?(apart of your kitts of course

7. Does someone have a crush on you?...

8. Your favorite book(s)?

9. Do you collect anything?...
10. What song do you want played at your funeral?
Yep, just enough time before I head home for the day!
1. No.....with the way these people drive around here, I want all the metal between me and someone else that I can get!
2. Falling on a slick rock walk Christmas was a year ago and lading on my left knee....bad knee anyway, and even worse now!
3. Love the lot, wish I had a house instead of a manufactured home.
4. Two that work, one that doesn't.
5. My friend the singer, lol!
6. Nope, unless you count the dust bunnies under the bed....
7. I hope my husband still does, 'cuz I still have one on him...

8. Any of the James Herriott series.
9. ones....and anything "cat" related....pillows, candleholders, towels, statues, name it, I've probably got a cat themed one of them....even cat underwear!

10. Jeeeepers, I'm not sure, lol.....let me think on that one a bit, ok?


TCS Member
Mar 30, 2004
The "Dark Side of the Moon"
here´s your daily torment...

Thanks you for answering my questions my friend,
...The main topic of today would be Cats and also other stuffs...

1.- How many cats have you ever had in your enterely life?

2.- could you tell us the name of the list above?

3.- Do you have any preference about of Breeds of cats?

4.- Do you dream with cats when you sleeps?

5.- Have you ever to give catnip at your kittys to play?

6.- Wich brand do you prefer to give at your kitty in Wet and Dry food to eat?

7.- Would you like to work like a volunteer on a Cat shelter?

another stuffs...

8.- Wich one is your favourite colour to wear?
9.- Do you have some earrings with shape of cat?
10.- do you have some blouse with stamps of cats?
11.- do you collect or you have handcraft of kittys?
12.- how many purses do you have?

.....I hope not boring you with my questions my friend...
..Cheers chick!...
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #51


At Abby's beck and call
Thread starter
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
Favorite things to have on your pizza?
What was the last thing you ate?
Favorite type of cake?
What song, when you hear it, makes you stop everything, turn it up and dance and sing along?
Where did you go on the last vacation you took?
What is the oldest thing in your refridgerator? How old is it?
Closest tourist Attraction to you?
Best gift you ever received?
Worst gift you ever received?
favorite flower?
what is your favorite piece of jewelry?
What color is your bedspread?
what color shirt do you have on right now?
Favorite candy?
What is your best personality trait?
Your worst?
Do you play a musical instrument?
Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Paper or Plastic?
What is one thing you spoil yourself with?
What would you do if you saw a unicorn?
Are you easily offended?
What do you usually drink with dinner?
Are you ears pierced? Anything else pierced?
Do you usually drive:

a. under the speed limit(by how much)
b. the speed limit(why?)
c. over the speed limit(by how much)

Favorite fruit?
Favorite vegetable?
If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
If you are driving down the road, and pass some cows, do you moo?
Do you sing in the car?
How often do you visit TCS?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 24, 2003
Double Springs, Alabama
Originally Posted by CoolCat

here´s your daily torment...

Thanks you for answering my questions my friend,
...The main topic of today would be Cats and also other stuffs...

1.- How many cats have you ever had in your enterely life?

2.- could you tell us the name of the list above?

3.- Do you have any preference about of Breeds of cats?

4.- Do you dream with cats when you sleeps?

5.- Have you ever to give catnip at your kittys to play?

6.- Wich brand do you prefer to give at your kitty in Wet and Dry food to eat?

7.- Would you like to work like a volunteer on a Cat shelter?

another stuffs...

8.- Wich one is your favourite colour to wear?
9.- Do you have some earrings with shape of cat?
10.- do you have some blouse with stamps of cats?
11.- do you collect or you have handcraft of kittys?
12.- how many purses do you have?

.....I hope not boring you with my questions my friend...
..Cheers chick!...
I wouldn't call it torment or boring either, my friend, I've actually enjoyed this week, lol!

