Spayed cat opened her incision


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 1, 2020
I got my cat spayed 6 days ago, Saturday on 25th May. The vet didn't tell us anything about how we should behave this period when she's healing, so I had all of my research from the Internet. I didn't let her lick her incision, and I tried stopping her from running and jumping around. The only problem was that she is really, really playful! She acts like nothing happened, and she jumps and runs for like 2-3 hours a day, sometimes hurting herself. As I read on the Internet (again, my vet didn't give me any advice) I tried putting her in a room with no high furniture so she wouldn't hurt herself jumping, and she started jumping on the WALLS! She was jumping constantly at 1 meter high if not more! I've also read that I should put her in a cage, so I did, and she tries her best to get own and hurts herself again, so I stopped doing that after the first time. I started playing with her on the ground for 2 hours so she wouldn't start jumping again. The problem is, after she jumped on the walls then, the incision opened a bit. Yesterday we took her to the vet, and the doctor said that it's all ok, and that we shouldn't worry about her jumping, running or licking her wound, and that even if the whole wound is open, we shouldn't worry. I'm trying to trust him, but since I did all of my research from the Internet, those are complete opposites with what the vet said.
This is a photo from yesterday:

So I listened to the vet, I let her jump, run, and lick herself and do whatever she wanted, since that was what a professional vet had said. Not more than 10 hours away, she licked her incision so much that it opened even more! It is even wet, it's a bit red around the wound and it's a bit swollen (but the swallow was there from the first days, and I didn't worry too much about it, but it got bigger). She acts perfectly normal, she's playful and she eats, but I'm still worried and I want to avoid any infections and any other complications because we can't afford much, we hardly afforded the surgery itself.
Here's a photo from today:
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TCS Member
Thread starter
May 1, 2020
If it helps, this is how the incision looked on the second day, all clear and normal:


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Better safe than sorry. Cats dont express pain.

Would it be possible to send a picture of the wound to your vet?

verna davies

TCS Member
Feb 23, 2016
Wales uk
I would take her back to the vets. There are most probably internal stitches but to me the wound looks bloody and she may need antibiotics just incase of the risk of infection. The vet might also restitch. At the least, give him a ring and tell him you are sending the photo over for his opinion.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
May 1, 2020

Thanks for all your replies!
Next day the incision looked even worse, I finally sent a photo to my vet and he said that the cat took out some stitches and that it's ok. The wound looked HORRIBLE, there was even a transparent liquid coming out of it (and almost the whole belly was wet because of it), I couldn't believe he said it's ok, but I guess I have to trust him, and I hope he's right. I asked if there was a chance to get an infection, and he recommended me a Calendula Cream and to use it twice a day. I don't have the exact same photo I had sent to my vet, but it looked the same as this one but without the blood:

This is a photo from today. She licked her wound while I was sleeping and I panicked when I saw that blood came out. This time I didn't send the photo to my vet because I was sure that he'll say again that it's fine, and I'll panic because it looks so bad. We went to a pharmacy and the pharmacist told us that we should try betadine, and so we did. We also didn't know where to buy an E collar for her since it is Sunday, so we improvised and we made one made of fabric, which works really well, but I feel horrible because my cat is really depressed now that she can't lick that part, I feel like she hates me for putting that thing on her neck, but it's for her own good. It doesn't bleed anymore, no more transparent liquid coming out, the wound is open but fine. I just hope it'll be fine until next week, when we'll have to go to the vet to get all the stiches out.