Socializing to other people


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jun 1, 2012
I have two cats. We're needing to move in with other people to save money. This is going to be like a 12 hour move from Arkansas to Illinois. We're moving into a apartment with two of our friends. They like cats, though neither have much experience with them.

My cats were former ferals. One was five months old when she started coming to us for food. She was eight months old before we could pet her. She is the most sociable of the two, generally mellow. Our current apartment is inspected and sprayed for bugs every three months. Both cats hide, but she comes out within ten minutes of the maintenance being gone.

Our other cat is of a much more skittish temperament. She was abandoned by her mother at four weeks; she has extreme separation anxiety from my husband. When maintenance comes she hides for half the day.

We have not really had visitors over.

So here's the deal; I don't want the cats to have to live in our bedroom from here on out. I know it's important to let them get acclimated one room at a time. Should I have the new individuals come sit in that room and observe them as they hide, until they decide to come out and check them out? Or what? Any suggestions? One at likes to play, the other can't be bothered, but she is very food/treat oriented.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
I think I would ask your new room mates to spend time in your room; reading something out loud (in a calm, controlled voice though) so they can get used to them.  You could also bring in something with their scent on it for your cats to inspect.  I would let them get settled in your room at first and then open the door to see if the cats want to explore at their leisure.  You may not want to sleep with your door open; but night time might be the time when the cats feel comfortable exploring because the house will be quiet.  It may take some patience to find out how comfortable they will be there.  They may never become buddies with your new room mates; but if they can just be comfortable in their home, that's would satisfy me if I were in your position.

Good luck!  Let us know how it goes! 


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 25, 2015
My newest addition Marla was terrified when she first came to me, Marvel my eldest was the complete opposite and will greet any stranger even running to the door when the door goes! However Marla took a few days to approach me and only now 2 months on she's beginning to cuddle more into me and so forth, I also allow visitors around and I don't hide them away from her.. I don't encourage it. I just get them to act normal, or play toys with her.. if she approaches them.. great.. if not its okay.. I let her hide or do as she pleases but this way works for me... no pressure.. no stress and eventually she approaches.. she's got a long way to go she does but from that scared little kitten hiding at first scent of another human to now approaching them slightly after a while (even if she runs away when they do try approach her) is a huge difference, she also has now begun to trust playing with others with her dangly toys.. i find them a great way of communicating humans with pets, let your pet do this in their own time, let them have a place to hide but encourage your room mates to act normal, if they approach, try to get down to their level and pet, if not, no worries, keep trying they'll adjust. My kitten was apparently well socialised before she came to us, I somehow highly doubt this, not as timid as she was!! Marvel on the other hand, very confident, very outgoing but its okay.. she'll do this in her own time, shes completely comfortable with me now and my partner who visits mine 2-3 times per week, so that's a success and she's beginning to slowly approach other people such as friends and family, I just keep encouraging socialision and let her do this in her own time. 