1. Since I was a kid.....probably 30 or so....if not more.
2. Nope.......I'm as lousy with remembering cat names as I am human ones.
3. My very favorites are Himalayans (gee, I wonder why?) but I love Siamese too.
4. Nope, lol
5. Yes, my kitties are catnip addicts!
6. My preference and my kitties preferences are totally different...I'd love to feed them a good wet food, but they prefer Wal mart brand......I do feed them Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover's Soul dry though.
7. Yes and no......I'd have a housefull of cats if I did!
8. As much as I love pink and purple, a lot of my clothes tend to be black, navy and tan....go figure!
9. Several.
10. yep, and some shoes too!
11. all sorts.....if its cat related, I collect it!
12. Ummmm....I refuse to answer that on grounds that it might incriminate me.....


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 24, 2003
Double Springs, Alabama
Lets try Karen's a little answers are in red.....

Originally Posted by AbbysMom

Favorite things to have on your pizza? Depends on my mood.....lots of days I only want a cheese pizza, but some days I'll take it with everything....pepperoni, sausage, peppers, onions, mushrooms and olives.
What was the last thing you ate?some mandarin oranges
Favorite type of cake?Sour cream and coconut (now I want one, lol!)
What song, when you hear it, makes you stop everything, turn it up and dance and sing along? As Good As I Once Was, by Toby Keith....sing only, I can't dance for the love of money!
Where did you go on the last vacation you took? Pigeon Forge, TN
What is the oldest thing in your refridgerator? How old is it?half a dozen eggs......I'm not sure, but I'm afraid of them!
Closest tourist Attraction to you? Six Flags Over Georgia
Best gift you ever received? A new wedding band from my husband after I lost mine a few years ago

Worst gift you ever received? clothes when I was a kid!
favorite flower? roses
what is your favorite piece of jewelry? it was a ring my husband bought me while we were disappeared when my wedding band did

What color is your bedspread? tan with burgandy, dark green and blue
what color shirt do you have on right now?pink and white striped with cats on it
socks? none, am barefoot
Favorite candy? M&M plain
What is your best personality trait? am very forgiving
Your worst? too shy most of the time
Do you play a musical instrument? yes, piano, and a little on the accoustic guitar
Are you a morning person or a night owl? night owl by nature, morning person because of my job
Paper or Plastic? both
What is one thing you spoil yourself with? lately, nothing
What would you do if you saw a unicorn? have a heart attack
Are you easily offended? not unless you're talking about my weight
What do you usually drink with dinner? I used to almost always drink sweet tea or coke, but I'm trying to cut my sugar and caffine, so of late have been drinking skim milk or water
Are you ears pierced? Anything else pierced? Ears are twice, nothing else.
Do you usually drive:

a. under the speed limit(by how much)
b. the speed limit(why?)
c. over the speed limit(by how much)lol, anywhere from five to ten over, but at the moment try to stay right about the speed limit 'cuz my insurance expired a few days ago and we're working on changing companies

Favorite fruit?pears
Favorite vegetable? Tomatoes
If you won the lottery, what would you do first?pinch myself....then catch up all my bills.
If you are driving down the road, and pass some cows, do you moo?not as a general rule......
Do you sing in the car? yep, as long as I'm not on the phone on the bluetooth, lol!
How often do you visit TCS?if I'm home, every hour or so...if not usually once in the morning, then several times in the evening.
Thanks y'all.....more?


TCS Member
Mar 30, 2004
The "Dark Side of the Moon"
Originally Posted by KittenKrazy

12. Ummmm....I refuse to answer that on grounds that it might incriminate me.....
Smart Girl...
this post I show to DH!..

Was great my friend all you answers....

Did you choose at the next vict.!
...Member for the next week?...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 24, 2003
Double Springs, Alabama
Originally Posted by CoolCat

Smart Girl...
this post I show to DH!..

Was great my friend all you answers....

Did you choose at the next vict.!
...Member for the next week?...
Lol! Thanks for all the questions this week my friend....actually thanks to all of you for a great week!

I'm still thinking about the next victim, lol! Will post it sometime in the next couple of hours this space!