Spanish? Italian? Translation help?


TCS Member
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Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
This is probably a TCS first. I read so much that I ordered a bunch of bookmarks off eBay. They came from New York and are all different. One of the ones I am currently using is written in a foreign language. Every time I pick up my book to read, I start trying to figure out what the bookmark says.
I think it is about a singer or actor, but maybe he is a priest. I can make out a few of the words, but not many. If anyone can give me a rough translation, I would surely appreciate it. The front reads "Don Bosco Ritorna". (Don Bosco returns?)

The back says: O padre e maestro, della gioventu, San Giovanni Bosco, che hai tanto lavorato per la salvezza delle anime sii nostra guida nel cercare il bene dell anime nostre e las salvezza del prossimo. Aiutaci a vincere le passioni e il rispetto umano. Inegnaci ad amare, Gesu sacramentato, Mria Ausiliatrice e il Papa. Implora da Dio per noi una buona morte affinche possiamo raggiungerti in Paradiso. 27-28-29 Aprile 2009 Civitavecchia.

Sorry for any misspelled words - I also didn't put the accent marks because I don't know how. I'm pretty sure Don Bosco must be a singer, but my curosity is getting the best of me.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 25, 2008
I don't speak Italian, but Rosiemac's advice is great, I just did google translate and was able to grasp the meaning here is what it says:

O father and teacher, youth, St. John Bosco, who have worked so hard for the salvation of souls be our guide in seeking the good of our souls and Las salvation of others. Help us to conquer the passions and human respect. Inegnaci to love, Blessed Sacrament, the Pope MRIAI Help and beseeches God for us a good death in order to get to Heaven. 27-28-29 April 2009 Civitavecchia.

It is definitely not a perfect translation but if you can tell which words are the verbs and which ones are the nouns you can look back and piece together some of the parts that make no sense. Unless of course someone who actually speaks Italian can provide a real translation


TCS Member
Mar 30, 2004
The "Dark Side of the Moon"
The Italian & Portuguese seems like spanish my friend...
If you need something more specific, use the rosiemac advice...

And yes, don Bosco return ............( of the Jedi!...)...

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TCS Member
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Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
Thank you all. Just learning what the bookmark says in general makes me happy. One thing that threw me off is that the Don Bosco is not pictured in the typical "priest" clothing (he's in a brown coat with a matching hat). Since I am not Catholic, I have to rely heavily on what I see in the movies as to what a priest wears. Plus, the bookmark is designed to look like a piece of old film, which made me think he could be an actor. Then the word "Maestro" really thru me off....
I'm glad to have TCS friends to help me.
I would have tried to look it up in a translation guide online, but since I was unsure of the language, I didn't think it would work.
I reached a point where this bookmark was really starting to bug me. I can honestly say, the mystery of the Don Bosco bookmark has been much greater than whatever is going on at Shutter Island, the book whose pages it marks.