Spayed cat with bloody discharge


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 27, 2021
I first noticed my cat (she's been spayed almost a year now) acting a little weird 2 days ago my bf picked her up and she was stiff and just meowed lightly like she'd been hurt plus I'd noticed she didn't join us in bed that night before and had been sleeping in the closet. So I kinda just did a little check nothing was hurting her except her vagina seemed a little sensitve. Didn't see anything but it did look a little swollen so I cleaned her off thinking maybe a uti was starting. Since then I've been checking and I've started noticing what looks like bloody discharge coming from down there and her cleaning herself more often because if it. She's sleeping more but other than that she's eating, she's playful and lovely, and i haven't seen any blood in her litter box. I'm giving it till my next day off to see a vet but i didn't know if i could get some insight before than if this is more serious or not. Thanks

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
It sounds like an infection of some sort, a vet visit is definitely recommended. Do you have a male cat that could be hurting her? If not then a UTI or internal infection is indicated. Hopefully, an antibiotic will clear things up. The bad thing is that cats wait so long, and hide things so well before they act abnormal and we pick up on things. I put liquid antibiotics in Hartz Delectable Lickables, Never had a cat turn it down yet. Make sure you get the stew flavors not the bisque. It is available in the treat section at Walmart and Dollar General.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
I agree with di and bob di and bob that unless there is trauma, it is likely an infection and the vet visit is definitely an excellent suggestion. Meanwhile, make sure that all possible irritants are out of her environment. Her cat litter needs to be unscented/fragrance free; no corn or wheat in her food; no fish or seafood; great caution should be used with selection of cleaning products, especially those that are tested on animals. Her water should be filtered or bottled unless you have good, fresh well water. I would add some probiotics to her diet, such as Benebac or high-quality whole milk unflavored Greek yogurt. If your day off is not imminent, consult a holistic vet and get suggestions for your medical kit; l keep beneficial herbs such as marshmallow root, red raspberry leaf and slippery elm bark on hand, although I use them mostly for humans, especially for menstrual cramps, bladder issues, post-colonoscopy discomfort (they need to be taken 2-4 hours apart from regular meds because they can inhibit absorption).
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